Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Throw Out the OLD SHOES Of 2008!

Throw Out The OLD SHOES Of 2008!
Yes, it is now time to throw out the OLD SHOES that you wore in
2008. And when you do so think of the following persons, that you
would like to throw those shoes at too.
* Lou Dobbs. (CNN):
* Sarah Palin: ( Wasilla-Alaska):
* Joe The Plumber. (At large):
* George W. Bush. (P):
* Dick Cheney. (VP):
* Michael Bloomberg. (NY)
* Christine Quinn.(NY)
* Hannity. (FOX News):
* Bill O'Reiley (FOX News):
A Pleasant & Hopeful New Year-2009 To You!


December 31-2008:

Trying To Be Like You!

I watched a short film tonight about a young Iraqi man name Muthana, around 18 years of age, who was discovered by an American film director. Who invited this lad to come to the USA. But things got a bit complicated for him and his sponsors.

This young Iraqi film student probably came for the middle or some privileged class. Accustomed to having his needs taken care of by his mother, financially and otherwise. In fact his privileged position back in Iraq was the reason why he found it so difficult to do menial tasks, while working with the American film crew here in the USA. This bothered him very much, and he often told his sponsors that he was happy, when he wasn't.

This young man was always haunted by his experiences of bombs exploding all around him back home, the screams, the nightmares that most Iraqi's live with on a daily basis, and became very paranoid whenever they are unable to be with, or make personal contacts with relatives. He said he tried so hard to be like the Americans, but failed miserably at this effort. This man's struggles are indicative of every Iraqi who lives under constant fear, for their lives, their families lives, and their future.

This is a man with dreams like so many of his fellow countrymen, both at home and abroad, many of whom left Iraq involuntarily, not only for themselves, but for their families and for their country's future. Some have said that they will leave Iraq for Europe, the UK or France, study there, work there, send home money to their families left in Iraq. And when the political climate becomes stable and reasonably safe, they will return and help with the re-construction process.

That is the spirit of most Iraqi's today, and that spirit is what they want the Americans, and all other foreigners there to understand. That even though they are grateful for the freedom from Sadam's terror regime, given to them with his overthrow. They also want to be respected as a people, a people with a rich cultural history, an educated people, and a very proud people also.

Mr. Muthana was eventually sponsored by another film director, who was able to provide him a grant to study film making in the UK.

Derryck S. Griffith

Monday, December 29, 2008


December 29-2008:

Israeli's Terror Strikes Again!

Israel Attack On Hesbullah In Lebanon:

Israel bombed Lebanon's Southern State's infrastructure in 2006, and some known offices of Hesbullah. In order (according to them), to defeat or break Hesbullah's strength and ability to operate fully.

This tactic by Israel is proving useless, and is responsible for the thousands of civilians killed in Lebanon, by these bombings. Deliberate or not, the evidence on the ground will validate or invalidate the wisdom, or vendetta of Israel.

GAZA Today:

Today we see the same tactics used in Gaza to kill those who stand against Israeli aggression, and occupation of illegal territories in that region. And for the freedom of Palestinians to live, travel, self reliance, national dignity, and ultimately to gain sovereignty.

What Israel is doing, is supported by The USA, and some or most Sunni Arab controlled countries in that region. Most of whom are lackeys for the USA's foreign policy in that region.

Killing thousands of innocent civilians, can in NO WAY justify any reason for rooting out suspected terrorists among the Palestinian people. Most of whom are merely expressing decades of political frustration, national incarceration, political isolation, and a disregard for these people's fight for national freedom, sovereignty, and ethnic preservation.

Munitions Used:

Cluster bombs were used against Hesbullah militants in Lebanon, and the civilians of Lebanon. With the expressed excuse of Israel for going after TWO captured Israeli soldiers in that conflict. One of these soldiers are presumed dead, and the other is yet to be released, and whose life is yet to be determined. But what Israel cannot justify in this conflict, is the thousands of Palestinian resistance fighters in their prisons, who were captured over decades of Israeli insurgency into Palestinian territories.

No amount of Palestinian resistance towards Israel, could justify the mass killing of innocent civilians on the Palestinian side, most of whom have no way to retaliate against a Nuclear capable, and USA supported neighbor like Israel.

So this conflict will always be in Israel's favor, regardless of how often the Palestinians resist their onslaught. The time has come for the USA to rethink it's position on Israel's role in that region, and how much support it is willing to give Israel, as it continues to aggress their neighbor militarily.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Caroline Kennedy's Agenda For New York State!

December 27-2008:

Caroline Kennedy's Agenda For New York State!

If Caroline Kennedy wants to convince New Yorkers that she is eligible for the job. She has to provide an agenda of issues, that New Yorkers care about or is concerned with, to the people of New York State.

For example:

* Comprehensive Healthcare for all New Yorkers:

* A Comprehensive Immigration Bill that provides legal status for P.R.O.C.U.L. residents, (Persons Residing Under Color Of Law):

b. Family with children at home who are unable to bring them to the USA; work permits for those who legally qualify for residency, pending legal status confirmation.

c. And lifting the bar for those who are HIV positive, are residing here in the USA, and needs medical coverage and access to HIV medications.

* Acceptance of anyone into the military who is self identified as Gay or Homosexual:

* College affordable financial assistance and scholarships for the Lower Income students, High School dropouts, the No Child Left Behind Initiative.

* The creation of manufacturing jobs, services, and other infrastructure that helps New York State provide employment for it's citizens.

* Affordable Housing for all New Yorkers, especially the Low Income Level Housing residents.

These are just some of the issues that Hillary Clinton advocated for, and I would expect Caroline Kennedy to co-opt into her advocacy proposals for consideration for that senate seat.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Season's Greetings To You All!

December 23-2008:

Christmas Holiday Greetings!

The year 2008 could be remembered as challenging, economically bleak, and the beginning of HOPE for America and the World.

With the rise of president elect Barack Hussein Obama, the leader of the Free Democratic hemisphere. We could expect great changes for the better.

Even as we experience economic troubles locally and internationally. We are still hopeful, that the stormy cloud of uncertainty will passover.

And a New Day will dawn come 2009.

May these last few days of 2008, be pleasant, fruitful, resolute, and hopeful, for all who care, believe, hope, and share in the dream.

A Happy, Pleasant and Peaceful Christmas Holiday to President Elect Barack Hussein Obama, his family, his VP Elect, and supporters all.

Om Shanti.

The Chinese & Africa's Development!

December 23-2008:

The Chinese & Africa's Development!

Today we see in several African states China's business attaches and entrepreneurs involved in mineral extraction, infrastructure development, retail distribution and selling of manufactured goods for homes, offices, personal effects, and restaurants. All manned by Chinese employees, supervised by Chinese, and Chinese collateral investments largely.

Some African governments have decided to trade or engage in joint business, agricultural, and oil ventures with the Chinese, to assist in the development of Africa and China's growing economies.

But why aren't African countries indulging in the same cross border ventures for bilateral development?

This may be a very difficult question to answer simply, but I will give it a try.

* Not all African States are democratically managed.

* Not all African states have an economy that allows Free Enterprise to prosper, without government, tribal, or political interference and control.

* And few African countries have a history of sound and sustainable economic ties or trade with other African states.

These are just some of the problems that interferes with Africa's internal development, sustainable, and self-reliant continentally. Coupled with the ever present tribal and regional conflicts, that invariably lead to internal strife, civil wars, and regional wars that lasts for decades.

During which those countries engaged in such internal conflicts, are ravaged to the point of a total collapse of their infrastructure and governmental apparatus.

Therefore, those African states with stable governments, A Free Market economy, or Entrepreneurial Enterprises, tend to engage with any country that is willing to Trade, Barter, or engage in bilateral development arrangements that are mutually beneficial to each other!


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gay Community Protests Rev. Rick Warren's Inauguration Address!

December 18-2008:

Rev. Rick Warren Is Slated To Address Barack Obama's Inauguration.

Some Gay Community advocates seem opposed to this idea!

But even though he may be against Gay marriage (Proposition-8), he does not hide or deny this position.

Unlike Iran's President Achmedinajad's denial at Columbia University's forum, where several Gay Community advocates just sat there and GIGGLED, when he denied that Gays in Iran was not possible!



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Africa-Why Are You Destroying Your Men-Women & Children?

December 16-2008:

Africa-Why Are You Destroying Your Men-Women & Children?

Every day I shudder at the reports coming out of Africa via This medium is the only one that covers the African Continent's plight on a daily basis. And it seems that with each day, the violence and killings on that continent is becoming more GRAVE.

And I ask myself, WHY-WHY is this being allowed to continue happening in Zimbabwe, The Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Darfur, and elsewhere. And the UN cannot get African states to DIRECTLY intervene MILITARILY to STOP this specter of EVIL?

So I call upon the International Community Of Nations, to ACT NOW, use whatever means necessary. Because the traditional diplomacy and talks, are not making any tangible progress. Because the evidence on the ground there shows, that Africans have become so brutal in the aforementioned states, that it is beyond comprehension in a 21 century world.


Derryck S. Griffith.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Africa's Bare Foot Doctors!

December 13-2008:

Africa's Bare Foot Doctors:

A bare foot doctor is someone who performs some of the basic functions that a qualified medical doctor would perform. Some of these are the following:

* Taking a patient's pulse rate, heart beat, blood test, throat swabbing, and some other forms of intravenous testing or vaccination.

In Africa, like so many developing countries or states, bare foot doctors are the Local Health Care visitors or Midwives. Who invariably are employed by the state or regional clinics, to deal with patients who need basic health care services like child birth, some emergencies, vaccinations of new born infants, and some overall health checkups. When or if they recognise any malady that they feel warrants serious qualified medical attention by a qualified doctor. These midwives or bare foot doctors advise their patients to go to the nearest clinic or hospital, where a qualified doctor or physician can be accessed.

In most African States, there is a dire need for qualified doctors to service rural and interior regions. Most of the population in the rural regions are aunble to access qualified health care services, or even a local hospital, with the necessary equipment for proper health care needs. Residents in those regions have to travel for several miles on foot, bicycles, or horse drawn carts, to get to these clinics. Most do not go when they fall ill, because they cannot afford to pay taxi or car fares to get there. So most stay at home and consult with the traditional medicine healers.

These faith or medicine healers over the decades, were the only ones who dealt with the local or tribal sick. And sometines their medicines work positively, at other times the patients die after taking those medicines. But these tribal or ethnic healers will continue to play these health care roles, until some governmental programs are put in place to cater to the needs, of the rural poor and economically dis-enfranchised.

In Uganda today, like so many other African countries, malaria is ravishing the people on a grave scale. And the government is financially strapped for cash to provide the medicines to deal with this malady. So thosusands die from malaria, coupled with other ailments like HIV, hunger, and cholera. Some foreign financial assistance is being given to some African countries from The World Health Org., but getting the medications to regional locations, without the necessary qualified personnel to administer to the needs of these people, is very perplexing indeed.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

when The TURD Hits The Fan-Expect A Lot Of Fragrance!

December 09-2008:

WhenThe Turd Hits The Fan-Expect A Lot Of Fragrance!

I guess now that the Gene is out of the bottle with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. We will be hearing names being mentioned that may surprise some of us.

* Whom he colluded with?

* Whom he planned with?

* Whom he colluded with to exploit so and so?

* Who knew what he was up to, but said nothing?

* And if Barack Obama knew of his actions all along, but did nothing to indicate that something was afoot, that stinks to high Heaven?

Afterall, in that town when the Turd hits the fan, expect a lot of people to get very messy!


Monday, December 08, 2008

Calling All Free Lance BLOGGERS:

December 08-2008:

Calling All Free Lance Bloggers!

Ever since the genesis of the Internet and Blogging therein, we as a group have made remarkable strides in this arena. At the outset, most of us were snubbed as un-professional, simplistic, lacked credibility, and impostors of true journalism.

Well our time has come to show the traditional journalists, that we have what it takes to report the news, give interviews, do documentaries, and bring what matters to all online readership internationally.

So this web page was started to solicit all like minded Bloggers to register with this "Free Lance Blogger's Guild." And make the statement that we have indeed come of age, is here to stay, and that we are a society of equals!

Welcome aboard fellow Bloggers!

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.

Show Solidarity With The Chicago Worker's Dilemma NOW!

December 08-2008:

Show Solidarity With The Chicago Workers Dilemma NOW!

The workers that are picketing at a factory in Chicago, that manufactures window and door frames are asking for the following:

* Severance pay benefits:

* Healthcare already contributed by the workers and has expired because of this mass dismissal:

* And any pensions that they may have already contributed to the company's pool.

These are issues that are legal under the terms and conditions of the contract of service, between the employer and worker's union.

And at this time, the employer has not honored any of the above grievances, and the workers refuse to leave the premises.

We are calling upon all our Trade Union Brothers and Sisters nationally, to join us in solidarity for industrial and social justice!


Thursday, December 04, 2008

New York M.T.A. Fare Increase Proposals:

December 04-2008:

The New York-MTA Budget Crunch & Fare Increase Proposals!

Historically, the New York City transit systems were and is the life line of the city's economic survival. Commuters from within the five boroughs, Long Island, and New Jersey use this transit system to get to and from work, for shopping, visiting the theaters, cafes, and restaurants, in this internationally recognized and much visited city.

However, in recent years the MTA executives have been complaining of inadequate commuter traffic, inadequate revenue to keep the service viable, and inadequate state assistance. And several fare increases were introduced, much to the dismay, annoyance, and the inability to prevent these increases by the commuters, who MUST use this system on a daily basis.

Internal Overall:

* I feel that an internal overhaul of the entire transit system is necessary right now:

* Revisiting the budget (line by line), in order to eliminate those units, services, or departments that have become redundant, inefficient, cost consuming, and out of date:

* Discontinuing those services that are un-necessary at this time. Wherever they are found, and introducing more effective and cost consuming services wherever necessary:

Worker's Management:

There are some shift workers who do maintenance services on the lines during certain times. These people MUST be made more productive. Especially those shifts or individuals who are IDLE, and awaiting some ample time when they can get their work done. And while they wait, idleness, leaving the job site on personal business, and personal imbibing, have been observed by members of the commuter public at times too.

If this organization is to become more efficient, removing redundancy, idle workers, un-productive workers, and FREEZING any wage increments for the next two or three years are a MUST, in order to survive this crisis.

Property Tax Exemptions For Big Business:

The Mayor and Governor of New York City have for years been allowing some big businesses TAX exemptions for a number of years, in order to encourage or seduce them to build, or place their headquarters in New York City. These tax exemptions which are vitally necessary for the development of infrastructure work in the city, is reduced, due to this UNWISE policy decision/s.

Until such inducements and tax exemptions are dis-continued, New York City coffers will continue to suffer from financial problems, and an un-balanced budget for years.

Commuter Safety Concerns:

Commuters are entitled to have the best service possible from the New York City MTA. That is why we have (by and large) allowed, or made personal provision or allowances for increased travelling fees, from time to time. But 'enough is enough.'

Commuters are dependent upon jobs that provide affordable wages or incomes, in order to survive, thrive, and travel within and without New York City. And if we are faced with haphazard and continuous fare increases. Then it would be incumbent upon commuters who work here, or seek employment here, to seek other areas that are conducive and affordable.

New Jersey and Pennsylvania are areas that economic development is increasing. And if president elect Barack Obama keep his promises to invest in national infrastructure work within the states. Then commuters have more options to move elsewhere in search for employment.


I urge the Mayor of New York City, the MTA authorities, and the Governor or New York State, to review seriously the proposals for fare hikes. And if they do not, prepare for the consequences of their action/s.

Consumers can be very creative with their incomes, if the situation so warrants!

The MTA Fare Hike Proposal Currently!

A suggested 33 cents per $100.00 dollar earned from employer's (Payrolls) , which would be allocated to the MTA's Lock Box.

This Lock Box is the name of the fund that these monies will be allocated to, for the provision of funding for the following:

* Fixed & Movable MTA Assets:

* Repairs of assets:

* Replacement of assets:

* Maintenance of assets such as, Trains, Coaches, Tracks, Buses, and other related infrastructure needs:


A suggested raise of the commuter or straphanger's fares will be 8%.

All of the above is still to be ratified by the MTA, the City and State authorities, and MTA union officials.

New York City.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Is The US Media Being Realistic About Barack Obama?

December 01-2008:

Is The US Media Being Realistic About Barack Obama's Abilities?

The US television and radio mediums are still debating among themselves, whether president elect Barack Obama made the right decision, to hire Hillary Clinton, and others who are so different in temperament and vision to him.

And I am wondering if it is still not evident from the primaries's managed campaign, that Barack Obama directed, with success, discipline, and efficiency. Should tell them something about his ability to manage and lead a multifaceted group of people towards one goal?

These media people somehow can never divorce themselves from the campaign's speeches and ridicule, that both Barack and Hillary used to win the nomination.

Wake up people, the campaign is OVER, and Barack Obama is The President elect!


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Reverend AL Sharpton's Black Leadership Agenda!

November 30-2008:

Reverend Al Sharpton's Black Leadership Agenda?

I listened briefly to Rev. Al Sharpton's radio broadcast this morning. And was taken aback by his concern for the seeming lack of young Black advocates or leadership within our communities.

I was also concerned with the specificity of Black leadership and advocacy particularly, for the following reasons.

* I reside in New York City. And this city and state have millions of Latinos, Black Americans, Black Caribbean residents and citizens, Blacks of MIXED ethnicity, Asiatic ethnicity, and others too.

So what aspect of Black was he referring to specifically? And why target Black communities only in this Diaspora?

Then I realized that Rev. Al, like so many older Black American community advocates still cling to the era when the Civil Rights movement concentrated totally on Black Issues, and encouraged Blacks to get involved in the movement for change, legislatively, politically, and ethnically.

The current dynamics of ethnic diversity, ethnic concentrations, and ethnic plurality, have not been fully comprehended by several former Black American Civil Rights advocates, and Spiritual leaders.

Because if they truly understood the current national economic realities of this country the USA, then targeting any ethnic group for specific political deference, does not help pave the way for national unity, national self-reliance, and national values.

Which we all share, believe in, aspire to, and hopefully expect to be addressed by all of our political and spiritual representatives, on our behalf when elected or appointed!


Friday, November 28, 2008

Pakistan & India's Nuclear Perceived Threat To Each Other!


Pakistan & India's Nuclear Perceived Threat To Each Other!

Why is it every time India and Pakistan have a quarrel, the Western Media always insinuate that the possibility for a nuclear incident is possible between them?

This is never implied when there is tension between Russia and the USA, or Russia and N.A.T.O.

Is it because India and Pakistan are still perceived as primitive cultures in mentality and behavior?

Whatever it is, I am ashamed by these media personnel who use any incident to justify their own prejudice and paranoia about India and Pakistan's ability, to be reasonable in times of tension or conflict.

And finally, India nor Pakistan have never used a Nuclear or Atomic bomb on any nation in history before. So keep that in mind when you are tempted to insinuate any such possibility!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Terrorist Attack In Mumbai-India?

November 26-2008:

Terrorist Attack At The Taj Hotel In India!

Yes, as of now the Taj Hotel in Mumbai India is on fire. This historical and Ornate designed hotel house several tourists, mostly western countries. According to CNN, 78 people have been killed as reported so far. There was several attacks around the city.

At the moment, the identities of these terrorists are not known, neither are their affiliations (if any).

Could this be a vendetta for the American aerial Drone attacks on Pakistan borders, and the Taliban Mujahadeen are responding as they promised?

We may never know, but these kinds of attacks happen every day in India and Pakistan to a greater or lesser degree. Sometimes against the Indian or Pakistani governments. And sometimes to make a public statement about the Taliban's Jihadist agenda.

Update On Terror Attack In India!

Someone on MSNBC tonight was wondering if these attacks in Mumbai-India was initiated by El Qaeda elements. Because according to him, El Qaeda usually use more sophisticated types of bombs to do it's work.

These being suicide bombers, large amounts of explosives, etc.

But these attacks were very simply inflicted upon these victims.

What this commentator failed to realize is that when you have large volumes of people concentrated in one place, like a city of 19 million citizens like Mumbai, or a stadium, a cinema, or a circus. Then getting the biggest bang for your efforts will be very enticing indeed.

So whenever I hear such nonsense from those who claim to know the terrorist mindset.

I merely wince in embarrassment and pity!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Capitalism Is Based On The Possibility Of Financial Gain!

November 24-2008:

Capitalism Is Based On The Possibility Of Financial Gain Through Risk Taking!

Today we are bailing out large banks and insurance companies in this capitalist system. Which at times seems willy-nilly, or even preferential for some. This contradicts the entire concept of 'Risk Taking. And does not help these disfunctional institutions come to terms with their own incompetence or frailties, if we keep propping them up, to save our national FACE.

Let's face it people. These capitalist institutions are in this business to make MONEY for themselves, their investors, and shareholders. So when they fail to deliver, then ALL who are part and parcel of these failures MUST be prepared to count their losses, And get their business acumen, or what's left of it, re-calibrated in order to continue doing business.

If they are unable to do so, then bankruptcy option is always available as a last resort. The American tax payers are not responsible for the trickery, fraud, clandestine trading practices, and scams that most of these bankers and their financial buddies were indulging in.

In fact, most of the loss is felt by, and devastates the ordinary working class man and woman. Most of whom will eventually have to forego their pensions, healthcare, and college nest egg for their children indefinitely.

Let those responsible be brought to justice very soon!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Necromancy-Witchcraft & Obeah In The Caribbean?

November 24-2008:

Necromancy-Witch Craft & Obeah In The Caribbean!

It seems like the indulgence of the above underground activities are on the rise in Jamaica, Trinidad, and other Caribbean countries. Children are being abducted, sodomized, maimed, and even killed in these so-called witch craft rituals or beliefs. And the authorities seem unable to catch the culprits or practitioners.

There is also some suspicion that Judges or Magistrates are involved themselves in this practice, and may be responsible for the acquittal of suspects brought before them in Court. Some banks and other businesses are also suspect in this belief, wherein it is believed that such activities help to bring in more business to these organizations.

Where is there in the history of the Caribbean countries, except Haiti, that is notorious for such Voodoo practices? Is this a recent phenomenon, or just a few Brazen and Evil individuals who prey upon the ignorant, gullible, and the helpless? Whatever is causing this behavior, severe action by the local populations, the police, and religious organizations to ensure that these criminals are sought out, and brought to justice URGENTLY.

Meanwhile, here are some measures to take in protecting or preventing yourself or your children from becoming victims:

* Never allow minors to go to school alone on foot. Especially if they have to pass by a desolate place, or forested areas. They can be dragged into the bushes, bound and gagged, and physically abused.

* All parents MUST ensure that both Boys and Girls of minor age, are accompanied at all times to and from school, or any place that does not have people moving around, or where someone will not see or hear if there is an attack on them.

* And all citizens MUST be their brothers and sisters keepers, by coming to their assistance if attacked.

* Walk with some Hard Stick or Cane in your hand for protection whenever necessary, or at all times.

* And if you can get a Whistle, hang it around your neck, and keep blowing if you feel threatened, or is being followed by some estranged or suspect person.

These are just some personal preventative measures every citizen could take for his or her own protection. And remember, do not wait for the Police to protect you, because more often than not, when they arrive the victim is already DEAD!


Friday, November 21, 2008

The US Auto Workers & Their Fat Checks!

November 21-2008:

The US Auto Workers & Their Fat Checks?

The US auto industry have enjoyed relative ease and prosperity with their unionized factories and manufacturing plants. The also enjoy a pension plan, health insurance for employees, and could rely on their Trade Union reps to bargain on their behalf when the need arises.

However, these auto companies have not been realistic in terms of fuel efficiency, atmospheric concerns, and affordable vehicles for the local market consumers. Due to their inability to change as the international demand for new, different, fuel efficient, and ozone conscious concerns grow.

Today they are heading for bankruptcy, which I am sure must be contemplated, in order for them to do some serious overhaul, employee reductions, a recalibration of their systems for newer and bio fueled cars. Which will help them to be more competitive in the future.

No amount of money sought in a rescue plan at this time, will prevent the inevitable from happening, if these companies fail to do all of those things outline above!

Are Expectations Too High For Barack Obama's Presidency?

For some people, this may be so. But any realistic person or people who are residing on this planet will know that this economic crisis is a global one.

Some say has it's genesis right here in the good old USA, and has infected the rest of the world.

However, for those millions without employment and very slim chances of acquiring one soon, and for those who have lost their homes, or on the verge of losing it very soon. I say to these people, hang in there for as long as you mentally and psychologically can.

Because Barack Obama will inherit a financial legacy which he personally has no hand in period, but took the initiative to run for president, with the hope of making things right and just for all Americans.

So let us give him the necessary space, time, and support that he will desperately need after the swearing in!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hillary Clinton's New Role?

November 20-2008:

Hillary Clinton's New Role!

With regard to Hillary Clinton being tapped for the Secretary Of State position. I will never forget her tirades about Barack Obama being just an idealist, naive, not ready to answer the phone in The White House at 3.00 am, and his lack of experience that matters.

Only to be offered this very important position. I am apprehensive about her being able to subordinate her EGO, Ambitions, and Feminist bias, to succumb to the directives and dictates of president elect Barack Obama now.

This new reality worries me dearly!

But I shall reserve my opinion of her on this score, after watching how she behaves after the swearing in of Barack Obama, her performances at home and abroad, and how she sells the president elect's ideas, wishes, and expectations to her staff, overseas, and to her supporters!

Independents & Democrats Are The Future Of America!

Yes, if the recent national elections can be taken for what it suggests. Then the Republicans have to MOVE OVER, and make room for the future. The Independents will see to this necessity.

After all, they are unable to appeal to them, the younger generation, the progressive, the rational, and the realistic among us.

So I strongly advocate for the emergence of a New Party. And that is an Independent Party.

If that is not possible, then let the Independents continue to decide, who is the better choice to represent all Americans in The White House come 2012 national elections.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Joe Lieberman & Hillary Clinton Pardoned!

November 18-2008:
Joe Leiberman & Hillary Clinton Pardoned!
There is concern among some supporters of president elect Barack Obama, about his pardon of Joe Leiberman and Hillary Clinton. Both of whom said some very extreme, cantankerous, and caustic things about him during the primaries campaign. Hillary Clinton said on no uncertain terms that the president elect had no experience that matters. Except that he made a speech at the democratic convention in 2006, which he uses as the qualifying condition for him to be president.
And she served for years in many committees and outreach programs across the isle, that made her more qualified. She also claimed that president elect Barack Obama was not even ready to answer an emergency call in The White House at 3.00 am in the morning.
As for Joe Leiberman. This man was once a Democrat, then a Republican, and an Independent. Who moved from camp to camp whenever it suited his personal agenda, without concern or care about any particular camp or alliance. He called Barack Obama a man with a questionable character, who befriended a terrorist, hung out with him, and knew about his past terrorist activities. But still refused to denounce his friendship with this Bill Eyres, the alleged terrorist.
However, president elect Barack Obama has signaled to his contemporaries in The Congress, that he favors Joe Leiberman's continuing service with the democrats. Even though it bothers most democrats in the House, after all that he has done to ridicule the senator so blatantly and rudely in public.
I don't know if Hillary Clinton will accept or get the Secretary Of State position that seems to be in the offer to her. But if she does, that too will be another one of those contradictions with president elect Barack Obama's promise of 'turning the page' and taking a new approach to how politics and governance in Washington DC is conducted?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Worker's Participation & Worker's Control:

November 16-2008:

Worker's Participation & Worker's Control!


Worker participation is a system of involvement by workers at all levels, to have a say in the policies and decisions that effect or impact that particular enterprise or business. This method can be further enhanced if workers are offered a STAKE in the organization or company, by acquiring shares or co-ownership. This makes them more inclined to increase production, productivity, and provide REAL and Creative suggestions for it's growth and survival.

In terms of the current financial crisis with General Motors, Ford Motors, and Crylser motor companies. This approach may be the way to go forward in helping these companies come out of the current crisis, and with government help, financial backing, and oversight.

We as a nation today have to re-organize our financial institutions in such a way, that all workers therein should have some stake therein. As for Trade Union Organizations. These worker's representative organizations MUST be allowed to organize, seek new membership, and allowed to petition any undertaking for their recognition. Provided these unions are able to furnish evidence that they have over 90% of the workers expressed acceptance and willingness, to be represented by that union.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Maximizing Profit By Any Means Necessary!

November 13-2008:

Maximizing Profit By Any Means Necessary!

President George W. Bush said on Wall Street today, that the Free Market System is what America was using for sixty years, to promote it's democracy, and grow this country's economy. And when government gets in the way of this idea and practice, then there is the tendency to stifle creativity, growth, competition, and may cause stagnancy eventually.

But what he failed to highlight are the following:

* If the Free Market and their entrepreneurs are allowed to conduct themselves in a fashion that uses the profit motive at any means necessary. Then those who are unable to compete in the system will eventually be swallowed up or die.

* Secondly, without safety measures, and some fair trade practices introduced in this system. Wanton Greed, Usurpation, and Trickery, will be the modus operandi for doing business.

* Finally, humans are by and large dishonest. People will try to manipulate any person or system, in order to gain the most from it. Competition is beneficial in the Free Market environment, if there are rules of conduct that all players MUST adhere to, in order for equal opportunity, with equal access to all trading spheres to occur.

When all of the above elements fail to apply, a disconnect ensues, and financial disaster soon follows!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Regret I Said What I Said!

November 12-2008:

I Regret I Said What I Said!

George W. Bush is now publicly admitting that it was a major error to tell the terrorists to Bring It On, or Mission Accomplished, when referring to the war in Iraq and terrorist Jihadists.

Better late than never some may say. But I say this admission validates the international view and observation, of all those who are aware of this self opinionated man's views.

And it does nothing to alleviate the deaths of those US soldiers who died, or was severely injured by these Mujadeen fighters after his insensitive remarks.

His wife (the first lady) had to spurn him about his Loose Lips!


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Stay Informed & Keep Engaged!

November 09-2008:

Stay Informed & Keep Engaged!

Throughout the campaign Senator Barack Obama ( president elect) has been telling his supporters that the method that he encourages or proposes to bring about change. Will be from the masses or with mass support. This method or ground up dialogue is the only way that change will come about in Washington-DC, and will impact or effect what the people want and expect from their government.

Now that President elect Barack Obama is now on the verge of taking the White House officially, let us not allow complacency to creep up on us, and expect him to do what he promises without our involvement, support, encouragement, engagement, and constant reminders if things seem to indicate sloth, or a detour has occurred on some policy or promise.

This is what is expected from the Commonweal as per The Constitution Of The United States. And it would be very disappointing to our leader if we just sit back, and expect him to deliver without our continuous involvement and communication with him, the Congress, and The White House after the inauguration.


The national economy is in shambles, millions are without employment, thousands have lost their homes, millions are without Health Care or Health Care access. So do not expect him to be able to remedy in any significant way, all of the above problems in a hurry. So PATIENCE would be absolutely necessary within the first two years of the new administration.

However, we must also keep tuned as to who and where Financial assistance (or rescue money) is appropriated. And what criteria was used to justify this assistance. General motors, Crysler, and Ford Motor manufacturers are cases in point. These entities MUST re-tool their infrastructure to accommodate FLEX FUELS, Electric Propelled vehicles, and Ethanol fuel, which would cater to affordable, atmospheric de-contamination, and with better mileage.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

President Elect Barack Obama Receives Daily Briefings!

November 06-2008:

Daily National & International Briefings For The President Elect!

The president elect is now receiving the daily briefings on the national and international security situation, in every aspect or area of concern and involvement by the USA.

These briefings are essential for the new president elect to acquaint himself with, so that he will know what is happening, where, how, by whom, and how involved is the USA in these situations.

He also has the option to request more information on any aspect of these briefings, in writing or verbally if necessary. And is expected to be provided with any source of information received, and priories that the current administration is monitoring,or actively involved in.

This transition will help greatly in providing the necessary information to President elect Barack Obama, with information to assist in his decision making process.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President Elect His Excellency Barack Husein Obama:

November 04-2008:

US National Election Results-2008!

A Day That Will Live In Infamy For The Second Time:

Senator BARACK HUSEIN OBAMA was declared the President Elect of The United States Of America, at 11.05 pm tonight.

The people have spoken and chosen their leader, in no uncertain terms!

Targeted amount: 270

Barack Obama 338 votes
JOHN McCAIN: 156 votes


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Crime Within The Caribbean RegionToday!

November 02-2008:

Crime Within The Caribbean Region Today!

I have been watching CIN TV today, and was incensed by the deplorable state of killings in Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, and the state of Jamaica. This cancer is getting completely out of control. Something desperate is urgently needed to curb this spate of criminal behaviors.

Is it a lack of social respect for authority, and authority figures?

Is it illiteracy and gross ignorance of the socially accepted norms of mainstream society that is at risk?

Is it national malaise that is breeding this pandemic?

Or is it the lack of political will, competence, and determination from the political authorities within this region, that is allowing this pandemic to spread and grow?

Whatever it is, tourism will continue to suffer, and the coffers of those countries that depend on the tourists to survive will pay the price.

It is now imperative that expeditious actions be put in place, to bring people together to brainstorm about the solutions to this problem. Church leaders, Trade Union Officials, Police officials, and Judicial officials. All agencies MUST be incorporated in this effort to stem this runaway train bounded for social perdition.

Legislation MUST be enacted to make crimes against tourists a felony! Afterall, these are the people that these countries need in order to survive ecnomically!


Friday, October 31, 2008


October 31-2008:


It seems like a lot of Barack Obama's younger supporters are delaying to VOTE, or has not done so in most states currently.

If you FAIL to VOTE, you may suffer the consequences at the final count, only to discover that your preferred candidate has not won the election.

This is very important for all of you. Especially those millions of supporters for Barack. Most of whom have advocated and volunteered for his campaign, throughout the primaries and the final run after his nomination.

So if you FAIL to VOTE, vote early, and did not have the PATIENCE to stand in line for ONCE IN YOUR LIFE.

Then you would have wasted you time, money, energies, support, and hope, if at the end you failed to do what is expected of you, by VOTING!

This is A VERY SERIOUS time, and Election in the history of all Americans.

So DO NOT WASTE THIS PRECIOUS MOMENT with procrastination!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Could Sarah Palin Perform As VP In An Emergency?

October 29-2008:


John McCain was asked by Larry King of CNN the following:

If you were the president and was on Airforce-1 somewhere in the Pacific ocean, and there was an attack on the USA, what would you expect from your VP-Sarah Palin.

And he said she was confident that she was capable,and would perform as per her position.

This is the most ridiculous answer any potential presidential candidate could give!

In fact, should such a scenario occur, Air Force -1 is equipped with Internet or satellite conference call ability. So the president on route via that aircraft is in constant communication with The White House, The Pentagon (if necessary), and the Joint Chiefs Of Staff, should such a scenario occur.

How could John McCain not know or be aware of this presidential ability?


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Democracy Hijacked In New York City!

October 28-2008:

Democracy Hijacked In New York City!

Yes, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, now completing his second term in office. Now seeking a third term, with the City Council's permission, and defying two previous attempts by mayors before. This man who is very wealthy, won his mayoral candidacy by paying for his own campaign expenses from his own coffers, to the amount of one billion dollars (or something in that vicinity).

His reason for wanting to run for a third term (according to him), is to ensure that some un-finished policy plans are completed. This act to my mind is playing upon the current fears and circumstance that Wall Street and it's financial woes have brought upon this city's revenues. And Mr. Bloomberg, though popular in the polls for many things good about New York City, does not have a majority of New Yorkers in agreement with this contentious decision.

This precedent will be NOTED carefully, and alluded to in the future when Speaker Christine Quinn and her acolytes in the City Council decides to run for office in the future. And I hope that this autocratic decision does not come back to haunt all those who supported it, sometime in the future, when other mayors may want a third term, even if they have dreadfully failed New Yorkers while in office!


Friday, October 24, 2008

The Possibility Of A One Party State!

October 24-2008:

The Possibility Of A One Party Leadership!

At this rime, the polls, and consistencies nationally indicates, that their is a possibility for the democrats to have a majority in both the Senate and House.

Should this become a reality, there might be a possibility at last, for getting serious legislation passed without the usual filibustering hitherto seen.

However, having a majority have it's challenges too. Because some of the more senior democratic representatives, most of whom was not supportive of Barack Obama at the inception. But came on board when they saw that there was a possibility that he would win the primaries.

Some even after he did win the primaries, and got the nomination, have not accepted him as victor, and party leader. Thus causing his former rival Hillary Clinton to have to BEG her supporters not to allow personal choice to distract them from what matters right now.

And to get on board, so that the Democrats could deliver the long overdue and urgently needed medical care, employment opportunities, energy policies, foreign policy, ending the war in Iraq, and providing REAL leadership from Washington-DC.

Only time will tell if this presumption will be possible!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Allan Greenspan The Scapegoat For Political Ineptitude!

October 23-2008:

Allan Greenspan The Scapegoat For Political Ineptitude!

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Allan Greenspan told a congressional committee today that the current financial crisis was never seen or envisaged in this magnitude. Concerns were raised before by several individuals, and more often than not, these concerns were wrong.

He further stressed that he had access to the best and brightest to work with, but failed to realize that his ideology of letting the market or private business community operate as they see fitting, because they are responsible to their share holders, and would not knowingly operate carelessly.

But the current financial and international crisis validates this mis-conception of his. However, he said he was partially to blame for this collapse.

However, Allan Greenspan was a public servant, hired by the federal government to do a certain task. He does not have political clout or power to make decisions that would impact the national financial institutions, without permission to do so from the president.

Therefore, if adequate regulations were not put in place, or adequate oversight, and failed to notice or highlight any improprieties before they occurred. Then he is not solely to blame for this outcome now.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008





Santa Is Making Notes & Taking Names!



Monday, October 20, 2008

Barack Obama's Grandmother Has Taken ILL:

October 20-2008:


Barack Obama's Grandmother Has Fallen ILL:

Barack Obama's campaign has publicly declared that the senator's grandmother has taken ill suddenly. And that Barack will be suspending some of his appearances for two days hence, to visit with her in Hawaii.

Hopefully, he would return to the campaign trail by Friday or Saturday this weekend.

This new development of Barack's grandmother may be a surprise to many. But for those who have been following Barack's messages throughout the campaign prior to his nomination. Will remember his alluding to his relationship with her, from childhood throughout High School. her Tutelage, and ardent encouragement of him to study, and make good of his efforts to succeed.

I sincerely hope that this revelation is not dire, and that whatever is the ailment with his grandmother will be handled with the best of care, sensitivity by the media, and his political colleagues in the opposite camp.

And I am sure that the senator will be back on tract, as soon as he thinks it necessary to re-appear. Furthermore, I hope that the campaign will continue to 'mind the store' as if the senator was still aboard the ship.

Om Shanti.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is It SOCIALIST To Spread The National Wealth?

October 19-2008:


Is It Socialist To Spread The National Wealth?

The Filthy Rich have hitherto benefited handsomely from George W. Bush's hands off economic polices, for the business communities, investors, and the rich.

What Barack Obama is promising are the following:

* An increase in tax revenues from those earning above 250, 000 US dollars per year.

* And using those revenues to fund college preparatory education, healthcare reforms, equitable distribution and small business loans, and funding for some of his energy policies that would assist in creating millions of jobs for Americans right here on our shores.

Some call that SOCIALISM. But I call it making the necessary economic changes that are vitally necessary, to help the middle and lower class working communities, be able to earn a living wage, increase their ability to save, and plan for their children's future education.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Death Is Death Regardless Of The Cause!

Death Is Death Regardless Of The Cause:

Since HIV was discovered,
Thousands have died from immunity
breakdown, or the body's inability,
To fight back any virus that would do it harm.

HIV was able to wreck men, women,
children, grandmothers, and grand fathers,
No one was spared from this disease
as far as I know,

After coming into contact with this devil.
The fear, hate, consternation,
social stigma, and castration,

This virus brought upon us all,
will always bother those who are infected with HIV,
for as long as this virus is still around.

Some people are so afraid,
they are afraid to have sex of any kind.
Marriages are breaking up,
because one partner is too scared even to kiss,
much less have sexual intercourse.

Anytime you meet someone socially,
and try to get too close
or try to have some of that which we all love!

The fear that he or she will refuse you,
because he or she is afraid of HIV & AIDS.

Some even confuse the two categories,
and see both as one thing!
Some don't care which is which,

as long as it is HIV associated.

Negative and positive status

means little or nothing to either one,
because it takes only one

instance of sexual activity to change one's status.

And not having sex of any kind,
is contradictory to human nature and human procreation.

Sex for pleasure or sex for love,
or sex for children,
is something that every individual have to consider
whenever he or she gets sexually intimate for most of us humans now.

And I wonder how long can we operate under this umbrella of fear,
before we eventually decide to throw all caution to the wind!
