Friday, October 30, 2009

Brazil's Endemic Social-Ethnic & Judicial Dilemma!

October 30-2009:

Brazil's Endemic Social-Ethnic & Judicial Dilemma!

Brazil historically, was colonized by the Portuguese, who brought Black slaves via the Slave Trading Routes, via The Caribbean into Brazil. Even when slavery was abolished in most of Latin & Central America, Brazil still had their internal slave system going.

It took several years after the rest of the Western hemisphere ceased using Blacks on their plantations, for Brazil to follow suit.

This endemic prejudice against anything Black or People Of color, permeates the entire society. eg.,

* Blacks or People Of Color in Brazil have little or no access to higher education.

* The Elementary schooling for Blacks/People Of Color, are of a sub-standard level.

* And Blacks/People Of Color, are less likely to get good jobs that pay a living wage, more likely to janitorial jobs, waiters in restaurants, and cleaning jobs.

* The good or Prestigious Hotels that cater to tourists are Off Limits to Black Brazilians for employment. Those who do get in, are placed in the background, for janitorial, cleaning, and laundering.

President Lula recently introduced legislation to improve the educational opportunities for Black Brazilians. You may call this move, 'equalizing the playing field for Blacks,' just like America did with college educational opportunities for Blacks.

The Judiciary:

The Police in Brazil have arbitrary powers to arrest, harass, and even Kill Blacks in the Favellas/Ghetto districts.
Whenever the Police is called in to attend some crime incident, gang violence, or shoot out within these communities.

They operate as though all residents therein are GUILTY, and they behave in such a manner, as to convey impunity of conduct.


Sunday, October 25, 2009


October 25-2009:

What If All Newspapers Stopped Publishing?

Then we will continue to rely on the Man On The Street observers and reporters, via Phone and Video cameras. This will not be the End Of The World, like some journalists purports.

The Internet has changed the way we seek out information, and the variety of perspectives, that hitherto was not available to us all.

That is why so many people use the Internet as another source for information gathering.

And that is how the birth of Internet Bloggers got their debut.

Governor General Hamid Karzai's Dilemma!

Unfortunately, president Obama has inherited this 'Stool Pigeon,' and will have to find some way to work with his corrupt government.

However, Afghans generally do not want the US & N.A.T.O. military personnel there. Unless they are helping to develop that country. All fighting foreign military personnel are UN-WELCOMED there.

But president Obama will never pull out US troops on his presidential watch. He fears loosing his popularity, and that may prevent him from being re-elected in 2010

So he will pacify that country, make more promises to Americans, pretend that all is going in his favor over there, until the end of his term

Native American Indigenous Leader Mr. Peltier:

Native American Peltier is just one incident in America, that contradicts the pretense that it is a Fair and Just society under the Laws.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Democracy Hijacked By The Oligarchs Within The USA:

October 14-2009:

Democracy Hijacked By The Oligarchs Within The USA:

When the US Supreme Court (those lofty Public Servants), refused to listen to the voice of the commonweal. Because they felt it is not the popular voice at the moment. Then we know that Democracy no longer exists here.

These so-called guardians of the US Constitution refused to allow investigations into the allegations of "An Internal Conspiracy" behind the September 11-2001, World Trade Center disaster.

The popular view is, that the evidence provided by all agencies involved with the investigation was inadequate, insufficient, and does not answer several major concerns of the victim's relatives.

The Obama Administration chose to set a precedent, by looking the other way, not being bothered to have such investigations. So the Supreme Court justices chose to do the same. They FEAR challenging the FBI, The CIA, and The Pentagon.

I guess their lives, livelihood, and careers was the concern. So by not giving the approval for another thorough investigation, they are in fact saying, "I see no wrong doing, therefore, the need for any further investigation is un-warranted,"

However, George W. Bush may be out of The White House, but his policies and political mentality is very much Alive & Well therein!


Monday, October 12, 2009

A Rogue Former Danish Commando Publishes Classified Data!

October 12-2009:

A Rogue Former Danish Commando Publishes Classified Data!

A Danish Ex-Special Operation's Military person wrote a book, outlining the GORY details of how they conduct such operations in the field. Such information can do serious harm to undercover operations of any military, in A Theater Of War.

If the enemy can have access to this information, then what is the point having any undercover operation at all. When your enemy will be waiting for you!

George W. Bush's Administration Torture Details:

Just like the Obama administration, through the Attorney General may have to grapple with any information solicited by The US Congress to investigate any wrongdoing, during the military incursions in Iraq & Afghanistan.

This information too will be of a very sensitive nature, and if allowed to be revealed publicly, like that Danish military rogue did, then we may be having the same scenario right here in the USA, about Freedom Of Expression, or Freedom To Publish Information Freely too.

However, it is incumbent upon any Public Official, or Military Officer/Combatant to protect certain Institutional Operations that would allow the enemy if revealed, to have forewarning about any planned operation. Or the methods by which such operations are conducted.

Failing to abide by this 'classified information' rule, could cause very serious harm to lives and limbs in any combat scenario.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Recognizing Barack Obama's Quest For A Nuclear Free & Peaceful World:

October 09-2009:

Recognizing Barack Obama's Quest For A Nuclear Free & Peaceful World:

President Barack H. Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize Laureate For Peace & A Nuclear Free World. The 1.4 million EU or US dollars will be donated to Charity, says the Obama Administration.

This should also reinforce the expectations of Americans for bringing our troops home.

However, voices in many quarters of the public domain, wonder and is asking, what has he achieved to warrant this noble recognition?

But the decision to award him was made based on the above title, and the committee felt that he was indeed on the right path.

And has already made a significant difference in changing the global political climate, and reconciling with allies for past misconceptions or misdeeds, that America may have wrought towards some.

Meanwhile, the US & N.A.T.O. are bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan, in a conflict with no rational end in sight. Plus the continued loss of civilian and military lives growing, on a daily basis.

However, only time will tell if he is truly qualified to have received this award!


Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Establishing A Balance Between Socialism & Capitalism For Future Development Of All Cultures!

October 07-2009:

Establishing A Balance Between Socialism & Capitalism For Future Development Of All Cultures!

SOCIALISM And CAPITALISM co-existing with each other, may be the future for all of humanity.

Capitalism has not rendered us morally upright or equally satisfied materially.

And Socialism has not brought about the daily essentials and needs that are required, for modern development and consumption for all either.

So striking a balance between these two ideologies may be the solution for future development of all cultures.


This country seem to be heading in that direction. But they would have to ensure that the agricultural base is maintained, individual ownership of land, less state intervention and dictation, for increased production and productivity.

And to also ensure that there is increased production of agricultural produce for internal consumption always. And any excess could be exported overseas, with the revenue re-invested in those agrarian communities.


This country's native population is dwindling annually, and if some effort is not made, or ordinary Russians encouraged to contemplate having at least one child, or another child. Then in the next decade or two, migrants will be heavily depended upon to fill the every growing gap/void of manual, un-skilled, blue collar, and service industry jobs therein.

Embracing Migrants From Foreign Lands:

This may be one solution for Russia, and other countries without enough or appropriate skills, education, know how, and technological experience and expertise, to contemplate.

Governments will have to embrace foreign labor or immigrants, regardless of their internal opposition to it, because of necessity. How governments go about this is left to the individual states to develop policies and laws of legality, and for immigration, that would allow for this development to take place.

The USA:

This country was founded of principles and beliefs which subscribe to the view, that all humankind, must have Liberty to move or travel anywhere he/she thinks would better his/her condition, Freedom of Self and Expression, and the Rule Of Law, in a Democratic Atmosphere. With these aspirations enshrined in the National Constitution, millions have traveled from around the globe, to experience this unique human and cultural experience.

In recent decades Immigrants Of Color have been emigrating there in droves seeking betterment. This has caused some local and national concerns. Most employers who hire these un-skilled (more or less) new arrivals, pay them less than the regular wages, and work them longer hours that those who are Nationals, and are legally represented under the laws, and may be unionized workers too.

Immigrants Of Color can be seen in every aspect of the national service industries, agricultural, and other production industries, working alongside Americans, but getting less for their work. This irregularity and un-fair Labor practice has fueled resentment among these immigrants, and are also causing the Nationals to feel threatened for their supposed entitled jobs/employment positions, which they feel are in jeopardy.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Using The George W. Bush Scare Tactics AGAIN Will Not Work This Time Around Mr. Obama!

October 07-2009:

Using The George W. Bush Scare Tactics AGAIN Will Not Work This Time Around Mr. Obama!

Using George W. Bush tactics of SCARING Americans about some alleged plot by the Taliban & El Qaeda to harm us,

Is NOT GOING TO WORK this time Mr. Obama.

The US Military (especially the top ranking personnel) should KEEP out of local politics. And STOP making political statements to the Media, The TV, and Internet, while in the employ of the state. By making such statements, it conflicts with their official roles as Public Servants, and are Totally Responsible to the state for their actions.


The situation there has changed dramitically since you were campaigning for the presidency Mr. Obama. Therefore, it is imperative to review and act according to current reality.

Bring Our Brothers & Sisters Home. The TALIBAN we are fighting and Killing are all AFGHANS. And NINE MONTHS into the your Administration, and the US Military deaths in Afghanistan is already 774, and GROWING daily!


Thursday, October 01, 2009

China Comes Of Age At Sixty-1949-2009

September 30-2009:

China Comes Of Age At Sixty-1949-2009

China celebrates her 60Th birthday, just allow me to express some views on this celebration and anniversary.

Ever since Mao ZeDong brought the Cultural Revolution, followed by The Great Leap Forward, then came Democratization & Industrialization. Leaving in it's wake the millions of rural farmers, many of whom was never able to fully enjoy or benefit much from this progress and development.

However, China has achieved much, with great passion for hard work, sacrifice, resolve, suffering, and faith in the belief that their country MUST be developed, and be an equal partner in trade, diplomacy, and military might with the developed western hemisphere.

Being able to make these bold and brave strides does not come easily of without compromises, many of which will entail some loss of personal freedoms, and personal dissent with the system as it grows and changes are being made.

Sometimes much to the chagrin of those who it will impact negatively, more or less!

However, China is on the move, and will not allow anyone or anything to stop or slow it's growth. But at what expense it is prepared to suffer in this regard, is anybody's guess.

Incdentally, China has 56 Nationalities within it's borders, living side by side (as they say there), in Unity!

China has also reduced the man power or strength of the military. And has raised the technological aspects, in keeping with modern military requirements and munitions.

Happy 6oTh Birthday China, you deserve it!
