Thursday, May 25, 2006

A New World Order Is Upon Us-Justice & Fair Play Is On The Rise!

May 25-2006:

A New World Order Is Upon Us-Justice & Fair Play Is On The Rise!


The internationally known (so called terrorist organization) 'Hamas,' has been voted for unanimously to be the political administration of Palestine. Democracy for the first time is allowed to take root in this Palestinian territory.

But will the international political hemisphere allow them to make the necessary changes towards this new road internally?


The king of Nepal who ascended the throne after an internal family slaughter of the former king, has acquiesced to the people's demand for a National Assembly, representative of the masses of Nepalese. He has now agreed to have an internal representative government. But what needs to be done subsequently, is to make Constitutional changes that will make the King's position that of a Constitutional monarch. If that road is taken the king would be The Head Of State, and not the political Head Of Government.

This position would make him representative of the country's Constitution, preside over ceremonial matters for the State, receive Political Heads Of State of foreign countries, and signatory to all Legislation or Bills that was agreed upon by the parliament.

But the king would not have the authority to sack or dissolve the government. Provided there is no constitutional violation!


For the first time in the history of Africa, was a woman elected to the highest political office or (Head Of Government). Liberians have elected their first female Head Of State (Anna Johnson-Surley). May her political administration be effective, economic uplifting, and may her government promote national peace, unity, and the economic growth that her country desperately needs!


For the first time in the history of corporate America, two of the biggest fishes or corporate bosses have been found guilty of corporate corruption in a Dallas Court today. Company chairman Ken Lay, and his executive officer Mr. Schilling. They were found guilty on all counts by the jury, in a Dallas Court today.

This decision sends a message (on no uncertain terms), to all corporate bosses, to be aware of their responsibilities to their shareholders and employees. And that pilfering would no longer be condoned at any level.


The state of Montenegro has now been officially allowed to contemplate Independence. A referendum was unanimously voted for by Montenegros for independence. Montenegro is a pre-dominantly agrarian country. And most of her revenue comes from Tourism, and Agricultural exports. However, if those tiny islands of the Caribbean can survive as Independent states, dependent upon tourism mostly. Then Montenegro is not the first to do so!

Good luck to you all!

Derryck S. Griffith.
educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Da Vinci Codes Movie!

May 20-2006:

The Da Vinci Codes Movie:

So what is all the fuss all about with this De Vinci code movie? Now they are saying via the current movie, that Jesus was married and had children.

Why should this come as a surprise to anyone who is sensible, and is able to do his or her own reasoning. This may be a fictitious movie, but the presumption seems plausible. eg.,

Jesus the man who lived, was able to move or convince thousands with his gift of 'Gab,' was able to get fed, housed, and provided for wherever he went for FREE. According to the Christian Bible, everyone wanted to entertain him after listening to his fantastic stories, of a world to come, most longed to experience, from that harsh desperate life under Roman rule.

Women too I gather, from the mention of Mary Magdalene who washed his feet willingly, and was rebuked by the male onlookers. When Jesus spurned them for so doing, and said she was more worthy!

Go figure my friends!

Jesus loved the attention, the pampering, and all that went into his egoistic crave for recognition. So it does not seem to me unreasonable to assume, that he may have impregnated some woman or women, and had fathered children too.

The only implausible scenario to me would be his inability to provide for his children. Because he never earned his own livelihood, nor paid any rent for his upkeep. And he lived the life of a Gipsy, always in-transit.

Many Christians today will see this movie as blasphemous, or sacrilegious. But those who could think for themselves rationally, will pause for a while, and possibly say to themselves.

This movie Director have something here to think about!

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, May 08, 2006

South Africa's VP Acquitted Of Rape Charges:

May 08-2006:

South Africa's Vice President Acquitted Of Rape Charges:

Today the Vice President of South Africa was acquitted from the charges of raping a woman infected with HIV.

He still has to face charges in court some time soon on corruption.

This incident (though high profile in nature), is indicative of thousands of African men, who feel that raping an infected woman or a virgin, will cleanse them from HIV. This man knew of her HIV infection, yet did not bother to use a condom during that so called consensual intercourse.

He never considerd her health, nor did he even cared about infecting her with some other STD. In fact he probably felt that she was of no value to him, to even consider such things. Or possibly just acting out the misconstrued mentality mentioned earlier.

The intentional HIV community of advocates are very concerned with attitudes of this sort, and wonders if a political leader of his stature could be so careless. Then what about the common man on the street, with no political, economic, or social standing to consider.

The South African government refused to acknowledge that HIV existed in that country for several years, until the virus had impacted several thousands. Today, it is getting some help with medications, but several thousands cannot afford these medications. And the vast majority of those who are known to be infected live in the proverbial Shanty Townships.

To date, these shanty towns are still an eye sore in South Africa. And the population is getting wary with the rate of development that the government is making, in helping them to get out of that depraved situation.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Terrorist That Might Have Been!


May 03-2006:

The Terrorist that Might Have Been!

Today the jury pronounced Zachariah Mausaoi guilty, and deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison. The presiding Judge will formally do so tomorrow.

However, this case though very controversial, bothers me greatly, in terms of the accused, and those who also have been arrested eg., American Taliban Taylor, who was caught in Afghanistan, during the prison riots. Currently, he in prison, but was never called a terrorist, but an enemy combatant.

Zachariah never physically took part in that exercise on Sept-11-2001, but was alleged to be a terrorist who contemplated that act, and would have executed it if he was given the opportunity.

All of this is speculation and presumption, based on his own pronouncements however!

In terms of his mental state, the psychologists contended that he was not in the mental state of mind, to deserve the death penalty.

Asama Ben Laden orchestrated the Sept-11-2001 World Trade Center disaster, and his lieutenants in Bhagdad have also orchestrated the deaths of thousands of military personnel. Even Mohammed Atta, who is still at large, has also planned several hits in Afghanistan on the coalition forces there, but has not been categorized as Mentally ill persons!

But failing to apprehend the TRUE culprits of the Sept-11-2001 disaster, has created it's own 'Scapegoat And Zachariah was the chosen one for that blame!

Meanwhile, Asama Ben Laden, Mohammed Attah, and several others are still alive, illusive, and still orchestrating more killing of Americans and other foreigners.

Om Shanti.

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.
