Saturday, December 31, 2005

Do you really believe the expression "nigga' could be eradicated?

Hello!I have read your concern for the random usage of the word 'Nigga" by fellow Blacks. Even though this expression is also used in Africa, The Caribbean, South & Central America, and I also believe it is used in some parts of Europe.
But in all of these cultures it means very different things.
Here in the USA, this word is, and was associated with slavery, Jim Crowism, segregation, racism, etc. With the advent of the Civil Right's Movement, a new political correctness was asked to apply to this word. And by so doing, it is now seen as officially derogatory.
But will it ever be eradicated? I think not!
A word, like any other expression, has a cultural history, and an identity to it, (positive or negative). I also hear Blacks referring to Southern Country Whites as CRACKERS too! But the Whites don't publicly object to this term. I also hear Whites calling each other 'ma Nigga too. And this to them is HIP, and cool with them too.
Personally, I think the more we see this expression as a negative, the more it will play on our mentality. And the more resentment it will foster within ourselves, and the history behind it. In order for all Black Americans to move beyond this stigma. or derogative, is to accept it as part of our heritage.
Allow it's use, especially now that it has become fashionable to use. Because if we don't, then the negative aspect/connotation will always make those who are so annoyed by it's use, the victims!
Om Shanti.
Yahoo IM: derryckgrifith
and derryck_mimbari
AOL IM: Ecmimbari

Do You Know The History Behind The Word PICNIC?

Do you know the history of PICNIC?

Only recently I was made aware of the history of the word 'picnic. I was told that expression came from the Southern American Whites, during and after slavery, when wanted to 'lynch' a Black, they would say, 'Lets us go "pic a Nigga," and sling um up!
All of my younger years growing up in Guyana, we have been using that term innocently, because we never knew what it really meant. To us back there, it meant having some food prepared, put it in a basket, and along with family and friends, go to the park or some public square, and have a good time.
A Picnic to us meant, and still mean having an outdoor party or cookout. Now that I know what it means, I decided mentally never to refer to any outdoor revelry, or cookout as a picnic ever again.
Not that it bothers me, but for the memory of the history and barbarism, that this activity condoned!
Om Shanti.
Yahoo IM: derryckgrifith
and derryck_mimbari
AOL IM: Ecmimbari

Friday, December 30, 2005

A Teacher's Role Is To Teach-Not Parent Her Students:

December 28-2005:

A Teacher's Role Is Not To Be A Parent:

I grew up in (GUYANA), and under our educational system, teachers are supposed to teach children, not parent them.
If some child or children becomes a distraction in the class, misbehaves, or cause disruption in class, then he or she is asked to leave that session immediately, and report to the said class teacher after the session ends.
If he or she fails to report to the teacher, he/she is referred to the Head master/Head teacher for reprimand.
If the Head Teacher or Head Master is unable to determine whether that child is in-capable of self-discipline, then the child's parent/s are called in for a discussion about this problem.
In Guyana, no child can disrupt a class, and still sit there when he or she is asked to leave the room. That is not condoned PERIOD.
So all miscreants or in-disciplined children are expected to comply with the rules, or will not be allowed to attend that school any longer.
Finally, in Guyana, we believe that if the parent/s cannot discipline their children, they cannot expect teacher's to do so for them. Because teachers are there to TEACH, not to play mother or fathers to the children under their charge.
That is not their role!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Prepare Or Fail Miserably:

December 24-2005:

Prepare Or Fail Miserably:

In today's economic environment, without a decent education, and it's concomitant skills, you are doomed to live a life in economic poverty. Without the possibility for providing your offspring any financial foundation that will enable them to attend college, or equip themselves, for upward mobility.
No Free Rides:

Those of us who feel that to get a free pass into college, and possibly graduate, because you are a preferred athlete, you are terribly mis-guided. Not too many athletes will get picked to play in the major leagues.
Not too many favorite athletes who were selected, despite their poor academic performance in college, will be able to comprehend and monitor their financial affairs. Most will get fleeced from their accountants, lawyers, and managers, because of their ignorance and lack of knowledge.
And material wealth cannot compensate for a lack of education. Because should some misfortune befall you, there is nothing left to fall back on! Ignoramuses can never be role models for young and aspiring men and girls. If you have cheated in school, promoted because of some athlete gift you may have, and have never applied yourself diligently at accomplishing any intellectual or academic skills, then what kind of role model will you be?
Commonsense-Education & Entrepreneurship:

Without common sense, a good education, the ability to take advantage of opportunities, that will assist in upward mobility, then you might as well throw in the towel.
Because you will never be able to compete in the world of work, and poverty will always be your lot, and your children's lot. And the in-ability to rise above that social situation, because you have not given them the opportunity to do so.
Affirmative Action/Privileges:

This entitlement have done more harm than good to those who feel they are entitled to it, regardless of it's noble intentions. This privilege has caused some of us to just settle for the mediocre, or sub-standard, because we feel we will be promoted anyway, because of these special privileges.
It is unreal to expect someone to perform to his/her maximum, if their is an incentive provided for failure. And to give someone an incentive or edge, because he/she is poor, or presumed to be dis-advantaged, will be a dis-incentive to him/her to achieve excellence.
It is like giving a runner a 'jump start' ahead of his fellow runners in the race, because he has asthma!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator & Advocate.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Was The New York City-MTA Transit Worker's Strike Worth It?

December 22-2005:

Was The MTA Worker's Union Strike Credible:

The position with the New York City MTA Union dispute has reached an impasse. The MTA is offering 3% for three years. This simply means that the workers will get 3% increase on their wages every year, for the next three years. There will be no increase in Pension contributions by the workers. All new /recruited/employees will have to contribute 2% towards their retirement pension. And the retirement age will be pushed forward for all new employees from 55 to 65 years.
That is the final offer from the MTA, according to it's Chairman. But the Union representatives are saying that is not satisfactory for them. They feel that the MTA is not being fair in it's offer, considering the high cost of living, the satisfactory performance of the workers for the past three years, and the surplus of one million dollars which the MTA made this year-2005, and could afford to provide reasonable increases to the workers.
The MTA decided to seek Conciliation for this dispute because they felt discussions were at impasse. The Union agreed to this measure, and efforts are underway for this recourse for conciliation. However, the strike was called off today (December 22-2005), without a 'Contract Of Employment But talks are continuing towards that end.
Meanwhile, the Courts have postponed or put on hold, all charges against workers until January-20-2006, presumably, to see what results will eventually emerge from these talks.

The Taylor Law:
This law was enacted to prevent any strikes within the essential services, like The MTA. This law was enacted some years ago, to protect the interests of The City, & The Mercantile Community, at the expense and helplessness of the common worker/s, regardless of the issues involved.
The Corporate Bosses, The Governor Of New York State, & The Mayor of New York City, claims victory for the end of this strike today (December 22-2005), and relishes the view, that all New Yorkers will be happy for this victory, and the ability for all workers to be able to travel as usual.

The Negatives Of This Strike Action:

* This strike have caused losses to both the workers, and the business community at large.
* The business community will always resent any strike from the workers, because it infringes upon their profits/income.
* The Mayor & The Governor are Public Servants, who will always side with the Business Community, because that is where their financial support comes from, at election time.
* The constituents will always get shafted in disputes like this, because they are not in a position to do anything about it.
* The striking workers & the business community have lost money/income from this strike action.
* Whenever there is no 'Contract of Employment' the employer has the option to arbitrarily dismiss/fire any or all workers deemed unfit or un-necessary in that enterprise.

The Positives Of This Strike Action:

* The willingness for the union's representatives & it's workers to go on strike, for issues that were long overdue or not reconciled, at this time of the year.
* The working classes only recourse for injustice, unfair labor practices, lack of a contract of employment, and ill-treatment, from it's employers, is to show collective action like this one.
* Unity & Solidarity among the workers is absolutely necessary, for victory to be achieved. With support from sister unions, the public, and the media at large.
* Victory can only be measured by "What The Union's Proposals Were, and "What They Have Finally Accepted."

Let us all wait and see what the Court will decide to do with penalties. And if the final results of this dispute will produce 'A Contract Of Employment' for these workers!
Om Shanti.
Educator & Advocate.
New York City.
PS: There Can Be No Victory Without A Struggle!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Intelligent Design-Another Concept For The Advent Of Humans On This Planet:

Intelligent Design:

This is another concept that the Far Right Evangelists are trying to introduce in our schools. It is another form of Genesis. Another theory of Human's entrance on this planet!
Is it right to introduce this theory, or disguised religion into our schools?
I think not!

Science is based on a certain Formula: S=M=Q:
1. S-means it must be seen:
2.M-means that is must be measured:
3.Q- means that it must be quantifiable:

Is this A Science?
Frankly NO:
If we allow such arbitrary or subtle injections into our school's curriculum, then we would be allowing the advent of Conservative Religious Concepts and Agenda, to seep into the impressionable and vulnerable minds of our young children.
Om Shanti.
New York City.

Monday, December 19, 2005

New York City-MTA Union Says No Deal:

The Only Thing The Working Classes Have To Lose Are Their Chains!

The situation with the New York City Transit Workers demands are of concern to many New Yorkers, especially those who use the subway and buses to and from work each day. But the issues are beyond just getting to work, or getting there on time.
* The issues involve getting a fair day's wage, for a fair day's work. And
the Union wants an 8% increase for the next three years:
* Job security, better working conditions, respect from management in it's day to day relations with workers. And an Affordable Insurance Plan.
* The MTA offered a 3% every year, for the next three years:
* And an increase of the reirement age from 55 to 62 years:
* All new hirees would have to pay 1% of their income towards the Pension Fund.
The Union does not acept these proposals!
Supporting these workers in their plight for a decent wage, with benefits, have always been what all working people strive for historically. And because of this collective need, the forming of Trade Unions/Collective Bargaining Agents was created to assist in this regard.
In this United States Of America, worker's organizations have dwindled in numbers, resources, and the attraction of potential workers, and employers alike. The cultural belief that a person or individual can bargain with his Boss or Employer for a better deal, has been the biggest fallacy ever promoted, by those who resist collective bargaining methods.
However, it seems like the table is turning into the workers favor, and more people are seeing the wisdom of collective bargaining via A Representative Worker's Union. We welcome this development, and hope that the trend will continue to grow in volume.
*Let us support the Workers Cause!
*Let us unite in spirit with all those who seek to improve the conditions under which they operate as workers.
* Let us support whatever is decided by the workers representatives of The New York Transit Authority Union.
And most of all, let us show support for Worker's Rights!
Workers International Unite!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator & Advocate.
& Former Shop Steward.

Monday, December 05, 2005

What Is GOOD & What Is EVIL?

December 03-2005:
What Is Evil & What Is Good?
EVIL: Morally objectionable behavior:
GOOD: Moral excellence or admirableness:
For centuries humankind have been battling with the concepts of Good & Evil. Religions have sprung-up, purporting to explain, the origin and realities of the two elements that affects all humankind. Even in this century, humans are still explaining culturally, what is Evil or Good, and what culture or religious theory takes precedence in explaining truthfully, what these elements are, and how they can be controlled.

* The Beginning Of Human Time:
I do not subscribe to the Christian concept of the human Genesis. Nor do I subscribe to Darwin's theory of human evolution. Personally, I see the scientific theories as being more feasible for the following reasons:
* Science is based on a certain Formula: S=M=Q:
1. S-means it must be seen:
2.M-means that is must be measured:
3.Q- means that it must be quantifiable:
A: Religion therefore does not qualify, because it is based on faith:
B: The Darwin theory is unable to connect the presumed Monkey/Ape genes, with human genetics-anatomy-physiognomy, and intelligence.

* The Scientific Theories:
I am not a scientist in any way, shape or form, but I have read scientific theories that tries to explain this universe, using science to explain how it may have evolved.
a.The Black Hole theory is one of them:
b. The Big Bang theory is another:
c. And there is a more recent school of thought that presumes, humans came from some other planet in this universe, as a survival necessity, resulting from some war of extinction on some other planet or solar system.
d. And this other planet, have not been discovered by us humans as yet.

* My View Of Human Evolution:
I believe that the universe as we know it "WAS, IS, & WILL ALWAYS BE A REALITY."
It was never created: Because if it was, then one would have to validate it's creator: And the question goes on perpetually for the validation of that creator's creator, and so on, and so on, to infinity!
I also believe that the universe/cosmic, consists of invisible & visible forces. Call them protons-electrons-molecules, etc. These forces/energy have always been in the invisible or infinite, and with time evolved into matter, of different forms and substance, with time.
I also believe that all invisible energy has no light (as we know or understand it to be). Light to us means, Sun Rays: Electricity: Illumination: Sparks: Meteors: etc. These are all part of the metamorphoses of invisible energy evolving overtime into visible energy. Resulting in Planets-Stars-Suns-Moons, etc.
* When Did This Process Begin?
No one knows when this physical universe/cosmic became visible, because I presume no human form as we understand it were present at that time. And if they were, no records/evidence was ever found to validate this presumption. Suffice it to say that humans came into existence on this planet, at different intervals, and in different regions on this planet, without knowing of each other's separate existence for centuries.
* Intelligence:
The human animal/organism over the centuries have come to the realization of itself, it's existence, and intelligence, gradually, by trial, error, accident, natural phenomena, and survival adaptability. Every generation since the genesis of humans on this planet had to observe, learn, memorize, fight, and manage to stay alive, and to procreate.
With each experience, phenomena, or natural disaster, humans managed to prevail, despite the severe losses they suffered in numbers. They learned how to defend themselves from attacking animals: They learned how to hunt and eventually grow their food: They learned how nature operates to some extent: They also learned how to protect themselves from nature's harmful elements.
Most of the time humans generally, ascribed superstitious beliefs to those things they did not understand, of could not comprehend or explain. Humans created Gods, (visible ones mostly), to appease when they felt the need to. In human and animal sacrifices at different times, and did in almost every region on this planet.
* The Genesis Of Good & Evil:
a. No one knows how the concepts of Good & Evil came about. But Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all other religions, have their concepts of these elements.
b. How it shapes our beliefs, morality, and even behavior, in every culture known to humankind.
Evil & Good according to the definition at the beginning of this dossier, explains the differences from culture to culture. And because of this difference of perception and acts. Laws, Regulations, attitudes, religious beliefs, and morals, have all been shaped, to facilitate these cultural and religious beliefs, in every culture known to humankind.
* Heaven & Earth:
a. Christianity & Islam, and I guess other religions have preached about some place where Evil lives/dwells. And the same for heaven, as a place where Good resides. Their followers are cautioned not to disobey/obey the prescribed Religious doctrines, Fatwahs, Laws, or Catechism, that is used to keep the flock in moral obedience or compliance with these doctrines.
b. Failing to obey them, will result in a destiny after physical death, to a hellish place for eternity. Those that do good, observe the laws or doctrines for goodness, will end up in Heaven, after physical death.
c. There is another place that you go to as a temporary place for cleansing of sins, purported by The Roman Catholics. And that place is Purgatory. According to them, this place is for sinners, who die in Sin, but will be redeemed after Jesus is resurrected some time again in the future.
NOTE: They call this time "The End Time.'
b. And Revelations, in The Christian Bible makes reference to this theory!
* Where Is This Hell & Heaven Located?
This planet Earth (is spherical), and it revolves around the Sun for it's sustenance. It also floats (like all planets do), in an OPEN & Perpetual VOID called Our Solar System or Universe.
a. Thefore, where is the ABOVE or BELOW Position?
b. Where is this Hell or Heaven located?
c. And where is this Purgatory located?
Could anyone explain these paradoxes for me please!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator & Advocate.
I was Christened in childhood (A Roman Catholic):
I denounced this faith/religion in my adolescence:
I currently consider myself "A Free Thinker."