Friday, January 29, 2010

Is Their Such A Thing As Good Taliban & Bad Taliban?

January 29-2010:

Is Their Such A Thing As Good Taliban & Bad Taliban?


The word TALIBAN means STUDENTS of the Sunni sect of Islam. They also believe in the establishment of an Islamic state, based on the rule of Sharia Law. And are originated from Saudi Arabia.

There are several concepts of what the Taliban does or believes in, in order to promote their interests, or conduct their political/religious activities to attain certain ends.

Some self-identified Taliban individuals indulge in the Drug Trafficking Trade.

Others pursue Jihadist goals, while others make themselves available for hire to the highest bidder, for personal reasons.

And finally, these Taliban disparate groups are currently operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They shuttle back and forth as they see fit.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Could Hamid Karzai Reconcile With The Taliban?

January 28-2010:

Could Hamid Karzai Reconcile With The Taliban?

Ever since the US bombed the El Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, and supported the Northern Alliance Mujadeen army, which eventually defeated or chased out the Taliban government in the Southern Regions of that country. Things have gone from bad
to worse politically, economically, regionally, and militarily for that country.

Governor General Hamid Karzai, was the result of the US influence and involvement in that country's current political climate and reality. This man's notoriety for corruption, is well known. And large segments of the population does not believe that he could mange that country effectively, or bring about national security either. And most would also like the US & NATO troops to permanently leave that country.

But they face a political and economic dilemma, mostly caused by the incursions of US and NATO troops therein, and are wary of the daily loss of citizen's lives in the hundreds. Most of which is caused from US and NATO Air strikes, coupled with radical Taliban suicide bombers on a daily basis.

Hamid Karzai Wants Taliban Inclusion:

The Taliban ruled this country with a strong hand according to their concept of SHARIA law. Women were brutally beaten, killed, acid thrown in their faces, and prevented from getting an education. When the Taliban government was overthrown, women were able to get some political and educational opportunities for self development and self-reliance, hitherto unheard of.

If the Taliban or some elements of that Pasthun clan is co-opted into the government. Chances are, they will not allow themselves to play second fiddle to Hamid Karzai's directives of policies indefinitely. These people experienced governance before, and will strive clandestinely to regain that power once again. Furthermore, it is the view of most Taliban elements, both radical and moderate, that all foreigners MUST be eradicated from their midst. Most Afghans also share this view too.

But their hands are tied currently with certain realities.

National Insecurity & Economic Depression:

This country's population are by and large illiterate. Most of these people live in the rural or agrarian regions. Poverty is rife in most regions, education and educational opportunities for most Afghan children is non-existent to say the least.

Historically, this country was ruled by Ethnic Clan Chiefs or Strong Men. These warlords hold sway in their respective domains. Whatever the Strongman says is believed, respected, and followed. Failing to do so, results in beatings or even death.

There was never in Afghanistan any strong Centralized Government, and the concept of Democracy is very foreign to these people. And most cannot conceptualize what it is, or how exactly to apply it, or make it applicable to the Afghan reality.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haitians Do Not Allow Yourselves To Be Duped Again!

January 26-2010:

Haitians Do Not Allow Yourselves To Be Duped Again!

Your government and people have experienced unfair trade relations, agreements, and subsidies that impoverished your Rice Farmers, and people. Thus leading to a migration to the cities into greater poverty. And within these cities, these same former rice farmers could not afford to purchase Rice, that was brought in via U.S.A.I.D. as help.

And was being sold on the streets to Haitians. This illegal practice was one of the reasons of dependency and poverty, through so-called foreign assistance and help.

You political leaders and ruling elite also aligned themselves with foreign business interests, in order to enrich themselves, maintain their political elitism, and deliberately stifle or prevent any effort for real reform of your economy. The traditional ruling family clans will never change.

It is not in their interest to do so, and will continue to use whatever means necessary or as they see fitting to destroy, kill, or ensure that no national economic reforms for the poor ever get traction, or become a reality in Haiti.

What Is The Solution Going Forward:

* Seek out Haitian leaders/individuals that desire real socio-economic and political change for ALL Haitians.

* Ensure that a National Policy is created and circulated to all communities within the society at large.

* Ensure that whomever decide to create a Political Party or Coalition (preferred), will ensure that all communities are represented therein.

* Your history have always had strong ties to religious leaders or representatives. But not all so-called religious leaders have your interest at heart. Most of them are just as self-centered in their quest, as those who are secular.

* So be careful when you choose religious representatives for leaders, without also ensuring that they are constantly monitored. And removed immediately if or when found guilty of self aggrandizement, and corruption.

Foreign Trade & Assistance:

Foreign trading between nations must never be one based on coercion, threats, regional manipulation, or fear. The USA and France have a history of all the above, when dealing with their departments or former colonies/allies.

The USAID is just another department that uses aid to clandestinely push the USA Political and Trade agenda abroad. And when you take or receive assistance from any country, STRINGS are most certainly attached to it.

And if you do not ensure from the outset, what is expected from you when you receive any financial assistance. You may be conned into debt, that takes generations to repay once more.


Haiti needs all the help it can get to rebuild the country, repair it's education, health care, municipal, and social structures. Many will offer help in many forms, but will also want to dictate How, When, and Where this help aught to be given.

This MUST never be tolerated by you Haitians!

Your representatives MUST be the ones to DECIDE how and where this help is targeted or placed.

And to the Haitian people in general. Now is the time to start looking for

A New and Fresh Group of political representatives, as you go forward in the rebuilding efforts.

Free & Fair Democratic elections MUST be done very soon, to ensure that in the Rebuilt Haiti, a truly New and Fresh Start can be assured.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How Important Was Online Social Networking Sites During The Haitian Disaster?

January 15-2010:

How Important Was Online Social Networking Sites During
The Haitian Disaster?

I watched a discussion on today, about this concern. So here are a few comments of mine in this regard.

When the earthquake disaster hit Haiti, immediately afterwards, those with had access to mobile phones, and the Internet sent photos and messages to relatives and friends outside Haiti. But this was shortlived, and a communication blackout resulted, because of land line's disruptions, and the destruction of other local media outlets.

So Haitians living in the USA & Europe that had access to the Internet, used this facility to continue asking questions, and sharing whatever information they were able to get from Haiti and elsewhere with each other. And this kept the conversation going. And it also helped in raising funds for some charities they felt could be of assistance therein.

Was Twitter & Facebook Really Important?

Yes and No. If you do not have an Internet connection, and is not connected to Facebook, Twitter or MySpace, and have not joined any of these networks. Chances are, you will not be as informed, as those who are already a part of the networking sites.

But it is unfair to say that these networking sites did not make a difference. Because not many people in Haiti, are connected online, or have a computer, an Internet connection, or was able to use it during the Earthquake disaster.

However, the traditional TV and Radio media, is dependable for credible information in most cases. But even these medium are also subject to blackouts, and power failures in any disaster where electricity is needed, in order to have telephone and Internet access.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Needs Assessment For Haitians After The Earthquake Disaster This Week!

January 14-2010:

A Needs Assessment For Haitians After The Earthquake Disaster This Week:

President Barack Obama said in an address to the nation of Haiti, The World, and the American people, the following:

You Will Not Be Forsaken. The USA & the World Is With You All The Way.

USA & World Assistance Arrives:

The USA military Navy, Marine Corps, Civilian Organizations, Medical personnel, and others are arriving en mass at this time at the Haitian airport and seaport. Vast amount of medical supplies, medical personnel (doctors nurses, medics), ad other related personnel are also included.

Food Packages, Water, Rescuing Machinery and other related equipment, Security personnel, Telecommunications personnel to help reinstall electricity and other technologies needed for international communications are also on board.

Rescuing the Trapped & Injured:

This is going to be a methodical and massive task. Because most of the trapped are under heavy layers of concrete and other rubble. And can only be reached (mostly) with heavy moving machinery, which is also under way. The roads throughout the city of Port Au France is almost impassable in most places. And it is in the cities where the bulk of the affected population is settled, and needs the most urgent attention and assistance.

Burying The Dead:

I don't know if or when burials can seriously take place in this national confusion and some chaos. But i presume that the normal claim of bodies by relatives are non-existent, because both categories may be difficult to identify, and even find.

So Mass Graves or Cremation may be the way to go, in order to alleviate the stench from the already decaying carcass laying in the open spaces on the streets. And those that are dead, and are trapped under the rubble in large numbers.

Distributing Food-Shelter-Clothing & Water To Citizens:

This is going to be a very challenging experience, for the following reasons.

* People are desperately hungry, thirsty, dirty, messy, stink, angry, and desperate for help of all kinds.

* Being able to get people to wait in line to collect essentials may be problematic.

* Hungry and desperate people are not necessarily inclined to be patient either.

Security & Policing The Townships:

I don't know if the local police are still in charge, equipped to deal with this situation, or is even still able to do policing at this time. So the US and her allies there, will have to implement (with the Haitian government's approval), temporary policing of the streets, ports, townships, and distribution centers. Until some Official Order is established by the Haitian authorities.

To Be Continued.

New York City.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A State Of Total Pandemonium In Haiti:

January 13-2010:

A State Of Total Pandemonium In Haiti:

After the 7.0 earthquake struck this Dirt Poor Island. All electricity went out, buildings (old and new) crumbled and fell, taking with it the lives of the occupants therein. National Communication lines were cut, as a result of the shock waves and tremors of this quake, which was followed by two subsequent tremors, which completed the cycle of devastation therein.

I can also imagine the fear, dread, and horror that all Haitians felt at this reality. Armageddon may have been on the minds of this Christian oriented people, most of whom are fervent believers of their faith, and upbringing.

The Presidential Palace, was not spared either. One would wonder whether that building would have withstood the shock. But unfortunately, may not have been constructed to withstand such a calamity either.

An Impoverished People:

Haitians have been an oppressed and impoverished people since the rule of Jean Paul Duvalier ak Papa Doc. When he died, his son Jean Paul Duvalier-Jr took office, and continued the same oppressive regime, supported by his militia Thugs called 'The Ton Ton Macoutes.' All subsequent Prime Ministers or government were either overthrown, or experienced a Coup De Etat by Haitian military. And it was so up to the rule of Of President Ariste, who was shunter off the island by US commandos, to make room for the current political administration.

Past Disasters In Haiti:

Haiti is no stranger to national disasters. Recently, it suffered a severe hurricane. Which caused massive loss of lives and property. Flooding of crops, cities, and mud slides, resulting in the loss of homes and personal dwellings for most of the locals.

Unlike their neighbors in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, or the Caribbean region. Haiti does not have the disaster preparedness or infrastructure to deal effectively (if at all), with such disasters. So this current one, being the most severe on historic record, will be a big challenge indeed for the state, the volunteers, and all foreign relief agencies operating therein.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kite Flying In Guyana Explained:

January 10-2010:

Kite Flying In Guyana Explained!

In Guyana, it symbolizes the Ascension of The Risen Christ into Heaven. And Kite Flying is done on Easter Monday. The day supposedly when the ascension took place. This is a tradition that most Guyanese practice. Christians and Muslims alike. It transcends all religious faiths in Guyana.

Kite Flying In India Announces The Arrival Of Summer:

The Indo Guyanese community seem to feel that putting a 'sharp razor blade' on the string of your kite, when it is hoisted in the sky, and makes contact with other strings in the facility, it will cut that string, and cause it to come down.

That to them is very funny, and is seen as trying to gain the upper hand in how long one can keep his/her kite aloft, without it being compromised that way. It is all done for FUN. By I also find that most Afro-Guyanese frowns upon that aspect of the festivity.

Easter Monday:

Kite Flying is done on Easter Monday. The day after the official day or Sunday, that Christ ascended to Heaven, according to Christian belief.

And that day is a holiday in Guyana. So families are able to repair to open fields, parks, football grounds, and the Sea Wall/Atlantic Ocean Sea Shore, (where the wind is always very strong), thus making it very easy to hoist your kite into the sky/air. Thousands of kite fliers of all ages gather at these places from early morning, until sundown for kite flying and picnicking.

Baskets of Curry, Roti, Puri, Dhall, Rice & Curry, are taken in lunch baskets for a family picnic while they take intervals at kite flying. Music is played by food sellers carts and stalls, some individuals also bring their own mobile music box/player to entertain themselves too.

By and large, Easter Monday Kite Flying in Guyana, is looked forward to, and celebrated by all ethnic groups, regardless of your religious beliefs, and affiliations, and with a spirit of joviality, on this National Holiday.


I understand that in India, kite flying is done by the poor, or the Dalits in the streets, parks, and open spaces. While the Rich fly their kites on their terraces and roofs. This has been so for generations, and it is class associated and identified activity too!


Saturday, January 09, 2010

The Deliverer Of Bad News!

January 09-2010:

The Deliverer Of Bad News!

It was said under Saddam Hussein's reign in Iraq, that it was woe for the person who brought Bad News to Saddam. Because chances are, he would be advancing his own demise with that act.

The US Military Personnel & Messenger Of The Fallen:

This person who (I presume) is chosen or volunteers to deliver the sad news of a fallen soldier to his/her relatives, is not placed in the same situation. But in some ways have to deal with the re-action of spouses and relatives when bringing news of their loved ones death in combat. I understand that he knocks three times on the door of the deceased relative's door, and this knocking is commonly recognized, after so many thousands of instances it was used in the same manner.

Neighbors have also come to recognize the military personnel who deliver these messages, and pray that he does not knock on their door this time around. I can understand the dread, even though you already know that such reality is possible. But one can never be prepared to fully accept that reality, regardless of how you prepare you mind and psyche for such reality.

For Whom The Bell Tools? Is It For You Or For Me?


Friday, January 08, 2010

Defining Islam!

January 08-2010:

Defining Islam!

Islam is a religion or philosophy that does not have any Global consensus of interpretation. Islamic scholars individually, may differ in their

interpretation of this doctrine.

Sharia Law Explained:

Sharia or Shari'a is the body of Islamic law. The term means "way" or "path"; it is the legal framework within which public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Muslim principles of jurisprudence. It is not actually part of the canonical Qur'an; that is to say, it is not believed to be the direct word of Allah by Muslims, but rather the interpretation of it.

Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business law, contract law, sexuality, and social issues. Some Islamic scholars accept Sharia as the body of precedent and legal theory established before the 19th century, while other scholars view Sharia as a changing body, and include Islamic legal theory from the contemporary period.

There is not a strictly codified uniform set of laws pertaining to Sharia. It is more like a system of devising laws, based on the Qur'an, Hadith and centuries of debate, interpretation and precedent.

Before the 19th century, legal theory was considered the domain of the traditional legal schools of thought. Most Sunni Muslims follow Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Shafii, while most Shia Muslims follow Jaafari (Hallaq 1997, Brown 1996, Aslan 2006).

However, Sharia Law, which to my mind are severe rules that are meted out by an Islamic Court of Imams, whose authority and decrees must be adhered to.

And even this so called Sharia Law/Court, interprets and implements these laws differently, according to region, Klan, individual Imam, and state.

Islam Advocates For Militarism:

It espouses the view that Muslims everywhere must be prepared to assist, Or defend any other Muslim in trouble,war, or if they perceive it to be so!
