Saturday, June 30, 2007


Universal Healthcare Is A NECESSITY For The USA:

This is the only country (The USA), among the developed countries around the world that does not have a National Health Care System. That ensures all Americans can access Health Care, regardless of whether they are employed or un-employed, without having to worry about affordability.

A system that subsidizes all Americans that need help in times of need, to access relevant care, pay for medications, and hospitalization. With such a system in place, doctors would not have to worry about being sued because of insufficient medical attention. Or in-appropriate prescription for medication that does not help patients to recover fully.

Patients will no longer feel that they are too poor to visit the doctor, for fear that they will not be able to afford the prescriptions. Dentists will not turn away patients because they only have Medicaid, or some supplementary medical insurance that does not provide for some medications beyond a prescribed ceiling.

And the assurance that Medical Coverage and Hospitalization assistance from the Feds, The State, and Local employment organizations, are all committed to ensuring that all Americans are covered medically.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

GoodBye OLE CHAP-It Was So Nice To Have Known You!


Goodbye Ole Chap-It Was So Nice To Have known You!

The Tony Blair & George W. Bush's relationship politically, will be remembered for what it was. They believed in international aggression against what they perceive as, a plot against progressive, and politically FREE Societies/Democracies.

This was evident with the joint view that Iraq had weapons Of Mass destruction, and was also a harborer of terrorist elements. Where they differ, was in the application of military action against terrorist threats worldwide!
Britain unlike the USA, has been a world power for centuries longer than the USA, and has the experience, and know how of dealing with international conflicts, and political systems unlike their own. But only time will tell how both nation's populations will view these two leaders historically!


Now that Tony Blair has been appointed Mediator for Palestinian Affairs. The QUARTET or (the nations that oversee Palestinian Affairs), and the much discussed "Road Map" for the supposed Sovereignty that is its' aim.
On whose payroll is Mr. Blair being paid from?


It is also IRONIC that Iran has the potential to create a nuclear bomb, but does not have an Oil Refinery to process its' crude oil supply!
So they import the refined oil or Gas for all domestic needs. And that costs a fortune for that state's economy!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Emigration To The USA-REVISED:

June 21-2007:

My Emigration To America!


This is an attempt to re-capture my formative years as a child growing up in British Guiana, my entrance into the world of work, my spate of service in The Guyana National Service Institution, Trade Union Activism & eventual emigration to The U.S.A.

The Neighborhood Where I Was Born & Grew Up!

I was born a raised in Charlestown-Georgetown-Demerara, British Guiana. Son of Ms. Enid Patricia Griffith. As a child I attended The Carmel R.C. School up to fifth standard, then left to enter the job market. This neighborhood is typical of most neighborhoods at that period in the City of Georgetown. It consisted of a multi-ethnic array of residents, many of whom could trace their ancestral lineage from that same neighborhood. I have also learned in time, that most residents who lived there for long periods, would not move out, unless it was vitally necessary to do so. Because the rents remained very stable over very long periods.

Most of the friendships that I made attended my school from kindergarten to elementary levels, up to the fifth standard. The school that I attended from kindergarten to secondary level, was in the same neighborhood, and occupied the same real estate or property. So it was not necessary for me to leave one school, to attend another one at another location, like so many of today's beginners.

This decision was taken after deliberation within myself, based on the harsh realities at home for survival. We were very poor, my mother struggled without a male (father figure) to support us financially. You see, I was the only male out of five children, Patricia (the eldest), Derryck (that's me), Valerie, Eulyn, and Eileen Griffith. We were all conceived 'out-of-wedlock. I was told on several occasions by my mother that my father disappeared when I was at the tender age of three. He left one day after visiting my mother to return to take me to see a 'cricket match' at the local stadium, but never came back since!

My First Day In Kindergarten:

I could recall my very first teacher in kindergarten too. Her name Miss Fraser. She was a very fat and short in stature, with a booming and high pitched voice. She also had her children attend the Carmel R C. School also. It was one of the Roman Catholic schools that was targeted by residents in and around Charlestown, Albouystown, and Werk-En-Rust neighborhoods.

So if you grew up in any one of those neighborhoods, chances are that you would attend the Carmel RC School too. There was also St. Philip's School, (an Anglican School), and the Dolphin Government School. These were the primary levels. Then there was the Central High School ( a private school), Chatham High School, St. Stanislaus High School, (A Catholic High School), and the Muslim Educational Trust School. All of these schools competed for pupils, and overtime, each one developed a reputation for academic proficiency, respectability, and most desired, in that neighborhood.

I never got beyond the sixth standard level. I was barely able to study some O Level type courses at the G.E.C. level. Because circumstances at my home caused me to leave school at the fifth standard, in search of employment. This I did reluctantly, but I had to make a choice at that time between eating at home on a regular basis, or not eating on a regular basis, if I continued in school. Reasons being that my mother was the only provider economically at home. There was no male or father figure that she could depend on for financial assistance. So the burden of supporting and providing for five children was solely on my mother's abilities and endurance.

My Employment History:

I left Primary School at 16, and sought employment with The Guiana Lithographic Co. Ltd. It was one of The Booker Group of Industries in the colony of Guiana. This was a printing and box-making business that catered primarily to the Service Oriented Industries. There I worked as an 'In House Office Boy/Messenger' for a weekly wage of $11.25 cents per week. (8 hours per day). From Monday to Saturday. Saturday's were from 8.00 am to 12.00 Noon. I worked there for five years, before I was eventually retrenched or (given the boot), after some organizational restructuring was done.

I worked at several jobs subsequently, for example, The Ministry Of Information & Culture: The General Post Office: J.P.Santos (a private business enterprise): The Guyana National Service, and finally The National Insurance Scheme from 1977 to 1989. During my years of employment I tried to gain as much knowledge as was available to me. I did a one year stint at The University Of Guyana (Soc.100) Sociology & Political Philosophy.

Attended several training courses sponsored by The Guyana T.U.C. (Trades Union Council); because I was also an ardent representative of workers rights/shop steward, rising to the level of 'Branch Secretary of The Amalgamated Transport & General Worker's Union, (A.T.& G.W.U.) at the N.I.S. Branch.

Pollard's Govt. Aided Self-help Housing Group: "Meadow Brook Gardens."

This was a period in my life that today is still very painful to talk about, much less write about. But it must be written, and it can only be written by me, for I am the only survivor of that experience capable of explaining it, because I was personally involved throughout the entire project!

Sometime in the 1960's my mother who was a member of a group of individuals that wanted to own their own home, was eventually given the opportunity to realize it from the then P.N.C. government headed by Prime Minister L.F.S.Burhnam. This Housing Project was one of several that was implemented by the government, to aid poor people in attaining homes with State assistance. This concept was called the 'self-help' or co-operative approach for building homes. Several groups were called in, lands were identified for each group to build houses on, accompanied by a government Supervisor/organizer for official guidance & supervision of building materials.

We were called 'Self-helpers' and toiled day and night for over two years in the building process. The work was dreadfully hard for me as a child. My Mom had to fool the authorities about my age (because minors) were not allowed to help in the building of these homes. I suppose several members of our group knew that I was under-age, but no one 'snitched.' We were all poor people, and desperate to have a home to call our own! In the rainy days and nights that followed, fighting the mosquitoes, gnats, and coping with the flooded lands that we were given to build on. We toiled relentlessly until it's completion.

The going was very rough for the women especially among us. The men often made them feel in-adequate by saying they were not pulling their weight, and the men had the BRUNT of the work to shoulder. The supervisor in his capacity as overseer, then would try to pacify these contentions as he sees fit, by encouraging UNITY and camaraderie among us. This helped greatly to alleviate many quarrels from getting out of hand or physical.

Our homes were eventually completed in 1978, the keys handed to each resident at a Total Cost then of 3 to 4,000.00 Dollars per Unit. Payable in monthly installments of $25.00 dollars to The Ministry Of Housing, (Housing Dept). We moved in, all five of us. My Mom (Enid, me, Valerie, Eulyn, Eileen, with the exception of my eldest sister Patricia, who was at that time lready married and living with her husband in Kitty Village, Newtown, Georgetown. My mom became ill some time afterwards from a heart condition, and subsequently died.

The burden of paying the monthly/rental payments fell upon me now. Before my mother died though, she never really liked being there. She complained that it was too far for her to get to, and it encroached upon her ability to continue gambling at the local horse-race betting shop. She moved in and stayed for a short time. After which she moved out again, and into a friend's home, with the excuse that she would be able to get personal help with her illness. Incidentally, this friend of hers "never gave us a dime," to assist with her burial, (her so-called friend)!

Some Facts About My Mother:

As far as I can recall, my mother never worked with anyone in her adult life, except for one time. She was offered a position in a Take Out Ice Cream Shop that was about to open. She was able to obtain this position from the owner, whom she knew. However, the job description was either never told to her, or she lied about it to us, (her children). However, after two weeks on the job, she left it saying that the supervisor wanted her to mop the floors, and that was not what she was expecting to do. And that was that!

The first time my mom was offered a job, and she left it because (in her own words), she was not prepared to do floors. My mom preferred to visit the Betting Shop (which she did on a daily basis), to bet on the horses. This was an obsession or addiction with her. She never won anything in the thousands though. At least as far as I know. But she was always hoping to 'Win Big' sometime in the future, that was always illusive.

My Emigration To The USA:

I emigrated to the USA in 1989, after serving at N.I.S. for over ten years. After ensuring that I accumulated the prescribed amount of contributions, that would make me eligible for a pension at sixty years of age. And that was 750, (or Seven Hundred & Fifty Contributions), as per N.I.S. regulations. I left Guyana on April-30-1989 to attend A Leadership Training Course at The George Meany Training Center, in Silver Spring, Maryland. Virginia. This was intended to be for the month of May-1989. But at the conclusion of this exercise, I remained here in America!

My Travel Visa:

The travel visa that I was issued with from the American Embassy in Barbados, in-transit to the U.S.A. allowed me to stay in America for only 'one month There was no work permit or extension allowed at completion, but a proviso that I should return to Guyana & serve my country or Trade Union for at least three years, before I can re-apply for a return visa to America to reside (if I so wish). Therefore, after over staying-violating my visa conditions, I automatically became illegal or (un-documented).

After which I sought legal advice and representation since 1994, and is still awaiting The Federal Government's approval for legal residence/Green Card Status! This process may take years to unfold, because America's foreign policies differ from country to country in relation to emigration quotas. Presently, under the National Security/Terrorist Act of 2002 it has become much more difficult to attain this status. With the new regulations of checks and counter-checks, it targets countries presumed to be Terrorist Havens. Incidentally, these regulations are being enforced, sometimes with impunity.

Coming To New York:

Growing up in Guyana, we are led to believe by most of our relatives abroad, that they would help us upon arrival in America or anywhere else for that matter. We are led to believe that we could count on them to assist family in times of dire need, because we are family, & family is supposed to help each other out at these times. Well, that's a fallacy for many of us, because reality very often contradicts this view.

I left Guyana after suffering emotionally, psychologically & mentally from the lack of socio-economic opportunities available to most Guyanese. Living in a depressing and mis-managed economy, coupled with political strife, and petty political squabbles indulged by our political leaders is the reality of life back home. One would expect that relatives who escaped this harsh reality would extend themselves to those left behind, whose ability to escape a similar fate is questionable, but obviously this is not the experience of most of us who encounter our relatives upon arrival in the land of opportunity.

I sought help in a form of accommodation from an acquaintance who was living on Long Island at the time. I moved in with my acquaintances shortly thereafter, and stayed for over two years. Eventually my friend complained that the burden of supporting me was becoming too much for her to bear and indicated that I should seek alternative accommodation. This situation was hinged upon the fact that I was encouraged to go 'shop lifting' with her relatives, and when I voiced objection, I was spurned, rebuked and insulted, and threatened with eviction from their home. It is important to note that I resided under what one might call oppressive conditions.

A few of the house rules included the fact that I was not allowed to return after midnight, as well as the fact that I was not allowed to receive visitors or friends. Albeit, I was un-documented, (illegal) in this country, with no job or prospects, so how could my fate be different given my circumstances? It is really amazing that the human conditions one can live through, void of options! Realizing that I was totally alone in this situation, desperate and homeless with no place to turn, I mustered all the internal strength and resolve that was necessary, and told myself that it is now 'do or die.' I had no intention of returning home to Guyana anytime soon. Primarily, I would be given another visa, I would lack the financial means it would require to return. I refused to allow myself to even remotely consider the possibility of wasting this opportunity of landing in America.

I was faced with the harsh reality of survival at any cost, so I took action. I was offered false documents from underground (illegal) sources for a considerable amount of American dollars. With this new identity I was able to temporarily seek employment, but was always fearful of being caught at anytime by the authorities. This cat and mouse game continued for some time. Being the product of a family that were law abiding people, who were respectful of the law and authorities. I harbored a great deal of guilt, shame and fear about getting caught at anytime. Reality be told, this perception of fear was merely a figment of my imagination, as no one ever approached me about my status!

Moving To New York City:

I moved to Manhattan-New York City in 1994, and sought advice from G.M.H.C. (Gay Men's Health Center), about Legal representation for my resident status. They agreed to be my Legal Advocate for the purposes of Immigration matters. And refer Clients who need Housing to agencies that deal with providing Housing for people in my situation in New York City's five boroughs.

After some disappointments in my search for several weeks, I was finally able to get a Studio Facility with the Bailey House Inc., housing facility titled Bailey-Holt House, situated in Manhattan-New York City. I moved into this single Apartment/Studio on October-30-1995. My rent is paid by The City of New York-Social Services Dept. And I get Public Assistance to help with my personal needs/affects.

I have residing there ever since. It was furnished with the basics, like a Refrigerator, a Television with Cable, a Single Bed, personal Telephone service, a couple of chairs and a coffee table. This housing facility has 44 Single Rooms/Studios, that are situated on four floors. We have the privilege of coming and going as we feel like it, internal security systems for residents, post box facilities, washers and dryers in the basement for residents, that can be accessed anytime for FREE. And visitation of guests any day or night of the week, with three overnight stays per week for any guest.

The resident population are varied in Ethnicity and personal needs. And our rents are calculated at 30% of our net income per month. This is also A City Subsidized Housing facility.

The Tribulations Of The Un-documented:

Being an un-documented person in America today could be a nightmare for anyone. The present Patriot Act. of 2002 gives The Immigration And Naturalization Department lots of power to arrest, detain and deport any un-documented foreigner without access to an attorney. They can be held indefinitely for long periods of time in 'A Detention Center' without access to an attorney, because under this law they have no legal rights.

If you test positive for HIV, the only medical help available to you is The Emergency Medical Unit at a Public Hospital. No prescription drugs are covered, or doctor's fees. Families invariably will not be inclined to keep you in their homes for fear that when you eventually become incapacitated, the bills will have to be paid by them. this is a serious matter as you the unfortunate individual find yourself in -a position where you cannot seek employment because you are illegal.

Therefore, you are unable to contribute to or provide for your up-keep. My Caribbean/Central and South American brothers and sisters are being infected with HIV/AIDS disease at a colossal rate, primarily through ignorance, (lack of knowledge), cultural, language barriers, social & religious stigma, as well as fear of accessing preventive services and counseling. This is the reality of life in America today for any illegal individual. I have sworn to voluntarily contribute my experiences and abilities, in helping to advocate for and on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. This I started doing since 1997 in New York City, and the outer boroughs.

This activity involves lobby visits to Legislators, Congressmen/women in the NY State and Senate. It is my belief that we all have a role to play in the process of making sure that there is equity among the laws, regulations and policies that impacts the lives of all peoples.

It is important to state that there are thousands of Guyanese living in America that are legal residents, but for some reason are not inclined to become citizens. They are missing out on all benefits that citizens and naturalized aliens are entitled to. Their status renders them incapable of assisting all Caribbean People Of Color, from acquiring the political representation at the Polls, because without citizenship you cannot vote.

This situation is chronic among Caribbean & African nationals alike. They come to America, live for years, accumulate property, but seem satisfied with this precarious situation. That is why we do not have the political 'CLOUT' that is necessary to make things happen for our populations.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate And Blogger.
G-mail: derryckgriffith

PS: Whatever The Human Mind Can Conceive And Believe-Could Be Achieved!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Who Will Be The Next Generation Of Leaders Be?

June 18-2007:

Who Will Be The Next Generation Of Leaders After Iraq & Afghanistan?
America has been sacrificing her young men in huge numbers in wars that have shown the world how shallow we truly are. Currently we are the only country that has a stockpile of nuclear arsenal that can destroy this planet ten times over and still have some to spare.

Yes, we are the world's only REAL Super Power in ARMS. So what are we doing with this DEAD and useless stock of munitions that we cannot use anyhow. If we intend to enjoy our status on this planet, much less live here indefinitely?

Today we are talking about setting up a Missile Deterrent scanner and first response threat reactor in Europe.

As I see it, to deter whom?

* Is this deterrent going to stop Al Qaeda from seeking deadly weapons now or in the future?

And if Al Qaeda is able to get hold of any such weapons.

* How are we or the Super powers going to know when, where, or how they will use this or those weapons?

Come 2008, a new political administrator will obtain The White House. He or she will be at the mercy of his or her party's dictates about the two wars inherited. And the same decisions this current administration faces, he or she will face then.

* Are we going to continue the same political frivolities, petty squabbles, and rancor once more?

* Are we ( I mean the two parties), going to engage in TRUE bi-partisan co-operation in deciding how to leave Iraq and Afghanistan, without having to say we are so sorry, but we must go now!

Meanwhile, the Creme-De-La Creme or our young people, potential leaders of tomorrow, die by the thousands every day in these two wars. Thus robing this nation and the international community of leadership it so desperately needs in the future.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Some Misconceptions About Elected Officials:

June 17-2007:

The Mis-conceived View Of Meeting With Elected Officials:

I have been trained as an Advocate. I also attended several meetings with our elected officials, at the State, Local, and Federal levels.

And here are my observations:

* Most elected officials will not meet with advocates or constituents. They very often refer you to their Staff Officer.

* This refusal is based on several factors.

* Some elected officials say they are too busy with officials to meet 'face-to-face' with every constituent of advocate.

* Some say that it is best for the advocate to document their case or issues, and hand them to the Staff Officer at the respective office.

And wait for a call to an interview or appointment. (Which hardly ever comes).

* And most elected officials will hardly accommodate an advocate if he or she is not from their district.

* This conflicts with the understanding that all Americans or constituents are eligible for representation, regardless of whether they voted or not, for any elected official!

* Furthermore, I have found that most elected officials will make time, for any monetary or financial supporter to their campaign, if he or she needs to meet with them.


The Internet is one of the ways to avoid this waste of time, money, and aggravation.

Sending faxes, and making telephone calls about urgent Bills that need to be addressed, are also another avenue to connect with elected officials.

And removing from elected office, any official who has failed to live up to promises, or the prescribed standards of integrity, availability, transparency, and delivery!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

WORD-UP Bulletin Scroll-#3


Thought For Today!

A Car or any other road worthy Vehicle is not so, without an ENGINE.
And an Engine that does not work as it should, is USELESS to the Car or Vehicle.
Therefore, a Car or any vehicle cannot be so identified, if it does not have an engine that works!
Without an ENGINE, that vehicle is just another piece of scrap metal.
What is Sufism?
A Sufi is one who is a Lover Of Truth:
Therefore, in Sufism it is said that, "Those who are inclined towards the hereafter, cannot pay attention to the material world."
Likewise, those who are involved in the material world, cannot concern themselves with the hereafter.
But the Sufi, (because of Love' s jealousy), is unable to attend to either of these worlds."
And one who dies for the Love Of The Truth, dies a Sufi."
It is also said that SUFISM is the Philosophical or Ideological interpretation of Islam.
June 14-2007:
Thrill Seeking Youths:
* In America it is Surfing the Big Waves in Hawaii, California, or anywhere it can be found:
* Smoking Meth, Trees, Crack, Glue, and other substances: And Bungy Jumping!
* In Mexico, it is the Big jump down a drop, from about 50 ft atop a cliff in Acapulco:
* Now in South Africa today, youths ride the roof of fast moving trains, dodging high voltage lines overhead, (hundreds have already died from shock, and other injuries sustained therefrom):
Where or what will be the next Thrill Seeking Venture?

Brother Against Brother!
When the US invaded Iraq & Afghanistan, the Sunni sect of Islam was in danger of losing their privileged place in the internal politics in those countries. In Afghanistan it was the 'Pashtunes,' and in Iraq it was the Sunnis' under Saddam.
So now that the Shia majority has won more seats in the Iraqi Parliament, and is now the ruling majority sect in that country, much to the dis-appointment of the US administration in the White House.
The same could be said of Fatah & Hamas. Hamas is viewed a terrorist by the US & her allies. And Fatah is viewed as more moderate, and easier to manipulate.
So now that Fatah & Hamas elements are killing each other for power, this undermines the influence that the US and her allies could weave, under these circumstances.
June 15-2007:
With the recent military battles between Hamas & Fatha security personnel and supporters. The current terrirorial gains are as follows.
* The Fatah Party is now the sole authority in the East Of Gaza:
*And The Hamas Party is the sole authority in the West of Gaza.
The power struggle continues:
June 13-2007:
Could Pedophiles Be Cured?
In this culture (The USA), sexual intercourse with someone at age 16 years or younger, is punisherable under the law. In other cultures the age of a minor is sometimes 13-14-12- or even 11.
So if we confine our discourse to the USA's concept of a minor, then we would have to say that anyone with such desires (sexually), would have to restrain himself or herself from acting on those desires.
But restraint will not remove the desire for Older or Younger men or women sexually either! So by and large, society determines the age group, that is deemed mature enough for consensual sexual intercourse!

June 13-2007:
The Puerto Rican Day Parade Had 208 Arrests!
Yes, this year the Police arrested 208 participants or onlookers, at the above parade. This seem to be the usual trend in most mass parades in new York City.
What these individuals from every culture must realize, is that these parades are a reflection of the culture of the said region or country that these participants come from.
So when situations like this happens, it reflects BADLY upon those cultures or countries, that wanted to advertise or sell their cultural values via these parades.
So let us REMEMBER always, to be mindful of our conduct in public, and at these public parades or events.
June 12-2007:
Pakistani Cricket Coach Died From Natural Causes!
The BBC announced today that the Pakistani Cricket Coach that was assumed murdered via strangulation in his hotel room in Jamaica, was now contradicted by Scotland Yard's forensics.
It was found viz Xray scanning of the collar or neck bone, that the deceased was never strangled, because the bone was intact and has no signs of breakage. Thus ruling out the previous allegation of murder by strangulation, by the Jamaican Police authorities prior to this investigation.
It is now assumed that the cricket coach probably died from a heart attack, triggered from his diabetes!
June 11-2007:
The US Three Branches Of Government Seem To Have Lost The Original Intent!


Under the George W. Bush administration the three branches of the US government was made irrelevant. For example:
* George W. Bush was able to get his National Security people to wiretap telephones without the legislated procedure for a Court Order:
* His administration was able to appoint an Attorney General who was able to create A national Security Bill, that literally infringes upon all Americans' Civil Liberties/Civil Rights of The Freedom Of Information Act, Communication, and Confidentiality, with impunity:
* His appointed US Attorney General (Gonsales), was also able to manipulate and dismiss Federal Attorneys under some technicality, with a political intent behind that decision:
* The G W. Bush administration was also able to extricate foreign nationals under the guise of suspected terrorists, and bring them to the US facility at Gyantanamo Bay. Therein, hold these suspects for years, without giving them the right to consult with an attorney:
* George W. Bush was able to persuade, coerce, and fool the US House & Senate at making the case for war with Afghanistan and Iraq, with circumstantial, or little or no evidence to substantiate some nuclear or mass terrorist threat to the US and her allies:
In fact, George W. Bush was the first president to assume total dictatorship of the political administration in Washington DC, with the full co-operation of both houses and the American people.
June 10-2007:
Bacteria & Dormant Viruses Within The Human Body:
Do you know that the human body has certain bacteria that lies dormant. These bacteria can kill the host, if the climate external to the body becomes just right, to trigger that reaction.
Then, the bacteria becomes an internal killer immediately, to the body hosting it.
Our bodies have those viruses or bacteria:
* Remember HIV that causes AIDS:
* Remember EBOLA:
* Remember the FLU that killed millions during the first world War period:
Rest assured, that if our current climatic changes continue in the same pace, such bacteria or internal human viruses will eventually become our worst enemy from within us all:

June 10-2007:
Religion & Religous Beliefs:
I feel that religion has been the source of all mis-understanding about behavior, beliefs, sexuality, gender differences, attraction, and sexual preferences.
Because ever since the birth of established or institutional religions, the promoters of those religious beliefs and doctrines, have used it to arbitrarily coerce, dictate, moralize, and legislate human behavior in all its' facets.
June 08-2007:
Immigration Bill Is Pulled from Senate Floor!

The new immigration Bill that was introduced by Senator Kennedy, discussed, contested, probed and sometimes caused heated debates, is now withdrown from the Senate floor.
Yes, the US senate is still not yet ready to come up with an Immigration Bill that would satisfy all or most of its' contenders.
Now we are back to the beginning!
* Will there ever going to be an approved 'Immigration Bill' soon?
This may only happen if the Democrats get the majority in the House & Senate come elections in 2008.
Until then, don't hold your breadth.

The Lion King-Broadway's Vintage Musical-Has Debut In South Africa:
Yes, "The Lion King" has taken on a new face. Its' cast are all South Africans. But the story line remains the same.
For the first time since its' American debut, the Lion King is now viewed by South Africans.
It has come home to roost on the soil that it pays homage to.
Om Shanti.

June 07-2007:
G-8 Sunnit Committed To Cutting Greenhouse Gases By 50% by The Year 2012.

SIX Developed Countries committed themselves to cut Greenhouse Gases by 50% by the year 2012.
The US is still to make a final commitment to this deal.
This group of hypocrites (The G-8 Summit), has made promises before, but has never really fezzed-up to any of them. Most claim because of States internal economic changes and realities, may have influenced their priorities.
However, George W. Bush & Tony Blair, will soon be out of office, and all those promises may never see fruition!
Saudi Prince & former Ambassador to Washington DC ( Bandar-Bin-Sultan), received millions of dollars as 'Kick-Back' for his handling the deal between the UK & Saudi Arabia's arms supplies.

June 07-2007:
US Passport Needed For Travelling To Canada-Mexico & The Caribbean!
US nationals must now pay $60.00 (US dollars) for a US passport to travel to Canada-Mexico & The Caribbean.
The process after applying for the passport officially, may take about four weeks to acquire!
No more US Driver's Licenses can be used for travelling to those destinations.

Friday, June 08, 2007

The War On Terror In Afghanistan In 2007!

June 08-2007:

The Current Socio-political & Military Climate In Afghanistan-2007:

This is an insight into the above scenario that exists today in Afghanistan, as seen personally by a journalist who has been there three times already, and is now writing for Playboy magazine.

* Kabul and other major cities looks like it is a thriving Capitalist economy. Apart from the incidental suicide bombers.

* Most of the Southern part of the country is ruled or administered by the former Warlords, who are still harvesting the poppy to furnish their militaristic ventures, enrich themselves, purchase weapons, and pay bribes to their sources in the Central Government in Kabul.

* And they are continuing to aid the emerging Taliban Islamists in their quest to regain that country's sovereignty.

What the US & her allies in Afghanistan is telling the world with regard to making Democracy work there, is totally untrue. Because there are some elements within the Hamid Karzi administration that secretly talks about making amends with the Taliban. With the desire of in-corporating them into the political administration of the country.

Most Afghans are wary of the Americans who conduct raids at the wee hours of the morning, brake into their homes, search their women and menfolks alike, invade the privacy of their women, and the wives of these men, which by tradition is never allowed by strangers. Least of all infidels!

Where Is Asama-Bin Laden?

Asama-Bin Laden was never found because he still have the support and sympathy of many in the Pakistani Secret Service, and bordering villages close to Afghanistan. Many of these people feel that Bin Laden is fighting those that make war on Islam, and Moslems generally. So they would support anyone or any organization that fights the infidels like the USA & her allies, in this regard.

So under these circumstances the USA will never be able to capture or kill Asama-Bin Laden, if they cannot get the full support of the ICI, and the Pakistani natives on the ground in those suspected villages or border townships.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Why Separate The Sexes In Some Cultures?

June 05-2007:

Why Separate The Sexes In Some Cultures?

I have often wondered who decided, or in which culture the decision was made to separate the sexes or gender among them. Especially when it comes to decision making that impacts the tribe, village, community, or state? It seems like gender separation has been with humans for as long as I can recall. And I will not rest until I am able to understand the rationale or futility of this decision!

For example, early societies had some aspect of gender separation. The indigenous peoples/nations of America had their womenfolk make decisions about who to select as the nation's chief. But when it came to discussing plans for warfare or defense of the nation. It was the males who summoned and held a pow-wow of the chiefs in this regard. The womenfolk was not allowed to go in battle either, but was allowed to defend the camp when or if it is attacked.
In some or most Asiatic and Oriental countries, the women have to walk a few paces or steps behind her husband in public.

Is never allowed to discuss politics in public with men. And is relegated to household duties, and child bearing, as tradition expects her to do! This aspect is slowly changing in some of those countries or regions currently. Under Islamic rule, the woman is not allowed to become a political representative, discuss or get involved in such discussions in public either. She is also not allowed to mix and mingle with her husband's invited guests at home either.

But to serve them socially, then disappear from that scene as soon as possible. Less she be seen as interfering in her husband's affairs. Islamic, Jewish, and Hindu women sit separately in Mosques, Masjids, and in any public place or gathering where men are. That is the societal expectation of them, and is decreed under Islam!

Western Christian Oriented Societies' Position:

In most western or Christian oriented cultures, women are not so partitioned. Women generally in these societies are seen as equals to their menfolk. At least under the law. Even though there are certain disparities generally in employment, promotional opportunities, property ownership rights, adoption, and education. But by and large, the rigid separation of the sexes in public places are almost non-existent in these cultures. Women can vote, seek public office, indulge in political discussions with men openly, and privately, and seek for the annulment of any marriage that becomes dis-functional.


Sometimes I wonder if this traditional societal separation of women from men socially, have caused the inherent anger, lust, fear, and insecurities that so many Moslem, Jewish, and Asiatic men seem to exhibit. When it comes to allowing women to choose their own dress code, political orientation and involvement, husbands, social gatherings, and marriage decisions?

And just maybe, the reasons why some Moslem men take several wives as decreed by the prophet Mohammed. Is because of the lack of natural socialization of the sexes in childhood, discovery and exploration during puberty, sexual and anatomical education and discussions that are vital to establishing, communication, and respect for women!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

How Does One Identify A Transgender Person In Public?

June 03-2007:

How Does One Identify A Transgender Person In Public?

I have heard several Transgender persons claim that they are very often lumped in the category of Gay or Homosexual men. And this can be very difficult for them to meet fellow Transgenders for love, relationships, or even friendship. Some also claim that accessing medical services at hospitals, clinics, and private medical doctors, are also very troubling for them. Because many medical doctors (male and female alike), do not want to deal with them. And filling out the traditional forms for such service still carry the heterosexual categories of Male and Female. And does not cater to Transgenders as another category.

How Do You Recognize A Tansgender Person In Public?

Some Transgenders in transition, may have acquired some amount of Hormonal IV therapy, causing the development of their breasts, hips, and overall shape. But most of them still look like MEN or Gay men.

Others who underwent the total transformation or gender transformation, still have semblance of the male or female accent or voice hitherto the change. And this puzzles most people in determining who or what they are, and how to address these individuals personally.

* Do you refer to someone who may or may not look male or female, Mister or Misses?

* And if you are able to recognize some physical changes or alterations in the physical structure of the individual, how do you refer to them by gender?

* And how many people would ever consider asking that person how does he or she want to be addressed?

These are troubling questions for society generally. And Transgenders or those who have taken the total transformation, must realize, that mainstream society will always be guided by the traditional concept of Male and Female identity. And until there is a RECOGNIZEABLE way in which the layman, laywoman, or society generally, can determine what to look for, or generally accept as a GENDER category.

The traditional category of (Male and Female), will always be used as the criteria for determining gender, and possibly sexual preferences!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Some People Are FATALISTIC By Nature!


The quarantined Greek national (Andrew Speaker), who is carrying a fatal and contagious strain of Tuberculosis (XDR-TB), is now in a state prison-medical facility in Denver-Colorado.

He never surrendered himself to the authorities when told that his disease is contagious, and fatal to those who may become infected after dealing with him.
However, his wife chose not to wear a face mask, which is suggested to both of them, to prevent the oral spread via speaking, to anyone in close proximity.

This act is tantamount to those who chose to have anal or vaginal sexual intercourse (without a Condom), after knowing of the possible danger of infection of the HIV virus.

Some people are fatalistic by nature, or just plain DUMB.
