Sunday, October 28, 2007

Will It Be Hillary Clinton Or Barack Obama In 2008?

October 28-2007:

Harlem Blacks Prefer Hillary Clinton As The Next Presidential Choice?


A recent poll was taken in Harlem from the Black community there. It revealed that Blacks felt that Senator Barack Obama is not yet fully qualified to sit in the White House. Nor has he done anything to convince Black Americans that he has their interests at heart.

And the majority (according to the poll), supports Senator Hillary Clinton as the preferred Democratic candidate for the presidency in 2008.

Well, I dare say. If this is an indication of the thinking of Black Americans towards someone who has dared the status quo, to step forward and challenge the right to run for that office.

* Someone who is American by every stretch of the imagination and identity.

* Someone who is better qualified on the current Democratic ticket to run for the nation's highest office at this time.

* And someone who is a reflection of what this nation and culture has purported from it's inception.
That all are equal under the constitution.

Should be so evaluated as not 'fully qualified to represent them,' a fraction of the entire populace of this country.

Does Hillary Clinton qualify to be that choice. A one time First Lady, who after learning that her husband and sitting president, indulged in behavior un-becoming, for someone in his position, and the office that he represents. Still clung to him, while he lied to the Congress about this act, even though it was found to be so.

Is this the person that all Americans would like or prefer to sit in the White House as President come the next elections?

I hope that whatever decision Americans make at the forthcoming Democratic Convention in 2008, that whatever the democratic choice is, will not come back to haunt them. Like George W. Bush's supporters after his second landslide victory, as he continued to disregard the Congress, and all Americans.


October 26-2007:


California's Wild Fire Disaster:

"There were Mercedes and Jaguars pulling out, people evacuating, and the migrants were still working."

ENRIQUE MORONES, who helps immigrants in Southern California, discussing illegal immigrants left to fend for themselves in the wildfires.


Internet Connection Tax Held Off for A Few More Years!

Christopher Blanc writes "The ban on taxing Internet connections was set to expire at the end of October, but thankfully the US Congress has acted. Last night, a Senate bill was passed that extends the 1998 Internet Tax Freedom Act for seven more years.

There are still some details to work out (the House's bill only extends it for four years), but it's clear both houses of Congress are looking to keep taxes out of the picture for the near future. 'Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) is excited at the prospect that Americans will be able to continue filing the tubes of the Internet tax-free.

"The Internet has provided a powerful economic boost to our nation, and has become an important everyday tool for millions of Americans," said the senator.

"By keeping Internet access tax-free and affordable, Congress can encourage Internet use for distance learning, telemedicine, commerce and other important services."'"



Total Self Reliance Or Death:

Iran and Iranians are saying that these added sanctions that the US administration is advocating for, is nothing new. They have had sanctions for the last 28 years placed against their country, and they have managed to survive.

This time around it will be much harder, but Iranians are supporting their government on the PRINCIPLE that is at stake here.

* Iran as an Independent Sovereign Country, has the right to determine it's own future.

* And if having NUCLEAR supplied Electricity is going to provide this much needed commodity, for an ever growing population.

That is in need of this energy to supply a growing population of consumers, for this commodity. To allow for internal economic growth in that economy.

Then let is be so, and DAM the US and the rest of the world, that feel Iran is not yet matured enough to stop using Kerosine lamps, and Candles for electricity.



October 24-2007:


California's Fire Disaster!

San Diego, Santa Barbara, & Santa Monica are all Rich White Suburban neighborhoods.

So the response from George W. Bush, his supposed concern for their safety, and his intention to provide Federal funds for the displaced expeditiously.

This comes as no surprise to The Communities Of Color in New Orleans, and Louisiana victims of Hurricane Katrina's devastation.

It just goes to show what George W. Bush consider his priority in this national disaster.


October 23-2007:

Out-sourcing vs In-sourcing!

Here in the USA, there is national controversy about immigrants taking jobs locally, and causing a situation where US nationals cannot earn a living wage.

But Germany today, is contemplating a system to encourage immigrants who are specially qualified in computer programming, engineering, etc, to be allowed entry, to work for companies that cannot find these skills locally. And other EU countries that need such skills may also provide a special Blue Card (a similar Green Card) Work Permit for these immigrants.

Not all EU countries are in agreement with this idea though!


Friday, October 26, 2007

Total Self Reliance Or Death:

October 26-2007:


Total Self Reliance Or Death:

Iran and Iranians are saying that these added sanctions that the US administration is advocating for, is nothing new. They have had sanctions for the last 28 years placed against their country, and they have managed to survive.

This time around it will be much harder, but Iranians are supporting their government on the PRINCIPLE that is at stake here.

* Iran as an Independent Sovereign Country, has the right to determine it's own future.

* And if having NUCLEAR supplied Electricity is going to provide this much needed commodity, for an ever growing population.

That is in need of this energy to supply a growing population of consumers, for this commodity. To allow for internal economic growth in that economy.

Then let is be so, and DAM the US and the rest of the world, that feel Iran is not yet matured enough to stop using Kerosine lamps, and Candles for electricity.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The US Navy Armada Is Set For War With Iran:

October 23-2007:


The US Military Armada Is Already Set Up For War With Iran!

According to the I.A.E.A inspectors, Iran does not currently have any means to develop nuclear weapons. And according to these inspectors, does not indicate in any way, the intent to do so.

This information and verification is not believed by the George W. Bush administration, and it's Saber Rattlers. The George W. Bush administration in Washington is preparing to launch military strikes against Iran in the very near future. All indications to this end can be verified by the following:

* Total surveillance and posture in Iranian waters by US military aircraft carriers:

* Incursions of British and American under cover military operatives into Iranian territory:

* The Pre-emptive Act that the Bush administration uses, to determine any military attack on any state or region they see as a threat to the US interests.

The Iranian people are aware of these threats, and are prepared to defend their country should this become a reality!


Do not be surprised when the local media declares, that war with Iran has just begun, with military strikes against certain targets therein.

This possibility is VERY REAL indeed. So take warning all those who are concerned for this looming crisis, and World War-3.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Just Another Form Of Handout:

October 15-2007:


Students Are Rewarded For Passing The AP High School Exams:
Yes, in New York City a private donor is offering students the following rate of financial incentives for passing the High School AP exams.

These rates are as follows:

* Score#3. $500.00 dollars:
* Score# 4. $700.00 dollars:
* Score#5. $1,000.00 dollars.

Traditionally, it is believed that with diligent personal application, any student can pass his or her exams period. The motive for introducing tests or exams, is to ascertain the ability of students to recall their course work or lessons, on the subjects that they are being tested for.

So if you introduce financial incentives to encourage students to do what is vitally necessary for passing any exam. Then in fact you are telling those students, that failure has no monetary value.

But passing a test has a monetary value.

This incentive is directed to economically dis-enfranchised students in the school system.

I am appalled at any concept that give a money award as an incentive for success. It pre-supposes that personal resolve, application, and focus, is no longer necessary for achieving success at school.

And who knows just how this will be perceived by those students from poor economic backgrounds who are in college, or is desirous of going to college!

This to my mind, is just another form of BRIBERY!


Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Psychology Of The NOOSE:

October 14-2007"

The Psychology Of The NOOSE!

There seem to be a spate of intimidation acts in New York State, and other parts of the USA. Some of these intimidation acts are displayed in the form of 'Noose Hangings' at different locations. In some instances, indoors at Academic institutions, Police precincts, Navy ships and other locations. The concern for this recent upsurge of intimidation acts seem to bother the Black American communities.

Several public figures have voiced concern for these kinds of social, cultural, and historic threats to a certain ethnic community, (the Blacks), which reminds many of the co-called bygone days of LYNCHING or threats to Blacks during the 'Jim Crow' and Slave era in this country.

Keeping the concerns mentioned above in mind. Please allow me to give my perspective of this phenomena, and it's proper perspective.

Personally, I have no quarrel with anyone who feels like hanging a noose on his or her door, domain, premises, or street. With the intention to intimidate or frighten me or my family, into feeling that we or I should be frightened for our lives!

I also have no reason to fear any verbal aspersion or mention of any noose for me, should I not BEHAVE myself, according to some expected or prescribed manner either.

But I will give notice to anyone who intends to try such intimidation acts like hanging a noose in my view, or on my home or premises to be warned, that if or when such are directed to me or my family or home.

Then they had better watch out for me afterwards. Because that would be to my interpretation, a willful act to do me or mine personal injury or harm. And I am prepared to take whatever action/s necessary to protect myself and those of my family or personal property.

Furthermore, no amount of 'noose hangings' or burning of crosses could intimidate me whatsoever. Because I know that such actions are done by those who believe that such acts will 'BUGG' Blacks into feeling threatened. And by so doing, will give the perpetrator/s the feeling of GLEE or Satisfaction for his/her acts of ignorance, intimidation, or fear!


Friday, October 05, 2007

Asama Bin Laden's Christian Counterpart Advocates For War!

October 05-2007:

Asama Bin Laden's Christian Counterpart Advocates For War!

Another EVIL, Presumptuous, and Bigoted Religious personage, advocates publicly for a pre-emptive military strike against Iran, to prevent a nuclear strike against Israel or the USA.

Now, if that is not 'Terrorist War Mongering' pro-nouncements, what is?
These were the words spoken by pastor John Hagee, an Evangelical preacher and someone who calls himself a Christian. Another religious sensationalist who use the state of Israel as their platform for predicting some Armageddon in the future, according to Mr. Hagee and other evangelist's believers.

I have heard this kind of rhetoric before from many quarters. Adolph Hitler wanted to eliminate the Jews from Europe, and free that continent from that so-called plague. Asama Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein, Mussolini, Idi Amin, and many more war mongering and self-righteous world leaders.

Some used their own twist of history, some used religious interpretations, some used racist or ethnic means to justify their claim to prophecy.
This is all rhetoric that aim to muster support for, and incense the masses to their agenda. Which can only amount to one thing. And that thing is WAR-WAR- & more WARS worldwide!

Om Shanti.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

The Struggle For Freedom From Military Tyranny In Burma!

October 05-2007:

The Struggle For Freedon From Military Tyranny In Burma!

Let this be remembered as just one aspect of the struggles for FREEDOM from OPPRESSION, (both Internally and Externally), from those who feel that their way is the only way towards Liberty and Justice.

The attached SLIDE SHOW reveals the current Military Clamp Down, Brutality, and Brute Force, against the Burmese population.
In their quest for Freedom & Democracy-2007.

Om Shanti.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Qurantining HIV Positive In Indonesia?

October 02-2007:

EMBEDED-Quarantining Of HIV Positive People In The Indonesia?

The following article was taken from POZ magazine dated October-2007:

Title: Embedded:

Big Brother gets under your skin.

This past July, lawmakers in Indonesia Papua province proposed a bill allowing the government to use microchip implants to track people with HIV. A Department of Health computer would then monitor their every action and location, presumably to log their sexual activity and preempt transmission.

The idea follows a report co-sponsored by the US government, which found that the province, the most isolated and poorest in the nation, has an infection rate of 2.4 %, almost fifteen times the national average.
John Manansang, a member of parliament who spearheaded the proposal said, "some of the infected people experience a change of behavior, and can turn more aggressive, and would not think twice of infecting others.

The use of microchip implants is one way to monitor them. Microchipping and other tracking measures have long been proposed in many nations, including the US. "We are not animals who need to be tagged," Robert Sihombing , founder and co-ordinator of the Papuan HIV/AIDS support group, Jayapura Support Group (JSG), told POZ.

To become law, the bill must be approved by Papuan government officials, and face a public consultation.
Juliana Shulman.


This kind of quarantining was proposed by several officials in the Ronald Reagan administration, and the religious right, when HIV was discovered within the homosexual community in the 1980's. And strong advocacy, petitioning, and outrage was leveled against this climate of fear, ignorance, and bigotry. Thus far, these 'Holier Than Thou' elements were defeated at the get go, on this ridiculous attitude.

Today however, HIV is no longer perceived as a Gay or Homosexual disease. But a disease that has permeated all communities, and all genders within the USA and globally. Some countries ignored it until their population was ravaged to the core, like South Africa, New Guinea, the Congo, Uganda, and other African nations today.

I am appalled to learn that the US administration has had a hand in this proposal. And feel that it would be INHUMANE, HYPOCRITICAL, and UN-CIVILIZED, if this kind of HIV tracking is ever enacted by law in Indonesia. I can also see why this group was singled out for this kind of action.

They are the least informed about HIV, the least knowledgeable about their rights, the least able to advocate against this mentality, in a political system that is AUTOCRATIC, bigoted, and view some segments of their populations as disposable.

I strongly advocate that efforts be made diplomatically, and via the International Community on Human Rights, to fight this proposal, and ostracize Indonesia if this bill ever becomes law there.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Manhood & The Single Female Parent:

October 01-2007:

How Can I as A Single Mother Teach My Son How To Be A Man-Or About Manhood?

Today I heard the above question asked on the 'Talk Back' discussions, conducted by host 'Hugh Hamilton. And I was struck by this question so much, it induced me to write about some of my experiences growing up. Without a father at home, absent, non-existent, and clueless!

Why do so many Black and Latino young men are incarcerated at alarming rates. And continues to be incarcerated several times afterwards, for similar crimes, such as stealing, selling drugs, shop lifting, street fighting, gang banging, rapes, and burglary. This phenomenon has many facets to it, but some of the major reasons (to my mind), stem from the following:

* Lack of a male or father figure within the home.

* A father who is at home, but is abusive to his wife, or the son's mother, sisters, and brothers.

* A father who seduces his son, daughters, or drinks a lot, and becomes vociferously abusive to everyone in the home, aggressive, and verbally abusive.

* A father who has never contributed to the family's welfare, food pantry, clothing, or sometimes adequately providing for school clothing, or attending school activities or athletics that his son or daughter are a part of.

* A father who may have contributed financially during the years legally prescribed for 'child support,' but stopped after his son or daughter became of age or older in adolescence.

These are just some of the factors that influence the outcome of several male and female youths within the Black and Latino Communities Of Color. Thus leading to eventual arrests for stealing, crack smoking, crack selling, pimping, prostitution, gang membership violence, and high school drop outs.

Who is more qualified to nurture our male children towards manhood responsibilities?

I hear a lot today on radio, television, and other talk shows about The Black Churches lack of leadership to the communities they serve?
And I ask myself just how many Black and Latino families really visit those churches on a regular basis. And those who do, for what reasons?

And is it the church's responsibility to teach our children manners, civility, social responsibility, ambition, moral values, and respect for themselves and others? Have we forgotten how to raise our children with strong moral values, respect for self, family, community, and authority?

Do we expect the church to instill in our children the responsibility of paying taxes, saving something for a rainy day or some dire emergency, staying in school, applying ourselves diligently in order to acquire that diploma, certificate or degree?

These are just some glimpses of the problems that we face as a community, a family, and a people in this culture (the USA), and elsewhere!

So what do we do to correct some or all of these ills?

Firstly, I think we have got to return to the traditional basics like family values, family responsibilities, family ownership, and morality. The church is responsible for the spiritual guidance in understanding the Bible, Quran, Gita, Talmud, or Torah. We look to their experiences, knowledge, and understanding of those religious principles to guide us when we need some guidance, or explanation.

But mind you, everyone should also think for his or herself on spiritual matters. And make decisions based on sound judgements, convictions, and belief.

No one should force any child to become religious, or to convert to any religious doctrine or belief. And no one is to shun or castigate anyone for his or her dis-belief about a God, Allah, or the After Life, as per the Bible, the Quran, the Talmud, the Gita, or other religious doctrines. Parents both male and female must ensure that their child or children do their school home work, attend classes punctually, regularly, is fully rested at nights, by enforcing early curfew during puberty, and young adolescence.

Parents must cater to their children's questions about sex, sexual intercourse, gender identities, gender changes or alterations, sexual preferences, family formations, and adoptions.

If any or some of these areas are unclear, or is unable to be adequately addressed. Then it is the parent or parent's responsibility to refer his or her child to a library, the Internet, and other resources that could provide these much needed information and guidance to these enquiries. And most importantly, parents MUST admit ignorance of any issue, be it sexual identity, sexual preferences, or religious convictions to their children, if that is the case. And must also encourage individual opinion!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.