Monday, July 23, 2007

Is E-mail Becoming Passe?

July 23-2007:

Is E-Mail Becoming Passe?

I read a Blog today about the concerns of some youth who feel that e-mailing friends are a thing of the past. Some say Text Messaging is the way to go, and the future.

But is that really the case?

Hitherto Text Messaging, E-mail was regarded as the medium for sending and receiving large volumes of Text messages, pictures, employment applications, resumes, etc. Could text messaging do these things adequately?
I think not, for the following reasons.

* Not all users of the Internet can afford the cost of text messages.

* Not all Internet users indulge in incessant chatting with acquaintances and friends.

* And potential employers would still like to connect with potential employees via e-mail, because it is easier, quicker, and more realistic to their mode of communication and business.

* And I am sure most adults and seniors would prefer to have the ability to SPELL-OUT exactly what they want to say in text form. Than be limited to Telegram Style text messages.

However, Text Messaging may be the primary domain of youth, and those who indulge in incessant chats with friends, buddies, lovers, and mates. But e-mail still has a realistic role to play in the current Internet mode of global communication.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, July 20, 2007


July 19-2007:

Avoiding Endemic Pedophilia:

Some of the ways to AVOID the possibility for adult (male and female), child sexual encounters, or groping, are the following:

* Do not allow your husband to take a shower with your son (NAKED or NOT) together.

* Do not allow an Uncle or Brother to do so either with your son or daughter:

* Do not allow your son or daughter (who is a minor), to sleep over with strangers (PERIOD):

* Do not allow your son or daughter to confess to any priest or nun PERIOD. Remember pedophiles in the Churches are shielded by the church, PERIOD:

* Do not let anyone fondle or hold your baby, son or daughter in his or her arms who is a minor. Especially a total stranger:

Finally, always be watchful or vigilant with your son or daughter who may be very impressionable, too friendly to strangers, or tend to allow himself or herself to be hugged easily by a relative, friend, or anyone that the family holds as a friend.

July 18-2007:
A Transformer Explosion In New York City Today!

A Transformer exploded (according to the NYC police), between 43 St. & Lexington Ave. Manhattan-New York City. A fallen building is alledged to have been a victim of that explosion too.
Further reports will be made as they arrive at my desk!


When There is No Competition-There Is No Impetus or Efficiency:

Con Edison is the SOLE supplier of Electricity for New York State. Therefore, Con Ed does what it does, regardless of whether the consumers complain or not.

When there is no competition for goods and services, the consumer is at the Whims and Fancies of the Monopolist.

And Con Ed is having a field day with this non-competitive environment for electricity.

I hope New Yorkers would wake from their PERPETUAL SLUMBER, and start making waves BIG TIME for a change!



July 17-2007:

Won't You Come To My Sleep Over-Buddy:


The Democrats Are Having a Sleep Over Or Sleep In!

The Democratic party is having its' Congress members 'sleep in' to discuss and probably come to a solution and a date, for the removal of US troops from Iraq.

The Republicans are saying that this act, is tantamount to THEATRICALS.



July 16-2007:


Israels ILLEGAL Occupation Of Palestinian Lands:

Israeli Prime Minister Ahud Elmud has promised Palestinian President Machmood Abbas the release of 10,000 Palestinian prisoners, (called terrorists) immediately.

But in fact, Israel has 250,000 Palestinian prisoners held in their jails currently. This is a drop in the bucket, or a hypocritical gesture on the behalf of Israel.

How could you try to appease insurrection or opposition to Israel, if it continues to occupy, steal, and settle Israelis (ILLEGALLY) on Palestinian lands. So anyone who agitates, show opposition, refuse to allow this incursion and occupation from continuing, is not a terrorist, by a "FREEDOM FIGHTER."

And that is a FACT.

The USA & her Arab autocratic and monarchial dictatorship allies, does not appreciate what Hamas (the elected political Party in Palestine), is all about. But they support Fatah, because that party sucks up, cow-tows, and allows Israel to decide the future and fate of the Palestinian people.

All with the support of the US and her imperialist allies.


July 15-2007:

Presidential Constitutional Arrogance & Violation!


When the US Congress starts to act in accordance with the Constitutional guidelines for checks and balances. There would no longer be the decision to put Political interests above the Constitutional Rights of the commonweal.

If that situation could be resuscitated once more, true patriotism will be once again revitalized, in accordance with what Democracy is all about.

If the president sitting in the White House currently, blatantly violates his role, duties, and responsibilities, in order to further his own personal or acolytes agenda.

Then he must be made to account for these misgivings via a Congressional hearing!

This is the responsibility of Congress, regardless of which political party has the majority there!


Saturday, July 07, 2007

July 06-2007:

The Torturers Are Now The Tortured!
Three men were interviewed on BBC today, and told their stories as soldiers, who were ordered to torture Iraqi prisoners. And openly admitted that these orders were issued by The Pentagon.
One former soldier said, 'when you are Low Level rank, you are not expected to make moral judgements or question your orders.
Today these men are very troubled about what they have done, under those circumstances.
But admitted that it was not in their nature to torture or derive pleasure from so doing!
July 05-2007:
Finger Print Screening At US Airports-Suspect Terrorists & Felons Targeted!
If you have used or is using BOGUS US Passports, Driver's Licenses, or Birth Certificates to come into or leave the United States. BEWARE, currently all airports are scanning the FINGER PRINTS of ALL foreign nationals coming into or leaving all US airports for suspect terrorists, felons, or misdemeanors.
If your finger print is found to be a DIRTY ONE, (with respect to any of the above), then you might be repatriated to your homeland.
Current Facts!
Derryck. NYC.
Could Any Human Being Be Totally Contented Or Satisfied?
There is no human being on this planet that could make his or her spouse, friend, mate, or lover feel totally satisfied.
Because each individual has his or her own UNIQUE needs. And knows his or her desires totally. Because we were oriented to feel or believe that marriage, commitment, fidelity, and companionships based on LOVE, all our emotional, physical, and spiritual needs PHYSICALLY, would be provided for.
If anyone tells you that his or her marriage is TOTALLY satisfying Sexually and Spiritually. Call him or her A LIAR.
If enlightenment or total detachment from our physical self, needs wishes, fears, hopes, and expectations is achievable.
Then & only then will the human organism be TRULY AT PEACE & TOTALLY SATISFIED.
July 04-2007:
Misleading Information About Illegals:
I heard an official say on Lou Dobbs of (CNN) show today, the following:
* Most illegals in this country are low skilled, or have no skills:
* And they are costing the economy millions in social programs each year.
What programs are they accessing in all 50 of these United States?
And if an illegal alien is only able to see an emergency doctor at any hospital, but is not admitted therein without Legal Insurance Coverage, or is unable to pay the doctor's fees or prescription drugs that may be prescribed.
Then how can they be a burden on this economy, when they by and large, cannot enjoy the most BASIC of services, that even a Drug Addict or Bum on the street could access anytime?
And most of these illegal workers are PAYING the usual taxes like any Legal American worker MUST pay via his or her income!
This is an irresponsible view that is not thought through, and does not have any validation to it!

July 04-2007:
Is There "Intelligent" Life Somewhere Else In The Universe?

If you believe in The "Big Bang Theory." Then you may also believe in some form of intelligence.
However, intelligence is measured or was created by HUMANS. To measure the individual's ability to Think, Reason, and Comprehend things, and the world around him or her.
So if we are looking for intelligent life that looks like us on other planets. Then that may never be possible. Because any planet like ours must have OXYGEN & SUNLIGHT in the atmosphere, in order for life as we understand it to thrive there!
So to answer your question:
I will say that there is a possibility that there might be, but not in the shape and form of the human organism.
Indian Nationals Are The Suspects Of The Attempted Car Bombings!
The British Internal Security MI-5 has determined that the suspects of the recent attempted car bombs are of Indian descent, or Indian Nationals. Therefore, I feel caution aught to be considered by those who seek, or have Medical Doctors or Physicians from this Ethnic group, as their Primary Care Providers.
And especially with prescriptions received by this group. Especially those who are hospitalized and are visited by such doctors therein.
One Never Knows Who is Who Today With Terrorism!

China Exploits African Nations To Enrich Themselves?

The current trend between African countries and China, in allowing internal development and exploration of Africa's mineral resources for China's needs, is worth some serious scrutiny!
This may sound simply as 'go where you can access the raw materials.' But when China invests in Africa in factories, and other mineral extraction agreements, their own Chinese nationals are the bosses on the job in all of these factories.
Wages are small, and the African workers are exploited without any Unionized Industrial Organization to oversee the rights or these employees. Thus allowing the Chinese bosses to hire and fire workers whenever they refuse to do whatever they are told on the job. Regardless of the industrial hazards inherent in most of these enterprises, and the health risks for workers.
The wealth however, of this kind of internal development in Africa, aided by China, benefits the government and Bureaucratic officials, who are engaged in the making of these agreements with China!
July 02-2007:
The Schuder Libby's Debacle!
Remember when Bill Clinton was about to leave office, he pardoned several officials that worked with him. Many of whom were implicated in the Monica Lawinsky's case.
Therefore, now that G W. Bush in about to leave that same office, it should be no surprise to anyone, about his wanting to alleviate some of the legal retribution that was imposed upon Schuder Libby at his sentencing.
That is politics for you (Plain & Simple):
July 01-2007:
CNN reported today:
The "JENA-Louisiana SIX Teens" that Are Facing LIFE Imprisonment In Louisiana, by an ALL WHITE JURY!
For engaging in a fight at their High School, causing a White student victim serious harm.
None of these kids have any record of arrests or incarceration.
ACTION MUST be taken by the FBI, and Advocates to their Congress Reps, and Senators, to investigate the allegations of manslaughter changes against these SIX children in Louisiana NOW:
The father of these six boys were interviewed on TV by Paula Zahn, and was unable to clearly explain the decision that his boys took, on refusing to take a Plea Bargain!
However, this case will ultimately be taken to a Court Of Appeal, so that JUSTICE could be properly exercised!
June 30-2007:
Technological Advancement Today!
Do you know that technology has been moving by leaps and bounds, and reminding us that fifty years hitherto, we were still using Typewriters, Cable & Wireless, Telegrams, and Morse codes.
Those of us who are computer savvy today in its' programming, and operations, will have offspring who will inherit this know how via the genes.
So that they and their offspring will be much greater at learning and understanding this technology, come two or three generations later.
That is the speed at which the human organism on the planet is progressing in brain power.
June 29-2007
Current Position On Global Warninng!
Scientisis and seismicologists predict that if humans continue to POLLUTE the earth's atmosphere in the current manner and rate.
There would be a severe increase in the affects of Global Warming.
For example, more Floods/Tsunamis,' Earthquakes, Droughts, and Hurricanes worldwide.
Some say this is DOOMS DAY fatalism. But I say vehemently, that this information is as TRUE as it gets.

June 29-2007

The Easiest Way To Be Rid Of Any Stalker Online Is The Following:

* BLOCK any address or domain that this stalker sends mail from.
* BLOCK all e-mails coming into you account or accounts that this stalker knows about.
* DELETE his or her name from all of your address books.
* Including ALL messenger programs.
It works EVERYTIME for me (Trust Me).
Even Moderators of Yahoo groups can be STALKERS sometimes.
They also use other group members' e-mail addresses to send you SPAM, or hassle you!

June 29-2007
Apples' I-PHONE Gadget-2007!
This gadget is supposed to contain technology that would allow the user to listen to, download and play music, access e-mail, watch video and TV, and telephone service.
It was launched today (June 29-2007), with a queue as long as ten blocks, from around 4.00am today.
The price tag is $500.00 (five hundred dollars).
If A Woman Walks NAKED-Is She Asking To Be Raped?
It depends on where she chose to walk naked.
If it is in her family's domain, that may not be possible.
But to walk or streak naked in PUBLIC domain, is asking for trouble, least of all, a raping!
However, raping anyone for walking naked on the streets, or parks, in full view of the public, is no license for rape.
That person may be mentally challenged or impaired, for all we know.
June 28-2007:
American & Oxford Style Grammar Differs Greatly:

If ENGLISH is a second language for you, then that might be one of the reasons why some people spell incorrectly.
Also, the Internet CHAT programs and users seem, to feel that if you cannot use the current abrev. Or short word answers, you are not with it.
But I never use that language regardless of whether I am chatting or not!
Finally, The Oxford English speaking people of the UK and her former colonies, use the Cambridge Style Grammar.
For example:
Americans spell these words differently:
* Checks- meaning checks used instead of money, or checks and balances.
* The Oxford & Cambridge English spell it this way:
* Cheque-meaning the document used in place of currency.
And CHECK-meaning to check on someone.
And if you are writing an exam in England, you had better familiarize yourself with Oxford Grammar, and not use American English there.
Because you are likely to fail that English Exam or Test, if you write in the American style grammar.
Some Things Come To Us Naturally!
I saw report on Belgium TV tonight about the floods in California. And I saw Gov. Arnold inspecting the debris and devastation.
However, what I found so amusing was when he stooped and picked up a "BAR Bell" from the rubble!
Then I said to myself, was it FORCE OF HABIT that propelled him to do that?

Some Things Never Change!