Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prisons With & Without Walls Defined!

November 15-2009"

Prisons With & Without Walls Defined!

There are three types of prisons.

* The fenced in type of prison (with walls all around).

* Those under House Arrest.

* And prisons that are located on Islands, surrounded by the ocean, infested with sharks or sever currents.

All of the above prison categories inhibits the freedom and personal liberty and movements of those incarcerated. They are designed to inflict or impose restrictions on the incarcerated, in an attempt to punish, belittle, and de-humanize him/her to the point of feeling depressed, suicidal, or becoming mentally insane.

Prisons are not designed to rehabilitate anyone. That is a historic fallacy, which the results of incarcerations hitherto, have refuted globally.

Do Prisoners Have Any Civil Rights?

The penitentiary is a place where the convicted are placed to ensure that he/she pays a Penal price as jurisprudence dictates. During the internship, he/she is subjected to the rules and regulations of that prison or jail, and is expected to follow all instructions when ordered to do so.

Failing to comply with the prison's regulations/orders, he/she will be punished according to prison rules of punishment/compliance. Some or most modern prisons, (especially in the developed countries), have basic in house health care or infirmaries to attend to certain minor injuries for inmates and staff alike.

Any major injury experienced by an prisoner that the infirmary cannot deal with. Such prisoner/s will be taken (under escort), to an external facility for medical assistance.

Productive Work & Educational Facilities:

Most modern prisons have educational study groups/programs, and work assignments for all prisoners who care to access them. I presume that these services are not mandatory, except as punishment like building roads and bridges on prison assignments, or braking bricks at a stone quarry.

Post Incarceration Preparation:

Some prisons provide some basic educational preparatory skills for prisoners. Like the GED diploma, and other practical skills like masonry, carpentry, screen printing, art, public speaking, and anger management.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Friday, November 13, 2009

CNN & Lou Dobbs Departure!

November 13-2009:

CNN & Lou Dobbs Departure!

Lou Dobbs, a former CNN anchor and self appointed advocate for the Middle Class in America, became a household topic for discussion, in many quarters.

He also started a rhetorical tirade in recent years against his (so-called Illegal Aliens witch hunt). And this attitude was never received favorably, by most traditional CNN viewers, because it contradicted the very core values all Americans share and believe in, as a nation. Considering that this is a land of Immigrants.

And most immigrants to the USA, have some relative or friend that came here illegally. That is a fact of life here, and must never be used to gain political advantage, or create division within this society.

So Lou Dobbs' tirades against Immigrants (illegal or Not) conflicts with this national creed and belief.

Therefore, I presume that the management of CNN, in light with current political reality, cannot allow one of their anchors, to cause them to loose viewers, business, or be placed in the category of a media that encourages division in this society, like their sister FOX Noise/opinion, which masquerades as a news outlet.


Monday, November 09, 2009

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall's 20 Th Anniversary!

November 09-2009:

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall's 20TH Anniversary!

As the world watches and celebrates with the Germans, their 20Th anniversary of the accursed wall. Let us reflect for a while the history behind such walls, and how very difficult the people who were so divided is still unable (by and large), to fully overcome those that division mentally and psychologically, years after the wall that divided them came down.

Why Walls Are Unable To Create Security:

Walls historically were used to keep people in, like China under their ancient Emperors. To protect from invaders, like most western civilizations used to protect their peoples from invading armies. And what the Israeli government is using today (as they say), to prevent incursions of terrorists into their homeland.

Can Walls Truly Protect Any Culture?

The answer to this question is NO. All walls ancient or modern, had their flaws.

* Some were breached with help from within.

* Some walls were breached from underground tunnels.

* Some walls were destroyed by cannon fire.

* Others came down by the very same people it was built to prevent people from escaping to the outside.

Germany is a case in point!

After The Fall Of Any Barrier-What Happens?

Germany today is still divided mentally in many ways. Some of those who lived in the Eastern side before the wall fell, still hold memories of the days when jobs were secured, education was secured, and housing was secured. As long as you adhered to communist rules, indoctrination, and the lack of personal freedom to travel or express yourself.

Some still feel that they would rather have that system, than live in this current one of social and economic uncertainty, and in-equality.

However, these views are shared mostly by the older (over 30 thirties) generation, because most of them were either too old to make use of the opportunities that came with the fall, or refused to integrate or take those new economic, educational, and social opportunities, that came with the re-unification.


Friday, November 06, 2009

Retribution & Death Comes Home To Roost:

November 06-2009:

Retribution & Death Comes Home To Roost:

God Is Great, shouted Nidal Malik Hasan a US Psycho therapist Captain, based in Fort Hood-Texas. Just before he started firing his two hand guns, in a close area or space, where military families and soldiers sought medical assistance and other related medical assistance on that base.

The killer was able to kill that many people because his weapon was an automatic firearm, and in such a densely populated and enclose space, there was no difficulty to get as many victims as possible, before he was put down by the security personnel there.

Some are wondering WHY did he do it?

This cry of surprise was voiced several times before in America, whenever such killings happen, even though this one is unique, but the history is similar.

America is an occupier of two Moslem oriented countries. We are fighting and killing thousands of Muslims in Iraq & Afghanistan on a daily basis. The people in those regions are not too concerned about our reason/s for being there, all they see are foreigners, who are from a Christian hemisphere, killing Moslems brothers and sisters, while in occupation of their countries.

Under Islam, their is a Hadith that says, when fellow Muslims are in trouble, or are being victimized, all Muslims are obliged to come to their aid or rescue. Because it is perceived that any aggression towards Muslims anywhere, is an aggression to Muslims everywhere!

That is the concept or perception of every Muslim, who elects to indulge in some suicide or Jihad murder or killing, in sympathy with his fellow Muslim brothers and sisters.

Westerners & Christian Oriented Countries Must Acknowledge this reality, if they intend to deal with the Islamic world, and Muslims generally.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Who Are America's Middle Class?

November 05-2009:

Who Are America's Middle Class?

The Traditional Middle Class:

These were the people who occupied the level that was identifiable and achievable, like the following.

* Factory and Industrial manufacturing workers who earned above average income per week or month.

* Was able to save and provide the funds for their children to attend college.

* Was able to plan for a vacation every year, save for retirement.

* Pay or get a mortgage for the acquisition of their own home.

* Own their own car or family vehicle, for personal use or transportation.

The New Middle Class:

These are the new White Collar professional and Commercial elites that tend to be employed in large Banking Institutions, Insurance Companies that transcend regional and global boundaries, Traders, Brokers, and Wall Street Investors.

* These people earn very large salaries, and enormous bonuses or commissions, for their clever and sometimes very risky investments and dealings.

* Most own several homes, yachts, travel extensively abroad on business or for pleasure, indulge their insatiable appetites for pleasure, and snob those who earn much less than they do, most of the time.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

President Obama-This Is What We Expect From You!

November 03-2009:

President Obama-This Is What We Expect From You!

Today or tonight, the Democrats will see clearly how they are doing in Virginia, New Jersey, New York City & New York State elections.

This is a referendum on the Democrat's Representatives in those areas.

But in the eyes of most of your Young, Older, and First Time voters, this is also a referendum on Barack Obama's ability or inability to STAY THE COURSE, and TRULY deliver on his promises.

For example:

* Firstly, You promised to end the war in Iraq. That war is still happening, and our troops are getting back into combat therein, because the Iraqi government cannot maintain National Security.

Meanwhile, we are hoping that you bring all combat troops home as stated.

* Secondly, We expect you to STAND UP to Israel, like A Leader, and The President of The United States.

But what we are seeing is the president cowering or 'Cow Towing' to Prime Minister Nethanyahu's obstinacy against settlement building cessation.

* Thirdly, you have removed the Ban for HIV visitors to the US shores. But can any HIV infected person get Legal Residence Status while here? That is still not yet clarified or mentioned?

* Fourthly, unemployment is 29% nationally. Millions are out of work, and still cannot see any prospects for employment on a permanent basis anytime soon either.

* Finally, the bailed out Banking Institutions, and the Wall Street Investors are dancing the 'Hoolah.' While the rest of us are loosing our homes, cannot pay our rents, and are homeless, or will become homeless very soon!

So Mr. President, have you forgotten who you are supposed to be working for?

Derryck S. Griffith.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

The US Could Never Be An Impartial Arbiter In The Palestinian Conflict!

November 01-2009:

The US Could Never Be An Impartial Arbiter In The Palestinian Conflict!

Hillary Clinton said that the Obama administration will not press Israel to cease settlement building, in order for the Peace Process to continue any longer. The settlements are Illegal, under International law.

Well, if this is not selling out the Palestinians, what is?

This hypocrisy is endemic to the politics of whoever occupies The White House, when it comes to Palestinian Rights, Security and Justice.

And until the American people hold their government accountable for allowing a terrorist government in Israel from treating the Palestinians with impunity. There will and can be no REAL peace in that region.

I am truly disappointed with this development, and my continual support for the Obama Administration will be discontinued with immediate effect, pending some serious reflection.
