Thursday, November 05, 2009

Who Are America's Middle Class?

November 05-2009:

Who Are America's Middle Class?

The Traditional Middle Class:

These were the people who occupied the level that was identifiable and achievable, like the following.

* Factory and Industrial manufacturing workers who earned above average income per week or month.

* Was able to save and provide the funds for their children to attend college.

* Was able to plan for a vacation every year, save for retirement.

* Pay or get a mortgage for the acquisition of their own home.

* Own their own car or family vehicle, for personal use or transportation.

The New Middle Class:

These are the new White Collar professional and Commercial elites that tend to be employed in large Banking Institutions, Insurance Companies that transcend regional and global boundaries, Traders, Brokers, and Wall Street Investors.

* These people earn very large salaries, and enormous bonuses or commissions, for their clever and sometimes very risky investments and dealings.

* Most own several homes, yachts, travel extensively abroad on business or for pleasure, indulge their insatiable appetites for pleasure, and snob those who earn much less than they do, most of the time.

Derryck S. Griffith.

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