Sunday, May 31, 2009

Nethanyahu Says NO To Obama-But Will Obama Stand Firm?

May 31-2009:

Nethanyahu Says NO To Obama-But Will Obama Stand Firm?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have quite a challenge to seem to be appeasing president Obama's wish for him to stop ALL settlement building, and all other assumed squatting rights his people are indulging in currently.

I also think that Mr. Netanyahu is not on board with Obama on this Palestinian State or sovereignty just yet.

He wants the Palestinians to follow the directives that Israel has made to them about movements, travel, security, and self governance.

And these requests does not take into consideration the Palestinian plight for decades now, with Israel's occupation, oppression, military incursions, and arbitrary killing of their leadership and people.

Will President Obama Really STAND FIRM On This Request To Israel?

I would surely like to see how this will eventually play out.

However, I will not expect much from this one. Because Barack Obama has done some serious "Flip Flopping" before for political reasons.

And he may very well do the same on this one!

Tibet's Dalai Lama Targets The Chinese Youth!

The Dalai Lama of Tibet, feels that if he targets the Chinese population with his case for a Free and Autonymous state.

Maybe they will support his quest.

But what he fails to realize is that most young Chinese, does not know about him, as their older kin do.

These younger Chinese youth was indoctrinated to believe that the Dalai lama is a traitor of the state of China, and must be vewed as an anti-communist foe.

So I don't see how the Dalai lama is ever going to reach these current Chinese youth in any significant way!

Spain's Tennis Star NADAL Defeated Today!

Spain five time Tennis Star NADAL was floored today in Paris by Robin Soderling, a Swedish player.

He felt invincible, and played as though he was.

No one can be champion forever!

Scores 6/2, 6/3

We Will Protect Ourselves From Cyber Hackers!

President Obama said we will protect our cyberspace from any hackers and disruptions.

But we all know that Cyber Hackers will always get into our computers, and will always be a problem globally.

Because they are the ones who just KNOW how to do it, and most do it well.

That's a fact!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

General Motors Of Germany Is Now In Russia's Hands!

May 30-2009:

General Motors Of Germany Is Now In Russia's Hands!

YES, GM's historic OPEL car manufacturing plant in Germany was in dire financial straits recently, and had to seek investors to save it from bankruptcy.

So the Russian Govt., bought shares of 35%, and a Russian Car Manufacturing company bought 30%, GM in Germany bought 25% shares, and the employees therein bought 10%.

So Russia now has the majority shares in the new (GM/OPEL car manufacturing company based in Germany).

This new acquisition will allow Russia to acquire all the blue prints, designs, and other manufacturing secrets that the GM (OPEL) company had for over it's 100 years history of car manufacturing. This will allow

Russia to manufacture cars that are of better
quality as those in the USA, Japan, Europe, and worldwide.
Could GM In The USA Survive Their Current Plight?

GM is still to satisfy the feasibility test to qualify as a viable company. And so far, it seems they may not be able to make the cut.

It was rumored that the FIAT company of Italy seemed to be interested in merging with GM.

But that rumor seem to have died as fast as it got started.


Friday, May 29, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!


President Obama Apologizes Once More?

It seems like our president has publicly apologized once more for some remark his Supreme Court nominee made some years ago.

This is getting to be a pattern with him I find.

However, I would have liked him to allow those who want to take issue on this matter to be left alone.

Until Sonia Sotomayor gets to explain herself at the hearing for her appointment.

Making an excuse for her now, seem to convey, what all the pundits and rightists are saying about her racist views!

No Terrorists In My Back Yard!

Many Americans are saying NO to the foreign detainees at Gyantanamo Bay facility.

But they have forgotten Timothy McVee an American, who bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma, and killed several hundreds.

So what is the difference? Are the foreign terrorists more deadly than our Home Grown ones?

North Korea's Dear Leader Needs Some A Butt Spanking!

If the Obama administration allows itself to be cajoled by North Korea into making huge financial assistance concessions,
in an effort to encourage them to come back to the table.

Then the Obama Administration would be a sucker, and must be prepared to do the same for Iran and others too.

Appeasing rogues states for Childish Tantrums have gone totally out of control.

Repeal The Don't Ask-Don't Tell Law Now!

President Obama we are still waiting for the REPEAL of the Don't Ask-Don't Tell Legislation.

We are still waiting for the Repeal of the 'Wet Foot-Dry Foot' Refugee Legislation for the Cubans to be Repealed:

And we are still waiting for A Comprehensive Immigration Bill for ALL Illegal Residents to be addressed urgently.

Please contact the White House at comments

The Shri Lankan government got a Clean Report of it's recent war with the Tamils, from the UN Security Council.

But what we haven't t heard yet, is from the Tamils themselves, of how they were, and is currently treated in those concentration/displacement camps.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!


Countries Or Economies MUST Be Managed Like A Business!

It bothers me very much every time I hear complaints from some Head Of States complaining about unfair IMF or World Bank expectations, when it comes to loan guarantee or issuances to them. So I have decided to do some research into some of the reasons why the above institutions seem to be the financier that no one likes, but needs sometimes.

* Most countries that seek IMF financial assistance are in dire financial straits for several reasons. These being the following:

* An ill managed national economy.

* And economy where there is no forward planning policies that are realistically geared to that country's growth and productive capacities.

* An economy that is primarily Centrally or Government controlled and supervised.

An economy that has very limited or real social infrastructure that can cope with or cater to commercial investment, creativity, freedom to import certain products or goods, that will ensure the survival or continuation of certain industries that need these goods or products. And the over taxation of private enterprises, to the point that they cannot operate in a financially viable environment any longer.

* And finally, mass corruption in government bureaucracies, private industries, and the general mentality within the commonweal to get rich quick, at any cost.

Having outlined some or most of the underlying reasons that cause those countries to seek financial assistance from the IMF or the (International Momentary Fund). 

I will give some of my observations about the impact that these loans, the application of those loans, and the programs they are targeted for, in order for those economies to rebound, able to experience economic growth, and the ability to repay those loans. 

It is to be expected that when a bank lends you money, they do so based on your ability to repay that loan with interest. Interest is what the bankers and their shareholders need to stay in business. And like a bank, governments operating in the interest of the state MUST do so like they were operating a business, in order for that state to survive economically, politically, and socially. All decisions or policies must be geared towards internal growth, productivity, the encouragement of private investment which will provide employment for the people, and a stable economic and political environment, for these two institutions to operate and strive.

If there is political strife that gets out of control, causing a national security situation. Then business suffers, people get frightened, employees are afraid to walk the streets, send their children to school, customers stay at home more, and spend less, if they feel threatened on the streets or in their homes. And if the Police Institutions indulge in harassment of people unfairly, or indulge in unlawful activities against any persons or groups, which could spiral into social unrest.

All of these factors are taken into consideration by IMF or any foreign investor, before they decide to invest in any economy. So if at times we feel that the IMF is too severe in their expectations or interventions before or after granting loans to developing countries. We have to remember all of the above factors, before we arrive at any premature judgement of their actions.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

North Korea Beware-This Is Not The 1950's Any Longer!

May 27-2009:

North Korea Beware-This Is Not The 1950's Any Longer!

North Korea threatens to attack the US and South Korean ships, if their ships are stopped and searched for weapons, or nuclear technology shipments.

I hope the Dear Leader of North Korea is bluffing. Because he would not want to mess with the USA militarily.

This is not the 1950's technology he will be facing in retaliation from the USA and her ally South Korea any longer.

The retaliation will be from the Air via B52 Bombers, Drones, Cruise Missiles, and from the Air Craft Carriers at sea.

And rest assured, that the USA and South Korea's response will be Swift, Lethal, Devastating, and Targeted, at all and any military installation of value.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Identifying The First Weapon Of Mass Destruction!

May 26-2009:

Identifying The First Weapon Of Mass Destruction!

Today this thought came to mind, and I decided to pen a few that I can recall historically.

* The first weapon that killed several scores of people at one go was the cannon ball.

Before that it was the arrow and bow.

With the arrow and bow, any military at that time could line up several archers (as they are called) in a straight line, facing the enemy, shoot a volley into the air over the heads of their enemy, and hope that they would be able to severely injure or kill several at one go, in each volley of arrows shot.

* The cannon was very effective for sea battles, and for long distance fighting, and assaults. 

* Firing a cannon at another ship, or towards a fort, or barricade, could cause the injury and death or several scores of enemy troops at one time.

* Next came the Gatling Repeating Gun, (Richard Jordan Gatling from Indiana). This gun can shoot repeatedly until the belt of bullets expire. Killing several scores of the enemy troops in the process.

* Dynamite came on board some time afterwards. And this too could kill scores of people when planted secretly underground, in a building, or any place where a soft target of mass proportions can be obtained.

Ironically, this weapon is also being used in mining exploration, by the Industrial industries.

* Then subsequently came the Atom bomb. The impact and effect of that bomb, is common knowledge for anyone with knowledge of recent history in the Western hemisphere.

* Finally, we have the whopper (in terms of volume of deaths), the NUCLEAR missile. 

* This weapon could devastate an entire state or continent with one missile. 

And could destroy the entire planet with a few nuclear missiles fired at any enemy from any point on this planet.


Monday, May 25, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 25-2009:

A couple fled the country to Mexico, to avoid a Court Order for chemotherapy for their son.

I don't know the details or gravity of this matter. But I will speculate that maybe, just maybe, the parents have religious or misguided scruples about the right, necessity, or moral concerns for this child health or survival, to try and evade this responsibility.

I also know that there are cases where individuals have refused to have an operation on their person, because of religious convictions.

And I ask myself, who or what gives anyone the right to prevent any medical help to prolong or save another person's life, especially if that person is a minor or a child?

And why should anyone use their religious convictions to deny medical assistance or help to a relative or sibling, that is in dire need of that help?

These are questions that bother me dearly, as I ponder these concerns!

Individuals should stop for a moment and ask themselves if their GOD would approve or deny another of his creatures, the right to LIFE, because some other of his creations feel, that it conflicts with his/her religious convictions.

Furthermore, religious convictions have nothing to do with one's belief in any God or Allah.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

SOMALIA-A State In Degradation!

May 24-2009:

Somalia Today-A Failed State:

A state that qualifies to be so categorized MUST have the following attributes:

* An established government, elected or appointed by the commonweal.

* Police Precincts/Police Force institutions to ensure Civil Authority, Protection, and Law Enforcement.

* Social, Municipal, Health, and Energy authorities, to ensure that the essential needs of it's citizenry are adequately provided for.

* A Judicial System/Courts Of Law.

* A National Defense or Military Force for sovereign security or defense.

Unfortunately, Somalia does not have any of those institutions at the moment.

The only So-called authority in Somalia is a President that is confined to The National Presidential Palace, under Heavy Guard and protection, by the last remnants of the Police and Paramilitary that is still supportive of that authority. The Airport is also under it's protection thus far. And the insurrectionists are in control of the rest of the entire country, running rampant with guns blazing, and killing anyone they suspect as pro-government, or anti-insurrectionist.

Employment is almost NILL in that country, and anyone who could operate or survive under constant fear of death, being maimed, raped, or brutally attacked, are still residing in the city and townships of that country. Most of the population have fled the city, and are thousands of miles away in displacement camps. And even here there is no certainty of security for these people.

The United Nations have long left that region for fear of personal harm or death of it's people. And Ethiopia and Eritrea forces sporadically crosses the Somalia border, to assist the President who is under siege, in the hope that they might prevail, (at least in the city), against these insurgents. But that is only wishful thinking, because there is no end in sight to this national crisis.


Hezbullah May Win Big In Lebanon!

May 24-2009:

Hezbullah May Win Big In Lebanon!

Yes, elections are coming soon, and Hezbullah is touted to win big then. It also has the support of large segments of Christian Lebanese, who feel that Hesbullah's policies are inclusive and moderate. They call themselves the Party Of God, but it is hoped that they would formulate a mandate to portray them as more nationalistic, and not religious oriented in outlook.

For many Christians, they don't buy into the view that Hezbullah is a terrorist organization. Because historically, Hezbullah has been supported by Iran, who are incidentally predominantly Shia Moslems, and they share a common religion and common political interests together.

It is also felt that when Hezbullah started shooting missiles into Israel during the conflict with Palestine, it was because they were supporting their fellow Moslems and brothers, who were being slaughtered en masse by the Israeli's. And it is the duty of all Moslems to come to the aid of fellow Moslems wherever they are, if their lives are threatened by anyone.

However, if Hezbullah gets the majority vote and seats in the Lebanese Parliament, the USA may have to rethink their policy and assistance with Lebanon, as was indicated recently by Vice President Joe Biden's visit there

The New World Order Hype!

I am amazed and flabbergasted by these mostly Young White Middle Class men who keep telling all those who are interested, that their is a new world order of RICH men, who are bent on taking over the world economically and politically.

But what they fail to tell their listeners are the following:

* These men are all WHITE or Anglo Saxon.

* These men are mostly based in the Western hemisphere/democracies.

* These men are also mostly JEWISH:

* These men are extremely RICH, and is already in control of the world's finances and politics, the media, the banks, Wall Street, the large Insurance Companies, the World Bank, and The International Monetary Fund.

So why the hype about what is already obvious to anyone who have eyes, ears, and lives on this planet?


Saturday, May 23, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 23-2009:

I find That Writing Interferes With Extemporaneous Thoughts.

But this I mean the following:

*When you are speaking, thoughts just flow freely without too much interference from you. 

One is able to hear oneself clearly, follow the diction (most of the time), and try to speak correctly or clearly as much as possible.

* But with writing, one has to always take ones time to form words, ensure that the sentences are coherent, the grammar is on point, and the construction of each sentence follows a logical conclusion.

* After which one would edit for errors of spelling, coherence, and grammar.

All of these procedures inhibit the free flow of thoughts when writing.

That is why I conclude, that being a Good Speaker aught to be pursued, and being able to Write Well will follow naturally.

May 19-2009:

  The Tamil's Of Shri Lanka-Do They Have A Future Now!

The TAMIL indigenous peoples, along with other minority ethnic groups have had a very long and hard history of suffering, at the mercy of the national government and majority Hindu population. 

These people petitioned for Independence some time ago, but did not get it. Then in 1973 they asked for Autonomy or self Governance without interference from the Central government. But to no avail.

After which they took the last ditch position to attain it via insurrection.

Today, they are a defeated people. Homeless, thousands died, mutilated, displaced, humiliated, with little or no prospects for assimilation into mainstream society in the near future.

Will justice be granted for all the atrocities that have ensued during this last ditch onslaught by the National Army? 

Or will the International Community sit idly by, and allow these people to suffer in silence, without any REAL intervention for real Justice?

We would have to wait and see!

May 15-2009:

The United Nations Peace Keeping Dilemma!

Firstly, every country that is associated with the UN, and has peace keeping forces with the UN, has it's own individual signed mandate with the UN.

Secondly, before the UN could send any troops to keep or enforce the peace anywhere, it has to muddle through every mandate, to see just what country would allow their troops to get actively involved in some combat situation, food distribution, or Peace Keeping Enforcement/Combat scenario.

Thirdly, every contributing country sends a certain amount of personnel, munitions, helicopters, aircraft, or logistics, whenever they are asked and agrees to become involved.

Fourthly, UN Peace Keepers MUST also get involved in enforcement situations too, if they are to ensure that warring parties respect the standing peace agreement that both parties agreed to abide by.

The Rwanda Genocide scenario might have been avoided, if the UN Peace Keepers were communicating with the local leaders regularly, had their Peace Keeping Personnel regularly question at random any civilian/s if they suspect that something radically wrong is afoot.

Most of the above was never done, so when the genocide was already happening, and large numbers or people were already killed or mutilated. By the time the UN got involved, thousands had already become victims of this mass slaughter.

Finally, sending money to the UN for Peace Keeping is just ONE aspect of that involvement of countries. 

Maintaining your contribution via, personnel, hardware, troop availability, interest, and compliance when asked, are all that is expected, for this mandate to work everywhere effectively! 


Thursday, May 21, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 21-2009:

President Obama Defends His Position On National Security!

* President Obama emphasized that his administration will house those suspected inmates of Gyantanamo Bay facility who are found guilty, but cannot be sent back to their homeland, in a maximum security or (SuperMax prison), right here in the USA.

* Keeping Military Commissions that were enhanced to comply with proper Legal Jurisprudence, and Habeas Corpus, will be used to serve those who are in Gyantanamo Bay Facility.

* Those that cannot be prosecuted and may not have enough valid evidence to convict them, but expressed their perpetual desire to kill Americans everywhere if or when released. 

* Will not be released, or sent back to their country for trial or incarceration therein.

 We will not allow ourselves to release information that compromise America's National Security.

* We will not prevent the disclosure of any information or behavior (words to that effect), of this or any other administration that violated the law, or embarrassed that administration.

* All government agencies that are involved in classified information release or oversight, will be reviewed, and co-ordinated, so that if or when necessary, the checks and balances that our legal system espouses are observed at all times. 

Finally, as far as I observe this president and administration will not seek to get redress for any wrong doing from the previous administration, implied or expressed. President Obama would prefer (if need be), that the Attorney General's Office seek to do so, if it deems necessary under the law.

Why Is Dick Cheney Getting So Much TV Time?

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is getting television time by all local media, on a regular basis, VOLUNTARILY.

And yet, these media personnel is asking WHY is Dick getting so much air time?

How pathetic.

Could A New S.A.L.T Agreement Be Reached?

If the US and Russia is to agree on a renewal of the above treaty, the following MUST be agreed upon:

* A drastic limitation of the current missiles (both nuclear and I.C.B.M's) in their stockpile.

* Russia, the USA, and N.A.T.O. MUST be partners in any European Early Warning System, that the USA and her allies may be contemplating.

* If they do not include Russia in this idea and planning process, then Russia will continue to do what it feels necessary to protect a seeming threat to it's borders, or sphere of influence.

* And the continuation of the formerly agreed upon regular inspections of all nuclear sites, stockpiles, and infrastructure, currently in use or available.

These four positions are of vital importance in the continuation and/renewal of any S.A.L.T. agreement for the future.

Incidentally, the current agreement expires in December of this year!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 19-2009:

Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi's Dilemma!

Currently being held in a Political Prison, and is being tried for allowing an American on her premises. Which violated the House Arrest Visitation terms. What I am still wondering is why didn't she tell the authorities to come and arrest this American intruder. When she knew fully well that if he stays there, could get into serious trouble.

She said publicly that she asked him to leave several times, bur he refused to leave.

This does not hold water at all. Because if any intruder comes into my home, and I am sure yours, you will have him or her removed forthwith. Especially if his presence jeopardizes your security or freedom!

China is a trading partner with Burma, and has it's own humanitarian problems to think about. So they will not put any pressure on Burma's military junta to release her, or ensure that Justice is done.

India also have their Hindu and Pakistani religious and territorial problems. Plus the disadvantaged Dalits injustices among them in the Punjab and other provinces, where mass poverty and illiteracy abound.

These two countries have trading interests that benefits them with Burma, and will not be tempted to get involved politically either.

  The Tamil's Of Shri Lanka-Do They Have A Future Now!

The TAMIL indigenous peoples, along with other minority ethnic groups have had a very long and hard history of suffering, at the mercy of the national government and majority Hindu population. 

These people petitioned for Independence some time ago, but did not get it. Then in 1973 they asked for Autonomy or self Governance without interference from the Central government. But to no avail.

After which they took the last ditch position to attain it via insurrection.

Today, they are a defeated people. Homeless, thousands died, mutilated, displaced, humiliated, with little or no prospects for assimilation into mainstream society in the near future.

Will justice be granted for all the atrocities that have ensued during this last ditch onslaught by the National Army? 

Or will the International Community sit idly by, and allow these people to suffer in silence, without any REAL intervention for real Justice?

We would have to wait and see!


Monday, May 18, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 18-2009:

What Difference Would Netanyahu Bring To The Peace Process?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu like his predecessors, does not truly believe that the Palestinians can govern themselves, much less have a sovereign state.

They will always fear Palestinian revenge for the atrocities Israel have inflicted upon them, plus the daily check points, joblessness, consumer goods curtailments that Israel imposes across that border, and the prevention of Palestinians from travelling at will across the border to Israel to meet with relatives.

Recently, the war between Hamas and Israel is just another one of those conflicts that will continue to happen, as long as Israel continues to arbitrarily inflict severe pain via it's military, it's border curtailments, and it's oppression of the Palestinian people..

I do not expect anything tangible to come out of this visit between Netanyahu and president Obama today, because the Israeli Prime Minister is a known Conservative in belief and politics. He may go along with the inherited Peace Process proposals, but his commitment to that process is questionable!

Only A United Palestine Can Speak For Themselves!

How could there be a REAL Peace Process for Palestine, when that region is divided Politically between HAMAS and FATAH?

How could the US and Israel decide for these people, when a section of these people's representatives are SHUT out of the discourses?

Shri Lanka's Homeland Terrorists Defeated-At What Cost!

Now that the TAMIL Tigers are defeated in Shri Lanka, one wonders if the international community will ever know the TRUE volume of civilians killed by the National Army and the Tamil Tigers.

But is was quite clear from observers, that atrocities were indulged in by both sides in this conflict. And the thousands of homeless and displaced Tamils, uprooted, lost, starving, disease vulnerable, confused, and fearful of repercussions that may follow after such insurrections are over.

It is up to the international community to ensure that UN Observers are sent in quickly, to observe the current situation on the ground, that proper and adequate medical facilities are put in place, to service these displaced people and camps.

Food distribution seem to be ongoing, and made available by the national government. But at some point, it is uncertain just how long can the national government be able to continue feeding this multitude, and ensuring their security at these displacement camps too.

Continuous monitoring of these events and situation on the ground in Shri Lanka, MUST be done by the International Community, by the UN, and other organizations, to ensure that these displaced Tamil peoples are treated fairly.

And 'Habeas Corpus' in due time, for any wrong doing during the war, and that the National Army and captured Tamil leaders, be made to account for any atrocities, by the United Nations.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 17-2009:

The University Is A Fora For Intellectual Discourse!

In recent days, some college campus students, alumni, and faculty engaged in picketing, and petitioning for and against president Barack Obama's invite and proposed Honorary Law Degree bestowal.

OBORTION was the issue that these individuals and the public at large chose, to make their voices heard vociferously.

But the general atmosphere at the Notre Dame university was twofold. Some groups believed that having a Pro-choice president speak at that university, conflicts with the Catholic values and beliefs.

While others point out that all universities are centers for free, frank, political, and moral discourses. Because that is the institution where those issues can be fully explored, discussed, and influence the socio-political discourse within the broader society at large.

However, president Obama will be speaking there as invited, regardless of whether they bestow upon him an Honorary Law Degree or not.

Muchas Gracias Mexico!

Si, Muchas Gracias Mexico for the aggressive manner in which the government there have attacked the spread of the H1Ni flu virus.

When they realized that their citizens were coming down with this virus, (origin unknown) at the time, they had those infected quarantined in their homes, and hospitals.  

They also advised for the closure of businesses that facilitates large quantities of customers in one place at a time, and advised that sick employees not report for work, but seek medical help immediately.

These and other aggressive measures taken by the state, was able to stem the tide of infections to a halt, and eventual total control.

When the WHO and other media outlets were shouting beware of a potential global pandemic on a humongous scale. 

This has never materialized.

Once again, Muchas Gracias Mexico!


NEWS From My Perspective!

May 17-2009:

Kuwait's First Five Female Members Of Parliament!

Yes, Kuwait now has it's first five women MP'S. This country is traditionally a patriarchal society. Men have dominated the political arena, with the hardcore Islamist doctrine of Wahabism for decades. 

Women voted some months ago, but was un-successful. Now within one year, they have managed to get into parliament, and represent women's issues for the first time in that country's history.

All the best to you my sisters!

South Korea Tells Bloggers To Be Honest-Or Else!

The political administration of South Korea, is now telling it's people not to spread lies, or tell un-truths in the Blogs.

And to register with photo identities for identity purposes, because anonymity will not be tolerated.

All of these rules are deliberately enforced by the government, on all internally accessed online users, to Police or Curtail Free Speech online.

So what most young South Korean Bloggers are doing, is accessing the foreign web sites to tell their stories, without the scrutiny and official regulations that are being imposed upon them.  

Babies Don't Join Gangs!

Babies don't join gangs, do drugs, or get imprisoned.

So STOP calling them Babies when they get killed or locked up!

Roman Catholic Hypocrisy Today!

Where was the Self-righteous Catholics when Hiroshima & Nagasaki was Atom bombed?

Where was these moralists when the Nazi's killed millions of Jews in Europe, and their Church condoned and supported it?

Where was these Catholics when thousands of children were massacred in Rwanda, Cambodia, Vietnam, Haiti, Bosnia, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan?

What Is A Drug Mule & A Baby Making Mule?

A Drug Mule is someone (male or female), who hides or carries within their body, cocaine or some other substance for money.

A Baby Mule is a female who uses her body to facilitate pregnany for a baby for money.

They both see this as a way to earn money!

Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal Is Not At Risk!

Do not believe the SENSATIONALSM that is being used by the media and others, that the above nuclear stock is at risk for terror capture.

This system is controlled by a very few, selected, and anonymous individuals, all of whom does not have all the coordinates for any of these systems.

And even if one such weapon is stolen, it can NEVER be activated without the computer codes, and the secret coordinates that the President and a few TOP Generals would have to give them.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Freed Morrocan-But How Free?

May 15-2009:

Suspect Morrocan Terrorist Prisoner Freed After Seven Years!

President Obama would be keeping the Militaryu Tribunlas, after some overhauling is done.  

And the Morrocan was relaeased and sent home to France today, may discover that he is still not free to roam, get employment, (because no employer will want him with that terrorist accusation on his record), 

* The French National Security authorities will continmue to keep him under surveilance for a very long time too.

* And he may never be able to face his wife (if there is one at home), and a past lover he may have had, and is now some else's.

* If there is another terrorist attack in France, this man will be picked up immediately as the primary or first suspect by the French Police. Regardless of how clean he kept himself from any shady dealings!

What has FREEDOM brought to me now?

Burma's Aung San Su Chi's Dilemma!

Burma's Aung San Su Chi's American boy friend's visit has caused her imprisonment. 

Was this truly an intruder? And why had she not called the authorities, when she knows fully well, that she is due her FREEDOM, in just a few more months?

That is no boyfriend to have!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 14-2009:

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Polosi's Misstep!

When Nancy Polosi said that the George W. Bush administration via the CIA mislead her and those who were privy to the torture methods, she was very unclear or just did not present herself understandably enough, to be believed.

For example, she said they (the Congress Reps), were told that they were enhanced methods that were being considered for the CIA's interrogative work. But she did not ask there and then, if these enhanced methods were INDEED being used. 

She also said that the impression she got at the time, was that they were not being used, but was on the table, as an option!

This is the point that has gotten her into 'Hot Water,' because she FAILED to ask whether the enhanced interrogative methods was INDEED being used, or whether they would be used also!

No Honorary Degrees For Non-Catholics Here!

A Notre Dame Catholic supporter said on MSNBC today, that the university may allow the bestowing of an Honorary Degree on president Obama, if they see fitting. Even though that contradicts the Catholic position of Pro-Life, which conflicts with his Pro-Choice position.

However, this individual went on to say further that he personally, is not against the university accepting Pro-Choice students into the fold, but would be against honoring anyone in that university, with an Honorary Degree that was not Pro-Life in belief or principle.

In other words, as I see it, this college does not flinch one bit from taking a student's tuition fees, regardless of whether he/she is Pro-life or Pro-choice. But would be biased against any student or dignitary who is Pro-Choice, from getting an Honorary Degree.

This HYPOCRITICAL position of 'Taking The Money' from any student who can afford it, but ENSURE that he or she is CATHOLIC, before giving him/her any Honorary Degree, does not speak credibly for Catholic morality!


Torture Is Practiced In Every Military 
Or State Security Institution

When the military in any country use torture techniques on their military or paramilitary personnel, its is hoped that introducing these methods in a Training Scenario to these men and women, will give them the experience of how or what is likely to happen to them, if captured by the enemy.

These torture techniques, even though used in a controlled environment for training purposes, is considered quite normal in all of those societies that use them. But the general public is unaware of these practices, and is never told about it.

Because it is felt that these techniques would be misunderstood, and may likely cause parents to dissuade their sons and daughters from joining the military too.

Furthermore, these practices violate the established Geneva Conventions On Warfare Behavior.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 13-2009:

The Internet's Role In Reporting Crises Internationally!

Many newspaper organizations and media personnel have made statements to the effect that Bloggers in the main, mislead their readers, and are not a credible source of information without bias. But they fail to mention that all Writers, Journalists and OPED writers, have their own viewpoint or take, on the issues they communicate of sell to their readers or viewers. 

No one can be totally objective when reporting an incident or observation. After all, as human beings, we are all personally impacted or influenced by events directly or indirectly.

And if it wasn't for the Bloggers or Internet Communicators, we would not have gotten the pictures, events, of atrocities that were happening in Burma, China, Shri Lanka, Pakistan, Iraq, The Middle East, and elsewhere, from individuals on the ground there, where there is an absence of media journalists and reporters. 

Release The Torture Photos Says Some-But Is It A Wise Decision?

We saw the first set of photos depicting torture by US military and CIA interrogators under George W. Bush's administration.

This led to increased Jihadist recruitment in the Moslem world, and increased attacks on US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Should we allow this new set to be released under the Obama administration, because some feel that transparency is what is expected?

Are we prepared to tolerate more attacks on US troops and US civilians around the world once again?

The answer is YES or NO!

The European Governments Are Monitoring Obama's Policies Closely!

The governments on continental Europe are following closely, how the Obama administration is handling the economic crisis. 

They are even aping some of his methods in dealing with the banks there.

But now they seem to be at a loss about how to implement "A Stress Test" for their Toxic Banks there too.

This is still being debated hotly among the media and governments there.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 12-2009:

Arbitrary Internet Penalty In France!

There is now a law in France to punish anyone who downloads music and movies online three times. If caught, they will be disconnected from accessing the Internet for three years as a penalty.

This law to my mind, is what I call and infringement upon the right to access the Internet for FREE, to download and share music or movies with friends and contacts, by using the strong arm of the law to debar these freedoms.

This Law MUST be fought aggressively online and everywhere, even without France. Because it is only a matter of time, when other governments may be tempted to take similar legal action.

Social Networking & The Elderly!

The elderly in Russia can find themselves alone, and without any social support in their advanced years. And many are living in Homes For The Elderly, supported by the state, but with no one to visit them, or any family or relatives to look forward to or see on a regular basis. Russia's population is dwindling, and the elderly is increasing along with it. 

So one Russian girl came up with the idea of having an online social networking site for the elderly.

This site would advertise the concern for the elderly, who are alone and without relatives to visit or care for them.

And ask viewers to consider adopting one elederly person for onlne or personal visititation. They can also send a mail once per month to the person they chose to sponsor. 

It is felt that these friendship and caring gestures by non-relatives or strangers, can go a long way to bring some happinesss, and the feeling that someone cares, to the Home Confined Elederly citizens.

And so far, it seems to be working too.

Lesbian Couple Refused Marriage In Russia:

So they went back to Canada to do so. Yes, in Moscow, marriage is still recognized as a union between a male and a female. So the authorities did not grant this couple that right. 

However, the two girls have started the debate on this issue in Russia, and with time, stringent advocacy, continuity, and patience, maybe Rusia will be another bastion for Gay men and women to elope legally.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 10-2009:

Military Exercises By N.A.T.O. Forces In Georgia Angers Russia!

Currently some NATO forces are conducting a low level military exercise on Georgian Territories. This is as a result of some agreement that NATO has with Georgia to conduct, over one year ago.

Russia however, view this exercise as provocative, for the following reasons.

* Georgia was the first to aggress the territories of Hapcazia and Ossetia militarily. That conflict lasted for seven days, and ended when Russian forces came in militarily with their Peace Keeping Forces already stationed there, coupled with conscripts from the mainland of Russia, to assist Ossetia and Hapkazian peoples, many of whom are also Russian citizens.

This NATO military joint exercise in Georgia to my mind is untimely, if you take into consideration the recent conflict in that country, and the current animosity between Russia and Georgia. The canceling of the military exercise may have been prudent temporarily, until some time when the political climate becomes more stable.

There are those who feel that Russia is paranoid, and is jumping to conclusions that has no substance at all, with regard to their provocation allegations.

Meanwhile Mr. Michael Saakashvili, continues to provoke the opposition parties with accusations of treason, and plots to overthrow his dictatorial government. Even the Georgian people who came out 'en masse' during the Russian and Georgia conflict, are now supporting the opposition parties, calling for President Michael Saakashvili's resignation.

As the world watches, Georgia is slowly sliding into chaos and political uncertainty at this time!


NEWS From My Perspective!

May 10-2009:

We Don't Need Jobs-We Need Employment!

There is a BIG difference between Jobs and Employment in context. So let me explain these definitions.

What Is a Job:

A Job could be a contract of service for a specified period of time. For example, a contract to fix a broken pipeline.

* A contract to sell some items or merchandise, until that commodity is exhausted.

* A politician being elected to office for a period of time, and at the end, if he or she does not qualify for another term, the voters elect someone else for that position. The presidency is a case in point.

* A person who does temporary work:

* No healthcare benefits:

* No vacation leave with pay:

* No maternity leave with pay, or sick leave with pay:

What is Employment?

* Career possibilities, because there is room or opportunity for upward mobility:

* Promotion, on the job and training for upward mobility.

* Health benefits:

* Vacation leave with pay:

* Maternity leave with pay:

* Retirement benefits or plans:

* And permanency or longevity.

So tell your elected representatives to STOP promising us JOBS, because EMPLOYMENT is what we want and need currently!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Jacob Zuma Is Now The President Of South Africa!

May 09-2009:

Jacob Zuma Is Now President of South Africa!

Jacob Zuma is now the inaugurated President of South Africa. This official proceeding was attended by dignitaries such as (Nelson Mandella), a former President and Human Rights Advocate, and Leader of the ANC.

Mr. Zuma is yet to give his State Of The State address, which should outline his vision or policies going forward.

Will he be able to bring South Africa out of a declining economic crisis, and ensure a more equitable distribution of economic resources and opportunities for all South Africans.

Especially those thousands still living in Shanty Townships?

We will have to wait and see.


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Prostitutes Are Not Accepted Within The Gay Communities!

May 07-2009:

Prostitutes Are Not Accepted Within The Gay Communities!

It is high time that this distinction be made quite clear to the Gay Communities, and the rest of the world. Because there are salient differences in life styles, sexual conduct/activities, political awareness and advocacy.

The Gay Identified Community:

When the GAY concept was generally introduced and accepted, it was based upon the following beliefs and political issues!

* Those Homosexual men and women who chose to be OPEN with their sexual preferences and sefl-identity as such.

* Those openly Homosexual men and women who decided that it was absolutely necessary for our 
communities concerns, be heard by our political representatives at the City, State, and Federal levels.

* Those Homosexual men and women who self-identify as Gay, decided also to become physical with their advocacy for Funding for people living with HIV/AIDS. 

* Gay men who need medical coverage or assistance for most or all of their health needs, that the rest of society was getting, accessing, or was entitled to.

* And it was the concern of those Homosexual men and women who were infected with the HIV virus, to ensure that their positive brothers and sisters get housing, medicare, health coverage, and medications for the treatment or prevention of the spread of HIV, especially Prevention Education, Condom Distribution, and Needle Exchange Equipment and Distribution centers.

* And finally to ensure that our concerns are heard and represented at every level of the political process or hierarchy, to ensure parity, inclusion, and the continual awareness of our concerns nationally.

All of the above issues and concerns are still being addressed by Gay and Homosexual men and women across the spectrum of our many and varied communities. 

But it would be GROSSLY unfair, or Dis-respectful for Gay men who indulge in SEX FOR Pay or PROSTITUTION, to be identified with our communities, or our concerns, for the following reasons.

* Homosexual men or women who use their bodies for sexual favors or money, does not fit the profile above established
 for GAY men.

* Homosexuals who indulge in Prostitution full time, or part time, do not fit the Gay men's profile either.

Because the men and women do so strictly for money, could not care less for the issues that impact or of concern for the larger Gay communities, because those issues are not in their commercial or financial interests.

And to use the Gay community, as a means to garner help, support, protection, or political benefits, is presumptuous, harmful, parasitical, and usurping.


Gay men who have fought for the freedom to Love whomever they chose, Marry whomever the chose, Sleep with whomever they chose, Hangout with whomever they chose, will not COMPROMISE our political achievements or benefits, with PROSTITUTES and SPONGES among us, masquerading as Gay men!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 06-2009:

Former George W. Bush Officials May Eventually Be Brought To Justice!

Some of George W. Bush's attorneys who wrote directives on how to torture prisoners and get away with it legally, are now being petitioned for a pardon. Yes, the Attorney General now has too decide whether an investigation into the conduct of those attorneys is warranted. And who were responsible for the torture memos, and who their superior's were, that gave those orders in The White House.

Will the Attorney General have the guts to follow through on this expectation of most Americans polled?

We will have to wait and see! But the president said publicly that he will not pre-judge how his Attorney General will deal with this evidence!

However, CNN's polling of Americans seem to suggest the following:

* Most Americans do not want those CIA operatives and other Intelligence personnel, who actually carried out the orders to torture prisoners litigated.

* But most Americans polled wanted the The White House Officials who gave the order in writing to carry out those torture directives, be brought to justice, regardless of who were involved.


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 05-2009:

Banks Stress Tests Due Next week?

I hope that president Obama after hearing the current financial position of those banks in serious financial trouble, 

will tell the American people HONESTLY, how serious these banks are financially!

And if some would have to GO, and how many.

And if some will need more Federal assistance, and how much?

These are the things that ALL Americans MUST be told at this Stress Test Declaration!


The Republicans are saying that they are Re-Branding The Image of the party.

But the choices are still the same Old Fogies that have been responsible for the party's demise so far.

So how much re-branding can we see, if the Same Old Fogies are being used as their Poster Old Boys!


Hate Crimes Bill ( H.R. 1913) 

By a vote 249-175, the House last week passed H.R. 1913, a bill making it easier for law enforcement authorities to prosecute hate crimes. 

Civil rights groups and liberal clergy members from all 50 states are fanning out across Capitol Hill this week to lobby for the legislation in an attempt to counter the notion, advanced by socially Clergy Lobbies for Passage of Hate Crimes Bill conservative groups, that religious leaders are uniformly opposed to the measure. 

Although a majority of Senators are almost certainly in favor of the legislation, the question is whether supporters can win the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster that conservatives may launch to kill the bill. President Barack Obama has said he will sign the measure into law if it lands on his desk.


May 05-2009:

Dear House/Senate Repsenatative,

I petition you to support the Hate Crimes Bill H.R. 1913 legislative proposal. 

For too long we have allowed People Of Color especially, to be targeted by The Police in all or most states of these United States unfairly, under the guise that they were merely carrying out their duties as per regulations. 

And did not use Ethnicity on purpose, to harass or single out anyone for apprehension or incarceration.

Even our Judicial Systems are inclined to be prejudiced against People Of Color for penalties in our Courts Of Law.


Please go to

Monday, May 04, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 04-2009:

 Someone With Empathy For The Supreme Court!

What Does President Obama Mean?

When the drafters of the US Constitution sat to decide the course for the new America, they did so in the light of current reality that existed at that time. With a vision for the future, and hope that whatever they eventually came up with, will provide salient guidelines for the Freedoms, Liberty, and Rule Of Law they envisaged for all Americans.

Therefore, whatever choice president Obama makes to fill the forthcoming position of the US Supreme Court, he/she would be expected to understand current reality, and how the Constitution could accommodate this new reality.

When he mentioned someone with empathy, I believe he meant some or all of what I just outlined.

 But I am merely speculating here, and I would not presume to know how the president thinks on this one.

However, I also believe that another woman would be a necessary addition to the Supreme Court, thus making for a more inclusive view or contribution to this body.


Sunday, May 03, 2009

Why Are Americans So Obsessed With Michelle Obama?

May 03-2009:

Why Are Americans So Obsessed With Michelle Obama?

First of all, she is the first Black American First Lady. She is from a working class/middle class background. 

She is highly qualified academically, from one of America's a very prestigious colleges in Law.  

She is slim, petite, a mother of two young girls, reasonably spaced between ages, and is quite self confident in her own skin mentally and psychologically.

Michelle Obama, loves her husband Barack Obama dearly, and does not hesitate to show that love and affection publicly. 

Which seems surprising to most Americans, after seeing those stereotypes shown historically in the media, that tend to show Black people as unloving towards each other, and living in single managed households.

Michelle Obama chose to compliment her husband's policies wherever she can, and has identified certain areas that she feels she can make a difference at that level, and has managed so far, to endear herself to all those who have come into personal contact with her socially and officially.

As America's First Mom or First Lady, she would be monitored by the media and the entire society the way Royalty is. 

That comes with the territory of that position. But I think Michelle Obama and family, have come to understand and cope with all the paparazzi this entails.


NEWS From My Perspective!

May 03-2009:

The American TV Media Continues To Lie & Misinform People!

Over the years, the American television media has been misleading and deliberately lying to the American people and the world, whenever they report what they consider to be news.

Today, even after the CDC and the Federal government acknowledges that the current H1N1 Flu epidemic is not caused by SWINE, but by a virus with a strain hitherto unknown.

But the CNN-MSNBC and FOX news television, continues to mislead the American people and broadcast to the world, the same allegations, that has no Validity thus far.

Every Television Anchor has been referring to this epidemic as the Swine flu, knowing fully well that they are misleading their viewers.

This is how the former Soviet Union, now (Russia), former Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, now (The Czech Republic), and Cuba, uses the media to misinform the masses.

And the US media is also doing so, under the premise of Freedom Of The Press and Media, or Free Speech.

This medium is no different from those that I sighted above, in any way, shape, or form!


Saturday, May 02, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 02-2009:

The Wars In Iraq & Afghanistan Can Never Be Won!

Wars are only won, when TWO armies try to out maneuver each other tactically, and strategically, thus ending in victory for one of them, or surrender for the loser.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan does not fit the classical war scenario, because the USA and her allies, are not combating any official national army or military.

Therefore, there can be no victory in Iraq or Afghanistan!

But at some point in time, the USA will have to come up with some solution for a total withdrawal from both of these camps, and declare publicly that our combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are completed according to plan.

This will save the US and her remaining allies, some much needed face!
