Saturday, June 28, 2008

Japanese Business Survival In A Global Environment!

June 28-2008:


What Is The Deal With Japanese Business Management?

Historically, Japanese firms or companies never allowed foreign directors on their boards. It was the view then, and still is, that enlisting foreign or outside directors to the board, may cause corporate espionage of their technologies, or manufacturing secrets.

Furthermore, Japanese firms do not see shareholders as that important to the company's image, growth, or ability to survive. Japanese corporations see shareholders as just shareholders. The primary importance or emphasis is placed on the management. and the board of directors.

This provincial mentality of Japanese firms, makes them unable to fully comprehend global financial problems, investment fluctuations, and hedge funds.

And this poses a problem for foreign investors who may want to invest in Japanese firms, but would be unable to have a say in the policies of that company.

Japanese business owners feel they owe their survival and growth to the customers, the society at large, the board of directors, and then towards the investors.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Why Should North Korea Destroy Its WMD's?

June 27-2008:

Why Should North Korea Destroy It's Nuclear Weapons?

The North Korean government has agreed to dismantle the infrastructure that caters to the technology and development of nuclear weapons. This comes as a necessity to allow sanctions to be lifted, thus allowing for goods and services once enjoyed by this state, to be re-instated.

President George W. Bush said that it was a step in the right direction by North Korea. But the Koreans have refused to destroy their nuclear arsenal. Possibly keeping them for insurance.


How could the nuclear powers like the USA, France, the UK, Israel, and others keep their nuclear weapons, but expect North Korea to destroy theirs?

That is not realistic, practical, or politically feasible. Even Ronald Reagan couldn't get the former Soviet Union to do so!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Right To Bear Arms-Whose Right?

June 26-2008:

The Right To Self Protection Is A Core Value Of Americans From It's Founding Fathers!

The US constitution's second amendment caters for the right to bear arms. But I gather that clause was inferring, that states had the right to enlist a militia to bear arms, if that state finds itself under attack from without or within.

The right of every citizen to own a firearm, carry a firearm on his person in public places, or protect himself or herself from attack within the confines of his or her home or personal property, is another thing.

Should this right be taken literally, then anyone who can access a firearm will try to do so, for his or her own self protection. And that takes away the pre-sumption that the state has forfeited the right to protect it's citizenry.

Washing DC has to deal with this new ruling, prescribed by the US Supreme court decision ( 5-4) currently!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nelson Mandella Is Appalled By Robert Mugabe's Actions!

June 25-2008:


Nelson Mandella Is Appalled By Robert Mugabe's Actions!

South African legendary freedom fighter Nelson Mandella said today that the lack of leadership in his country, and his neighbors have created a threat to democracy in this continent.

This comes as Robert Mugabe refuses to accept free and fair democratic election results. Which gave the opposition the majority at the polls, but Mugabe refuses to acknowledge it, and refuses to step down from the presidency.

He further consolidates his position by declaring war on all opposition forces or supporters in his country.

Thus causing the principal opposition leader to seek asylum in the Dutch Embassy recently. The Queen of England has also stripped Robert Mugabe of his honorary knighthood, by unanimous recommendation of her Majesty's Parliament.

Robert Mugabe can be equated to former dictator Idi Amin of Uganda in attitude, strategies, inhumane acts, and the total disregard for his own people.

The Ugandan Army was instrumental in ousting Idi Amin in his time. Let us see if the Zimbabwe's military has the balls to do so too!


Monday, June 23, 2008

Another Terror Attack On America May Be Helpful?

June 29-2008:

Another Terror Attack On America May Be Helpful!

Charlie Black, a John McCain's advisor said that another terrorist attack on the USA would enhance the chances for the republicans winning the White House this November.

Such remarks only validates the conspiracy theory that believes, the terror attack of September 11-2001, was indeed an inside job.

If it would have to take another terror attack on this country to FRIGHTEN Americans to voting en-masse for John McCain in November-2008.

Then I fear for us all indeed!

He subsequently apologized for his remarks, but the

'Dye Was Already Cast.'


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Delinquent Fathers Irresponsibility!

June 21-2008:

Delinquent Fathers?

Senator Obama, I watched you gave a speech on Father's Day, at a church service. You spurned delinquent fathers for failing to honor the responsibilities of fatherhood. And the adverse mental-psychological-economic and social effects such neglect creates within those children.

You also referenced your fatherless childhood, and how difficult it was for you to come to terms with that reality, role model, and the feeling of love from that individual. However, this situation does not only pertain to fathers. Some delinquent mothers too are also to blame for their negligence.

So here are some points that I would like to raise in this regard, and would hope that at some point in the future you would give a speech on these issues too.

* Raising a child by choice!

This is a norm within the USA, for individuals to choose to raise their offspring alone. For whatever reason/s they so chose, children are left holding the 'Bag' as a result of this choice.

* Incarceration on a regular basis are also a factor for both males and females, in terms of who gets custody of the child or children. And when he or she is deemed responsible enough, to have custody of that or those children.

* Men of Color are especially prone to un-employment, temporary employment, or being un-employed for very long periods. Due to incarceration, lack of marketable skills, inability to hold down a regular job, and poor education.

* Drug and substance usage on a regular basis, is also a factor. This can be very difficult for most addictive men and women who are parents. Having difficulty maintaining sobriety, or appearing for Rehabilitation, are also some of the factors for absenteeism of some fathers and mothers.

* Men Of Color with felonies on their record find it very difficult to find employment. Much less employment that pays a living wage, or could pay the 'Child Support" as per legislation.

* Being unable to earn a living wage, means being unable to gain proper and affordable housing for your family. This creates mental and psychological issues, for most fathers and mothers alike. Thus causing some to relapse into drug and substance usage.

* Thousands of military fathers and mothers are in Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, South Korea, and elsewhere. Most of these enlisted men and women see their families once or twice per year, for periods of six weeks to three months. Then they are called back to the fronline. These families will never be able to function like most two parent families would.

Therefore, they can be categorized as single parent families too. Because of the circumstances that these enlisted men and women face, for an indefinite period.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Could Presidential Candidates Guarantee Anything?

June 20-2008:

How Could Any Potential Presidential Candidate Guarantee That Policies Or Plans Promised Meet The Needs Of All Fifty States?

This is a concern that many people seem never to fully comprehend. But I have some observations to offer.

* No potential presidential candidate could provide for the needs of all constituents in all fifty states. He or she would have to be a magician to do so!

* No presidential candidate could assure all Americans from the outset, that he will NEVER change some policy or plan, that he or she outlined during his or her campaign.

* To do so, is to dis-regard the possibility and reality, that political and economic situations change on a daily basis. And any proposed plan or plans MUST adjust, to meet those changing circumstances, for it to be practical or realistic to implement.

* So when some promises are violated along the way, or after the presidential candidate attains The White House. It is imperative that the president states to the nation why such changes had to be made broadly.

* I would not expect him or her to get into the nitty-gritty or details of each change, because there might be national security issues involved.

* But at least some explanation to the American people are expected!

Just like the management of one's personal budget has to cater to rising prices, rising costs, and the availability of consumables. So does the allocation of funds to support or provide for that budget or consumables.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Is Senator Barack Obama A Flip Flopper?

June 19-2008:

Is Barack Obama A Flip Flopper?

* Barack Obama was against NAFTA for the following reasons:

* He believes that NAFTA in it's entirety does not provide the ingredients for fair trade, open markets to all, fair wages to employees under that agreement, and safe working environments in some of it's manufacturing elements or organizations.

These are just some of the elements that I can recall, that Barack Obama wants to re-negotiate in the new package, that he intends to introduce when he becomes president.

* Barack Obama promised to consult with John McCain (if he became the democratic nominee), about Public Funding for their campaigns.

However, having experienced the ability of his campaign to raise millions from small donors on the Internet. This new reality seems much more feasible and realistic, and in keeping with his view of not taking financial aid from Lobbyists or big Corporate donors.

Which to my mind, any sensible individual would do under the current circumstances.

* This to my mind is not "FLIP FLOPPING," but good judgement, and being realistic.

Senator Barack Obama was asked to join John McCain in ten Town Hall discussions/interviews with the American people, prior to the general elections.

* Some people feel that Barack Obama is shirking from the invitation, and refuses to commit himself to this much needed exposure.

These allegations are fruitless, for the following reasons:

* Barack Obama just became the democratic nominee.

* He has had a very tiring and relentless campaign against Hillary Clinton.

He still has to convince Hillary Clinton's supporters to support him now that he is the nominee. Which he is the process of doing currently.

* And finally, Barack Obama has the option to decide when, where, and how these debates or interviews will be done. So rushing into anything with John McCain before he gets his own act together, will be a Lack Of

Good Judgement And Foresight!


Sunday, June 15, 2008


June 15-2008:


Why Do War Veterans Refuse To Talk About Their Wartime Experiences:

I believe that most veterans from former wars feel some guilt, remorse, and profound pain from the memory of those days on the battlefield.

Imagine yourself in that scenario, having to fight for your life, heads falling all around you, most of whom are your own buddies.

Losing buddies that were as close to you as your own family in those atrocities. But you had to fight for your life, and the lives of your fellow comrades in every situation un-imaginable.

Having nightmares about those horrors, mutilated buddies, and enemies alike, men that you killed up close and personal. Because it was you or them in that scenario.

All of these factors remain vividly in the minds, consciences, and hearts of these veterans. And being able to reconcile that experience with patriotism or duty, may be the only way one could get some semblance of peace within.

So do not ask them what they did back there EVER.

Because it was not a pleasant experience!


Lou Dobbs Is Now Challenging The US Supreme Court!

CNN Lou Dobbs said today that those enemy combatants are not soldiers, and must not be treated as such.

He also challenged the Supreme Court's decision recently, to have those individuals given a hearing in US civilian courts.

Imagine that, Lou Dobbs is now challenging the legal minds and decisions of The US Supreme Court!

June 15-2008:

Hello Lou,

Be Slow To Criticize Others-For You Do Not See things

From Their Perspective!

You are always critical of the current political candidates, and their agenda. And according to you, a lack of any sensible, and realistic agenda for the American people.

Individuals like you, find it very easy to criticize the administration when things don't go the way you expect it to go.

But I shall say this. It is much easier to be critical of others, until you find yourself wearing the shoes of those whom you criticize. or occupy the position of those in authority.

Just wanted to let you know!


Friday, June 13, 2008

A Journalist Of Probity & Rectitude Has Passed On!

June 13-2008:


Tim Russert Of "Meet The Press' Has Died!

Tim was a journalist who most people would love to have as a friend. His quick smile, wit, enthusiasm, and ability to get someone to fezz up, whatever he was trying to get them to admit.

He had the ability to probe you, with the severity of a surgeon, but at the same time, not letting you feel invaded.

I love watching him decipher the current political climate with interviewees, of various backgrounds and persuasions.

I shall miss him very much!

PS: The current presidential candidates will miss him too I guess!
June 10-2008:


The Wealthy Gets Wealthier & The Poor Gets Poorer!
1% of the US economy gets three quarters of the national growth or wealth.

While the other 99% of the economy gets the crumbs.

* Is this the American Dream?

* Is this capitalistic controlled economy which only benefits the few, who are in a position to exploit, manipulate, and influence who gets what-when and how, that Americans support and expect to fulfill the dream for all?

If anyone could convince or show me, how such expectations can be realized. I am ready and waiting!


Iran's Prime Minister Threatens Israel Again!

Iran's Prime Minister Achmedinajad is continuously calling for the destruction of the state of Israel. This is having a nervous impact on the Israeli military defense department. Israeli defense Minister said recently, that Israel may have to attack Iran in defense of what seems to be imminent threats from Iran.

This statement reminds me of George W. Bush's policy of pre-emptive military attacks against any perceived enemy, or perceived threat to American shores or interests. The climate in that region is developing to what seem to be a tipping point. And only time will tell which state will act irrationally.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Say NO To The Sixty US Bases Proposal!

June 11-2008:

NO-NO-NO To The Sixty US Bases Proposal!

George W. Bush's administration is currently negotiating for the setting up and keeping of 60 US bases in Iraq. The Malaki government, and other parliamentarians are saying NO to that strategy.

Prime Minister Malaki is already saying that the US has too much military presence in Iraq, and that is what is acerbating the national security problems there. And Iraqis in general oppose this move by the US.

The US already have bases in South Korea. Germany, Cuba, and other countries, that is over fifty years old. This new deal that G W. Bush wants, will tie the next president into a scenario that would make it extremely difficult to bring the bulk of US forces from Iraq back home.

And if Senator Barack Obama gets the presidency (which I think he will), how could he possibly deliver on his promises to bring most US troops home within 16 months, within the first four years of his administration?

This new deal MUST never be allowed to reach fruition, NEVER!

Go TO: and protest please:
Phone: (866) 675-2008
PO Box 8102
Chicago, IL 60680

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Current Generation's Perception Of Happiness!

June 08-2008:

What Is The Current Generation's Perception Of Happiness?
Traditional Beliefs:

* The traditional perception of happiness hinges upon the belief that if you are college educated, this enables you to attain a better paying job, upward mobility, provide for a family, buy a home, or save for your retirement years.

* Those who do not have a college degree or education, has a lesser chance for upward mobility, or employability.

* High School dropouts are more likely to be manual laborers, Take Out or Fast Food employees, policemen/women, firemen/women, or enlist in the military.

* Or is destined to be incarcerated more easily, become drug and substance abusers, or convicts.

Current Reality:

* Education is still perceived as vital for employability, upward mobility, and marketability.

* Computer knowledge, technological interests or know how, mass communication, networking, and versatility.

* Political interests and involvement, advocacy in many forms, volunteering for humanitarian projects, global environmental preservation and concerns.

* The need to work at home, or being self-employed, managing one's own business, or creating new ways of doing things on the job.

* And the liberty to choose one's mate, accepting differences of sexual choices, families, marriages or civil unions.


All of these elements contribute to the need to feel successful in life, Which will ultimately bring happiness of some sort. Because of the efforts that was made to attain those needs.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, June 06, 2008


June 06-2008:

How Can Barack Obama Prepare The Electorate For The General Election?

* Come up with strong, specific, conclusive, practical, realistic, and no nonsense plans for the future.

People will instinctively know if or when you are just politicking or being un-realistic!

* You are either going to speak DIRECTLY with hostile or un-friendly leaders, with some prior preparation. Or none at all!

This position MUST be CLEARLY spelled out to constituents.

* Troop withdrawals MUST be based of the general's perception, plans in place, and reality.

Advocating for time lines or precise dates for withdrawals is not a sensible way to sell this idea.

* What specifically will be done in infrastructure development, for job creation. Must be outlined clearly. Who will benefit, and what skills will be needed, or encouraged is also important to outline.

People must be able to figure out how they will fit in with these future proposals or plans.

* Finally, if you are perceived as un-believable or too abstract with your ideas or proposals, people will not move your way in the Fall election.


Prepare Yourselves For The Changes To Come:

The democrats ( I hope) come November, will attain the White House. Senator Barack Obama's plans are people oriented. His Healthcare package, his economic plans for national infrastructure development, his green and technological plans for alternative fuel sources, and his college oriented preparatory plans for high schoolers, and college bound children, are all slated for legislative actions.

Should we win the White House, I hope that all low income and middle income families are preparing their children for these changes. This should be the priority of all parents across the board, to enlighten, encourage, and insist that full participation and access to these opportunities, as they come on stream.

This is our moment, this is our time, this is not the time to waste, procrastinate, or falter!

June 06-2008:


Job Security & The Un-employment Threat!

With the current national economic crisis around the world. Unemployment is on the rise, food shortages are also on the rise, and rising prices in all consumables are inevitable.

Sucking up to your boss, being on time on the job, not taking any sick leave, or reporting sick to work, for fear of losing one's job is also a concern for many.

But when you are employed, your are likely to get fired at anytime, regardless of what you do as an employee. That is a fact of life.

So keep looking for another part time job, just in case!


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Barack Obama's Presidential Possibilities!

June 04-2008:

Barack Obama's Presidential Possibilities!

Barack Obama is a young man with great potential to serve this nation of ours. He has shown the ability to sway minds and hearts hitherto un-moveable or un-shakeable. However, the question or concern in some quarters about his prospects for success to the White House in 2008, concerns me very much.

Personally, I feel he has as very good chance of getting elected. And in some ways even greater, because he could relate more to the commonweal.

So here are some of his strengths!

Presidential Assets:

* He is globally informed:

* He is likeable and believeable:

* Well respected in his home state Illinois:

* Well rounded in intelligence and vision:

* Admirable, people friendly, publicly appealing, and politically suave:

* Cannot or must not be used to save face, for the Democratic party's failures:

* Does not have a magic wand for this country's ills:

* Believes that the Grassroots movement will be the springboard for change:

* A great uniter and facilitator with those who may not agree with his views:

* And is always willing to compromise for the common good:

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Prima Donna Hillary Clinton Acts Up Again!

June 04-2008:

Should Hillary Clinton Be Considered For The VP Slot?

Firstly, let me say this. I was very surprised that Senator Hillary Clinton did not have the grace, humility, and civility, to acknowledge her opponent and fellow democratic candidate's victory last night.

But continued to rant and rave about her 18 million supporters, whom she feels belong to her, or is responsible for. This sounds like they are her largess, which she intends to use as a bargaining chip, in her demands to the presumptive nominee.

This is disrespectful, arrogant, and self-serving. Which contradicts all that she said before about her concern and care for the welfare of the common people.

If Senator Barack Obama concedes to her demands, it makes him look WEAK, and reduces his ability to lead or claim the earned authority of nominee, and subsequent presidential validity for the White House.

She has forfeited any consideration for the VP's position, by her refusal to acknowledge him as the victor and nominee of the Democratic Party.



June 03-2008:


Venezuela"s New National Intelligence Laws!

Interior Minister Ramón Rodríguez Chacín announced the intelligence overhaul in a public appearance here last week, saying it was needed to combat "interference from the United States" by having intelligence agency workers imbued with "ideological commitment."

On Monday, however, Mr. Rodríguez Chacín softened his tone, saying the law would not lead to political intimidation or restrict freedom of expression. "We are talking about the responsibility all Venezuelans have with the security of the state and the resolution of any crime," he said.


This legislation was coined behind closed doors, and without any public debate or referrendum. It reminds me of The Ascroft National Security Legislation/Act here in America, that we are all subjected to, under this political climate of fear and ignorance.

China's Olympic Committe Banned Items:

The advisory issued by the Beijing Organizing Committee includes a ban on bringing into China "anything detrimental to China’s politics, economy, culture or moral standards, including printed material, film negatives, photos, records, movies, tape recordings, videotapes, optical discs and other items."

All rallies, demonstrations and marches, at athletic sites or anywhere else, are also banned during the Games unless approved in advance by public security agencies, a longstanding policy in China even when no Games or other big events are being held.


Yes, China is using every means to prevent material they feel will fuel any subversive acts or dissent during these games. I still feel strongly that ALL athletes should ban those games. The principle at stake here is what is MOST important.

Without Human Rights-There Is No Humanity!

June 01-2008:


Can Puerto Ricans Vote In The US Elections?

Puerto Ricans on the island of Puerto Rico cannot vote in the US national elections for president. Unless they reside in one of the 50 states.

Puerto Rico is a colony within the US commonwealth. Even though they are considered US citizens, they cannot vote for the presidency, because that island is not a independent state as yet.
Puerto Ricans are divided between those who want independence, and those who prefer it to remain a colony.


Sunday, June 01, 2008


May 30-2008:


Upper East Side-New York City Crane Crashes!

The upper section of a crane has allegedly crashed into an adjacent building called 'The Electra,' on the Upper East Side at 91St Street-Manhattan, New York City.

The crane operator was killed, and three others injured!


This is the third such accident involving high rise cranes in New York City in recent months. And I wonder why is this happening?

* Is it lack of proper supervision?

* Is it a lack of proper regulations governing how cranes are constructed, operated, left idle, or how they should be monitored in High Rise Building confines?

* Or is it just carelessness or lack of proper safety precautions on those building sites!

Whatever it is warrants investigating by the City authorities urgently!


The JUKA Or Bush Negroid Peoples!

The recently discovered indigenous peoples within the dense Brazilian forests are called JUKAS or Bush Negroes. These tribes are numerous but small, and live in separate regions within the Amazons, Brazil, Surinam, Venezuela, and Peru.

Hitherto, very few of these people have had contact with Europeans or outsiders. But today, with the ever growing demand for forested lumber in those regions, their discovery, and importance are being discussed in a new way.

There survival as indigenous peoples, will depend on how modern civilization allows them to co-exist alongside mainstream society, or co-op them therein!

May 29-2008:

The Texas High Court Ruling On The Polygamous Cult Blunder!

The tragic blunder by the state of Texas to validate the claims of child molestation, and child endangerment, has gone terribly wrong.

Failing to provide substantive evidence for the removal of these alleged endangered children at that ranch, has shown just how inept the State Child Protection Agency, responsible for these evictions were.

And now it would be virtually impossible for these allegations to be validated, when the children are returned, as per court order.

This sect, like so many cults instill fear upon their members/followers. And anyone within who dares speak out against the system, faces dire consequences.

Remember the Jim Jones People's Temple cult, and the WACO fiasco.

These people would rather die en-masse, that provide any evidence that would incriminate their leadership, or family.
