Wednesday, June 04, 2008


June 03-2008:


Venezuela"s New National Intelligence Laws!

Interior Minister Ramón Rodríguez Chacín announced the intelligence overhaul in a public appearance here last week, saying it was needed to combat "interference from the United States" by having intelligence agency workers imbued with "ideological commitment."

On Monday, however, Mr. Rodríguez Chacín softened his tone, saying the law would not lead to political intimidation or restrict freedom of expression. "We are talking about the responsibility all Venezuelans have with the security of the state and the resolution of any crime," he said.


This legislation was coined behind closed doors, and without any public debate or referrendum. It reminds me of The Ascroft National Security Legislation/Act here in America, that we are all subjected to, under this political climate of fear and ignorance.

China's Olympic Committe Banned Items:

The advisory issued by the Beijing Organizing Committee includes a ban on bringing into China "anything detrimental to China’s politics, economy, culture or moral standards, including printed material, film negatives, photos, records, movies, tape recordings, videotapes, optical discs and other items."

All rallies, demonstrations and marches, at athletic sites or anywhere else, are also banned during the Games unless approved in advance by public security agencies, a longstanding policy in China even when no Games or other big events are being held.


Yes, China is using every means to prevent material they feel will fuel any subversive acts or dissent during these games. I still feel strongly that ALL athletes should ban those games. The principle at stake here is what is MOST important.

Without Human Rights-There Is No Humanity!

June 01-2008:


Can Puerto Ricans Vote In The US Elections?

Puerto Ricans on the island of Puerto Rico cannot vote in the US national elections for president. Unless they reside in one of the 50 states.

Puerto Rico is a colony within the US commonwealth. Even though they are considered US citizens, they cannot vote for the presidency, because that island is not a independent state as yet.
Puerto Ricans are divided between those who want independence, and those who prefer it to remain a colony.


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