Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Greetings To You 2012!

New Year Greetings To You 2012!

May I take the liberty to wish you and yours, a Pleasant, Reflective, Peaceful, and Enjoyable New Year.

And may all of your aspirations for this year be realized too.



Dare Yourself To Keep The Change From Every Purchase, And Build Your Mini Nest Egg By Year End!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ron Paul The Angry Republican Rogue!

December 17-2011.

Ron Paul The Angry Republican Rogue!

Rep. Ron Paul is your typical Republican loud mouth who feels that he has the solution to America's problems. Which to him and most of his supporters are yet to acknowledge was caused by their financial contributors and supporters decades ago. And on which they still lean to keep them alive and well sustained financially.

He is able to garner support from the White young, mis-guided, angry, and gullible fringes of this society. Even when his rhetoric does not provide any real and practical solution to Americas financial and political dilemma.

He likes to refer to the Constitution as though he is the only one that understands it, or respects its' merits or vision for America. But he also fails to realize that the same Constitution that he so vociferously refers to, ensures that the wealthy land and property owing classes are protected and enriched, in order for the so called American Dream to be realized.
