Thursday, April 30, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

April 30-2009:

Jordan Destroys Their Non Halal Beef!

Yes, the Egyptian government authorized the killing of thousands of pigs, for fear that they may be contaminated with the H1N1 virus. Even though the WHO, or (World Health Organization) has specifically stated that there is no scientific evidence found so far, to validate the fear or claim that this flu virus came from pigs.

This irrational, insensitive, and aggressive act of killing the food of Non-Moslems within that society, just goes to show how the Egyptian government has little or no regard for Non-Moslem segments within it's midst.

And I wonder if cows, were the alleged culprits of this flu virus, if the Egyptian government would have ordered the mass killing of all cows?

I shudder to think just how other Islamic countries will behave in the light of this precedent now established by Egypt, when the H1N1 virus starts to appear on their shores?


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

News From My Perspective!

April 29-2009:

New Swine Flu Virus Description Explained!

The so called Swine Flu epidemic's description has been changed to the H1 N1 virus.

The US Food Safety organization said publicly, that there is NO association of this virus with food. 

And to continue calling it Swine Flu, would be sending the wrong message.

Which can be interpreted to mean a food or pork borne virus.

So far, there has been no validity of this virus being transmitted via any food product, but is primarily an AIR BOURNE virus.

However, the media personnel seem reluctant to cease calling it Swine Flu!

One Death So Far In America!

ONE death has occured here in the USA, and the media is hollering Bloddy Murder.

The World is Coming To An End.

How pathetic.

Om Shanti-Shanti!

Greeting each other in India is done with the clasping of both palms, and bowing the head slightly, while saying the greeting 'Shanti-Shanti-Shanti'

This may have to be adopted in other cultures, to counter the fear of contracting the H1-N1 virus, by shaking hands, or by touching cheeks with cheeks.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Current Swine Flu Virus!

April 28-2009:

The Current Swine Flu Virus! 

As far as I understand, a new outbreak of Flu, called Swine Flu, was discovered in Mexico. So far, healthy young people seem to be the victims of this epidemic, and the reason/s are still to be determined by the CDC.

They have also been a few cases of suspected Swine Flu infected individuals in New York, which has probable cause for the suspicion that this may ultimately be categorized as a pandemic flu virus.

However, you cannot contract this flu from eating PORK. 

And as an airborne virus, the natural way of infection is via the nostrils via inhalation, or contaminated surfaces or places that someone may have sneezed or coughed, and sputum droplets would have landed there from their nose or mouth.

So please observe some basic precautions now that this virus is on the move, by following these precautions.

* Never sneeze or cough with your mouth open.

* If you feel bodily pain, accompanied with a fever, consult your Local Medical Center or Hospital.

There are known medications that will be administered if necessary. But do not allow a severe cough or fever to go un-treated, because it may be something serious.

Wearing A Mask?

Anyone wearing a mask for fear of contracting the Swine Flu Virus, is a FOOL.

Masks are only recommended when someone is ALREADY infected.

Such recommendations are prescribed to people infected with a SEVERE type of Pneumonia, Flu, and Tuberculosis.

So do not allow the IDIOTS in the local media, any group, or public official to coerce you into wearing any mask, for fear of contracting the Swine Flu virus!

Blame It On Mexico!

There is some speculation in the local television media, that the Swine Flu virus originated in Mexico. This I presume is because that country has the highest deaths related to it, and has more infected people per capita, that any other country so far.

But I caution everyone not to allow this kind of speculation to get out of control, before any validation is found to substantiate that claim.

Remember when HIV/AIDS was first discovered in the 1980's in the USA. 

Shortly thereafter, fingers started pointing to Africa, and the Baboons there as the source!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Achievements For The Obama Administration During The First 100 Days!

April 25-2009:

Achievements For The Obama Administration During The First 100 Days!

For those of you who feel that the President is not doing enough to stem the unemployment crisis currently.

Just let me make some things quite clear now!

* President Obama inherited over three trillion dollars in deficit:

* President Obama is doing all that is necessary, prudent, judicious, and feasible, to get this economy moving in a positive way.

For those of you who think he is not moving fast enough, or does not have a clue what he is doing.

I say, you are entitled to your own opinion.

However, the American electorate elected him with 53% of the national votes, to GOVERN, as per his promises. And that is what he is doing.

* The 780 Billion US Dollar National Rescue Initiative Stimulus Bill:

* The No Child Left Behind Funding Initiative Enactment:

* Added millions of US dollars for Medicaid Funding, to cover eleven million children without Healthcare coverage or access:

* The Equal Rights For Women In The Workplace Enactment/Bill:

* The Veteran's Act for College Grants for those who served over three years in the US military:

* The Stem Cell Research Funding via Executive Order:

* Eanctment of The Employee Free Choice Act, which caters for the recognition of a collective bargaining agent for employees, secret ballot, and voluntary union conscription at the workplace:

* A White House Council for Women & Girls:

* Meeting with EU leaders at the G-20 summit recently, and getting them to sign a consensual agreement for financial assistance in the vicinity of three trillion dollars, for the global financial crisis stabilization:

* Meeting with our South-Central & North American Leadership, making amends for past grievances with the US policies, and setting the stage for improved trade/relations with the entire continent:

* Releasing some classified documents that validate that some forms of torture was done by the CIA, with the consent of the George W. Bush White House administration:

* And authorizing the killing of those three pirates, that captured an American Commercial/Humanitarian ship in the Somali sea. 

(B) The pirates were killed by three Navy Seal's snipers.

These are just some of the actions he has taken within the first 100 days of his administration, and is still counting!

My performance rating for this administration so far, is an A.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Support Legislation To Curb Credit Card Fraud NOW!

April 23-2009:

I Support Legislation To Curb Credit Card Fraud Now!

This nation of ours (The USA), survives and thrives economically via Credit Card's accepting business facilities. Almost every American of legal age has one. And their is hardly any organization, business, insurance agency, or financial institution, that does not require it's clients to be holders of credit cards and a Credible Credit History.

When I came to this country I was told that having good credit will determine how much credit you can access. And when you don't have any credit history, chances are, most businesses, insurance companies, or banks, would hesitate to grant you any credit, because of it.

And I asked the following question of my friend at that time!

Wouldn't allowing someone to access credit at anytime, even if he or she cannot afford that items/s, or does not have the equity to guarantee such credit, asking for serious fraudulent behavior?

And he told me in response, that credit is the American way of doing business, and everyone is expected to have some form of credit history to get ahead in this country.

The current national and international economic crisis validates my concerns about credit gone mad!

So the question now is, can we abolish or regulate the amount of credit per person by law?

I would suggest that no one should be allowed credit over his or her annual income. Unless he or she is wealthy, or has assets that can be used as equity for any loss or default on his or her remittances. Having such ceilings established by law, would allow most credit card holders, especially those within the lower income brackets, the most vulnerable, the elderly, and gullible, to monitor their credit ability at any time. 

Having this knowledge recorded in a national Credit Card data base, will also help any organization that provides credit to clients as part of their business, to check that person's ability to pay.

So I am for any legislation that would allow the above to be made law!

Derryck S. Griffith.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Is A BAD Bank?

April 21-2009:

What Is A Bad Bank?

The new definition of a Bad Bank are the following:

Those banks that have lost millions or billions on TOXIC loans or Investments, can have these loans shuntered off into a Bad Bank or (Toxic Loans Clearing House), which will buy those toxic loans at current price.  

Most of which will be very much lower in value, from the time they were sold or given.

So the Banks that held these TOXIC loans will now be FREE to get New Capital from the State's Treasury (on Loan), to start lending once again, and providing loans to it's customers.

In time, when the economy recovers, those TOXIC loans at the Bad Banks or (TOXIC Loans Clearing House), will SELL those loans on the open market for less that they cost at the outset.

Some of these will accrue Profit from those sales.

Other sales will incur a Loss too.

From the new TOXIC sales that have accrued profit, the bank will pay this money back to the banks it came from, for them to eventually repay the State, for the loans they got for those TOXIC acommodations.


Friday, April 17, 2009

President Obama Forgives The Torturers!

April 17-2009:

President Obama Forgives The Torturers!

President Obama's administration through the Department Of Justice, will not charge any CIA officer that indulged in torture, during the George W. Bush administration.

This decision may cause some head hunters on the left to get all fired up and angry. But I imagine that president Obama needs these same CIA officials or officers, to operate in his new administration. 

Most of which have experience ands skills that are needed in the fight against terrorism internationally.

However, if we allow anger, vengeance, and payback for any wrong doing, some of these officials may have undertaken, then we may be forfeiting ourselves the benefit of some potential assets, that are vitally needed at this time.

Politically, this may be a grave dis-appointment for many Obama supporters, some of whom was waiting for a change of administration to get even!

So let us see how supporters from every strata and affiliation, will behave in the next three years general elections.

Remember The Nuremberg Trials After World War-2:

I was merely following orders!

George W. Bush Torture Chamber!

As I see it, the US Justice Dept,. via the Attorney General should have been allowed to have an investigation into who in the line of authority, gave the direct orders for torture to be done on prisoners. 

Did the Attorney General raise this concern with the president?

Or did the president suggest to the US Attorney General not to pursue any investigation that would lead to prosecution. Whatever it is, a precedent has already been established, and if no legal Proceedings are brought against any alleged torturer. 

Then what is to prevent some future president or administration, repeating this scenario 
once again?


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Remove The Barricade & Let The President See The Poverty!

April 16-2009:

Remove The Barricade & Let The President See The Poverty!

Word on the street and on Eastern Parkway-Brooklyn-New York City, is that the Trinidad & Tobago government, erected barricades along the route to the Capital City-Port Au Spain in Trinidad & Tobago. This was done to shut out the social embarrassment that the government does not want president Obama to see en route to the Capital City.

Now why would the Trinidad government be embarrassed about this social-economic malady?  

President Obama also have relatives living in poverty in Kenya, and is fully aware of the social-economic conditions there too. Trying to hide the reality of poverty among the people will not create a favorable impression of Trinidad & Tobago. 

In fact, it may very well cause the president pause, on his assessment about who and what this Caribbean administration really is about. And if their is credibility in any future dealings with it.

Tell president Obama that we too have our Ghettoes, and impoverished peoples, and are desperately trying to lift our people collectively, out of social and economic poverty.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Food AID Ships To Kenya Escapes Pirates Attack!

April 15-2009:

Food Aid Ships To Kenya Escapes Pirates Attack!

If the pirates continue to show no regard for an ocean going vessel, regardless of whether that or those vessels are delivering Food Aid to Africa, or any African country.

Then I say, STOP delivering food there NOW!

If these pirates are going to hold those states that are desperately in need of food hostage, then let them STARVE.

When starvation really start causing the deaths of thousands of their own people, then I guess they will see the light and desist such activities.

And those African states that chose to sit idle by, and not intervene to help or protect ships in that region. I say to them too, that when the pirates are no longer able to attack ships successfully, they will turn upon their own governments and people to plunder.

So if these African states and governments in that region, does not make deliberate efforts to thwart piracy, their bases on shore, and their leadership, by killing them whenever they are captured, or caught indulging in piracy. 

Then NO FOOD AID will continue!

Derryck S. Griffith.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pirates Vowed To Take Revenge!

April 13-2009:

Pirates Vow To Take Revenge The Next Time!
Quote from one pirate:

"From now on, if we capture foreign ships and their respective countries try to attack us, we will kill them (the hostages)," Jamac Habeb, a 30-year-old pirate, told the Associated Press from one of Somalia's piracy hubs, Eyl. "(U.S. forces have) become our No. 1 enemy."
Well if this is not presumption, what is?
But I will say this, if these brigands believe that the US will roll over while her mercantile shipping is harassed, pirated, or fellow Americans killed.
They are VERY WRONG.
The US will use whatever Military and Maritime Assets at it's disposal, to save or protect it's interests and sea going vessels, and personnel. And I hope that if necessary, the US military will use DRONES, the Navy, and Marine Corps to go after any pirate groups, communities, on land or sea, and obliterate them, if they ever do harm to our people.
A clear and certain message MUST be sent to these terrorists, that we will NEVER allow them or any other to terrorize Americans at home, at sea, or in the Air!

What Exactly Are Snipers?
A sniper is a professional killer, who may operate for a fee by private contracting. Or may be part of a sniper's unit in the US military.
Why those three snipers were able to fire the three shots in UNISON, was because they were each wired, with their weapons cocked and looking directly through their viewers, waiting patiently for that opportune moment when they could make the kill with certainty.
And when that opportune moment came, they were all focused on the target that each one would kill..
However, to be qualified as a member of any sniper unit in the military, intense training for accuracy is done, weapons of all descriptions are used, and to qualify, the individual soldier has to go through a rigorous training course on the target practice, and meet the specified amount of targeted hits as required.
A sniper is a professional killer (private or military), and is the most feared individual in any combat theater.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pirates BEWARE-America Has Your Number!

April 12-2009:

Pirates BEWARE-America Has Your Number!

Today three pirates were killed, one captured, and the US Captain hostage saved from capture.

Sincere praise go to the FBI, and the US Navy Seals, that were engaged in this rescue effort. 

And I also extend to president Obama my regards for his expressed concern about this incident.

However, international mercantile efforts MUST be formulated to deal with this Terror on the High Seas.

Furthermore, I hope that the pirates of Somalia are watching, and would re-consider ever trying to capture another American Mercantile or Military vessel again.

I had hoped that all of these criminals would have been killed for their avaricious acts against the innocent. 

However, the one who was not killed faces criminal charges, and I hope right here in the USA,
in a Court Of Law.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tell President Barack Obama Not To Talk Tough!

April 11-2009:

Tell President Obama Not To Talk TOUGH

If He Does Not Intend To ACT Tough!

Telling North Korea not to launch that missile, or else there would be consequences.

And after the missile was deliberately launched, then asking the Security Council to discipline them via some UN Resolution.

That declaration has made our president look like a WHIMP, and makes Dick Cheney's comments recently about him 
(Mr. Obama), not ready for the Big Leagues seem more convincing.

Now we have the Somalia Sea incident, and the US Navy is being held hostage, because they do not want to accidentally harm or kill an American Captain held hostage by pirates.

Sometimes one has to sacrifice the few (or the individual), for the good of the MAJORITY!

That is what leadership is all about!

Derryck S. Griffith.

America's Siege In The Somali Sea!

April 11-2009:

America's Siege In The Somali Sea!

The French Squat Teams recently rescued some of it's citizens who were captured by pirates. One French citizen was killed in this effort.

However, the French government maintains that they will never allow pirates to exploit them or their people at sea.

But the USA is still playing PANSY with these pirates, and allowing ONE American male to hold the world most powerful Navy hostage, while the FBI, and the Commercial Shipping Firm negotiates, for what will never be resolved without the pirates getting (once again), their desires.


Thursday, April 09, 2009

Start A Dialogue With Cuba-But With A Clear Agenda!

April 09-2009:

Start A Dialogue With Cuba-But With A Clear Agenda!

Recently some members of The Black Caucus went on a fact finding visit to Cuba, but did not do a thorough or in depth evaluation of the socio-political climate therein.

The United States trades with China, even though it is still A Communist Dictatorship, and Human Right's abuses still obtain therein:

* Freedom Of Speech and The Media, is still controlled and policed by the state;

* Political Prisoners are still being incarcerated, tortured, and killed on a daily basis.

* And Freedom Of Religion, (those not sanctioned or approved by the state), is curtailed, and their followers harassed, and imprisoned. 

* The Dalai Lama's movement, and the FULAN GONG movement are cases in point!

But yet, the USA still allows trade, travel, and diplomatic relations with that state.

What Did The Black Caucus Achieved?

As far as I heard them explained. They seem to feel that meeting with Fidel Castro, his Brother, and other family members, was a big deal. They also seem to feel that the social climate is fine in that country too.

But they never sought to meet with any Anti-Communist/Dictatorship political advocate, or Agitator, Anti-Government Controlled Media representatives either, nor did they enquire about the political prisoners (in the hundreds), that are imprisoned there?

This to my mind was a huge dis-appointment for us all in this country (USA), and makes it absolutely necessary for the Obama administration to ensure that any dialogue he intends to re-establish with Cuba, contains the following agenda.

* The releasing of political prisoners.

* The Establishing of Freedom Of The Press, and other Media.

*Freedom To Assemble, Petition for or against National Policy by the masses. 

*And Freedom To Travel out of Cuba for all citizens, who are not criminals, or fugitives of Cuba.

* Re-establishing Trade with Cuba, and allowing money transfers from Cuban exiles here, to their relatives over there.

If we can get Cuba to comply with most of the above agenda items, then we would have made a significant improvement in our relations with Cuba and the Cuban government.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The American People Need To Know The Truth!

April 07-2009:

The American People Need To Know The Truth!

It seems like those classified documents from the past seven years of the George W. Bush administration has finally been released, or is expected to be released soon. Some insiders claim that there are very graphic or grisly portrayals of torture recommended, implemented, and practiced, that may warrant legal retribution for several past officials of the recent past administration. 

Releasing this information may also cause some embarrassment for some of our allies, some of whom allowed Renditions on their shores, for the facilitating of interrogative methods, some of which today is categorized as torture.

Do we want this revelation to be made public, after president Barack Obama said repeatedly, that he intends to turn the page, and not get bogged down with the past ills, with this current economic crisis at hand!

However, if or when these documents become public, the American people must be prepared to face some very harsh facts, about our elected leadership in Washington-DC, and whether pursuing this vendetta or judicial end, will solve anything, much less prevent it from happening again.


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Is Not Getting Married Going Against Nature?

April 05-2009:

Is Not Getting Married Going Against Nature?

I heard this expression in a movie recently, and I was inspired to pen some of my views on this issue!
Most societies hitherto have had some form of mutual arrangement between two individuals, (a male and a female). This was done in private or public, depending upon the type of religious, traditional, or social norms of that clan, group, region, or culture.
Today in most modern societies, the institution of marriage is taken for granted, and most people, especially women feel that when they have gotten to know some male, who they may have been seeing, and feels that the emotional bond that was established between them, warrants consolidation through marriage.
Some women and men may feel that if a child is imminent between them, it would be in the interest of the unborn, to have a father figure to emulate, or help nurture during those early years of it's development.
This idea has become institutionalized throughout the world today.
Marriage can also be a means to inherit wealth, ensure that wealth stays within a certain lineage or hereditary family too. We also have marriages between same genders, which is a relatively new phenomenon in developed societies.
However, if you have any comments or additions to add to this discourse, you are welcomed to provide same.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Fire Those CEO'S Of Failed Banks NOW!

April 03-2009:

Fire Those CEO's Of Failed Banks NOW!

Because Keeping Them In Place Contradicts Transparency & Ethics!

I have been studying the financial situation that this country (USA) are experiencing currently, and I ask myself the following:

* Why is the Obama administration still allowing those CEO's and other senior banking executives to continue administering those failed and failing banks?

* Why is the Obama administration using as his Treasury Secretary, someone who was responsible for OVERSEEING Regulation of the same financial institutions that have received billions of federal dollars?

* Why hasn't the Obama administration ask the Congress to conduct an enquiry into THE CAUSE, of the financial debacle within the banking and other financial institutions on Wall Street?

* And finally, how could people who are crooked, and gained handsomely in fraudulent acts, be allowed to continue managing our financial institutions, because the White House executive seemingly, does not want the American Commonweal to know the TRUE volume or magnitude if the financial demise of our Banking Institutions?

These questions MUST be addressed NOW, or will be one of the negatives that will be used in a few years against this administration's re-election desire!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.