Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Problem With HOODIES In The UK:

The HOODIES or Hooded-Youth Attire:
The phenomena that seem to be creating a stir in the UK, is the wearing of the 'Hood' or head cover, on the heads of youths or adolescents. It is associated with gangsterism, Inner City robberies, and working class hoodlums from both Black & White backgrounds.
This phenomena is creating resentment within those so-called upright communities or individuals, who feel that certain social norms for personal attire must be adhered to, less it creates mis-conceptions within the society.
Or is associated with elements that are anti-establishment, anarchic, or deviant. And this ascription is leveled against the Black & White working class and Inner City youths, who seem to fancy this type of head wear. More or less associated with crime, burglary, and miscreants.
The local media in The UK, by and large is guilty of portraying this local phenomena as indicative of Black & White inner city youth behavior, their lack of moral, social, civil dis-regard for decent conduct and behavior.
This is also indicative of Blacks in the Big Cities of The USA, who wear the baggy trousers, with it's waistline hanging from the lower hips or under the buttock, as their way of saying that we are the Hip-Hop generation, and we chose to identify ourselves in this way generally. And we don't care if you grownups don't like it!
Some adults have complained that this type of attire is indicative of prisoners in the Southern States of America, in the historic chain gang, or those who are sexually molested in prison, or "prison queens."
Whether there truth in these statements or not, the youths who wear them, seem not to care the least about those associations.
Therefore, it is my belief and experience as a former youth, that every generation identifies itself in certain ways that may or may not be appreciated by their adult counterparts.
However, in every culture there are certain elements that are known to be hooligans, or misfits. But that does not give us the right as adults to castigate the entire aggregate as hooligans, misfits, or social degenerates.
By so doing, we would be distancing these youths from us adults, and in fact making the statement that they (the youths), are not appreciated for what they are. And that my friends would be very ill-advised and wrong!
Om Shanti.
Yahoo IM: mimbari2003

HIV-Nutrition & Maintaining Good Health:

October 19-2005:
TO: Michael Baisden.
From: Derryck S. Griffith
SUBJECT: HIV-STD's & other diseases:
Everything Is Everything!
Hello Michael,
I was listening to your interview/discussion today on the above subject, and I would like to highlight a few things in that regard.
* HIV & AIDS is an immune destructive disease. A cure for HIV has not yet been found.
* HIV like most STD's compromises the immune system.
* The current HIV suppressant medications available cannot cure HIV. What it does, if taken correctly, and according to your physician's directions, can reduce the volume of HIV within the blood stream, thus making it more easy to repair the immune system, and produce more, or increase the lost T4 Cells that boosts your immune system.
* There are several medically and nutritionally recommended things one can do to boost their immune system, and increase their overall health. eg
1. Doctor prescribed 'Multivitamin with Mineral' tablets. (One or two tabs) to be taken daily as needed.
2. Doctor recommended physical exercizes, such as 'strength training' of the arms & legs, squats, abdominals, weight-lifting or resistance training, to build arms and chest.
b. Jogging, fast walking, and any exercise that will help blood circulation and decrease high cholesterol.
3. Herbal medicines are also helpful, but Western Clinical Medicine was taught to most doctors today, and very few are inclined to discuss the herbal alternative. But with a little personal research and persuasion, some doctors are inclined to try some form of holistic medication, under their supervision.
4. Most Black & Latinos do not have medical insurance. Medicaid and ADAPT are accessed to some who qualify, based on a certain annual minimum income. Thus making it a little easier to obtain HIV medications. But proper nutritional practices are a problem in most poor communities.
5. Very few poor families or individuals, without a regular income can afford to adhere to a proper diet. And most HIV cases who are accessing Medicaid, food stamps, and some Social Disability benefit, are not allowed to work gainfully, or earn an income, that is beyond the income they are receiving from Public Assistance, or Welfare assistance.
6. And co-payments are also a factor for people on Medicaid, when accessing their medications from a pharmacy. Some pharmacies insist that you pay the co-pay! Even though The State authorities says that you should not do so, if you cannot afford to.
Not many poor and intimidated HIV Black & Latino (non-English speaking clients), knows this, or will insist upon this right!
6. Therefore, to maintain good health, adhere to the regimen for HIV medications, eat right or nutritionally, can be a very difficult task for many HIV patients. Most of which have other problems, such as Mental Illness, Drug and Substance usage problems, Injection Drug Usage problems, Psychological and Sociological challenges, and a history of homelessness.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator & Advocate.
New York City.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

There Is Nothing New Under The Sun!

Do You Know That There Is Nothing New Under The Sun!
For example:
* Every philosophy was interpreted according to the writer's view of the world.
*And when re-written, was embellished to make it more readable, believable, acceptable, and appealing to the viewer.
* Every religion known to humankind was practiced eons ago, but because writing only came into print in the middle ages, people had to follow what was told verbally to them.
* Whether they believed what was verbally told to them is another matter. Whether what was written was truth, is still debated even today!
* And yet, people still postulate that the scriptures are the TRUTH, given by some God, to his chosen followers, for all mankind to accept and follow.
* And do you know that after millions of years have elapsed, Jesus's (supposed teachings) are still debated, still un-clear, still causes division even among the followers/believers of this so-called doctrine, (known as Christianity), or believers in Christ.
* Human history shows clearly how for centuries humans looked to the skies for some revelation or answer to their enquiries about purpose, famine, death, life, after-life, good, and evil.
* Modern science and technology today, has helped greatly explain certain natural phenomena, eg, volcanoes, earthquakes, tornados, floods, hurricanes, and hale storms, that hitherto was perceived as works of the Devil in anger, or of some God as punishment.
* Today humans still ascribe those phenomena as punishment, or the wrath of some God or Allah.
* Re-incarnation was believed possible in the flesh by Egyptians, centuries ago. The mummies of the Pharaohs or royalty, validates that belief today.
* Cryonics (or the freezing of the dead), is practiced today for those who still feel that they will resurrect some time in the future. So the rich believers, (or those who can afford to do so), preserve a part of, or their entire carcass, for that future resurrection.
So history is still repeating itself today, even though humanity has made remarkable strides in technology and science. We are generally still victims of primitive beliefs, superstitious methods, practices, and fatalists!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.