Monday, August 30, 2010

The Miss Universe & Miss World Contests!

August 30-2010:

What Is The Point In Contesting For A Miss World Or A Miss Universe?

Firstly, how on earth could anyone determine who or what makes someone a Miss Universe or a Miss World?

Is this determination made just from those who participated in some preliminary evaluation contest?

And how valid is this presumption anyway?

These are questions that I have asked myself time and again, but still ponder this ridiculous competition. States and organizations are getting on the bandwagon of Global vanity, to have their women paraded in front of the cameras, harassed, ridiculed, cajoled, sexually molested sometimes too, just for the moment in the spotlight when she will be crowned Queen of the Harem!

Couldn’t we find some other competition to involve our women in like Educational Excellence, Personal Skills at some craft or endeavor, or Voluntary Humanitarian work?

It is now high time for us all, especially Black or Women Of Color, to ponder and re-consider before jumping on the bandwagon of personal vanity and fame!
