Monday, October 15, 2007

Just Another Form Of Handout:

October 15-2007:


Students Are Rewarded For Passing The AP High School Exams:
Yes, in New York City a private donor is offering students the following rate of financial incentives for passing the High School AP exams.

These rates are as follows:

* Score#3. $500.00 dollars:
* Score# 4. $700.00 dollars:
* Score#5. $1,000.00 dollars.

Traditionally, it is believed that with diligent personal application, any student can pass his or her exams period. The motive for introducing tests or exams, is to ascertain the ability of students to recall their course work or lessons, on the subjects that they are being tested for.

So if you introduce financial incentives to encourage students to do what is vitally necessary for passing any exam. Then in fact you are telling those students, that failure has no monetary value.

But passing a test has a monetary value.

This incentive is directed to economically dis-enfranchised students in the school system.

I am appalled at any concept that give a money award as an incentive for success. It pre-supposes that personal resolve, application, and focus, is no longer necessary for achieving success at school.

And who knows just how this will be perceived by those students from poor economic backgrounds who are in college, or is desirous of going to college!

This to my mind, is just another form of BRIBERY!


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