Saturday, June 30, 2007


Universal Healthcare Is A NECESSITY For The USA:

This is the only country (The USA), among the developed countries around the world that does not have a National Health Care System. That ensures all Americans can access Health Care, regardless of whether they are employed or un-employed, without having to worry about affordability.

A system that subsidizes all Americans that need help in times of need, to access relevant care, pay for medications, and hospitalization. With such a system in place, doctors would not have to worry about being sued because of insufficient medical attention. Or in-appropriate prescription for medication that does not help patients to recover fully.

Patients will no longer feel that they are too poor to visit the doctor, for fear that they will not be able to afford the prescriptions. Dentists will not turn away patients because they only have Medicaid, or some supplementary medical insurance that does not provide for some medications beyond a prescribed ceiling.

And the assurance that Medical Coverage and Hospitalization assistance from the Feds, The State, and Local employment organizations, are all committed to ensuring that all Americans are covered medically.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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