Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Africa-Why Are You Destroying Your Men-Women & Children?

December 16-2008:

Africa-Why Are You Destroying Your Men-Women & Children?

Every day I shudder at the reports coming out of Africa via worldfocus.com. This medium is the only one that covers the African Continent's plight on a daily basis. And it seems that with each day, the violence and killings on that continent is becoming more GRAVE.

And I ask myself, WHY-WHY is this being allowed to continue happening in Zimbabwe, The Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Darfur, and elsewhere. And the UN cannot get African states to DIRECTLY intervene MILITARILY to STOP this specter of EVIL?

So I call upon the International Community Of Nations, to ACT NOW, use whatever means necessary. Because the traditional diplomacy and talks, are not making any tangible progress. Because the evidence on the ground there shows, that Africans have become so brutal in the aforementioned states, that it is beyond comprehension in a 21 century world.


Derryck S. Griffith.

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