Monday, December 08, 2008

Calling All Free Lance BLOGGERS:

December 08-2008:

Calling All Free Lance Bloggers!

Ever since the genesis of the Internet and Blogging therein, we as a group have made remarkable strides in this arena. At the outset, most of us were snubbed as un-professional, simplistic, lacked credibility, and impostors of true journalism.

Well our time has come to show the traditional journalists, that we have what it takes to report the news, give interviews, do documentaries, and bring what matters to all online readership internationally.

So this web page was started to solicit all like minded Bloggers to register with this "Free Lance Blogger's Guild." And make the statement that we have indeed come of age, is here to stay, and that we are a society of equals!

Welcome aboard fellow Bloggers!

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.


V1nce said...

"At the outset, most of us were snubbed as un-professional, simplistic, lacked credibility, and impostors of true journalism."

Unprofessional is spelled without the hyphen and there is no ',' necessary between credibility and the word 'and'.

Plus the call for bloggers to rise and prove they're just as good as traditional media is a few years too late, the revolution already happened without you.

Unknown said...

Hello Brother!

Firstly, the word un-professional is quite CORRECT, according to The Oxford Dictionary.

Maybe the American Webster Collegiate may have spelled it this way (unprofessional).

Either way, it can be spelled, and will still be correct grammar/spelling.

Secondly, the word credibility, is a noun, and comes from the root 'credible.'

Therefore, if someone lacks credibility, (which is the verb), then it cannotes, that he or she cannot be believed or trusted, in whatever he or she says or writes!
