Friday, October 24, 2008

The Possibility Of A One Party State!

October 24-2008:

The Possibility Of A One Party Leadership!

At this rime, the polls, and consistencies nationally indicates, that their is a possibility for the democrats to have a majority in both the Senate and House.

Should this become a reality, there might be a possibility at last, for getting serious legislation passed without the usual filibustering hitherto seen.

However, having a majority have it's challenges too. Because some of the more senior democratic representatives, most of whom was not supportive of Barack Obama at the inception. But came on board when they saw that there was a possibility that he would win the primaries.

Some even after he did win the primaries, and got the nomination, have not accepted him as victor, and party leader. Thus causing his former rival Hillary Clinton to have to BEG her supporters not to allow personal choice to distract them from what matters right now.

And to get on board, so that the Democrats could deliver the long overdue and urgently needed medical care, employment opportunities, energy policies, foreign policy, ending the war in Iraq, and providing REAL leadership from Washington-DC.

Only time will tell if this presumption will be possible!


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