Monday, November 24, 2008

Capitalism Is Based On The Possibility Of Financial Gain!

November 24-2008:

Capitalism Is Based On The Possibility Of Financial Gain Through Risk Taking!

Today we are bailing out large banks and insurance companies in this capitalist system. Which at times seems willy-nilly, or even preferential for some. This contradicts the entire concept of 'Risk Taking. And does not help these disfunctional institutions come to terms with their own incompetence or frailties, if we keep propping them up, to save our national FACE.

Let's face it people. These capitalist institutions are in this business to make MONEY for themselves, their investors, and shareholders. So when they fail to deliver, then ALL who are part and parcel of these failures MUST be prepared to count their losses, And get their business acumen, or what's left of it, re-calibrated in order to continue doing business.

If they are unable to do so, then bankruptcy option is always available as a last resort. The American tax payers are not responsible for the trickery, fraud, clandestine trading practices, and scams that most of these bankers and their financial buddies were indulging in.

In fact, most of the loss is felt by, and devastates the ordinary working class man and woman. Most of whom will eventually have to forego their pensions, healthcare, and college nest egg for their children indefinitely.

Let those responsible be brought to justice very soon!


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