Thursday, December 31, 2009


May I Be At PEACE!

May I Be At Peace,

May My Heart Be Open,

May I Awaken To

The Light Of My True Nature,

May I Be Healed,

And May I Be A Source Of Healing


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Holiday Greetings!

December 23-2009:

Christmas Holiday Greetings!

The year 2009 could be remembered as Challenging, Economically bleak, and the beginning of UNCERTAINTY for America and the World.

With the rise of president elect Barack H. Obama, the leader of the Free Democratic hemisphere. We expect BIG changes for the better.

Even as we experience economic troubles locally and internationally. We are still hopeful, that the stormy cloud of uncertainty will pass over.

And a New Day will dawn come 2010.

May these last few days of 2009, be Pleasant, Fruitful, Resolute, and Hopeful, for all who care, believe, hope, and share in the dream.

A Happy, Pleasant and Peaceful Christmas Holiday to President Elect Barack Hussein Obama, his family, his VP Elect, supporters,
and all Americans.

Om Shanti.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Did President Obama Betrayed His Promise For The Public Option?

December 23-2009:

Did President Obama Betrayed His Promise For The Public Option?

The president said recently that he did not campaign for The Public Option. He may be correct there, because he may not have used those EXACT WORDS. But he implied it, when he said that over 40 million Americans do not have health care coverage, or cannot afford it.

And he intends to change that when be become president!

Therefore, it stands to reason that giving them a choice with a Publicly Funded Option, to provide competition to private Insurance Companies. That would cater for the lowering of coverage fees and create a Level Competitive Playing field.

That is why it is so Urgent that we get access to a public Option for all of the above mentioned.

The Public Option Health Care Provider & What Is Means!

Hithero, most consumers sought a Health Care provider according to their financial means. Those who had the means got the best services, from the best Health Care Providers.

And those that could not afford the better ones had to settle for the sub standard providers, which did not provide for most of the needs, that most consumers wanted from their doctors/physicians.

How will the Public Option Work?

* The Public Option gives those who do not have Health Care the option to have one.

* It also allows consumers the CHOICE between the Established providers, and the Federally Subsidized Provider/Plans.

* Both Health Care plans would be providing for the Health Care needs of any American that wants it.

* The only difference is that we would be getting to choose between the Public Option, and The Private Option.

* If anyone does not want Healthcare for whatever reason, he/she has that option too also.

But the provision is there for all, if or when they so choose to get Health Care.


There can be no Health Care Reform without The Public Option Included PERIOD!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Legally Binding Global Emissions Pact!

December 22-2009:

Legally Binding Global Emissions Pact!

I disagree with any legally binding Global Emissions Program, for the following reasons:

* Politicians who make proposals and may sign agreements committing their respective countries, may be doing their constituents a disfavor.

* Politicians do not hold Publicly elected office forever. Unless they are Dictators. And even they too are not certain about their longevity.

* Signing any agreement with legal validity will tie the hands of politicians who may or ay not be in office, should they renege on those agreements. Then who is to blame, or be held responsible?

Therefore, I strongly suggest that any Global Emissions Agreement between politicians at any Global Emissions Summit, aught to be taken in "Good Faith."

And the honoring of that agreement should be left to the states concerned.

New York City.

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Few Decided The Fate Of The Majority In Copenhagen?

December 18-2009:

A Few Decided The Fate Of The Majority In Copenhagen?

Twenty or Twenty Five Nations (behind closed doors), decided for 190 nations? Totally un-acceptable for such agreement to have any teeth, because it was un-democratic.

Therefore, whatever it purports will be illegal, not legally binding, and un-acceptable!


* Each country will indicate how they will make necessary changes in their emissions project.

* Each country will be subjected to the same levels of scrutiny, transparency, and accountability for their promises/agreement.

This agreement is not legally binding, but will convey in spirit the resolve collectively and globally, to work towards curbing Global Climate Emissions that are harmful to the planet, and all therein.

Ten billion Euros was proposed (for ten years), to help developing countries cope with their intent to comply with this accord.

African delegates said NO to this agreement (more or less).


Indonesia Cannot Afford It's Military Budget:

December 17-2009:

The State Of Indonesia Cannot Afford It's Military Budget.

I was watching tonight, where this topic was being discussed by one of it's anchors, and two interviewees. The anchor was contending that the Indonesian government currently, cannot afford to finance the entire apparatus of it's military institutions.

Historically, the military indulged in co-operatives and other legal and illegal operations to finance their coffers, and some filled their individual pockets too with the revenue earned.

Laws were passed by the current political administration for the military to surrender ownership and control, of all businesses they are managing or owns. But this seem to be quite an ordeal for the government, because most of those who serve therein, earn wages that are considered not commensurate to the risks they are exposed to, or for the National Security that they are liable to be called upon to uphold and defend in times of crisis.

So many indulge in undercover illegal dealings, that can be associated with those of the Mob or Drug Lords. Not only the Army is corrupted, but the entire military and para-military apparatus. Which sometimes indulge in activities that involves civilian deaths, harassment, abductions, and terror, with impunity.

Restructuring The Military:

What seems to be the solution to my mind are the following.

* A thorough assessment of the national defense needs of the Army, Navy, Maritime Corps, and Airforce.

* A thorough assessment of the National Police Precincts/Stations, Internal Security agencies, and Fire Fighting Brigades too.

Then deciding how large each segment or institution would be, could be financed, or is necessary in the overall National Security Construct.

* Then instituting some form of institutional and voluntary work programs within the Army, like Community/Housing developmental assistance, Road maintenance and Construction, Bridge building, and Disaster Preparation activities.

This MUST be instituted in order to keep these men and women meaningfully engaged/occupied.

Because an idle military contemplates mischief.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

How Concerned Are You About The Economic Costs Of Global Warming?

December 17-2009:

How Concerned Are You About The Economic Costs Of Global Warming?

My Response:

Personally, very concerned! For the following reasons.

* I do not believe the current view that Global warming is caused by humans.

* I do believe that Global Warming is cyclical, and human actions of pollution, have very little impact globally on this cycle.

* I also believe that the Global Financial Institutions, and most governments in developed countries, are being encouraged to instill fear into people, in order to get their financial support.

* When people are scared, they tend to be vulnerable to almost any solution offered them!


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

How Could You Train An Illiterate People To Govern Themselves?

December 02-2009:

How Could You Train An Illiterate People To Govern Themselves?


President Obama promised to focus on developing the Afghan government, Locally and Centrally, to govern themselves.

He also emphasized that training the National Police, the Army, and other Security Agencies in that country, is vitally necessary to safeguard all Afghans in the cities, while the US and N.A.T.O. forces concentrate of hunting down the Taliban and El Qaeda insurgents.


The majority of the population in Afghanistan are illiterate. The Local and Central infrastructure that is necessary to allow for effective and efficient governance is absent. There is no official Civil Service to talk about either, and historically, business was done via the War Lords, in their respective regions and spheres of influence. And most of these War Lords are also illiterate.

So even if we want to co-opt those willing War Lords to hold governmental positions in their regions officially. How could they perform efficiently, if they are also illiterate, with no professional or modern day concept of governance, or managerial skills that could account for large sums of money in their control.

Or for the payment of salaries, pensions, and health care concerns of the Police, the Army, and all of the other Governmental Agencies that would be necessary, for the management of the Afghan State.


Currently, the Afghan government is riddled with corruption at all levels. Even the Hamid Karzai's brother, who happens to be an official in his government, is notorious for his corruption too. Coupled with Mass un-employment in the agrarian or rural areas. Most of which depend upon the Poppy production as a source of income for their families's survival.

How could an illiterate agricultural oriented people move away from what they have been doing for decades to earn a livelihood. Just decide to change their occupation for something else, which they have little or no abilities, know how, or possible qualifications?

Re-training & Re-educating Afghans:

However this is done, it must be methodical, easy to implement, localized, ethnic and regional in conception, and with the advice, input, and with the acceptance of those to whom it is intended to benefit.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


December 01-2009:


President Obama will NEVER fully withdraw US troops from Afghanistan & Iraq. It is not his nature to accept defeat, nor to appear weak.

It is the American INFLATED EGO that prevents REASON from getting attention.

The Republicans by history favors war.

It brings money to their campaigns, business, and military munition's manufacturing supporters.

It is unfortunate that most young conscripts in the US military are willing to serve wherever they are sent.

But those who make the decisions in The White House & The Pentagon, seem to take them for granted most of the time.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prisons With & Without Walls Defined!

November 15-2009"

Prisons With & Without Walls Defined!

There are three types of prisons.

* The fenced in type of prison (with walls all around).

* Those under House Arrest.

* And prisons that are located on Islands, surrounded by the ocean, infested with sharks or sever currents.

All of the above prison categories inhibits the freedom and personal liberty and movements of those incarcerated. They are designed to inflict or impose restrictions on the incarcerated, in an attempt to punish, belittle, and de-humanize him/her to the point of feeling depressed, suicidal, or becoming mentally insane.

Prisons are not designed to rehabilitate anyone. That is a historic fallacy, which the results of incarcerations hitherto, have refuted globally.

Do Prisoners Have Any Civil Rights?

The penitentiary is a place where the convicted are placed to ensure that he/she pays a Penal price as jurisprudence dictates. During the internship, he/she is subjected to the rules and regulations of that prison or jail, and is expected to follow all instructions when ordered to do so.

Failing to comply with the prison's regulations/orders, he/she will be punished according to prison rules of punishment/compliance. Some or most modern prisons, (especially in the developed countries), have basic in house health care or infirmaries to attend to certain minor injuries for inmates and staff alike.

Any major injury experienced by an prisoner that the infirmary cannot deal with. Such prisoner/s will be taken (under escort), to an external facility for medical assistance.

Productive Work & Educational Facilities:

Most modern prisons have educational study groups/programs, and work assignments for all prisoners who care to access them. I presume that these services are not mandatory, except as punishment like building roads and bridges on prison assignments, or braking bricks at a stone quarry.

Post Incarceration Preparation:

Some prisons provide some basic educational preparatory skills for prisoners. Like the GED diploma, and other practical skills like masonry, carpentry, screen printing, art, public speaking, and anger management.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Friday, November 13, 2009

CNN & Lou Dobbs Departure!

November 13-2009:

CNN & Lou Dobbs Departure!

Lou Dobbs, a former CNN anchor and self appointed advocate for the Middle Class in America, became a household topic for discussion, in many quarters.

He also started a rhetorical tirade in recent years against his (so-called Illegal Aliens witch hunt). And this attitude was never received favorably, by most traditional CNN viewers, because it contradicted the very core values all Americans share and believe in, as a nation. Considering that this is a land of Immigrants.

And most immigrants to the USA, have some relative or friend that came here illegally. That is a fact of life here, and must never be used to gain political advantage, or create division within this society.

So Lou Dobbs' tirades against Immigrants (illegal or Not) conflicts with this national creed and belief.

Therefore, I presume that the management of CNN, in light with current political reality, cannot allow one of their anchors, to cause them to loose viewers, business, or be placed in the category of a media that encourages division in this society, like their sister FOX Noise/opinion, which masquerades as a news outlet.


Monday, November 09, 2009

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall's 20 Th Anniversary!

November 09-2009:

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall's 20TH Anniversary!

As the world watches and celebrates with the Germans, their 20Th anniversary of the accursed wall. Let us reflect for a while the history behind such walls, and how very difficult the people who were so divided is still unable (by and large), to fully overcome those that division mentally and psychologically, years after the wall that divided them came down.

Why Walls Are Unable To Create Security:

Walls historically were used to keep people in, like China under their ancient Emperors. To protect from invaders, like most western civilizations used to protect their peoples from invading armies. And what the Israeli government is using today (as they say), to prevent incursions of terrorists into their homeland.

Can Walls Truly Protect Any Culture?

The answer to this question is NO. All walls ancient or modern, had their flaws.

* Some were breached with help from within.

* Some walls were breached from underground tunnels.

* Some walls were destroyed by cannon fire.

* Others came down by the very same people it was built to prevent people from escaping to the outside.

Germany is a case in point!

After The Fall Of Any Barrier-What Happens?

Germany today is still divided mentally in many ways. Some of those who lived in the Eastern side before the wall fell, still hold memories of the days when jobs were secured, education was secured, and housing was secured. As long as you adhered to communist rules, indoctrination, and the lack of personal freedom to travel or express yourself.

Some still feel that they would rather have that system, than live in this current one of social and economic uncertainty, and in-equality.

However, these views are shared mostly by the older (over 30 thirties) generation, because most of them were either too old to make use of the opportunities that came with the fall, or refused to integrate or take those new economic, educational, and social opportunities, that came with the re-unification.


Friday, November 06, 2009

Retribution & Death Comes Home To Roost:

November 06-2009:

Retribution & Death Comes Home To Roost:

God Is Great, shouted Nidal Malik Hasan a US Psycho therapist Captain, based in Fort Hood-Texas. Just before he started firing his two hand guns, in a close area or space, where military families and soldiers sought medical assistance and other related medical assistance on that base.

The killer was able to kill that many people because his weapon was an automatic firearm, and in such a densely populated and enclose space, there was no difficulty to get as many victims as possible, before he was put down by the security personnel there.

Some are wondering WHY did he do it?

This cry of surprise was voiced several times before in America, whenever such killings happen, even though this one is unique, but the history is similar.

America is an occupier of two Moslem oriented countries. We are fighting and killing thousands of Muslims in Iraq & Afghanistan on a daily basis. The people in those regions are not too concerned about our reason/s for being there, all they see are foreigners, who are from a Christian hemisphere, killing Moslems brothers and sisters, while in occupation of their countries.

Under Islam, their is a Hadith that says, when fellow Muslims are in trouble, or are being victimized, all Muslims are obliged to come to their aid or rescue. Because it is perceived that any aggression towards Muslims anywhere, is an aggression to Muslims everywhere!

That is the concept or perception of every Muslim, who elects to indulge in some suicide or Jihad murder or killing, in sympathy with his fellow Muslim brothers and sisters.

Westerners & Christian Oriented Countries Must Acknowledge this reality, if they intend to deal with the Islamic world, and Muslims generally.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Who Are America's Middle Class?

November 05-2009:

Who Are America's Middle Class?

The Traditional Middle Class:

These were the people who occupied the level that was identifiable and achievable, like the following.

* Factory and Industrial manufacturing workers who earned above average income per week or month.

* Was able to save and provide the funds for their children to attend college.

* Was able to plan for a vacation every year, save for retirement.

* Pay or get a mortgage for the acquisition of their own home.

* Own their own car or family vehicle, for personal use or transportation.

The New Middle Class:

These are the new White Collar professional and Commercial elites that tend to be employed in large Banking Institutions, Insurance Companies that transcend regional and global boundaries, Traders, Brokers, and Wall Street Investors.

* These people earn very large salaries, and enormous bonuses or commissions, for their clever and sometimes very risky investments and dealings.

* Most own several homes, yachts, travel extensively abroad on business or for pleasure, indulge their insatiable appetites for pleasure, and snob those who earn much less than they do, most of the time.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

President Obama-This Is What We Expect From You!

November 03-2009:

President Obama-This Is What We Expect From You!

Today or tonight, the Democrats will see clearly how they are doing in Virginia, New Jersey, New York City & New York State elections.

This is a referendum on the Democrat's Representatives in those areas.

But in the eyes of most of your Young, Older, and First Time voters, this is also a referendum on Barack Obama's ability or inability to STAY THE COURSE, and TRULY deliver on his promises.

For example:

* Firstly, You promised to end the war in Iraq. That war is still happening, and our troops are getting back into combat therein, because the Iraqi government cannot maintain National Security.

Meanwhile, we are hoping that you bring all combat troops home as stated.

* Secondly, We expect you to STAND UP to Israel, like A Leader, and The President of The United States.

But what we are seeing is the president cowering or 'Cow Towing' to Prime Minister Nethanyahu's obstinacy against settlement building cessation.

* Thirdly, you have removed the Ban for HIV visitors to the US shores. But can any HIV infected person get Legal Residence Status while here? That is still not yet clarified or mentioned?

* Fourthly, unemployment is 29% nationally. Millions are out of work, and still cannot see any prospects for employment on a permanent basis anytime soon either.

* Finally, the bailed out Banking Institutions, and the Wall Street Investors are dancing the 'Hoolah.' While the rest of us are loosing our homes, cannot pay our rents, and are homeless, or will become homeless very soon!

So Mr. President, have you forgotten who you are supposed to be working for?

Derryck S. Griffith.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

The US Could Never Be An Impartial Arbiter In The Palestinian Conflict!

November 01-2009:

The US Could Never Be An Impartial Arbiter In The Palestinian Conflict!

Hillary Clinton said that the Obama administration will not press Israel to cease settlement building, in order for the Peace Process to continue any longer. The settlements are Illegal, under International law.

Well, if this is not selling out the Palestinians, what is?

This hypocrisy is endemic to the politics of whoever occupies The White House, when it comes to Palestinian Rights, Security and Justice.

And until the American people hold their government accountable for allowing a terrorist government in Israel from treating the Palestinians with impunity. There will and can be no REAL peace in that region.

I am truly disappointed with this development, and my continual support for the Obama Administration will be discontinued with immediate effect, pending some serious reflection.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Brazil's Endemic Social-Ethnic & Judicial Dilemma!

October 30-2009:

Brazil's Endemic Social-Ethnic & Judicial Dilemma!

Brazil historically, was colonized by the Portuguese, who brought Black slaves via the Slave Trading Routes, via The Caribbean into Brazil. Even when slavery was abolished in most of Latin & Central America, Brazil still had their internal slave system going.

It took several years after the rest of the Western hemisphere ceased using Blacks on their plantations, for Brazil to follow suit.

This endemic prejudice against anything Black or People Of color, permeates the entire society. eg.,

* Blacks or People Of Color in Brazil have little or no access to higher education.

* The Elementary schooling for Blacks/People Of Color, are of a sub-standard level.

* And Blacks/People Of Color, are less likely to get good jobs that pay a living wage, more likely to janitorial jobs, waiters in restaurants, and cleaning jobs.

* The good or Prestigious Hotels that cater to tourists are Off Limits to Black Brazilians for employment. Those who do get in, are placed in the background, for janitorial, cleaning, and laundering.

President Lula recently introduced legislation to improve the educational opportunities for Black Brazilians. You may call this move, 'equalizing the playing field for Blacks,' just like America did with college educational opportunities for Blacks.

The Judiciary:

The Police in Brazil have arbitrary powers to arrest, harass, and even Kill Blacks in the Favellas/Ghetto districts.
Whenever the Police is called in to attend some crime incident, gang violence, or shoot out within these communities.

They operate as though all residents therein are GUILTY, and they behave in such a manner, as to convey impunity of conduct.


Sunday, October 25, 2009


October 25-2009:

What If All Newspapers Stopped Publishing?

Then we will continue to rely on the Man On The Street observers and reporters, via Phone and Video cameras. This will not be the End Of The World, like some journalists purports.

The Internet has changed the way we seek out information, and the variety of perspectives, that hitherto was not available to us all.

That is why so many people use the Internet as another source for information gathering.

And that is how the birth of Internet Bloggers got their debut.

Governor General Hamid Karzai's Dilemma!

Unfortunately, president Obama has inherited this 'Stool Pigeon,' and will have to find some way to work with his corrupt government.

However, Afghans generally do not want the US & N.A.T.O. military personnel there. Unless they are helping to develop that country. All fighting foreign military personnel are UN-WELCOMED there.

But president Obama will never pull out US troops on his presidential watch. He fears loosing his popularity, and that may prevent him from being re-elected in 2010

So he will pacify that country, make more promises to Americans, pretend that all is going in his favor over there, until the end of his term

Native American Indigenous Leader Mr. Peltier:

Native American Peltier is just one incident in America, that contradicts the pretense that it is a Fair and Just society under the Laws.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Democracy Hijacked By The Oligarchs Within The USA:

October 14-2009:

Democracy Hijacked By The Oligarchs Within The USA:

When the US Supreme Court (those lofty Public Servants), refused to listen to the voice of the commonweal. Because they felt it is not the popular voice at the moment. Then we know that Democracy no longer exists here.

These so-called guardians of the US Constitution refused to allow investigations into the allegations of "An Internal Conspiracy" behind the September 11-2001, World Trade Center disaster.

The popular view is, that the evidence provided by all agencies involved with the investigation was inadequate, insufficient, and does not answer several major concerns of the victim's relatives.

The Obama Administration chose to set a precedent, by looking the other way, not being bothered to have such investigations. So the Supreme Court justices chose to do the same. They FEAR challenging the FBI, The CIA, and The Pentagon.

I guess their lives, livelihood, and careers was the concern. So by not giving the approval for another thorough investigation, they are in fact saying, "I see no wrong doing, therefore, the need for any further investigation is un-warranted,"

However, George W. Bush may be out of The White House, but his policies and political mentality is very much Alive & Well therein!


Monday, October 12, 2009

A Rogue Former Danish Commando Publishes Classified Data!

October 12-2009:

A Rogue Former Danish Commando Publishes Classified Data!

A Danish Ex-Special Operation's Military person wrote a book, outlining the GORY details of how they conduct such operations in the field. Such information can do serious harm to undercover operations of any military, in A Theater Of War.

If the enemy can have access to this information, then what is the point having any undercover operation at all. When your enemy will be waiting for you!

George W. Bush's Administration Torture Details:

Just like the Obama administration, through the Attorney General may have to grapple with any information solicited by The US Congress to investigate any wrongdoing, during the military incursions in Iraq & Afghanistan.

This information too will be of a very sensitive nature, and if allowed to be revealed publicly, like that Danish military rogue did, then we may be having the same scenario right here in the USA, about Freedom Of Expression, or Freedom To Publish Information Freely too.

However, it is incumbent upon any Public Official, or Military Officer/Combatant to protect certain Institutional Operations that would allow the enemy if revealed, to have forewarning about any planned operation. Or the methods by which such operations are conducted.

Failing to abide by this 'classified information' rule, could cause very serious harm to lives and limbs in any combat scenario.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Recognizing Barack Obama's Quest For A Nuclear Free & Peaceful World:

October 09-2009:

Recognizing Barack Obama's Quest For A Nuclear Free & Peaceful World:

President Barack H. Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize Laureate For Peace & A Nuclear Free World. The 1.4 million EU or US dollars will be donated to Charity, says the Obama Administration.

This should also reinforce the expectations of Americans for bringing our troops home.

However, voices in many quarters of the public domain, wonder and is asking, what has he achieved to warrant this noble recognition?

But the decision to award him was made based on the above title, and the committee felt that he was indeed on the right path.

And has already made a significant difference in changing the global political climate, and reconciling with allies for past misconceptions or misdeeds, that America may have wrought towards some.

Meanwhile, the US & N.A.T.O. are bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan, in a conflict with no rational end in sight. Plus the continued loss of civilian and military lives growing, on a daily basis.

However, only time will tell if he is truly qualified to have received this award!


Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Establishing A Balance Between Socialism & Capitalism For Future Development Of All Cultures!

October 07-2009:

Establishing A Balance Between Socialism & Capitalism For Future Development Of All Cultures!

SOCIALISM And CAPITALISM co-existing with each other, may be the future for all of humanity.

Capitalism has not rendered us morally upright or equally satisfied materially.

And Socialism has not brought about the daily essentials and needs that are required, for modern development and consumption for all either.

So striking a balance between these two ideologies may be the solution for future development of all cultures.


This country seem to be heading in that direction. But they would have to ensure that the agricultural base is maintained, individual ownership of land, less state intervention and dictation, for increased production and productivity.

And to also ensure that there is increased production of agricultural produce for internal consumption always. And any excess could be exported overseas, with the revenue re-invested in those agrarian communities.


This country's native population is dwindling annually, and if some effort is not made, or ordinary Russians encouraged to contemplate having at least one child, or another child. Then in the next decade or two, migrants will be heavily depended upon to fill the every growing gap/void of manual, un-skilled, blue collar, and service industry jobs therein.

Embracing Migrants From Foreign Lands:

This may be one solution for Russia, and other countries without enough or appropriate skills, education, know how, and technological experience and expertise, to contemplate.

Governments will have to embrace foreign labor or immigrants, regardless of their internal opposition to it, because of necessity. How governments go about this is left to the individual states to develop policies and laws of legality, and for immigration, that would allow for this development to take place.

The USA:

This country was founded of principles and beliefs which subscribe to the view, that all humankind, must have Liberty to move or travel anywhere he/she thinks would better his/her condition, Freedom of Self and Expression, and the Rule Of Law, in a Democratic Atmosphere. With these aspirations enshrined in the National Constitution, millions have traveled from around the globe, to experience this unique human and cultural experience.

In recent decades Immigrants Of Color have been emigrating there in droves seeking betterment. This has caused some local and national concerns. Most employers who hire these un-skilled (more or less) new arrivals, pay them less than the regular wages, and work them longer hours that those who are Nationals, and are legally represented under the laws, and may be unionized workers too.

Immigrants Of Color can be seen in every aspect of the national service industries, agricultural, and other production industries, working alongside Americans, but getting less for their work. This irregularity and un-fair Labor practice has fueled resentment among these immigrants, and are also causing the Nationals to feel threatened for their supposed entitled jobs/employment positions, which they feel are in jeopardy.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Using The George W. Bush Scare Tactics AGAIN Will Not Work This Time Around Mr. Obama!

October 07-2009:

Using The George W. Bush Scare Tactics AGAIN Will Not Work This Time Around Mr. Obama!

Using George W. Bush tactics of SCARING Americans about some alleged plot by the Taliban & El Qaeda to harm us,

Is NOT GOING TO WORK this time Mr. Obama.

The US Military (especially the top ranking personnel) should KEEP out of local politics. And STOP making political statements to the Media, The TV, and Internet, while in the employ of the state. By making such statements, it conflicts with their official roles as Public Servants, and are Totally Responsible to the state for their actions.


The situation there has changed dramitically since you were campaigning for the presidency Mr. Obama. Therefore, it is imperative to review and act according to current reality.

Bring Our Brothers & Sisters Home. The TALIBAN we are fighting and Killing are all AFGHANS. And NINE MONTHS into the your Administration, and the US Military deaths in Afghanistan is already 774, and GROWING daily!


Thursday, October 01, 2009

China Comes Of Age At Sixty-1949-2009

September 30-2009:

China Comes Of Age At Sixty-1949-2009

China celebrates her 60Th birthday, just allow me to express some views on this celebration and anniversary.

Ever since Mao ZeDong brought the Cultural Revolution, followed by The Great Leap Forward, then came Democratization & Industrialization. Leaving in it's wake the millions of rural farmers, many of whom was never able to fully enjoy or benefit much from this progress and development.

However, China has achieved much, with great passion for hard work, sacrifice, resolve, suffering, and faith in the belief that their country MUST be developed, and be an equal partner in trade, diplomacy, and military might with the developed western hemisphere.

Being able to make these bold and brave strides does not come easily of without compromises, many of which will entail some loss of personal freedoms, and personal dissent with the system as it grows and changes are being made.

Sometimes much to the chagrin of those who it will impact negatively, more or less!

However, China is on the move, and will not allow anyone or anything to stop or slow it's growth. But at what expense it is prepared to suffer in this regard, is anybody's guess.

Incdentally, China has 56 Nationalities within it's borders, living side by side (as they say there), in Unity!

China has also reduced the man power or strength of the military. And has raised the technological aspects, in keeping with modern military requirements and munitions.

Happy 6oTh Birthday China, you deserve it!


Friday, September 18, 2009

We Are Living In A Parallel Universe!

September 18-2009:

We Are Living In A Parallel Universe!

Today, more than ever I am thoroughly convinced that this planet, us humans, and this universe is a twin. Yes, we are in a parallel universe. I have had these suspicions for several years now, triggered by several personal experiences such as meeting someone whom I knew I've met, but could not fathom where. Seeing individuals that look exactly like someone I knew personally some place and time before. They even walked, talked, and behaved like the person or individuals I've known before.

I have had dreams that took me to places that looked exactly like this planet, people of different ethnic groups and complexion, that look just like we do on this earth, people that behaved, spoke, acted, sang, danced, made love, had sex, and did bad things exactly like we do on this planet also. I have had dreams, visions (awake and
asleep) where I met individuals that I knew somehow, we went places, did things together, and parted in a manner that baffled me, to the point where as I was about to leave that person's presence or company. I watched as he/she walked away into the sunset, or into the ground literally, and disappeared from sight too.

Then I realized what was happening, I realized that I was on another planet, another place and time, and that I did not truly belong there. At least not at that time.

Then I awoke, and wondered if that individual realized what was happening also, and if that individual had the same experience that I was having with such an encounter too? I also had experiences on another planet that looked like ours, where I was killed, and as the blade or gunshot struck me, I awoke immediately, and realize that I was still alive, and back on earth, as though nothing happened. Then I realized once more, that a parallel existence MUST be a reality for me to be so convinced, and recognizable.

The Prophets, Seers, Shamans, and Spiritual Leaders Of Yore Realized It Too:

Yes, these people realized it to, but was also like me, unable to comprehend what they too were experiencing back then. They tried to explain these things in the light of their own cultural experiences, background, and interpretation, So many points of view were expressed and shared about them. Some said it was an after lfe, Some said it was re-incarnation of souls, until finally the individual would reach Nirvana, or the completion of the soul's journey to enlightenment. Others call it Heaven. And in recent times, with the advent of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other faiths, this has become the anticipated end of the human journey.

But all of these peoples and religious philosophies subscribed to some after life, or some other existence that us humans are a part of, and could expect to experience if we behave in certain ways, or believe in certain doctrines prescribed by our Elders of yore. All with the intent to mold our minds to work towards making this perception a reality at some future time. Today, it is referred to as The End Time, or The Coming of The Mufti, or the Advent Of The Christ, or The Return Of The Caliph.

Can Anyone Prove That We Are Indeed In A Parallel Universe?

I don't think with our current scientific technologies that would be possible. And I also don't think humans will ever be able to transcend time and space. Because we as physical beings AGE. And to be able to transcend Time And Space, requires preventing the Aging Process From Taking Place Physically. And we are all aware, that all material things are transformed via the aging stages, in it's development processes.

The invisible essence of all things is yet to be fully comprehended by as humans. At least with our limited and sometimes confused perception, of what we call The Human Reality or Experience.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A Single Globally Recognized-Accepted & Preferred Currency For Exchange Purposes!

September 08-2009:

A Single Globally Recognized-Accepted & Preferred Currency For Exchange Purposes!

Here is another suggestion by some of the world's Influential Financiers, and Caucasian World Leaders, suggesting this concept, with the view that with such currency firmly in place, could prevent another or similar Global Financial Crisis, like the one we are now experiencing.

The upcoming G-20 Summit of political leaders will be discussing this idea to some extent supposedly. And I wonder if those who advocate for a Global Financial Currency for Foreign Exchange Purposes, fail to realize that it was not the foreign currency of any one country that caused this crisis.

It was the GREED, the SCAMS, the Irrational Risks taken by Bankers, Investors, Traders, and Greedy Brokers, who felt they knew how to Scam the works, Make A Killing for themselves and their clients. Until their Calculated Risks went awry.

Now they want to re-invent the wheel, to facilitate themselves once more, in acummulating more wealth, more control of the world's wealth, and more Concentrated Greed in the hands of those like themselves (mostly White men), who never seem to be satisfied with spreading the wealth.

But is bent of acquiring more and more wealth for themselves, their kind, and their communities.


Saturday, September 05, 2009

My Cold War Years Remembered!

September 05-2009:

My Cold War Years Remembered!

As a child growing up in British Guiana, the Cold War was something of a mystery out of some Novel or Movie. I heard my mother and neighbors mention from time to time, how EVIL The Soviet union was, and how they are planning to use nuclear weapons on the Western hemisphere, because us here in the west are Evil Capitalists, and is a threat to Communism and the ultimate Communist quest for global implementation.

All of those things sounded to me very strange and grave, to say the least. Coupled with that, I would see movies that showed individuals who sought asylum into the USA, and was referred to as DEFECTORS from Communism. And I wondered to myself if that place was really that Evil or Bad, to cause citizens to want to flee from there?

In my naivete, I believed most of what was said on the radio/wireless, the television, and at the movies. And there was an enormous volume of movies showing The Soviet Union in a very negative light, socially, politically, and as a military threat to the West.

I was also very happy when I heard of someone who managed to DEFECT to the West successfully. And the local newspapers showed photos of all those that were able to escape the so-called Iron Curtain. That description also sounded very sinister to me too.

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall:

When the fall of that wall was in progress, I was in amazed, and all the while, watching on television how many Germans from the Western side tried to assist those who were hanging from the wall, or trying to scale it, with the help of some Border guards, But mostly German citizens on the Western Side.

And I wondered how much longer will this continue before the East Side guards said enough was enough, and started shooting them, or started preventing anymore from getting across. But the flow continued un-abated, without interference.

Nikita Krustreuv:

When this man shook his fist with a shoe at the podium, that too made me wonder if he was telling his people, that in time there will be a war with the west. And that he was prepared for it too. Yes, a child's imagination running wild at that time.

Also when US president Ronald Reagan visited there, and the
S.A.L.T. treaty was agreed upon. I felt much relief from that experience and knowledge. I believed that with that trip, and agreement between these two powers, the world was a much safer place to be in now.

Is The Cold War Truly Over?

I believe for those of us who lived during the Cold War era, experienced the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the building and stock piling of Nuclear Weapons between the USA and Russia primarily. It is extremely difficult to put that fear on hold. Or to forget that period in time.

But the current generations of world leaders may not have such baggage to deal with psychologically. And may be better equipped mentally and psychologically, to operate more favorably with Russia, and other states, with or without nuclear weapons.


Friday, September 04, 2009

TALIBAN Decpetion In Afghanistan Recently!

September 04-2009:

TALIBAN Deception In Afghanistan Recently!

They captured two Gasoline Supply Trucks, but could not cross a stream to safety. So they allowed the locals to syphon off the gas for personal use instead.

US drones mistakenly took them all for the Taliban. Thus causing ninety civilians to be killed in that DRONE STRIKE.

This is yet another one of those scenarios that Afghan civilians have to endure, because of mistaken identity by US and NATO Military Strikes, in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

How much longer will the Afghans endure this slaughter, before they rise up en-masse, against the occupying forces of The West?

This may eventually lead to a Saigon Scenario effect, like when the US soldiers had to literally run for their lives to the Saigon Airport, during the final days of US occupation of Vietnam.


Wednesday, September 02, 2009


September 02-2009:


This bill would allow the president to have the Internet access of any suspect DISCONTINUED in the so-called National Interest.

This to my mind is just another way to control who accesses the Internet by the state. And to further LIMIT Internet or Cyber access to those the STATE feels are terrorists, Anti-American, or want to prevent from so doing for political reasons.

If this is what president Barack Obama intends to do to his supporters and the American people. I say it MUST be RESISTED with URGENCY and fortitude.

This also reminds me about the intention that George W. Bush, and his acolytes had, when they too imposed the Ascroft Bill/Act, which Barack Obama promised to revamp or amend, but has not touched as yet either.

This Bill MUST never be allowed to pass PERIOD!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger

Please go to to petition your political representatives NOW!

August 28, 2009 12:34 AM PDT
Bill would give president emergency control of Internet
by Declan McCullagh Font size Print E-mail Share 1362 comments Yahoo! Buzz
Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.
They're not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft of S.773 (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.

The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.
"I think the redraft, while improved, remains troubling due to its vagueness," said Larry Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance, which counts representatives of Verizon, Verisign, Nortel, and Carnegie Mellon University on its board. "It is unclear what authority Sen. Rockefeller thinks is necessary over the private sector. Unless this is clarified, we cannot properly analyze, let alone support the bill."
Representatives of other large Internet and telecommunications companies expressed concerns about the bill in a teleconference with Rockefeller's aides this week, but were not immediately available for interviews on Thursday.
A spokesman for Rockefeller also declined to comment on the record Thursday, saying that many people were unavailable because of the summer recess. A Senate source familiar with the bill compared the president's power to take control of portions of the Internet to what President Bush did when grounding all aircraft on Sept. 11, 2001. The source said that one primary concern was the electrical grid, and what would happen if it were attacked from a broadband connection.
When Rockefeller, the chairman of the Senate Commerce committee, and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) introduced the original bill in April, they claimed it was vital to protect national cybersecurity. "We must protect our critical infrastructure at all costs--from our water to our electricity, to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records," Rockefeller said.
The Rockefeller proposal plays out against a broader concern in Washington, D.C., about the government's role in cybersecurity. In May, President Obama acknowledged that the government is "not as prepared" as it should be to respond to disruptions and announced that a new cybersecurity coordinator position would be created inside the White House staff. Three months later, that post remains empty, one top cybersecurity aide has quit, and some wags have begun to wonder why a government that receives failing marks on cybersecurity should be trusted to instruct the private sector what to do.
Rockefeller's revised legislation seeks to reshuffle the way the federal government addresses the topic. It requires a "cybersecurity workforce plan" from every federal agency, a "dashboard" pilot project, measurements of hiring effectiveness, and the implementation of a "comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy" in six months--even though its mandatory legal review will take a year to complete.
The privacy implications of sweeping changes implemented before the legal review is finished worry Lee Tien, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco. "As soon as you're saying that the federal government is going to be exercising this kind of power over private networks, it's going to be a really big issue," he says.
Probably the most controversial language begins in Section 201, which permits the president to "direct the national response to the cyber threat" if necessary for "the national defense and security." The White House is supposed to engage in "periodic mapping" of private networks deemed to be critical, and those companies "shall share" requested information with the federal government. ("Cyber" is defined as anything having to do with the Internet, telecommunications, computers, or computer networks.)
"The language has changed but it doesn't contain any real additional limits," EFF's Tien says. "It simply switches the more direct and obvious language they had originally to the more ambiguous (version)...The designation of what is a critical infrastructure system or network as far as I can tell has no specific process. There's no provision for any administrative process or review. That's where the problems seem to start. And then you have the amorphous powers that go along with it."
Translation: If your company is deemed "critical," a new set of regulations kick in involving who you can hire, what information you must disclose, and when the government would exercise control over your computers or network.
The Internet Security Alliance's Clinton adds that his group is "supportive of increased federal involvement to enhance cyber security, but we believe that the wrong approach, as embodied in this bill as introduced, will be counterproductive both from an national economic and national secuity perspective."
Update at 3:14 p.m. PDT: I just talked to Jena Longo, deputy communications director for the Senate Commerce committee, on the phone. She sent me e-mail with this statement:
The president of the United States has always had the constitutional authority, and duty, to protect the American people and direct the national response to any emergency that threatens the security and safety of the United States. The Rockefeller-Snowe Cybersecurity bill makes it clear that the president's authority includes securing our national cyber infrastructure from attack.
The section of the bill that addresses this issue, applies specifically to the national response to a severe attack or natural disaster. This particular legislative language is based on longstanding statutory authorities for wartime use of communications networks. To be very clear, the Rockefeller-Snowe bill will not empower a "government shutdown or takeover of the Internet" and any suggestion otherwise is misleading and false.
The purpose of this language is to clarify how the president directs the public-private response to a crisis, secure our economy and safeguard our financial networks, protect the American people, their privacy and civil liberties, and coordinate the government's response.

Monday, August 31, 2009

What Does An Ombudsman Do?

August 31-2009:

What Does An Ombudsman Do?

A government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government:

In light of the above definition, and in keeping with the current global fight against terrorist activities. One wonders whether it would not be one way to ensure that habeas corpus is respected, in places where such privileges and rights are in question. That some person of social/societal credibility, be appointed to enquire into political and judicial wrong doings.

This is another means of redress, and can be of vital importance to those who are unable to acquire legal representation, unable to pursue some form of legal or personal advocate, who will take up their complaints without any partisan connections, and pursue it to the end, regardless of where or who are involved in the process.

For example, the Shri Lankan Tamils, the political prisoners held incommunicado in Burma, the Gay or Homosexual men and women who were tortured in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places within the Moslem world. 

And in places where the legal process is unfairly manipulated, and biased against the above mentioned.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

AFGHANISTAN-A War Without End!

August 15-2009:

AFGHANISTAN-A War Without End!

The war there cannot be perceived as successful for the following reasons: 

The TALIBAN are part of the pre-dominant Ethnic group called the PASTHUNS. This group by and large supported the Taliban since before the war, and still does, to some extent now. 

The other ethnic groups there also in many ways, depend on the Taliban for daily sustenance for crops they cannot grow or sell successfully. So they sell their services to the Taliban's insurrectionist policies. 

Some Ethnic groups grow the Poppy crop, that is vitally needed for their own sustenance, and to provide the finances for the Taliban group's insurrectionist efforts, to oust all foreign troops from that country.

President Hamid Karzai has finally come to realize that his governance cannot survive, much less thrive without the inclusion of some elements of Taliban leadership. Especially in the South, where they are very influential and control; all aspects of that part of the country. Coupled with that reality, are the fact that not all ethnic groups are supportive of his government, and will continue to listen to their War Lord's leadership for directives, and give them support whenever they require same from them.

This is the current reality in Afghanistan. And whoever emerges victorious in the upcoming national elections, govern effectively without pandering to, or catering to all ethnic groups in that country. 

After the political victory is assured, the new government MUST ensure that all ethnic groups are represented therein, have representatives regionally in positions of Local Government, so that the Central government will be able to directly influence what if happening in the various regions of the country.

And also ensure that whomever represents the Central Government in Kabul, fully understands to who loyalty is required, and operates transparently, credibly, and without social, religious, ethnic, or political preferences.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

TRADE UNION'S Responsibilities In Times OF Economic Crises!

August 12-2009:

TRADE UNION'S Responsibilities In Times OF Economic Crises!

If or When these organizations used the strategy of squatting, and terror tactics to get their way. It does not auger well for future membership conscripts, or favorable employer relations.

As a former Trade Union Organizer, a believer and ardent supporter of worker's rights. I object to these methods used by some European Trade Unions recently, to get employers to compensate them for being laid off.

In times of crises like the one we face globally, it might be tempting to want to Hold Employers Hostage for layoffs and dismissals. But times like this, we as workers MUST also realize that this crisis was caused by all consumers globally.

Workers Irresponsibly, Business Irresponsibility/Dishonesty, and the Global Financial Business Scams, that propelled this crisis to the level it has reached.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The TRUTH About Health Care-Senior Citizens & The Terminally ILL:

August 11-2009:

The TRUTH About Health Care-Senior Citizens & The Terminally ILL:

* FALSE: They say Obama's Health Care would be mandatory.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care would give everyone an OPTION to CHOOSE. The Private-Public Plan,
 or None At All.

*FALSE: They say that Obama's Health Care will not cover everyone with pre-conditions.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care will allow anyone with or without a pre-condition to get or access any Health Care Plan of their choosing.

* FALSE: They say that Obama's Health Care will not let you chose your own doctor/Physician, regardless of your condition.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care Plan will allow you to KEEP your present plan, or if you decide to chose another plan, you can also choose your own or preferred doctor/physician.

Terminally Ill Patients:

FALSE: They say that the Obama Health Care Plan will let a doctor decide to terminate any patient he/she feels will not recover ever, and if kept under sedation or in constant limbo, will cost tax payers millions of dollars.

TRUE: The Obama Health Care Plan will (as is being done currently) has a provision for someone to make the decision to keep or terminate a patient's lifeline. If that patient is unable to mentally, or psychologically comprehend, his/her condition in a rational manner. 

His/Her Relatives, Spouse, Doctor, or some other prior designated person (in consort), will be consented with, and will have the final say concerning any termination, relating to any mental illness. 


Saturday, August 08, 2009

SHARE HOLDERS Responsibilities!

August 08-2009:

SHARE HOLDERS Responsibilities!: 

To my mind, these individuals have little or no say into how much the company's executives are paid. 

All they do mostly, is attend the annual shareholder's meetings, and be told how much the company is making in profits, and how much they can expect in dividends.

That is basically the attitude that mist big companies show their share holders. Unless Share Holders feel unfairly rewarded for their investments, they usually sit back and accept what they are given, and hope to get more the next time around.

At most Share Holders meetings, the members do ask questions, are given some explanations, but are unable to truly impact the decisions of the Board Of Directors in any significant way. 

The only time Share Holders really do have an impact, is if the company is losing large sums of money. Then the may ask why, and possibly recommend a removal of the Principal Director, CEO, or Chairman of the company.


Barack Obama's Health Care Plan explained!

August 08-2009:

Barack Obama's Health Care Plan explained!

 As far as I understand, anyone who does not have Health Care, can have it under the Obama proposal.

* If you already have Health Care, and are satisfied with it. Then you can KEEP your health Care Plan. You don't have to change it period.

* The other OPTION is The Public One, which will allow anyone without Health Care already, to choose that Public Plan. 

* It will give you the same benefits as the Private Plan does, under Obama's proposals.

The general concept of the plan is to ensure that ALL Americans have a viable and Reliable Health Care Plan, regardless of their employment or Un-employment status!


Friday, August 07, 2009



We do not want to SCARE, Intimidate, or Threaten anyone 

Into accepting Health Care. 

So please cease such 


Thursday, August 06, 2009

What Does RACE Mean In Relation To Humans?

August 06-2009:

What Does RACE Mean In Relation To Humans?

Race to my interpretation consists of the following aspects:

* A group of humans who have occupied a certain region or terrain for centuries.

* These peoples MUST have been living there, inter-marrying or inter-breeding, for centuries too.

* And MUST see themselves as belonging to the same terrain, plying the same hunting grounds, using similar protective measures for survival, and communicating verbally or by sign language in a common fashion, they only can understand and identify with.

How Does Religion Factor In This Equation?

Religion is a set of rituals, followed or revered by a group of people. Be it a Tribe, or people of a certain region or territory. 

These rituals may be pagan in practice, or verbally communicated to others via a Shaman, Seer, Guru, Monk, High Priest, Sage, or any person, the group believes or appoints, to conduct or impart these rituals to the group.

How Does Ethnicity Factor Into These Two Categories?

Ethnicity came into being when humans could specifically identify certain physical features among themselves, that is specific to those that live, dwell, inhabit, or cohabit together, over a period of time.

Thus creating via this experience, a certain physical profile peculiar to themselves.

Thereby causing the term ethnicity to be used as a category for identification purposes, with other human groups. For example, the Chinese, the Anglo Saxons, The Asiatic peoples, The Occidental or Oriental peoples, the Blacks or Peoples of African roots or origin.


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Bravado Journalists & The Consequences That Could Ensue!

August 05-2009:

Bravado Journalists & The Consequences That Could Ensue!

Kim Jung IL: Bill, I prefer to deal with you. Not Hillary. She has too much lip, for her own good!

Furthermore, I take back what my people said about her!

However, could any other journalist deliberately/accidentally cross into North Korea's territory and get the same treatment and release?

This scenario tells me quite clearly that those two women did not accidentally cross North Korea's border. They took the risk knowing fully well what they were doing. But hoping to make the entrance, do their spying, and return to the USA to tell the tale.

However, they were caught, and was about to do some 20 years in uncle Kim's Labor camps. 

I hope this sends a message to other bravado journalists to resist such temptations.


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

IRAQI Women Without Husbands!

August 04-2009:

IRAQI Women Without Husbands!

IRAQI women are having a difficult time finding husbands for marriage. Thousands of Iraqi men have been killed in this war, or have left Iraq for personal safety abroad.

This reminds me of the time when the prophet Mohammed, after several decades of war with infidels, he DECREED or issued a Fatwah, allowing men to marry more than one woman. So long as he could afford to support them, and house them under ONE tent.

This was seen by him as necessary to accommodate those thousands of women, who had lost their husbands, or had no chance of ever getting married.


Chimpanzees Or Gorillas-What Is The Difference?

August 04-2009:

Chimpanzees Or Gorillas-What Is The Difference?

New HIV Strain Discovered in Woman: 

If we assume that this finding is REAL and TRUE. Then the next question is.

* Did this new HIV transmission occur via Blood or Inhalation?  

Because as far as I am aware, HIV is transmitted via Body Fluids, or HIV contaminated Blood Transfusions. 

And if we could accept that this new HIV associated strain supposedly contracted by some Gorilla or Chimpanzee, then it had to be of a SEXUAL nature. And that leads to the speculation that some Male or Female may have had some sexual encounter with a Chimp or a Gorilla!

Until the SPECIFIC mode of transmission of this new HIV strain is determined. I refuse to accept this new finding or speculation/s.

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

New HIV Strain Discovered: 

Posted by kdawson on Monday August 03, @08:07AM
from the evolution-in-action dept. 
reporter and barnyjr were among the readers alerting us to the discovery of a new strain of the 

HIV virus, found in a woman from the west central African nation of Cameroon. 
"It differs from the three known strains of human immunodeficiency virus and appears to be closely related to a form of simian virus recently discovered in wild gorillas, researchers report in Monday's edition of the journal Nature Medicine. ... 

The most likely explanation for the new find is gorilla-to-human transmission, Plantier's team said. But... they cannot rule out the possibility that the new strain started in chimpanzees and moved into gorillas and then humans, or moved directly from chimpanzees to both gorillas and humans. ... 

Researchers said it could be circulating unnoticed in Cameroon or elsewhere. The virus's rapid replication indicates that it is adapted to human cells, the researchers reported."
beastmanaids hiv dontdatemonkeys science medicine story 

Related Stories 
Firehose:New HIV Strain Discovered in Woman

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Are You Stomping At The Pit?

July 30-2009:

Are You Stomping At The Pit!

Yes, Erectile Dysfunction is REAL, is Profound, and lots of men of all ages have some form of it.

But do not despair, VIAGRA and CIALLIS is here!

Some men feel ashamed to discuss this problem when it arises with a doctor or Physician. 

This is also taboo for most men's EGO, and cause them to shy away from such discussions, fool themselves that it isn't them, or just blame it on too much drugs, cigarette smoking, or the woman's fault too.

So it is a reality that MUST be aired by men on radio, TV, The Internet, and any social gathering where education or information is shared and disseminated.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Could The Internet Be Responsible For Cursive Writing Skills Demise?

July 28-2009:

Could The Internet Be Responsible For Cursive Writing Skills Demise?

As a child growing up, I attended Kindergarten school, like so many children were expected to do, to begin their education. Writing in cursive was a MUST at that time, in all schools, regardless of whether they were private or state controlled.

Today, some wonder if the computer generation will not have the ability to write in that manner, because everything is done automatically in TEXT format, and thus far, there are no cursive keys on our key boards to allow for that type of writing.

Incidentally, for those who are not sure what cursive writing is, and may be too lazy to find out. Here is the definition.

CURSIVE writing allows the writer to connect letters together. Instead or writing JOHN, the writer will join each letter together! 

I read an article today that claimed some person at the age of twenty six years of age, could not write in cursive. I presume that this person may have had his initial education on some other planet. Because the computer and Internet only came on board in the 1970's. So this medium cannot be blamed for his ignorance. 

I hope that cursive writing skills are still being taught in our Kindergarten schools, and encouraged by all teachers and professors in High School and Colleges too. 

Because these skills are preferred when writing personal letters, applications to future employers, college exams, essays, and research papers, and is another way to display ones ability to think and write with fluidity and grace!

Derryck S. Griffith.