Monday, August 31, 2009

What Does An Ombudsman Do?

August 31-2009:

What Does An Ombudsman Do?

A government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government:

In light of the above definition, and in keeping with the current global fight against terrorist activities. One wonders whether it would not be one way to ensure that habeas corpus is respected, in places where such privileges and rights are in question. That some person of social/societal credibility, be appointed to enquire into political and judicial wrong doings.

This is another means of redress, and can be of vital importance to those who are unable to acquire legal representation, unable to pursue some form of legal or personal advocate, who will take up their complaints without any partisan connections, and pursue it to the end, regardless of where or who are involved in the process.

For example, the Shri Lankan Tamils, the political prisoners held incommunicado in Burma, the Gay or Homosexual men and women who were tortured in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places within the Moslem world. 

And in places where the legal process is unfairly manipulated, and biased against the above mentioned.


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