Friday, September 04, 2009

TALIBAN Decpetion In Afghanistan Recently!

September 04-2009:

TALIBAN Deception In Afghanistan Recently!

They captured two Gasoline Supply Trucks, but could not cross a stream to safety. So they allowed the locals to syphon off the gas for personal use instead.

US drones mistakenly took them all for the Taliban. Thus causing ninety civilians to be killed in that DRONE STRIKE.

This is yet another one of those scenarios that Afghan civilians have to endure, because of mistaken identity by US and NATO Military Strikes, in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

How much longer will the Afghans endure this slaughter, before they rise up en-masse, against the occupying forces of The West?

This may eventually lead to a Saigon Scenario effect, like when the US soldiers had to literally run for their lives to the Saigon Airport, during the final days of US occupation of Vietnam.


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