November 09-2007:
A Floating Prison For Immigrants In The Netherlands!
In the Netherlands at this time is a Floating Prison that sits of one of it's many canals or waterways. The motive for building this prison on the water, (says the Dutch government), is to send a message to illegals, that should they be caught, they will be sent to live there, until they decide to return to their respective countries.
This reminds me of ALCATRAZ. The only difference is that Alcatraz is on an island, and the Dutch prison is floating in a canal.
However, should the US consider this measure as one of the solutions to it's Illegal Immigration problems. This method of quarantine is uncivilized, and ridiculous in intent, and to even suggest that prisons of this kind will be accepted by the American people, is preposterous!
And where would such prisons be placed.
* Would some be placed on the Hudson River, the Mississippi river, the Pacific ocean, or in the Hawaiian island's waters?
The Netherlands was once considered to be the most favorable country to immigrants (illegal or not), some time ago.
Not any longer!
November 08-2007:
Choose Senator Barack Obama In 2008-Or Lose The Opportunity For REAL National & Political Re-conciliation Forever!
Senator Barack Obama is the person that providence has bestowed upon America at this time. Failing to recognize him, and nominating him as the preferred Democratic candidate in 2008, will never be allowed to re-occur in this lifetime.
Opportunities like this one, comes once in several decades for any nation or peoples. And failing to recognize his talents, gifts, and political resourcefulness, that is now available for exploration, will be the gravest error any nation could make.
Om Shanti.
November 07-2007:
For Those Of You Who Love War:
Have you ever seen a soldier shot, fell to the ground, and a TANK roll over him thirty seconds afterwards.
What was left of that soldier after the tank rolled over him was the following:
* A flattened slab or mush, that looked like a Slice of Pizza, that was rolled over with a Rolling Pin, and left there for Toppings.
* Or a Buddy that you chatted with in a fox hole, who just pushed his head upwards to see what was approaching you in that hole.
Only to be shot in the face, that instantly severed his head from his body. And as you sat there, his head rolled over your feet, and settled in the corner opposite where you were both sitting.
Yes, these are just some of the GRAPHIC realities of WAR, that so many of you Cherish and Advocate for in IGNORANCE.
November 06-2007:
What is Nostalgia?
Definition: Longing for something past:
Today, I was listening to the radio station wbai.org, a program titled 'Talk Back.' And the discussion was on the feeling of NOSTALGIA that so many of us experience differently. But is so very familiar to many of us, at various times in our lives.
The host of this program's name was Ormando, and he dealt with this subject quite intelligently, sensitively, and humanely. He even cited some of the original thinkers and coiners of this idea or theory. But by and large, he stated that to be nostalgic, is basically to recall some experience or experiences, personal in nature, that we may have enjoyed or loved at some point in our life. Be it childhood, adolescence, or early years in our home or homeland.
Some callers phoned in to give some of their personal experiences with nostalgic longings in some of the areas above mentioned. Some identified certain types of music that is able to catapult them mentally, into some past time or event that they enjoyed or lived. Some cited the sixties and seventies discotheques, and attitudes that those young people seemed to have generally lived and portrayed.
The freedom of expression, sexual experimentation, and political advocacy that was all part of the socio-political climate globally at that time. That so many of us who were young or younger at that time, felt a part of.
This brings to mind my own feelings of nostalgia sometimes, since I am also from another culture and homeland. Sometimes I feel a longing for some of those feelings, smells, attitudes, intimacy, and collective camaraderie that I felt during the sixties and seventies in Guyana, my homeland. And coming to the USA when I was already at the age of 39 years, fully matured, mentally and psychologically fixed in most of my ways and feelings of who and what I am, and what I expect from life.
This new cultural experience can sometimes be very aggravating, impersonal, un-friendly, and egocentric for my accustomed view or life and human relationships.
Finding true friendships in this new culture, has not happened for me. Finding True Love has not happened either. And being able to have discussions on world or global affairs with some objectivity, coherence, and meaningfully in this culture, could be a tiresome and un-stimulating experience for me.
So nostalgia in the sense of feeling disconnected from, belonging to, or being able to establish true or genuine friendships, have not materialized thus far, in this adopted culture.
November 05-2007:
Current Violence Against Police Authority?
Police Chiefs nationally, and the local media are pondering and speculating about the spate of assaults on Police on duty currently. And wonders whether it is a deliberate attempt at targeting the police as personal or organized vendetta.
However, I still cannot understand why these incidences come as a surprise to these two groups. If they have been monitoring carefully, the rate of Police brutality and killings of innocent or suspected civilians on the streets, and in their private domains. Then at some point in time, these actions will come home to roost.
Tit For Tat or Action & Re-action!
Serve In Iraq Or Else!
US Foreign Office staff were told that they must be prepared to work in Baghdad if necessary.
Some cry 'FOUL.' But isn't that what the Foreign Office of any country expects from it's people?
This type of service is like 'The Foreign Legion,' except they do not carry guns, or salute their superiors.
God help those who refuse when ordered to do so!
Heads Will Roll!
English is NOT America’s Official Language!
According to These 38 Senators - Election Day is Coming….Traitors!!
* Akaka (D-HI):
* Bayh (D-IN):
* Biden (D-DE):
* Bingaman (D-NM):
* Boxer (D-CA):
* Cantwell (D-WA):
* Clinton (D-NY):
* Dayton (D-MN):
* Dodd (D-CT):
* Domenici (R-NM):
* Durbin (D-IL):
* Feingold (D-WI):
*Feinstein (D-CA):
* Harkin (D-IA):
* Inouye (D-HI):
*Jeffords (I-VT):
* Kennedy (D-MA):
* Kerry (D-MA):
*Kohl (D-WI):
* Lautenberg (D-NJ):
* Leahy (D-VT)
*Levin (D-MI)
*Lieberman (D-CT)
*Menendez (D-NJ)
*Mikulski (D-MD)
*Murray (D-WA)
* Obama (D-IL)
* Reed (D-RI)
* Reid (D-NV)
* Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
*Schumer (D-NY)
* Stabenow (D-MI)
* Wyden (D-OR)
None of the above deserves elected office in the United States.
copywrite 2006 - Barry G.