Saturday, November 17, 2007

Asian Cultures & The Groveling Mentality Within:

November 17-2007:


Asian Cultures And The Groveling Mentality Within!

I have observed time and again, the phenomena that is so obvious among Asians or those from that hemisphere. To seemingly grovel to the Caucasians or those in authority. This attitude can be seen on the job at several companies, delis, and factories in New York City and State. And I ponder this behavior with some disgust and repulsion.

I have also learned from my readings and personal experiences, that cultures that were former colonies tend to have this colonial vestige or behavior within. And even though most former colonies of Britain, France, Spain, The Netherlands, and Portugal, are now Politically independent countries.

This behavior is still ever present in every facet of their internal body-politic.
I also see Asians in New York City gravitate towards the Whites or especially White men, over their own brothers and sisters, for love, relationships, socialization, and sometimes even marriage. And I get the impression that it must be some form of inferiority complex that propels or influences them to make these choices. I also learn from my readings of Asiatic cultures, the traditional internal classes, regional, and social stratification, that were endemic in those cultures from time immemorial. And still permeates these societies to this day.

For example, in Japan, the Japanese woman is not allowed to walk alongside her husband or male counterpart in public. This expectation is gradually changing today. In China, it is the same thing there too. And women have less social regard, respect or value from men in these cultures generally also. Especially in the rural or agrarian regions!

Currently, China is rapidly moving ahead with internal economic development. Thousands are leaving the hills, and country areas for the jobs and wages to be gained in the cities. Even though most of these new arrivals and job seekers will never be able to settle in any of those cities, because their wages will not allow them to pay the rents of those lavish apartments and condos, that are being built in the cities.

Many have to commute for long distances to get to their city jobs, then travel back to the country at weekends if possible. This can be a very costly exercise. So thousands stay in shelters or hostels that they can afford, for weeks on end, until they have accumulated enough money to return home in the country areas.

During the time the men are in town seeking work or working. The women or wives have to care for the children, care for the vegetable garden, livestock, or any other needs while her husband is busy trying to make a living in the cities.. So children cannot be properly brought up, is unlikely to get a real family upbringing, or education.

Meanwhile, China's communist government goes ahead with it's economic revolution, at the expense of millions of it's human resources that will never be able to participate or enjoy much of these changes or benefits.

Derryck. S. Griffith.
New York City.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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