Monday, December 04, 2006

A Totalitarian State In The Making?

December 04-2006:

A Totalitarian State In The Making!

President Hugo Chavez has won 78% of the vote in his country's national elections. The opposition and business community oriented party came in with about 60% of the vote. Mr. Chavez wants to change the current Venezuelan Constitution to allow him to hold office indefinitely. This he claims will allow him and his political party's Socialist quest to be fully realized, (hopefully)!

But be warned my readers, allowing Mr. Chavez to become president for life, by altering the national constitution, will be most certainly the beginning of the end for Freedom, Liberty, and the Democratic process, which allows for FREE Elections, at certain intervals. There never was any political leader or military leader in power, who was able to voluntary relinquish power to the people, without national strife, mass killing of innocent civilians, curfews, mass arrests, or a military coup.

Looking back at the following dictators we will see the pattern repeating itself again and again:
* Adolf Hitler-National Socialism. He wanted to bring reforms to a defeated Germany after World War-1's defeat. Eventually he became the Reich Chancellor, Dictator, and Initiator of mass killings of millions of his own Jewish citizens at home and abroad.
* Kim IL Sung, another dictator for life in North Korea. He initiated the philosophy of JUCHEA. This was based on the premise that all Koreans must seek full self reliance, and self realization from any foreign dependency.
He too became a dictator, a self serving eccentric, and was unable to adequately feed his people when a massive famine hit that country. Millions of Koreans starved to death from that famine. His heir the so-called Dear Leader, Kim Jung IL, is now continuing down the same path as his father, to total destitution and mass depravation.
* Fidel Castro defeated the Batista Dictatorship in the 1950's, and introduced National Socialism to Cuba. He too is president for life. Totally intolerant of any opposition that is likely to un-seat him from power.
* The same can be said for Idi Amin of Uganda, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and so many other current dictators around the globe.
Therefore, take warning, never allow any political leader to stay in power INDEFINITELY, because in time he or she will become so self-obsessed with power, that relinquishing it will never be tolerated, much less allowed. Furthermore, Any country that does not allow or have a political party in opposition, to challenge the ruling party or class, that country is headed to becoming a Totalitarian State for sure!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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