Monday, December 18, 2006

Listen To The Wisdom Of The Generals!

December 20-2006:

The Wisdom Of The Generals vs The Self-righteousness Of The Commander In Chief!

When a military General sees defeat steering him and his troops in the face, but insists that he will win the war. That general is either SENILE, or just plain irresponsible for the lives of his troops.
Therefore, currently the military leaders or Generals on the ground in Iraq says, sending more troops to Iraq will not help in any way, to win a war that was lost months ago, and no obvious reasons to stay the course, or continue to incur the loss of thousands of American troops in Iraq.
And sending an upsurge of troops to Baghdad, will be perceived by the insurgents on both fronts, and those who intend to prolong the violence nationally against foreign occupation in Iraq, as a Humbug or Infringement upon their internal political struggle. And these soldiers could very well become the new targets for extermination by both religious fronts!
'Saving face' in Iraq may be a political necessity for President George W. Bush, but will not foster morale among the troops there.
Nor will it justify the continuous slaughter of innocent lives on both sides of this conflict, and the inevitable withdrawal of our forces, with grave embarrassment, and regret for not doing so much earlier!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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