April 22-2007:
Older Gay & Homosexual Men Should Be NURTURERS-Not EXPLOITERS!
I recall as a younger Homosexual male in Guyana, most older Openly Gay Homosexual men were the ones who allowed us Younger Gay and Homosexual men into their homes for parties. Arranged partners (most of the times), at these parties, and was the venue for which most young or adolescent Gay and openly Gay men met, made friends, buddies, partners and lovers alike.
Yes, it was the Older Gay men who told us how to be careful with our lives, our sexual partners, our health, and our CHOICES in men too.
It was the older openly Gay men, who was able to afford apartments, or had their own homes for us to meet, have conversations about Gay life and life-styles, debate what was happening to some of us who were careless with out social, sexual, and other behaviors in the neighborhood.
It was the older openly Gay men, who was able to afford apartments, or had their own homes for us to meet, have conversations about Gay life and life-styles, debate what was happening to some of us who were careless with out social, sexual, and other behaviors in the neighborhood.
It was mostly the Older Gay men who accompanied us to concerts, the theaters, and the bars to socialize, or drink.
There were some Older Gay men who exploited some of us for sex. And these were very few. And when we knew about any blatant exploitation, those of us who felt responsible enough to the community, told others about them, and cautioned us to be careful when dealing with such 'PERSONS."
There were some Older Gay men who exploited some of us for sex. And these were very few. And when we knew about any blatant exploitation, those of us who felt responsible enough to the community, told others about them, and cautioned us to be careful when dealing with such 'PERSONS."
These Older Gay men felt it was their responsibility to help us chart our lives as carefully as possible, so long as we gave them permission to do so! And I shall never forget those whom I had the privilege, of getting such irreplaceable mentoring, counseling, and advice, for as long as I live.
These experiences happened to me in the sixties mostly. Back then, I was an adolescent, full of life, raging hormones, and felt that the world was mine to conquer, and that the Gay life was the most beautiful thing that I had encountered. The Stonewall Gay-Drag Queens' riots, was something I never knew about until my advent to the USA in 1989.
All we had back then was the fear of social ridicule, stigma, verbal, and sometimes physical abuse from parents, siblings, and strangers alike. Those were our experiences back then, and still is, to a certain extent today within the Caribbean, Latin American & Central American countries.
However, Gay and Homosexual men here in the USA have had similar or different experiences, but at least they have been able to get laws enacted to protect our Civil and Human Rights. Legislation is still pending in most states to allow for Marriage/Civil unions legally. While in others, these legislation have already been made legal. The political climate is almost favorable to Gay and Homosexual life here in the USA, except for a few states that still cling to their prejudices. And some Religious, and Social/Civic groups that feel it is their divine right to castigate Gays, Lesbians, Tansgender, and Bisexuals within this society.
But overall, Gays, Lesbians, Tansgender, and Bisexuals have a relatively peaceful co-existence within the mainstream of American society.
In certain Asiatic and Moslem countries, it still is the responsibility of Older Homosexual men (mostly undercover), to protect, advise, nurture, and even exploit Gay or Homosexuals there. Because of the extended family system, endemic to those cultures for centuries.
In certain Asiatic and Moslem countries, it still is the responsibility of Older Homosexual men (mostly undercover), to protect, advise, nurture, and even exploit Gay or Homosexuals there. Because of the extended family system, endemic to those cultures for centuries.
And any political actions for Civil, Human or other rights that Gays or Homosexuals need to Address, must be done very quietly, covertly, or with less public fanfare. For fear of Police brutality, Social castigation, Imprisonment, Beheading, or Death.
I ache with disgust whenever I see Older and not so young openly Gay men verbally abuse younger Gay men, because of their openness, freedom, expressions, and sexual promiscuousness. Some of these Older Gay men have forgotten, or pretend to have forgotten when they were much younger, in demand, in shape, and vociferous too.
Yet they seem to feel that the Younger Openly Gay men (by and large), have it too good. Are not tolerant of them. And is ungrateful for all that the older Gays have fought and died for in the past. So that these freedoms that they the young, seem to take for granted would be here for posterity.
I also despise those older Gay men who are bitter because they are un-happy with their current situation. Lack of a meaningful relationships, Lack of Love, or even Companionship. And I believe it stems from a Careless, Carefree, and Reckless past, that has come back to haunt so many of us Gay or Homosexual men, as we get older in age.
Sometimes we forget the cosmic or spiritual law that binds all humans.
Some call it KARMA, and it simply means the following:
* Whatever action or actions we do now, have their concomitant re-actions later.
* And everyone has to pay for his or her doings in this life, sooner or later. This is called KARMIC LAW:
So let as Older and Younger Gay and Homosexual men make a difference within our individual lives TODAY. For it is never too late to reform our minds, actions, attitudes, beliefs, impressions, and our souls!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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