Sunday, April 08, 2007


April 08-2007:

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

For those Caribbean Christian peoples, today (SUNDAY) is the day Jesus rose from the dead, and the Eve of the ascension into Heaven, of the Christian messiah Jesus.

And tomorrow Monday, is the day he allegedly ascended into the Heavens!
On this day, in most or all Caribbean countries, we fly kites to symbolically commemorate this ascension. And Oh Boy, we really have a great day celebrating. It is a day when thousands congregate in large open Tree free spaces, promenades, and playing fields, hoping that high winds will be there to assist us all in raising and keeping our multi-colored and multi-styled kites aloft.

Sometimes competitions take place between individuals to see whose kite will ascend the highest. And not to mention the various eatables and food baskets that families take to these places to have a picnic, with friends, neighbors, and anyone willing to be a part of this holiday festivity.

I miss this festivity very much now that I reside in the USA, because back in my homeland Guyana, even if I did not fly a kite. I would just visit the Sea Wall plateau where most people go to fly their kites, in order to get the strongest winds there. And just enjoy the sun, the bevy of beauties, the music that people take with them. And feel like a child once again!

Happy Easter Everyone!


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