February 09-2007:
Is It Hillary Clinton Or Barak Obama For The Democratic Nomination For President In 2008?
Hillary Clinton is popular with New Yorkers and most Black Americans because of her husband's popularity. But if Hillary Clinton is nominated for the Presidency, she would always be judged (if she wins), by her husbands accomplishments and legacy!
No one should aspire to walk in the shoes of another. By so doing, you would have lost the experience of feeling the pinches, the comfort or dis-comfort of your own shoes. And that would be a futile choice indeed!
When Bill Clinton was in The White House for two terms, he did the following things that made Immigrants, and natives alike suffer in their everyday lives.
Immigration Legislation:
It was under Bill Clinton's presidency that The Immigration Laws that were introduced in 1996-97 that inhibited legal residence, eg P.R.U.C.O.L. (Persons Residing Under Color Of Law): Many of whom for various reasons, overstayed their time here in America, and was now seeking permanent resident status. His signing of that law, debarred most of them from ever gaining that legal status without having to return to their home countries, and risk death, poverty, shame or worse!The only eligible people that manage to float in, sail in, drop in, or reach the shores of America, are the Cubans, and they are entitled to Automatic Legal Residence Status? This kind of differential treatment of humans, coupled with political convenience, bothers me greatly.
Dead Beat Dads Legislation:
* It was Bill Clinton who advocated and had legislated for the so-called Dead Beat' fathers, to be made to pay for accumulated child support, or serve time in prison. That bill was passed without much fanfare in Congress, because most of the so-called 'Dead Beat Dads' are Black & Latino men. With a history of incarceration, former felons, a history of drug use, and alcoholism.
The framer/s of this bill never took into consideration what it would do to Blacks & Latinos who are former felons, unable to find regular and permanent employment, to comply with their child support responsibilities.
And yet, many Americans agreed to the passing of this legislation!
So whenever a former felon, or a Dad in default of child support, or owes child support, was reported on by his spouse or the parent of that child/children, immediate deductions are taken out of any earnings, whenever and wherever he starts to be gainfully employed. It does not matter how much he earns, the specified figure that is legally mandated to pay for that child's support, is deducted from his wages automatically.
A Booming Economy Legacy:
Yes, I agree that Bill Clinton left a balanced Federal Budget, a booming economy, and a reduction in national un-employment levels.
* But who benefited for that Economic Boom? Certainly no Black or Latino working blue collar Americans!
* No, the wealth was being enjoyed by the Wall street investment community, and those employed people who was able, by virtue of their earnings to indulge in personal investment or trade on the Stock Market.
So if this legacy is what will be used to justify the appointment or political choice of Hillary Clinton as president, then I say, think very carefully about this decision. Because if Hillary is expected to follow her husband's legacy, then she would be a very poor choice for the White House. Because every candidate has to show or prove to the American people, what he or she could do or provide for this economy, national security, national health, and immigration re-conciliation.!
Senator Barak Obama:
This is a new and fresh face on the political spectrum. No legacy, no baggage to carry or bring with him, no previous reference at running for the presidency. And a man that seems to know what he wants to do for America, and Americans. A man that is positive in outlook, decisive in action. And a man that does not mince matters, or play to the ears of those whom traditionally, must be considered in the political choices, or for financial support.
This is a man who knows what is expected of him, and has promised to deliver to ALL Americans, if elected to The White House in 2008. Commonsense tells me that such a man aught to be allowed to prove himself in that position. After all, it is only fair and reasonable for such a choice to be made!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger
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