Sunday, February 11, 2007

CNN & BBC Refers To Sen. Barak Obama As The Black Candidate!

February 10-2007:

Sen Hillary Clinton & Sen. Barak Obama-Should Team Up!

Someone suggested to me in an e-mail, that Sen. Barak Obama and Sen. Hilary Clinton should 'team Up.'
I have to say "Hell NO" to that idea. For the following reasons.
* They are both democrats, canvassing for the same position, (President).
* If they should 'team up' as was suggested, Mr Obama would have to take the secondary position when the nomionation time comes around. And I am sure that idea would not work in Obama's favor. Because the traditional mindset at the congress would go for HIllary anyday, above Obama for the presidency.
So the best thing for Barak Obama at this juncture, is to run on his own esteem. And let the Democratic Conference decide at the time of nominating the front-runner candidate for the presidency. Teaming up, would be a sell-out for Barak Obama, and a great disappointment for the American people generally!
Personally, I don't believe that Barak Obama shoul'd settle for any Vice President position either!

CNN & BBC keep refering to Senator Barak Obama as The Black candidate for the USA presidency.
What I still cannot fathom, is why does the local and foreign media keep referring to this man as the Black candidate?
When are they going to realize that Mr. obama is bi-racial in origin, and an American national, who happens to be the first male bi-racial candidate to contest for the presidency?
That just goes to validate the already racially prejudiced society that this man is trying to represent, and the insensitive behavior of the media in promoting the status-quo of Black & White consciousness!

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