February 26-2007:
Word Up:
Word Up:
Rev. Al Sharpton was descended from The Sharptons and the Thurmonds, who owned his great grand parents, during the period of slavery in The USA. This revelation was made known by the New York Times, to Mr. Sharpton and the public recently.
Mr. Sharpton said publicly that he was surprised to know who was his ancestors slave master or owners, and was now more empowered to continue the struggle advocating for human and civil rights for all. Paula Zahun of CNN asked Mr. Sharpton on television tonight how he felt, and if the news was devastating?
Now why on earth would this revelation be devastating for any Black American or any Black man or woman, whose ancestral history reeked of slaves. So this revelation is not surprising to most Blacks here in America, the Caribbean, South America, or anywhere around the world, that has had a history of slavery. Because that reality is something the Blacks live with on a daily basis within the socio-economic and political culture that we are all a part of.
Acting White & Black Prejudices:
The experience that Blacks have in the inner cities, especially youths growing up in poverty, or Communities Of Color, stem primarily from the mainstream concept that is promoted in the schools, the media, and even colleges, that in order to be a successful person, you aught to consider looking, and playing the part, e.g..
Acting White & Black Prejudices:
The experience that Blacks have in the inner cities, especially youths growing up in poverty, or Communities Of Color, stem primarily from the mainstream concept that is promoted in the schools, the media, and even colleges, that in order to be a successful person, you aught to consider looking, and playing the part, e.g..
* Wearing a formal suit to an interview.
* Speaking correct English at these interviews.
* Responding with answers to the interviewer with 'Yes Sir or Yes Madame
* Removing a chair for a lady or most often a White woman in a position of authority, in order to seem au-fait with social decorum.
Negative Social interaction Among People Of Color:
In some Communities Of Color, an aspiring young Latino, Latina, or Black male or female, may experience a lot of flack if he or she speaks well. Or proper English. This ability very often is perceived by his or her peers as acting White, or behaving like the whites do. The ability to speak or act civilly, properly, or achieve high marks or grades in school, can be traumatic for many youngsters in Communities Of Color, in inner cities or small towns. Envy, jealousy, and other social ills are primarily responsible for these feelings among those who seek to make you feel inadequate.
Negative Social interaction Among People Of Color:
In some Communities Of Color, an aspiring young Latino, Latina, or Black male or female, may experience a lot of flack if he or she speaks well. Or proper English. This ability very often is perceived by his or her peers as acting White, or behaving like the whites do. The ability to speak or act civilly, properly, or achieve high marks or grades in school, can be traumatic for many youngsters in Communities Of Color, in inner cities or small towns. Envy, jealousy, and other social ills are primarily responsible for these feelings among those who seek to make you feel inadequate.
This behavior is sometimes called the Culture Of Poverty." This mentality is also referred to as 'Crabs In A Barrel' syndrome. Where as soon as someone tries to develop themselves, or seem to be getting ahead more than others think he or she deserves, can be a trigger for hate, jealousy, and even personal abuse or attack.
This social and cultural phenomena will always be evident in any culture where the disenfranchised, and marginalized have to survive and thrive in!
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.