Thursday, November 09, 2006

Senator Barak Obama Gives Cogratulatory Message:

Senator Barack Obama wrote:

Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 23:05:49 GMT

From: "Senator Barack Obama"
To: ""

Subject: America Voted for Change

Dear Friend,

Congratulations. You did it.

At this hour, because of your voices and your votes, the Democratic Party has taken back the House and the Senate for the first time in more than a decade. Across the country, a new generation of leaders is coming to Washington - leaders who are ready to listen to the American people and solve America’s problems.

This should make us happy Democrats, but more importantly, it should make us hopeful Americans. Hopeful that the years of gridlock and partisanship; of blame and bickering will finally give way to civility and solutions.

Hopeful that this overwhelming victory will finally force the Presidentto realize that governing is not a war of ideologies, but a contest of ideas.
Hopeful that when we’re finally able to bring the issues you care about to the halls of Congress, we will finally have enough leaders - Democrat and Republican - who say "yes" to a higher minimum wage, "yes" to more affordable health care and college tuition, "yes" to an energy independent America, and "yes" to a new plan in Iraq that starts to bring our troops home.

Elections come and elections go. Some make little difference in the life of our country - and some change the course of history forever. I am so proud of those of you who have donated your time, your energy, and your resources to get us where we are today. But in order to change history, we now have to work even harder to turn last night’s results into tomorrow’s progress. I’ll be asking you to help me do this in the days and months to come, and I can’t wait to get to work.


U.S. Senator Barack Obama

November 06-2006:

Is An Uninformed Vote Better Than No Vote?

I saw this message as the title of a Blog on, and was induced to give my view on this question.

Personally, I believe if you have the choice, and legal right to vote, everyone so qualified must vote. Voting rights have been fought for, and thousands have died to make this a reality here in the USA, and in some other cultures. Taking this right for granted, or not exercising your franchise when the time comes for you to do so, is GROSS NEGLIGENCE of that right and privilege.

Whether the voter is well informed, partially informed, or ignorant of the salient facts or issues at stake, is irrelevant.


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