November 23-2006:
Giving Thanks For What?
As we celebrate Thanks Giving. And as we eat the indigenous turkey, let us for a moment ponder these realities:
* Thousands of innocent Black native civilians of Darfur-Sudan have been killed, while others fled to camps, miles away from their homes, with flimsy protection by the African Union meagre forces, mandated to oversee that situation, but not to intervene, unless attacked.
They fled in the thousands from massacre by the Sudanese government backed 'Janjaweed' militias. A contracted band of pro government, and anti-Black terrorists, paid by that government.
* Let us not forget the thousands of Americans who were affected by hurricane Katrina, and are still homeless, jobless, displaced, without health care, and without hope.
* Let us not forget the thousands of US military personnel who are dead, injured or maimed, and are stuck in Iraq & Afghanistan. Fighting two wars that have become a nightmare, and an embarrassment to all rational thinking Americans.
* For these men and women who volunteered to serve their country, are making the ultimate sacrifice for us all. Regardless of political affiliation or support.
* And let us not forget the two year political reprieve and probation that was entrusted to the now majority controlled Democratic party in Congress and the Senate, to encourage bi-partisan relations and co-operation for a speedy settlement and plan to bring our troops home SOON.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Do you know that the 23rd US President Harrison, was the first president to have electricity installed in The White House.
But he and his wife (The First Lady), did not touch the switches.
They were too afraid to do so?
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