Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Endemic Murder Within The New York City Police Dept:

November 28-2006.

Endemic Murder Within The New York City Police Dept!

The current murder of an innocent civilian, and injury of three others are an indication of the seemingly ENDEMIC and institutionalized culture, within the New York City police.
Under the Juiliani Mayoral administration, we have seen the murder of an African and an Haitian, gunned down by the NYC police. The Haitian was severely physically abused by the interrogating police, who not only severely beat him senseless. But SODOMIZED him with the PLUNGER from the bathroom, in which this horror took place.
These police officers were NEVER convicted for any wrong doing!
Then there was the killing of an African native, who was shot with 41 rounds of ammunition by the police. These officers were never convicted of any wrong doing either by the courts. The mother of this African immigrant eventually got three million dollars compensation for this crime.
Now it is another Black young male in his twenties, who was gunned down to death with 50 rounds of ammo by the police, and his two other mates in the vehicle in which they were driving, incurred severe gunshot wounds. All this occurred when they were leaving a bachelor party, prior to his wedding scheduled to take place the next day.
We have also seen several incidents where the NYC police have shot at, arrested, or threatened young Black and Hispanic males in New York City, because they felt it necessary to do so. And this continues to be the behavior, regardless of how many times the Mayor or Police Chief says that these officers are trained to conduct themselves professionally.
Well, if this is professional behavior that the NYC police is displaying. Then there is no safety or justice to be expected PERIOD, from the people who tax payers are paying, to provide protection for all citizens in New York City.
I have always believed that the Police Institution was intended to protect the interests of The Ruling Classes, and their acolytes. This belief of mine have become even more entrenched, as I see Police brutality on the increase throughout this nation (the USA), on a daily basis.
And I have no empathy for any police, (male or female) who gets killed in the line of duty any longer!
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
New York City.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Do Humans Really Have Free Will Or Free Choice?

November 26-2006

Do Humans Really Have A Choice Or Free Will? OR Why Do They Choose What They Choose?

I think humans do not have FREE WILL in a practical sense. What we have is really a choice, which may or may not be a free one at any given time.

Let me explain.

A new born baby comes into this world devoid of what society perceives as right or wrong.

He or she sees a lighted candle, and innocently via curiosity, reaches out to touch this candle or flame. Then he or she gets burned.

This experience is now filed away in the mind for future reference un-consciously.

So the next time that child or baby sees a lighted candle, he or she is less inclined to touch the flame, less he or she be burned once again!

This to my mind is "FREE CHOICE," based on some prior or learned experience.

Now Free Will is another factor that humans claim to have, but is simply the influences that the brain absorbs mentally. And files away these thoughts, observations, and personal experiences, and provides us with this data when the need arises, to act in any given situation.

For example:
A shackled slave cannot escape that situation easily without assistance from another slave, or some other person.

Nor can this slave 'Will' his or her freedom either!

These desires, have to be realized through actual removal from that situation physically.

Or escape from that situation physically.
And after so doing, the slave must feel that he or she is now free of that situation!

This to my mind is truly (Free Choice)!

Derryck S. Griffith.
New YorK City.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving Thanks For What?

November 23-2006:

Giving Thanks For What?

As we celebrate Thanks Giving. And as we eat the indigenous turkey, let us for a moment ponder these realities:

* Thousands of innocent Black native civilians of Darfur-Sudan have been killed, while others fled to camps, miles away from their homes, with flimsy protection by the African Union meagre forces, mandated to oversee that situation, but not to intervene, unless attacked.

They fled in the thousands from massacre by the Sudanese government backed 'Janjaweed' militias. A contracted band of pro government, and anti-Black terrorists, paid by that government.

* Let us not forget the thousands of Americans who were affected by hurricane Katrina, and are still homeless, jobless, displaced, without health care, and without hope.

* Let us not forget the thousands of US military personnel who are dead, injured or maimed, and are stuck in Iraq & Afghanistan. Fighting two wars that have become a nightmare, and an embarrassment to all rational thinking Americans.

* For these men and women who volunteered to serve their country, are making the ultimate sacrifice for us all. Regardless of political affiliation or support.

* And let us not forget the two year political reprieve and probation that was entrusted to the now majority controlled Democratic party in Congress and the Senate, to encourage bi-partisan relations and co-operation for a speedy settlement and plan to bring our troops home SOON.

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.



Do you know that the 23rd US President Harrison, was the first president to have electricity installed in The White House.

But he and his wife (The First Lady), did not touch the switches.

They were too afraid to do so?


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Comedian Michael Richard's Racist Remarks In Public?

November 21-2006:

Comedian Michael Richard's Racist Aspersions In Public!

The local media was having a field day with the aftershock that resulted from a local comedian's racist aspersions on stage recently. CN -Paula Zahn too, seem to be one of the television anchors who are pushing for some form of reconciliation from the comedian involved, to somehow make amends for his wrong doing.
However, in view of this current concern for the upsurge of racist remarks, by public figures within our society (The USA), I am tempted to give an explanation for this issue.

Most people harbor some form of prejudice within themselves. Prejudice like any other view, or belief, is learned from our individual upbringing, families, relatives, neighborhoods, cultures, and even religions.
At some point in our mental development certain prejudices develop, and is filed away in our psyches or minds, for future recall. Most of these views about people and cultures that we perceive as Good, Bad, Barbarian, Savage, Un-civilized, Inhuman, or even not worth sharing this planet with those who are their betters. Are all kept under raps, until some situation, or stimuli causes us or the individual to voice or act out those prejudices.

Sometimes with or without the desirable result.

Every individual or culture must come to terms with his or their prejudices. This can be done either by speaking out publicly against it, organizing forums to discuss it, or legislate laws to punish anyone who, with intent to hurt or harm others, whom may not fit a certain desired profile.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

South Africa Approves Gay Marriages Today!

November 14-2006:

Gays Get Legal Approval To Marry In South Africa!

South Africa's constitution provides for equality in marriage between two people of the same or opposite sexes.

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the parliament there enforced this law if the situation so warranted. And now this formality has become necessary to enforce. So the law was enacted to allow same sex marriages to happen, with all the rights and responsibilities inherent there, as with heterosexual unions.

South Africa is the only African country on the continent of Africa that has such laws. In a predominantly Gay biased continent, this is indeed a breakthrough for homosexuals there.

Kudos To South Africa & South Africans!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, November 13, 2006

How Could The US Save Face In Iraq?

November 13-2206:

How Could The US-Save Face In Iraq?

We have been hearing prior to and after the Democrats have attained the majority in the House & Senate, that our troops should be removed in segments during a specified period of time. And that the government of Iraq must take full control of their national security and stability. And not continue to depend of US and other coalition muscle to assist them in that regard indefinitely.

So the questions to follow these proposals aught to be the following:

* Does the Iraqi National army have the necessary military hardware, munitions, and officer personal to do the job effectively, and successfully?

* Are the US willing to furnish the Iraqi army the required military hardware do so successfully, and if so how soon?

* And if this phased withdrawal is agreed upon by the US and Iraqi governments, when will it go into effect?

Currently, the Iraqi's are using mediocre military vehicles, and other hardware to get around that country, that is totally inadequate to repel the insurgents in an effective manner. You cannot use land rovers, and small vans to pursue an enemy that has rockets, hand grenades, and other missiles that could obliterate those vehicles in an instant, to do that job!

* And if the US is truly committed to ending this insurgency, and for stability in the entire country of Iraq, they MUST provide the Iraqi Army, and Police with the tools to do the job.

As Sir. Winston Churchill said during World War-2, as the Germans were ravishing the City of London, Quote: "Give Us The Tools-And We Will Finish The Job." He was asking the Roosevelt Administration in Washington at that time for this assistance!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Rap Music's Exposure In Europe:

November 13-2006:

Rap Music's Exposure In Europe:

I was listening today to a few Radio Stations on the Internet, based in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, and others.

And here is the type of RAP music these stations are playing.

* RAP music that promotes violence among Blacks in the ghettos and inner cities.

There was one of these songs that said to 'Hide Your Jewels When A Nigga Passes By.

I was shocked and appalled that this type of music is being made by Black Rappers and is being aired abroad.

Of course such music would not get radio time here in the USA because of the obscene and graphic explanation of violence, hate, and derogation of Blacks on Blacks.

If this is the way Black RAP entertainers and musicians are prepared to sell albums, or promote HIP-HOP, then I shudder at the thought of how we Blacks are perceived generally around the world.

From what I have been reading on the Internet, youngsters in many countries feel that these songs are the true expression of how Blacks live, Interact, and deal with their fellows on a daily basis, here in the USA.

So brothers, you may want to make that PAPER, but have you ever considered what impression you are giving on the international arena of our people?

I think it is high time you entertainers of HIP-HOP & RAP re-think the type of lyrics that you use for your music. Because more often than not, it will be taken quite LITERALLY in several countries around the world.

And that would be indirectly promoting ethnic stereotyping, and mis-information about how Blacks are, live, feel, and believe!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Legendary Eartha Kitt:

November 12-2006:

The Legendary Eartha Kitt!

Yes indeed, Eartha Kitt is a living legend. She is that kind of Diva, that has no comparison.

She is 'The Diva of Divas,' and that is no small compliment to her musical talents, and performance greatness!

I knew of Eartha ever since I was a child, and that was since the 1950's. Today at 80 years of age, Eartha Kitt is still performing, and is still in demand in Europe's many cabarets.

Her versatility, unique style, and physical appeal on stage, has no equal.

May she be around, doing her thing for many more healthy and successful years to come!

New York City

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veteran's Day-Remembrances!

November 11-2006:

Veteran's Day-Remembrances:

It is never possible to pen or write one's feelings for those who have paid the ultimate price, to save humanity.
Some of us do this spontaneously, others do so because they felt it was necessary to do so at the time.

And others do so, because their job, valor, and personal humanity took control of their actions at the time.

However, we must never forget those millions both in uniform and out of uniform, who paid with their lives, to save freedom, liberty, and humanity.

May those brave souls who are currently serving this nation in Iraq and Afghanistan, and anywhere that duty calls. Be remembered in our prayers and thoughts.

And special efforts made by those entrusted to do so, for their welfare, and the welfare of their families.

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Democratic Party Is On Probation!

November 09-2006:


The Democratic Party Is On Probation:

The winds of change have blown away the Republican control of the House & Senate. But the White House is still in the hands of a Republican president, who still has veto powers, and is responsible for all foreign policies. So what are we expecting in the next two years from the Democratic majority in the House and Senate to achieve?

Mind you, the war in Iraq & Afghanistan is still in progress. The war on terrorism as espoused by George W. Bush is still the administration's principal agenda. And the national concern for the deaths and injuries of thousands of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, is still a crucial concern on the minds of all rational thinking Americans.

However, the Democrats have promised to bring back "Civility and Democracy" to the administration in Washington. And to set the stage for some major concerns that they (the Democrats) have to bring to the fore. But at the same time, the American people chose to give the Democratic Party the chance to make things right. Or at least set the stage for making things right in terms of strategy, resource deployment, and eventual withdrawal of our armed forces from Iraq and Afghanistan.
This mandate was endorsed by constituents from both political camps in a Real & Big way!
There are those who feel that proceedings to IMPEACH George W. Bush, Vice President Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and other suspects, under the suspicion of complicity for torture, and other acts against humanity, in a time of war. This view to my mind is unhealthy, and irrational at this time, because it could (if acted upon at this time), may create a climate of national division, and a crisis of political management. And remember, that the Commander In Chief of the US armed forces is the sitting president. So to make moves in the aforementioned direction, would create a void of responsibility for the overseeing and management of those who are entrusted to conduct these wars.

Furthermore, if such action is pursued by the Democrats, this may very well impede the benefits and political support they have currently received. And may further impede them from getting the necessary support and votes across the board in the elections of 2008! Even though such concerns may have validity, this may not be the time politically, to move in that direction just yet. What is vitally needed in both houses currently, is for them to engage in bi-partisan co-operation on bills and policies that would appease the commonweal, in those areas that are considered crucial to national development and re-conciliation.

For example, the Minimum Wage question, the Immigration issues, the Healthcare issues, the Border Security and Policing issues, National Security, Individual Privacy, Freedom of the Internet, and Disaster Pre-paredness considerations.

Furthermore, we now have a female Speaker of the House Of Representatives.

* How will she be received by the Republicans?

* How much influence could she induce unilaterally, on bills that promotes the democratic agenda, and who or what gets her attention and priority?

These will be the concerns of Republicans in Congress and the Senate in the next two years left to them, before the 2008 national elections!

Finally, I sincerely hope that The White House administration willingly allows access to the Democrats, on issues that they may not necessarily agree upon. But accommodates compromises, and the sharing of responsibilities and accountability on both sides. For after all, both parties are accountable to the American electorate.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
New York City.

Senator Barak Obama Gives Cogratulatory Message:

Senator Barack Obama info@barackobama.com wrote:

Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 23:05:49 GMT

From: "Senator Barack Obama" info@barackobama.com
To: "" tjinlb@yahoo.com

Subject: America Voted for Change

Dear Friend,

Congratulations. You did it.

At this hour, because of your voices and your votes, the Democratic Party has taken back the House and the Senate for the first time in more than a decade. Across the country, a new generation of leaders is coming to Washington - leaders who are ready to listen to the American people and solve America’s problems.

This should make us happy Democrats, but more importantly, it should make us hopeful Americans. Hopeful that the years of gridlock and partisanship; of blame and bickering will finally give way to civility and solutions.

Hopeful that this overwhelming victory will finally force the Presidentto realize that governing is not a war of ideologies, but a contest of ideas.
Hopeful that when we’re finally able to bring the issues you care about to the halls of Congress, we will finally have enough leaders - Democrat and Republican - who say "yes" to a higher minimum wage, "yes" to more affordable health care and college tuition, "yes" to an energy independent America, and "yes" to a new plan in Iraq that starts to bring our troops home.

Elections come and elections go. Some make little difference in the life of our country - and some change the course of history forever. I am so proud of those of you who have donated your time, your energy, and your resources to get us where we are today. But in order to change history, we now have to work even harder to turn last night’s results into tomorrow’s progress. I’ll be asking you to help me do this in the days and months to come, and I can’t wait to get to work.


U.S. Senator Barack Obama

November 06-2006:

Is An Uninformed Vote Better Than No Vote?

I saw this message as the title of a Blog on FeedBlitz.com, and was induced to give my view on this question.

Personally, I believe if you have the choice, and legal right to vote, everyone so qualified must vote. Voting rights have been fought for, and thousands have died to make this a reality here in the USA, and in some other cultures. Taking this right for granted, or not exercising your franchise when the time comes for you to do so, is GROSS NEGLIGENCE of that right and privilege.

Whether the voter is well informed, partially informed, or ignorant of the salient facts or issues at stake, is irrelevant.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

US Midterm Elections-2006:

November 07-2006:

US Midterm Elections-2006:

SENATE Majority Control For Democrats: 6-Seats Needed:
HOUSE Majority Control For Democrats: 15 -Seats Needed:
Nancy Polozi: Democrats Chief Whip-Slated for the next US Speaker of The House Of Representatives:
Kentucky: (D-John Yarmoth)-1
Maryland: (D-Ben Cardin)-1

Indiana-1: (D-Brad Elsworth)-1
Indiana-2: (D-Joe Donnelly)-1

New Jersey: (D-Bob Menendez)-1
Ohio: (D-Sharod Brown)-1
New York: (D-Hilary Clinton)-1
Rhode Island: (D-Sheldon Whitehouse)-1
Pensylvania: ( D-Bob Casey Jr,.)-1
Minnesotta: (D)-1
Nebraska: (D)-1
Tennessee: (D-Bob Corker)-1
Connecticut: (Indp.-Joe Lieberman)-1
Utah: (D-Orin Acha)-1
Arizona: (D-John Kyle)-1
Nevada: (D)-1
Montana: ?
Missouri: ?
Virginia: Webb (D)-50% Allen (R) 49%

The American People Have Spoken-It Is Time For A Change:

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
PS: November 08-2006 means A New Start!

Monday, November 06, 2006

How Do You Choose Your Political Reps?

November 06-2006:-2006:

How Do You Choose Your Political Representatives?

* Do you choose them based on Color or Ethnicity?

* Do you choose them because they look like you, or subscribe to the same religion?

* Do you choose them because they subscribe to the same narrow minded world view like you?

* Do you choose them because they are Moslem, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, or Scientologist?
Or should you look for the following:

* A resolve to create Unity in Diversity.

* Full economic growth and opportunities for all.

* National Security from internal and external threats.

* Pursuing and maintaining good cultural and economic relations with friends and allies.

* Ensuring that the commonweal have access to all economic, educational, and employment opportunities available.

* Ensuring that all political parties are included in the political process, without favor, discrimination, or ostracism.

* And maintaining free access to all Media, both Public and Private, and without censure.


To be a truly progressive society, voters must be able to entertain these thoughts. Preserve these values. And strive through social advocacy, to ensure that they are implemented, and preserved for posterity.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I Smoked-But I Did Not Inhale:

Here is another one of those!


Rev. Ted Haggard admitted yesterday that he had summoned the escort to give him a massage in a Denver hotel room and bought methamphetamine from him.

But Mr. Haggard, one of the nation’s leading evangelical ministers, maintained that the two men never had sex and that he threw out the drugs without using them.

"I never kept it very long because it was wrong," Mr. Haggard said, smiling grimly and submitting to questions from a television reporter as he pulled out of his driveway yesterday, his wife, Gayle, silent in the passenger seat. "I was tempted, I bought it, but I never used it."


Friday, November 03, 2006



The time it takes both Democrats and Republicans to ridicule each other's party about irregularities, personal integrity, or curruption.
Which is evident in both camps, and need sanitizing!

* They should produce a saleable plan of action for Iraq & Afghanistan, the withdrawl of US troops, and a workable plan of action for

* A National Disaster scanario.

* A National Health Plan that accommodates all levels of the working classes.

* And a voters ballot system that is acceptable, workable, has a paper trail to verify elligibility to qualify, and for counting after the vote, for accuracy.

These are the SALIENT national concerns or all Americans currently.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Educator-Advocate & Blogger

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Snitching On The HIV Positive!

November 02-2006:

Snitching On Those Who Are HIV Positive!

I have found in some groups that I am affiliated with, individuals who take great pleasure in outing some person/s who are HIV positive. And then have the temerity to tell the group when challenged, that that person's HIV status is COMMON knowledge.

Common knowledge to whom?

Maybe to that person. But something is only common knowledge when it can be accessed on the Internet, the General News Media, The Tabloids, and other public venues. So do not tell me that one has the right or presumption, to blackmail someone because they feel they can do so with impunity.

I have also seen individuals who claim to be Advocates for people living with HIV & AIDS, slander or inform this and other forums about someone's HIV status. (Both living and dead). When they should also know that such information is considered CLASSIFIED or CONFIDENTIAL, and must not be divulged without that person's EXPLICIT consent to do so!

With regard to the above expressed concerns, I am very concerned about the MOTIVE for such disclosures or information provided or given, in any Group or Chat Room! And I still would like to caution anyone who intends to, or feels that he or she must tell the world about his or her HIV status. To consider the consequences that such disclosures can bring in the future on his or her reputation. Both in death and when still in this physical life.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Child Adoptions In Africa Today!

November 01-2006:

Child Adoptions In Africa:

It seems like most African states have laws that debar most individuals from adopting African children. What these laws are based on, or if they debar a foreign national or non-African national from adopting any African child, I am un-aware of.
However, with the thousands of African children, and growing in volume every year, as a result of continuous wars or military conflict in several regions of that continent. Some consideration for changing those laws to make it possible for adoption, aught to be considered.

The current situation that the pop star Madonna faces with adopting a Malawian child orphan, is a case in point. According to her public statements, she has been able to make arrangements to adopt that child, with the father's expressed consent. But is unable to take the child away to the U.S.A. permanently just yet. She claims that she had no knowledge that the child had visiting relatives, or a grand parent, who visits regularly or irregularly. And if she had known of this situation, then she may not have bothered to pursue that child's adoption.
However, she expressed her concern for anyone in the future, who intends to do the same for African children who are orphans, that the current laws there, inhibits the smooth process, or is not clear on who or what criteria is needed for Legal adoption to take place. And this situation inhibits the chances for millions of African children who are left homeless, parentless, HIV infected, and homeless, to ever be able to grow up normally, or have a normal future like their peers, under the current laws continentally.

Personally, bi-racial, and non-cultural adoptions have been happening for as long as I can remember globally. Whether that is the underlying reason for the conflict in Africa with Madonna's quest, is anyone's guess. However, politics will not help those children who desperately need homes, parents, educating, and someone to make them feel loved. If politicians and un-realistic laws prohibit such reality!
Humans adapt to any environment, or culture overtime. And children of bi-national and bi-racial marriages have also learned to adapt to that reality, and grow up to be responsible adults and parents themselves, in this multicultural world that we all occupy.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.