November 28-2006.
Endemic Murder Within The New York City Police Dept!
The current murder of an innocent civilian, and injury of three others are an indication of the seemingly ENDEMIC and institutionalized culture, within the New York City police.
Under the Juiliani Mayoral administration, we have seen the murder of an African and an Haitian, gunned down by the NYC police. The Haitian was severely physically abused by the interrogating police, who not only severely beat him senseless. But SODOMIZED him with the PLUNGER from the bathroom, in which this horror took place.
These police officers were NEVER convicted for any wrong doing!
Then there was the killing of an African native, who was shot with 41 rounds of ammunition by the police. These officers were never convicted of any wrong doing either by the courts. The mother of this African immigrant eventually got three million dollars compensation for this crime.
Now it is another Black young male in his twenties, who was gunned down to death with 50 rounds of ammo by the police, and his two other mates in the vehicle in which they were driving, incurred severe gunshot wounds. All this occurred when they were leaving a bachelor party, prior to his wedding scheduled to take place the next day.
We have also seen several incidents where the NYC police have shot at, arrested, or threatened young Black and Hispanic males in New York City, because they felt it necessary to do so. And this continues to be the behavior, regardless of how many times the Mayor or Police Chief says that these officers are trained to conduct themselves professionally.
Well, if this is professional behavior that the NYC police is displaying. Then there is no safety or justice to be expected PERIOD, from the people who tax payers are paying, to provide protection for all citizens in New York City.
I have always believed that the Police Institution was intended to protect the interests of The Ruling Classes, and their acolytes. This belief of mine have become even more entrenched, as I see Police brutality on the increase throughout this nation (the USA), on a daily basis.
And I have no empathy for any police, (male or female) who gets killed in the line of duty any longer!
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
New York City.