Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Can The Iraqi Government Really Create A Climate Of National Security?

October 18-2006:

Can The Iraqi Government Really Create A National Climate Of Peace & Security?

* Here is the current situation on the ground politically in Iraq.

* The current elected political administration's leadership is housed SAFELY in the notorious American constructed "Green Zone."

* These leaders are unable, or too frightened to appear on the streets or villages, cities and towns of Iraq, for fear of being killed.

* So they make public appearances from the SAFETY of their offices in the Green Zone on television.

* When elected officials are not seen in person, or are unable to meet with their constituents, or is unable to listen or talk with constituents about concerns that affect them. That is the beginning of distrust, and potential downfall.


If Democracy is going to become a reality in Iraq, (Iraqi style), then some efforts MUST be made by these elected officials to be seen locally, and to mix and mingle, with the commonweal, as they are expected to do.

No amount of military strength, or boosting of national security forces, will prevent the total collapse of this flimsy political administration, unless the above considerations are taken into consideration, or implemented!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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