Sunday, October 29, 2006

Barak Obama's Presidential possibilities In 2008!

October 29-2006:


Barak Obama is a young man with great potential to serve this nation of ours. He has shown the ability to sway minds and hearts hitherto un-moveable or un-shakeable. However, the question or concern in some quarters about his prospects for success to the White House in 2008, concerns me very much. Personally, I feel he has as good a chance of getting there as Hillary Clinton. And in some ways even greater, because he could relate more to the commonweal.

So here are some Pros & Cons to this speculation:

Barak Obama's Presidential Possibilities:


* He is globally informed:

* Well respected in his home state Illinois:

* Well rounded in intelligence and vision:

* Admirable, people friendly, publicly appealing, and politically suave:


* Cannot or must not be used to save face, for the Democratic party's failures:

* Does not have a magic wand for this country's ills:

* Big money will support a Black candidate for president, only if he or she is prepared to dance to their tune:

* The US Senate does not have enough democratic representatives to support the democratic agenda:

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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