Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Should Essential Services Be Privatized?

July 25-2006:
Should Essential Services Like HEATING OIL-GAS-ELECTRICITY & GARBAGE COLLECTION Be Privatized?

Essential services is what it means, "ESSENTIAL" or (A Must Have).
Therefore, having such services monopolized by one entity or corporation, is asking for a disaster to happen anytime, exploitation, un-accountability, and un-reliable services when it is needed the most.
For example, The Con Edison Electricity & Natural Gas Service's Corporation, is the sole distributor of these essential services in New York State. For the past ten days, there was a power outage in the South of The Queens Borough, affecting thousands of consumers, businesses, and medical facilities.
The explanation given by Con Edison was that the electrical wiring was the fault for the power outage, because it is ancient, and need replacing in certain places. And that the technical personal are working 24/7 days a week to correct this failure.
The length of time this activity will take (according to them), is unknown at this time, because of the extent of the damage and repair work to be done.
Meanwhile, The Mayor & City Municipality, and some elected Borough officials, are verbally voicing their dis-content with the pace or speed of these workers. And some consumers are voicing their concerns and threats at suing Con Edison for damages.
But the irony to these claims limit, just how much monetary damages, claimants are eligible to receive. And the criteria for eligibility is very complex indeed.
I wonder what might have happened to residents-consumers and businesses, affected by this outage, if it had occurred during the Winter Season, when Central Heating is most essential?
Meanwhile, Con Edison is providing Blocks of ICE, and Food Supplies from Trucks within the affected areas, to those who need food, and cool water. It is Summer in New York State currently, and the current temperatures are in the eighties!
And Con Edison is asking consumers in areas where the servicemen have not been or know of, to indicate via 311, the areas affected. So that Con Edison could make note of, and deal with in due time.
However, this is just one scenario that could happen, when essential services are supplied or provided by A SOLE Provider.
Should there be a terrorist attack or sabotage on any of these facilities. New York City or State could be heavily compromised, or put out of business, as a result of this SINGLE provider!
I Report-You Decide!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


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