Thursday, March 30, 2006

To Smoke Or Not To Smoke Marijuna-That Is The Question:

To Smoke Or Not To Smoke Marijuana-That Is The Question:

Some respondent said in his response that some people smoke marijuana, but they are not criminals. I also know lots of people who smoke cigarettes, and they too are not criminals!

But these two comments are subjective in content!

However, this society (The USA) currently, is divided as to the benefits and ills that marijuana have on users. Some say that it helps them to cope with severe pain, where other pain medicines do not work effectively.

Some say let qualified medical doctors prescribe marijuana to his or her patients, according to their needs, and based on the prognosis of that need. And with legal or legislative agreement or enactment.

Then their is the clinical scientific communities which claims, that too much marijuana usage could cause brain damage/impairment, dementia, inability to think or reason clearly, and a host of other neurological disabilities overtime.

So this debate goes on, and some states allow legal prescription of marijuana, for certain aliments. While others refuse to legalize it.

Currently, there are 11 states that allow medical marijuana to be sold legally. California, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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