Friday, March 31, 2006

Arab Fascism In The Middle East:

March 31-2006:

The More Things Change-The More They Stay The Same:

Do you know that the Baath Party got it's roots from The Grand Mufti's involvement with Adolf Hitler, and his Nazi Party's efforts to exterminate the Jews from the face of the earth.

So when Nazism was defeated in Germany by the allied forces during World War 11, the Grand Mufti fled to Egypt, and there he continued the Fascist Policy/Agenda to exterminate the Jews.

Sadam Hussein was a dictator who was influenced by his uncle (Kiralla Tofa), who was dismissed from the Iraqi Army, when the British retook Palestine after the war with the Jews, and subsequently giving them their own State of Israel. The Palestinians felt betrayed by the then League Of Nations, who carved out that territory for them.

So today the Palestinian struggle to remove the Israeli State from their neighborhood, and Hamas'constitutional policy to eradicate the Jewish State, is also the Arabs covert agenda today.

So Adolf Hitler's fascist/racist policies continue, with Non-European faces today, in the middle east.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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