Friday, March 31, 2006
Arab Fascism In The Middle East:
March 31-2006:
The More Things Change-The More They Stay The Same:
Do you know that the Baath Party got it's roots from The Grand Mufti's involvement with Adolf Hitler, and his Nazi Party's efforts to exterminate the Jews from the face of the earth.
So when Nazism was defeated in Germany by the allied forces during World War 11, the Grand Mufti fled to Egypt, and there he continued the Fascist Policy/Agenda to exterminate the Jews.
Sadam Hussein was a dictator who was influenced by his uncle (Kiralla Tofa), who was dismissed from the Iraqi Army, when the British retook Palestine after the war with the Jews, and subsequently giving them their own State of Israel. The Palestinians felt betrayed by the then League Of Nations, who carved out that territory for them.
So today the Palestinian struggle to remove the Israeli State from their neighborhood, and Hamas'constitutional policy to eradicate the Jewish State, is also the Arabs covert agenda today.
So Adolf Hitler's fascist/racist policies continue, with Non-European faces today, in the middle east.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
To Smoke Or Not To Smoke Marijuna-That Is The Question:
To Smoke Or Not To Smoke Marijuana-That Is The Question:
Some respondent said in his response that some people smoke marijuana, but they are not criminals. I also know lots of people who smoke cigarettes, and they too are not criminals!
But these two comments are subjective in content!
However, this society (The USA) currently, is divided as to the benefits and ills that marijuana have on users. Some say that it helps them to cope with severe pain, where other pain medicines do not work effectively.
Some say let qualified medical doctors prescribe marijuana to his or her patients, according to their needs, and based on the prognosis of that need. And with legal or legislative agreement or enactment.
Then their is the clinical scientific communities which claims, that too much marijuana usage could cause brain damage/impairment, dementia, inability to think or reason clearly, and a host of other neurological disabilities overtime.
So this debate goes on, and some states allow legal prescription of marijuana, for certain aliments. While others refuse to legalize it.
Currently, there are 11 states that allow medical marijuana to be sold legally. California, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Afghanistan National Runs For His Life:
March 28-2006:
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - An Afghan man who had faced the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity quickly vanished Tuesday after he was released from prison, apparently out of fear for his life with Muslim clerics still demanding his death.
When there is a religion or religious philosophy that decrees the death of any convert or devotee, who decides to abdicate or excommunicate himself or herself from that religion. This is no longer a religion based on GOOD, but one based on subjectivity, personal sanctions, control, coercion, threats, and is downright EVIL.
This is the prevailing view of rational thinking people, who are still able to make their voices heard internationally, against this horrific declaration for death, to someone who chose to remove himself from that which he no longer believes in.
This is a graphic display of the lack of 'Freedom of Choice' in Afghanistan, a country that was liberated from religious sectarian fanatic rulers, by the world's most powerful democracy, (The USA), only to be embarrassed by this primitive Islamic punitive Law.
I hope that Abdul Rahman is able to get the asylum he so desperately needs at this time, from some friendly, political system/country.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Monday, March 20, 2006
My Emigration To The USA:
April 15-2005:
Coming To America!
This is an attempt to re-capture my formative years as a child growing up in British Guiana, my entrance into the world of work; my spate of service in The Guyana National Service Institution, Trade Union Activism & eventual emigration to The U.S.A.
I was born a raised in Charlestown. Georgetown, Demerara. British Guiana. Son of Ms. Enid Patricia Griffith. As a child I attended The Carmel R.C. School up to fifth standard, then left to enter the job market. This decision was taken after deliberation within myself, based on the harsh realities at home for survival.
We were very poor, my mother struggled without a male (father figure) to support us financially. You see, I was the only male out of five children, Patricia (the eldest), Derryck (that's me), Valerie, Eulyn & Eileen Griffith. We were all conceived 'out-of-wedlock.'
I was told on several occasions by my mother that my father disappeared when I was at the tender age of three. He left one day after visiting my mother to return to take me to see a 'cricket match' at the local stadium, but never came back since!
I left Primary School at 16, and sought employment with The Guiana Lithographic Co. Ltd. It was one of The Booker Group of Industries in the colony of Guiana. This was a printing & box-making business that catered primarily to the Service Oriented Industries. There I worked as an 'In House Office Boy/Messenger' for a weekly wage of $11.25 cents per week. (8 hours per day).
I started in June-1963 to January 1975. I became a victim of Structural Re-organization; which the company claimed to be necessary, as result of rising overheads & declining demand for it's services locally and abroad.
Pollard's Govt. Aided Self-help Housing Group:
"Meadow Brook Gardens."
This was a period in my life that today is still very painful to talk about, much less write about. But it must be written, and it can only be written by me, for I am the only survivor of that experience capable of explaining it, because I was personally involved throughout the entire project!
Sometime in the 1960's my mother who was a member of a group of individuals that wanted to own their own home, was eventually given the opportunity to realize it from the then PNC government headed by Prime Minister L.F.S.Burhnam.
This Housing Project was one of several that was implemented by the government, to aid poor people in attaining homes with State assistance. This concept was called the 'self-help' or co-operative approach for building homes. Several groups were called in, lands were identified for each group to build houses on, accompanied by a government Supervisor/organizer for official guidance & supervision of building materials.
We were called 'Self-helpers' & toiled days & nights for over two years in the building process. The work was dreadfully hard for me as a child. My Mom had to fool the authorities about my age (because minors) were not allowed to help in the building of these homes. I suppose several members of our group knew that I was under-age, but no one 'snitched.'
We were all poor people, and desperate to have a home to call our own! In the rainy days & nights that followed, fighting the mosquitoes & gnats and coping with the flooded lands that we were given to build on, we toiled relentlessly until it's completion.
The going was very rough for the women especially among us. The men often made them feel in-adequate by saying they were not pulling their weight, and the men had the BRUNT of the work to shoulder. The supervisor in his capacity as overseer, then would try to pacify these contentions as he sees fit, by encouraging UNITY and comraderie among us. This helped greatly to alleviate many quarells from getting out of hand or physical.
Our homes were eventually completed in 1978, the keys handed to each resident at a Total Cost then of $3 to 4,000.00 dollars per Unit. Payable in monthly installments of $25.00 dollars to The Ministry Of Housing, (Housing Dept). We moved in, all five of us.
My Mom (Enid, me, Valerie, Eulyn & Eileen),with the exception of my eldest sister Patricia, who was by then already married & living with her husband in Kitty Village, Newtown Georgetown. My mom became ill some time afterwards from a heart condition & subsequently died.
The burden of paying the monthly/rental payments fell upon me now. Before my mother died though, she never really liked being there. She complained that it was too far for her to get to, and it encroached upon her ability to continue puntering-gambling at the local 'horse-race betting shop.
So shortly after moving in, she deliberately stayed away at her friend's home (as she referred), to be able to get personal help with her illness.
Incidentally, this friend of hers "never gave us a dime" to assist me or anyone of us with the burial of my mother, (her so-called friend)!
I worked at several jobs subsequently, for example, The Ministry Of Information & Culture: The General Post Office: J.P.Santos (a private business enterprise): The Guyana National Service, and finally The National Insurance Scheme from 1977 to 1989. During my years of employment I tried to gain as much knowledge as was available to me. I did a one year stint at The University Of Guyana (Soc. 100) Sociology & Political Philosophy.
Attended several training courses sponsored by The Guyana T.U.C. (Trades Union Council); because I was also an ardent representative of workers rights/shop steward, rising to the level of 'Branch Secretary of The Amalgamated Transport & General Worker's Union, (A.T.&.G.W.U.) at the NIS Branch. I left Guyana on April-30-1989 to attend A Leadership Training Course at The George Meany Training Center, in Silver Spring, Maryland. Virginia. This was intended to be for the month of May-1989. But at the conclusion of this exercise, I remained here in America!
My Travel Visa:
The travel visa that I was issued with from the American Embassy in Barbados, in-transit to the U.S.A. allowed me to stay in America for only 'one month.' There was no work permit or extension allowed at completion, but a proviso that I should return to Guyana & serve my country or Trade Union for at least three years, before I can re-apply for a return visa to America to reside (if I so wish). Therefore, after over staying-violating my visa conditions, I automatically became illegal or (un-documented).
After which I sought legal advice & representation since 1994, and is still awaiting The Federal Government's approval for legal residence/Green Card Status! This process may take years to unfold, because America's foreign policies differ from country to country in relation to emigration quotas. Presently, under the National Security/Terrorist Act of 2002 it has become much more difficult to attain this status. With the new regulations of checks & counter-checks; targeted countries as Terrorist Havens, these regulations are being enforced, sometimes with impunity.
Coming To New York:
Growing up in Guyana, we are led to believe by most of our relatives abroad, that they would help us upon arrival in America or anywhere else for that matter. We are led to believe that we could count on them to assist family in times of dire need, because we are family, & family is supposed to help each other out at these times. Well, that's a fallacy for many of us, because reality very often contradicts this view.
I left Guyana after suffering emotionally, psychologically & mentally from the lack of socio-economic opportunities available to most Guyanese. Living in a depressing and mis-managed economy, coupled with political strife, and petty political squabbles indulged by our political leaders is the reality of life back home. One would expect that relatives who escaped this harsh reality would extend themselves to those left behind, whose ability to escape a similar fate is questionable, but obviously this is not the experience of most of us who encounter our relatives upon arrival in the land of opportunity.
I sought help in a form of accommodation from an acquaintance who was living on Long Island at the time. I moved in with my acquaintances shortly thereafter, and stayed for over two years. Eventually my friend complained that the burden of supporting me was becoming too much for her to bear and indicated that I should seek alternative accommodation.
This situation was hinged upon the fact that I was encouraged to go 'shop lifting' with her relatives, and when I voiced objection, I was spurned, rebuked & insulted, and threatened with eviction from their home. It is important to note that I resided under what one might call oppressive conditions.
A few of the house rules included the fact that I was not allowed to return after midnight, as well as the fact that I was not allowed to receive visitors or friends. Albeit, I was un-documented, (illegal) in this country, with no job or prospects, so how could my fate be different given my circumstances? It is really amazing that the human conditions one can live through, void of options!
Realizing that I was totally alone in this situation, desperate & homeless with no place to turn, I mustered all the internal strength and resolve that was necessary, and told myself that it is now 'do or die.'
I had no intention of returning home to Guyana anytime soon. Primarily, I would be given another visa, I would lack the financial means it would require to return. I refused to allow myself to even remotely consider the possibility of wasting this opportunity of landing in America.
I was faced with the harsh reality of survival at any cost, so I took action. I was offered false documents from underground (illegal) sources for a considerable amount of American dollars. With this new identity I was able to temporarily seek employment, but was always fearful of being caught at anytime by the authorities. This cat & mouse game continued for some time.
Being the product of a family that were law abiding people, who were respectful of the law & authorities, I harbored a great deal of guilt, shame and fear about getting caught at anytime. Reality be told, this perception of fear was merely a figment of my imagination, as no one ever approached me about my status!
The Tribulations Of The Un-documented:
Being an un-documented person in America today could be a nightmare for anyone. The present Patriot Act. of 2002 gives The Immigration & Naturalization Department lots of power to arrest, detain and deport any un-documented foreigner without access to an attorney. They can be held indefinitely for long periods of time in 'A Detention Center' without access to an attorney, because under this law they have "no legal rights.'
If you test positive for HIV, the only medical help available to you is The Emergency Medical Unit at a Public Hospital. No prescription drugs are covered, or doctor's fees. Families invariably will not be inclined to keep you in their homes for fear that when you eventually become incapacitated, the bills will have to be paid by them. this is a serious matter as you the unfortunate individual find yourself in a position where you cannot seek employment because you are illegal.
Therefore, you are unable to contribute to or provide for your up-keep. My Caribbean/Central & South American brothers and sisters are being infected with HIV/AIDS disease at a colossal rate, primarily through ignorance, (lack of knowledge), cultural, language barriers, social & religious stigma, as well as fear of accessing preventive services and counseling.
This is the reality of life in America today for any illegal individual. I have sworn to voluntarily contribute my experiences and abilities, in helping to advocate for and on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. This I started doing since 1997 in New York City, and the outer borroughs.
This activity involves lobby visits to Legislators, Congressmen/women in the NY State & US Senate. It is my belief that we all have a role to play in the process of making sure that there is equity among the laws, regulations and policies that impacts the lives of all peoples.
It is important to state that there are thousands of Guyanese living in America that are legal residents, but for some reason are not inclined to become citizens. They are missing out on all benefits that citizens and naturalized aliens are entitled to. Their status renders them incapable of assisting all Caribbean People Of Color, from acquiring the political representation at the Polls, because without citizenship you cannot vote.
This situation is chronic among Caribbean & African nationals alike. They come to America, live for years, accumulate property, but seem satisfied with this precarious situation. That is why we do not have the political 'CLOUT' that is necessary to make things happen for our populations.
Derryck S.Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
PS: Whatever The Human Mind Can Conceive & Believe, Can Be Achieved!
We Are All Connected:
We Are All Connected:
Ever heard the expression 'we are all one human family,' or that 'all beings come from the same source. I am sure you have at some time in your life. Well, here is my understanding of this perception.
I believe that we are all infinite beings that have been able to appear finite, some elements of our infinite nature. In other words, the infinite or invisible, through it's own processes, are able to manifest itself in different, forms, elements, or even solids or matter. And the human organism is just one aspect of that transformation of invisible energy.
I also believe that this connection never ceases, even when it takes on different aspects of itself. For example, when the invisible is transformed in animals, water, human, birds, or even plants. This life force is still connected. Some humans can trace their ancestral link genetically currently, but we can also trace our invisible link too.
But this will take some effort to understand, process, and access.
I have read some enlightened men or sages talk of being in a state of total awareness, and in that state, they were able to see, comprehend, and understand the entire universe, its' function, and the roles we humans play in this cosmic experience/drama.
Sounds impossible, but I do believe that it is possible to be so in tune with our inner being, that all of those things most of us feel is important, real, interesting, or false, is only a reflection of the invisible and incomprehensible process, that the brain is still grappling with.
Therefore, I have come to understand the expression enlightenment, and what it truly means.
I think it means that state of being, and knowing who we are, where, what, why, and how things are, the way they are, or seem to be. And when that realization takes place, the enlightened one, understands everything. And has no further need to question any longer.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
We Must Never Forget:
You Must Never Forget"
Do you realize that the Christian Bible, that most of us righteously refer to, in times of desperation and need, was used to enslave Blacks, ever since the European set eyes on him eons ago.
Do you realize that it is still used today to enslave Blacks with it's Jesus-Messiah promotion, that you so diligently worship, pray to, and believe will save your pathetic souls, some time in the infinite future?
Do you realize that Blacks are some of the principal promoters of this evil philosophy, that is being used to continue the same enslavement of Blacks, all over the world today.
Yes, the favorite lamentation of Blacks the world over is "Thank You Jesus."
Om Shanti.
Do you realize that the Christian Bible, that most of us righteously refer to, in times of desperation and need, was used to enslave Blacks, ever since the European set eyes on him eons ago.
Do you realize that it is still used today to enslave Blacks with it's Jesus-Messiah promotion, that you so diligently worship, pray to, and believe will save your pathetic souls, some time in the infinite future?
Do you realize that Blacks are some of the principal promoters of this evil philosophy, that is being used to continue the same enslavement of Blacks, all over the world today.
Yes, the favorite lamentation of Blacks the world over is "Thank You Jesus."
Om Shanti.
Iraq Civil War-2006:
Well someone finally admitted that Iraq is in a Civil War situation. All the signs are there for all who have eyes to see, yet the Blair & Bush administration denies it.
As a matter of fact, they cannot face the truth that this war is going nowhere positive soon. And both of these political leaders are in the last leg of their political sojourn in office.
So trying to save face is what they are hoping for. But commonsense demands that constituents on both geographic regions, deserves the TRUTH about the situation on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Failing to fezup with to the people, will only continue to generate more distrust, disillusionment, and no-confidence for these wars.
The continuous lives being lost, maimed, and a build-up of disabled military personnel, that taxpayers would have to finance and support, for the rest of their lives!
I Report-You Decide.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
As a matter of fact, they cannot face the truth that this war is going nowhere positive soon. And both of these political leaders are in the last leg of their political sojourn in office.
So trying to save face is what they are hoping for. But commonsense demands that constituents on both geographic regions, deserves the TRUTH about the situation on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Failing to fezup with to the people, will only continue to generate more distrust, disillusionment, and no-confidence for these wars.
The continuous lives being lost, maimed, and a build-up of disabled military personnel, that taxpayers would have to finance and support, for the rest of their lives!
I Report-You Decide.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
China Shuts Down Outspoken Bloggers:
China shuts down outspoken blog:
By Sebastian Usher
BBC's world media correspondent
One of China's most outspoken and widely read blogs has been closed down by the authorities.
Massage Milk has recently featured extensively in international coverage of China's vibrant blogger scene and its conflict with the government.
Another two outspoken blogs have also been suspended.
The closures coincide with the annual session of the Chinese parliament, when media control is tightened even further, particularly on the internet.
'Temporarily closed'
Massage Milk may sound like the kind of product hawked on unsolicited emails, but it has attracted a lot of attention both inside and outside China for its sardonic take on the country's heavily censored state media.
The site belongs to a journalist based in Beijing, Wang Xiaofeng.
His irreverence about all aspects of daily life in the Chinese capital has won him considerable popularity.
It has also earned him a prestigious international bloggers' award.
The site formed the centrepiece of an article on blogging in China in last month's edition of the US current affairs magazine, Newsweek.
Now, Mr Wang's high profile seems to have attracted the disapproval of the Chinese government, which administers the most sophisticated system of internet censorship and control anywhere in the world.
A note on his site reads simply but pointedly: "Because of unavoidable reasons, this blog is now temporarily closed."
The authorities exert even tighter control than usual on how Chinese citizens express themselves during the parliament's session, particularly on the blogs that many of the country's more than 100 million internet users have set up.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/03/08 17:53:41 GMT
Drug Trial-Five Critically Ill-One Spared Because Of placebo:
March 16-2006:
Drug Trials Hospitalize Six In Britain:
By Robert Barr,
Associated Press Writer
March 15, 2006
LONDON --Six men participating in trials of a new drug to treat autoimmune diseases and leukemia were seriously ill in a London hospital after suffering adverse reactions, a hospital official said Wednesday. British regulators ordered an immediate suspension of the drug tests.
Ganesh Suntharalingam, clinical director of intensive care at Northwick Park Hospital, said two of the men were in critical condition and four were in serious condition but showing signs of improvement. All six fell ill on Tuesday night.
Waltham, Mass.-based research organization Parexel International, which supervised the trial, identified the drug as TGN1412, a monoclonal antibody developed by TeGenero AG of Wuerzburg, Germany to treat autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and leukemia. "The drug, which is untested and therefore unused by doctors, has caused an inflammatory response which affects some organs of the body," Suntharalingam said.
The names of the six men were not released. But one woman said her boyfriend, a 28-year-old London bar manager, was among them. "They just keep saying he's very, very sick and we are doing all we can," Myfanwy Marshall told the British Broadcasting Corp. "They are saying he could be lying there in six months. He needs a miracle, those were their words."
Marshall told the BBC her boyfriend had decided to participate in the trial for the cash -- about $3,500 -- to pay bills. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, which ordered the tests suspended, said the six were the only people given the drug in a small trial. Two other subjects received placebos.
"Our immediate priority has been to ensure that no further patients are harmed," said Kent Woods, the agency's chief executive officer. "We will now undertake an exhaustive investigation to determine the cause and ensure all appropriate actions are taken." Dr. Herman Scholtz, head of Parexel International Clinical Pharmacology, said such adverse drug reactions are extremely rarely and it was an "unfortunate" situation.
"These events were completely unexpected and do not reflect the results we obtained from initial laboratory studies, which enabled us to progress investigations into human volunteers," TeGenero's chief executive Dr. Benedikte Hatz said. Parexel International "adhered to standard clinical research guidelines," said Dr. Thomas Hanke, the company's chief scientific officer.
Hanke said TGN1412 had not caused any problems in previous testing and called for the investigation into the "shocking developments" to move quickly.
On the Net:
TeGenero AG,
Parexel International,
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency,
© Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company
It is unfortunate that people have to resort to doing things they would not otherwise do, in order to pay bills, or survive. These six men who entered this drug trial, did so in good faith, based on the information given them, and possibly signed to, that did not specify clearly, these side affects.
For the sum of $3,500.00 British Pounds, these men made a fatal decision. Only one of them received a placebo, and that is what saved him from that disastrous experience.
This leaves me to ponder the question, is it safe or wise to trust the Drug manufactures with HIV medications, and other drugs? With human drug trials, based on flimsy or very basic information, about what these drugs may or may not do, to harm the user.
Or should we find a substitute similar to humans in immunity, to test new drugs on?
I Report-You Decide!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Racial & Ethnic Contamination Concepts:
Racial & Ethnic Contamination Concepts:
I am not sure what is meant by 'A Devil Gene.' However, contamination took place centuries ago, when the first Tribe or Clan encountered another foreign to them. With sexual interaction and procreation from those acts, resulted in contaminated genes, and "HYBRID" offspring.
Thence the cycle of 'HYBRID' offspring begun. These offspring took on an identity unique to the clan or group's description of them.
So in time we get different classifications of people, called ethnic groups.
Blacks, Whites Asians, Orientals, are all classifications that resulted from inter-sexual relations, and their offspring.
Overtime, whoever was the dominant political ruler or power, decided who is better or superior to the others under their rulership. This has been happening for centuries, and every ethnic group, at some point in time, had been the victims of this victimization, denegration, slavery, and subserviency.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Racial Or Ethnic Purity No Longer Exists:
I don't know if you saw the recent documentary of "Black Heritage" on, where it was shown GENETICALLY, that most Black Americans have European blood genetically. This evidence was also validated genetically, by several geneticists in that particular field.
Therefore, there is no living human being on this planet that is genetically/ethnically pure. The purity of any clan, ethnic group, or race, became void when the first sexual copulation took place between two people. A male and a female from different ethnic groups.
The offspring that resulted from that union, ended the PURE genes that hitherto existed. And has since created the multi-ethnic species of the world's peoples, via conquests and subjugation sexually.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Black like Me vs Black-White:
Black like Me vs Black White:
In October 1959 a white, 39-year-old Texas novelist decided he would dye his skin black and travel the South. The journal John Howard Griffin kept of that experience, published two years later as Black Like Me, earned him death threats.
It was also hailed as a classic contribution to the story of race relations in America. The San Francisco Chronicle called it "a social document of the first order, providing material absolutely unavailable elsewhere with such authenticity that it cannot be dismissed."
Griffin traveled through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. He wrote of trying to find work and of casual bigotries. He wrote of the kindnesses he found among the black people he came in contact with.
Wings Press, a small San Antonio-based publishing house, has just reissued Black Like Me in a hardcover edition ($24.95). Robert Bonazzi, Griffin's authorized biographer, corrects errors in previous editions and restores certain passages deleted from Griffin's typescript. The book includes a brief foreword by Studs Terkel and an afterword by Bonazzi that surveys the author's life and his views on race.
Griffin grew up in Dallas, studied as a teenager in France, during World War II collaborated with the French Resistance before fleeing the Nazis. He served in the Army Air Force in the Pacific and lost his eyesight as the result of a concussion.
He returned to Texas and wrote novels Ñ among them The Devil Rides Outside (1952) and Nuni (1956). In 1957 Griffin's sight returned, enabling him to launch his experiment in passing. Griffin was also a devout Catholic and an accomplished photographer and musician.
He died in 1980.
Black Like Me is the second Griffin book Wings has published. Last year the house released Street of Seven Angels, a satiric novel on pornography that never appeared in the author's lifetime.
Contact us
The current 'Black-White' movie's conception fails to recognize that someone attempted this experience several years ago, and the horrors of that experience was very clearly documented in his book titled 'Black Like Me.' The author Howard Griffin realized from that experience that no White man could completely conceptualized mentally and psychologically, the gravity of the Black male & female historical experience of humiliation, and degradation as a people. And from which they could never fully recover!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
The Nigga Blues Re-visited:
March 11-2006:
The Nigga Blues Re-visited:
Ever since my childhood, I could recall hearing my mother and other older folks refer to some Black people as 'niggers.' This expression overtime conveyed to me the distaste for a certain type of Black, male or female, who displayed a certain stereotype behavior, that was generally found to be distasteful, and derogative of Black people.
I heard my mom and others say that they do not like Black people who behaved like Niggers... This expression of distaste was eventually explained to me by my mother when I asked her what she meant.
She said in no uncertain terms the following:
* Blacks who behave violent:
* Black who cussed a lot:
*Blacks who were too loud or vociferous:
* Blacks who did not seem to care for their children:
* Blacks who did not support their children financially:
* Blacks who were not interested in maintaining a stable home or environment, and was not inclined to pursue an education, or a good job.
These are just some of the categories that she mentioned to me, and advised that I should never allow myself to fall into any of those categories.
Of course all of these categories were subliminally taught to us via the schools historically, And Blacks under colonial rule internationally, were subjected to all of these humilities, and categories, because it was felt and believed by the White or European conquerors, that we were not human, or even sub-human.
And therefore, had no feelings, felt no shame, had no ambition, could not compete with Whites at anything, and was not their equal. The expression 'NIGGA was used by the Whites in the USA historically, as a way to dis-associate themselves from us, and to assume a superior status. So giving Blacks the category of NIGGA, made them feel superior.
They taught their children, who ensured that their children too, had the same education as they, that Blacks were inferior, sub-human, and could never be their equal. That is why it was so difficult for Souther American Whites, before the Civil Rights struggles began, to understand and appreciate why Blacks would want freedom, equal rights as they, the ability to vote, equal jobs with equal pay, equal protection under the law, and the ability to rent, or purchase property, just like the Whites could, if they were sub-human or un-equal to Whites.
The current generation of Blacks do not have this experience of racial or ethnic experiences like those of us prior to the 1960's in America.
What todays young Blacks have, are the rewards from those who suffered, died in the thousands, fought for, was beaten, burnt out, and spat upon, in a struggle that many felt could never attain much, much less produce Statute Laws to ensure out Civil Rights are protected eventually.
Young Black & Latino entertainers call each other 'Nigga as a form of camaraderie, even grade school and high school level students use this expression very casually, as a form of identity, camaraderie, as an association of like-minded
people, with common interests, needs, desires, and aspirations.
Unfortunately, the historic negatives associated with this expression is still abhorred by many Adult Blacks, and those whose past experiences with this term was painful, humiliating, and derogatory.
So how do we deal with this new flair for the expression 'Nigga that seem never to go away?
I say to those who are disturbed by it's prevalence, to teach their young the history behind it, and let them decide if it is still proper to use it as they do currently. Because failing to teach our young people the history of this expression, will only cause resentment from them, for not appreciating what they see as 'cool' and Hood camaraderie!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Monday, March 06, 2006
The Embarrassment Of The Academy Awards-2006:
March 06-2006:
The Oscar Defined:
An annual award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievements in motion picture production and performance.
Awardees are given The Oscar as a token or recognition, for exceptional performance/s in their individual field or craft.
The Academy Awards-2006:
I was extremely embarrassed this year when an award was given to the group that sung the pop song 'It's Getting Hard Out Here For A Pimp." This song to my mind, glorifies exploitation of men and women sexually, for money. And this is usually done via coercion, threats, abduction, drug addiction, and Loan Sharking.
So what is it about this song to warrant an Oscar?
Are we to accept sub-standard, moral depravity, marginalization of people negatively, and the promotion of filth and debauchery, as the new standards by which excellence is measured?
I sincerely hope that a revision is seriously contemplated, by those involved in the selection process. And to ensure that the standards hitherto observed never gets lost, or becomes irrelevant.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
The Oscar Defined:
An annual award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievements in motion picture production and performance.
Awardees are given The Oscar as a token or recognition, for exceptional performance/s in their individual field or craft.
The Academy Awards-2006:
I was extremely embarrassed this year when an award was given to the group that sung the pop song 'It's Getting Hard Out Here For A Pimp." This song to my mind, glorifies exploitation of men and women sexually, for money. And this is usually done via coercion, threats, abduction, drug addiction, and Loan Sharking.
So what is it about this song to warrant an Oscar?
Are we to accept sub-standard, moral depravity, marginalization of people negatively, and the promotion of filth and debauchery, as the new standards by which excellence is measured?
I sincerely hope that a revision is seriously contemplated, by those involved in the selection process. And to ensure that the standards hitherto observed never gets lost, or becomes irrelevant.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Help Us Tell AOL Where To Shove It's E-mail Charging Idea:
Tell AOL To Drop Its Pay-To-Send Email Plan:
We're extremely troubled by AOL's plan to introduce a pay-to-send email system that will guarantee access to AOL customers' inboxes for senders who pay $0.0025 per mail to escape anti-spam filters. Last week, we helped assemble a coalition to persuade AOL to drop this misguided scheme.
Our worry is that AOL is trying to sell preferred access to something that it does not own -- its members inboxes -- and creating a delivery charge to email senders. The system creates a perverse incentive for AOL to lower the benefits of free email delivery and let its spam filters languish, encouraging senders to switch to the for-pay alternative. The company's first steps confirmed this, as they declared (then hurriedly denied) that they would be dropping their Enhanced Whitelist, a free service for trusted email senders.
One might trust that the market will eventually sort this out: rewarding ISPs that do not sell access to their users' inboxes and that work to improve deliverability for everyone, not just senders who pay. But the market speaks slowly -- in the meantime, this system will push small speakers into a choice of paying or not being sure that their messages are getting through to their members. And recipients often won't know what mail they are not receiving, making it difficult for the market to work.
Many AOL users have significant impediments to moving away from their provider, with its proprietary and closed software. Meanwhile, other mail providers, like Yahoo!, are already eyeing the revenue opportunities of pay-to-send. Microsoft's Bonded Sender is actually worse in many ways.
Since AOL's members are also the members of the nonprofits and other groups that would be hurt by this program, we thought it should hear from them. That's why we pulled together a diverse coalition of email senders to oppose AOL's pay-to-send system. Over fifty groups with nearly 15
million members joined with us, including Free Press, the U.S. Humane Society, the Gun Owners of America,,, the AFL-CIO, and Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. Around 30,000 individuals have signed our petition, including Tim O'Reilly, Michael Geist and Chris Pirillo.
Earlier today, AOL made its first concessions in this battle. We're sure that, with your support, it will make more. If you'd like to help, visit Dear AOL, and help us help AOL avoid making a terrible mistake.
Take Action, and Sign our Letter:
Thursday, March 02, 2006
The New USA & India's Nuclear Deal-2006:
March 02-2006:
USA & India's Nuclear Deal-2006:
India historically has always been suspicious of the USA's policies towards them as a nation. Several promises were made to them before for improved relations with the USA, but nothing tangible ever came of those promises. India developed a policy of 'Non-nonalignment with any country that does not approve of her internal policies of governance, and trading partners. These policies allowed India to trade with whomever it pleased. Thus trade relations with the former Soviet Union, and other countries with similar policies of non-alignment.
India has never signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and continued to experiment with nuclear technology, thus creating it's own nuclear weapons, without the help of The USA. Today she is a bond-fide nuclear power, and cannot be ignored as just another developing country in Asia.
The George W. Bush administration is telling Iran to co-operate with the I.A.E.A. for sporadic inspections without fore warning. And failing to allow inspectors to see what Iran is doing at her nuclear plants, is an indication that the alleged process of nuclear fission technology is underway, and cannot be allowed to continue without explanation, and proper supervision
This position is also taken with North Korea, and currently it is Japan that is facilitating such talks with North Korea for the USA, on these matters. The progress or non-progress of such talks is still to be determined.
This new deal with India has contravened the non-proliferation treaty agreement that is currently observed, as the framework from which monitoring and control can be determined. But India has never signed any such treaty before, creating a precedent for any potential country with nuclear technology intentions, to go ahead with their plans, and ignore any such treaty, or threats.
Will the US Congress approve such agreement with India currently?
The Republican Party has the majority in the US Senate, (the law making body). They also have the leadership of all committees in the House. And these committees are the places where all bills/legislation are sent to for discussion, accepted, rejected, or disregarded, before they are sent to the general floor of Congress for voting.
Because the Republicans are in the majority in both Houses, it does not matter who votes against it. It will eventually pass, probably with some minor adjustments.
So what happens then?
The gravity and total extent of this agreement is yet to be made public. But from the speech made by both The President of The USA and the Prime Minister of India, this agreement will help for the improvement and supply of electricity, to an ever increasing domestic consumption and demand in India.
I am very concerned with how the Irani & North Korean governments will react to this agreement, in terms of their nuclear intentions. In the coming weeks and months, there may be many surprises to be encountered from those areas.
I Report-You Decide!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Yahoo IM: derryck_sylvester
AOL IM: Ecmimbari
USA & India's Nuclear Deal-2006:
India historically has always been suspicious of the USA's policies towards them as a nation. Several promises were made to them before for improved relations with the USA, but nothing tangible ever came of those promises. India developed a policy of 'Non-nonalignment with any country that does not approve of her internal policies of governance, and trading partners. These policies allowed India to trade with whomever it pleased. Thus trade relations with the former Soviet Union, and other countries with similar policies of non-alignment.
India has never signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and continued to experiment with nuclear technology, thus creating it's own nuclear weapons, without the help of The USA. Today she is a bond-fide nuclear power, and cannot be ignored as just another developing country in Asia.
The George W. Bush administration is telling Iran to co-operate with the I.A.E.A. for sporadic inspections without fore warning. And failing to allow inspectors to see what Iran is doing at her nuclear plants, is an indication that the alleged process of nuclear fission technology is underway, and cannot be allowed to continue without explanation, and proper supervision
This position is also taken with North Korea, and currently it is Japan that is facilitating such talks with North Korea for the USA, on these matters. The progress or non-progress of such talks is still to be determined.
This new deal with India has contravened the non-proliferation treaty agreement that is currently observed, as the framework from which monitoring and control can be determined. But India has never signed any such treaty before, creating a precedent for any potential country with nuclear technology intentions, to go ahead with their plans, and ignore any such treaty, or threats.
Will the US Congress approve such agreement with India currently?
The Republican Party has the majority in the US Senate, (the law making body). They also have the leadership of all committees in the House. And these committees are the places where all bills/legislation are sent to for discussion, accepted, rejected, or disregarded, before they are sent to the general floor of Congress for voting.
Because the Republicans are in the majority in both Houses, it does not matter who votes against it. It will eventually pass, probably with some minor adjustments.
So what happens then?
The gravity and total extent of this agreement is yet to be made public. But from the speech made by both The President of The USA and the Prime Minister of India, this agreement will help for the improvement and supply of electricity, to an ever increasing domestic consumption and demand in India.
I am very concerned with how the Irani & North Korean governments will react to this agreement, in terms of their nuclear intentions. In the coming weeks and months, there may be many surprises to be encountered from those areas.
I Report-You Decide!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Yahoo IM: derryck_sylvester
AOL IM: Ecmimbari
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