Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What Is Love To You?


April 10-2012.

What Is Love To You?

It is mentioned in the history books that Adolph Hitler, the German Chancellor and Nazi Party Leader from 1940 to 1944, was in love with his mistress Eva Braun.

And this love was also expressed graphically, when they both decided to kill themselves with cyanide tablets in that bunker in Berlin.

Incidentally, uncle Adolph let her drink a cyanide tablet first, before he shot himself in the head afterwards.

Love Is A Genetic Feature In Human Nature:

This feeling is felt and understood by all humans, at different degrees of intensity. And are also felt between the same gender, between opposite genders, siblings, peers, relatives, and total strangers too.

What Love Is Not:

This thing us humans call love is universal in nature, and should not be confused with affection, physical appeal, sexual intercourse or sexual attraction, economic opportunity or security, family lineage, or maintaining the social status quo either.


So love to me is all of the above and much more. Because it encompasses one's ability to understand another, adapt or accommodate each other's differences in culture, beliefs, experiences, feelings, and attitudes too.

And not expecting another person to respond favorably to your needs and expectations always.


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