Thursday, April 28, 2011

Your Emotions Are Your Ego In Disguise!

April 28-2011.

Your Emotions Are Your Ego In Disguise!

Ever wonder why you feel hurt by someone's action/s, even when reason tells you that the feeling you have is wrong? This happens because you allowed your emotions to take precedence over reasonable action or thought.

Before we do anything, or say anything, the brain or thought process is first activated and instructs your mouth, or other body part to take action. The type of action we take is based upon several factors. These are past personal experiences, fears, suspicions, lack of trust in that person, lack of self confidence in the outcome of such action, and possibly the consequences.

But we still have to take action, or at least, we are compelled to take action, because the brain tells us to do so. Then finally, we take some form of action, be it in words or deeds. Then await the consequences.
Sometimes the person responds favorably, or un-favorably. And based on the type of response we get, we feel pleased or dis-pleased with ourselves.

All that is happening here, is the EGO expressing how it feels. Being able to control the Ego, and allowing the brain to do some initial thinking through any decision we are about to take, would be (in most cases) beneficial to us.

But as I said before, this initial thought process almost never gets priority. There is no silver bullet on how or when thought should precede sensible action. Or what type of action would be beneficial in the end. But whatever action/s we take, and the accompanying result/s must be accepted.


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