Friday, December 31, 2010
A Happy And Fruitful New Year To You!
December 31-2010:
A Happy And Fruitful New Year To You!
The year 2010 could be remembered as Challenging, Economically bleak, and Uncertainty for most of us. Even as we experience economic troubles locally and internationally, we are still hopeful, that the stormy cloud of uncertainty will pass over.
And a New Day will dawn come 2011.
As we prepare our minds to embrace the new year, let it be Pleasant, Hopeful, and Resolute.
A Happy New Year 2011 to you, your family, relatives, and friends!
Om Shanti.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Facebook Has Joined The Online Internet Policing Vendetta!
December 20-2010:
Facebook Has Joined The Online Internet Policing Vendetta!
Here of late, I have observed Facebook removing users from their wed page for simple things like posting Animated Suggestive Pics. Anything that vaguely resembles Sexual Conduct, and not in keeping with their CONSERVATIVE mind set, will be removed. Along with the user who posted it or those photos.
I was one of those victims of the Facebook Policing methods currently being ENFORCED.
Hitherto, when Facebook was starting up, and it's users were not in the millions, they were very pro-user, and user friendly. Now Facebook has become a Global Online empire, making billions in US an Euro Dollars, their attitude towards users Online have changed dramatically. And much to the demise of Free Internet Interaction among ALL users.
I ask all those who still cherish Internet Freedom to petition Facebook about these acts, and object to the removal of users who POST Animated cartoons on their pages. This is MOST RIDICULOUS to say the least.
And MUST be VEHEMENTLY objected to!
December 20-2010:
Facebook Has Joined The Online Internet Policing Vendetta!
Here of late, I have observed Facebook removing users from their wed page for simple things like posting Animated Suggestive Pics. Anything that vaguely resembles Sexual Conduct, and not in keeping with their CONSERVATIVE mind set, will be removed. Along with the user who posted it or those photos.
I was one of those victims of the Facebook Policing methods currently being ENFORCED.
Hitherto, when Facebook was starting up, and it's users were not in the millions, they were very pro-user, and user friendly. Now Facebook has become a Global Online empire, making billions in US an Euro Dollars, their attitude towards users Online have changed dramatically. And much to the demise of Free Internet Interaction among ALL users.
I ask all those who still cherish Internet Freedom to petition Facebook about these acts, and object to the removal of users who POST Animated cartoons on their pages. This is MOST RIDICULOUS to say the least.
And MUST be VEHEMENTLY objected to!
Friday, December 10, 2010
How Could Jobs Be Created In The Short Term?
December 10-2010:
How Could Jobs Be Created In The Short Term?
Firstly, no employer will hire anyone, unless he/she needs that person.
Secondly, every employer strives to limit overhead costs, and that entails a decreasing staff, or pressing those already employed to work smarter, produce more, and increase productivity in overall performance.
Services And Industry:
If you are a producer of some product, your primary intention is to find a location that provides reasonable tax requirements, cheap labor, market and supply access routes, and a reliable customer source of revenue. When that is established, the possibility of persuading customers and potential customers, to buy more of your produce may be entertained via marketing and advertising avenues.
If there is a Labor Union in house that you (the employer) has to appease, it makes even more difficult to exploit the worker, and the expense for Health Care and Workmen's Compensation/Injury on the job Benefits makes for increased overhead costs too.
The same can be said for the Service's Industries. Minimum wages may be the pay for new entrants, but no employee will give his/her best performance with a minimum wage indefinitely. Therefore, regular worker turnover via resignations, can impact how you the employer is able to provide that service, and how efficient it will be.
Demand And Supply:
Businesses are mindful to provide for the demand and supply of goods, and services. Entrepreneurs decide how and where new inputs or produce is realized. And what type of skills/abilities are required to furnish that or those needs.
If the local economy does not have or cannot provide the skills needed immediately. Then the employer may take his/her business overseas. And when this is done by several large and small businesses, the local economy suffers from mass un-employment, lack of consumer purchasing abilities, and slow economic growth.
December 10-2010:
How Could Jobs Be Created In The Short Term?
Firstly, no employer will hire anyone, unless he/she needs that person.
Secondly, every employer strives to limit overhead costs, and that entails a decreasing staff, or pressing those already employed to work smarter, produce more, and increase productivity in overall performance.
Services And Industry:
If you are a producer of some product, your primary intention is to find a location that provides reasonable tax requirements, cheap labor, market and supply access routes, and a reliable customer source of revenue. When that is established, the possibility of persuading customers and potential customers, to buy more of your produce may be entertained via marketing and advertising avenues.
If there is a Labor Union in house that you (the employer) has to appease, it makes even more difficult to exploit the worker, and the expense for Health Care and Workmen's Compensation/Injury on the job Benefits makes for increased overhead costs too.
The same can be said for the Service's Industries. Minimum wages may be the pay for new entrants, but no employee will give his/her best performance with a minimum wage indefinitely. Therefore, regular worker turnover via resignations, can impact how you the employer is able to provide that service, and how efficient it will be.
Demand And Supply:
Businesses are mindful to provide for the demand and supply of goods, and services. Entrepreneurs decide how and where new inputs or produce is realized. And what type of skills/abilities are required to furnish that or those needs.
If the local economy does not have or cannot provide the skills needed immediately. Then the employer may take his/her business overseas. And when this is done by several large and small businesses, the local economy suffers from mass un-employment, lack of consumer purchasing abilities, and slow economic growth.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Teachers-Training And Children!
September 26-2010:
Teachers-Training And Children!
Being a teacher in the USA:
It is not easy being a teacher in the USA. Some children here seem to have little or no regard for whoever stands at that Chalk Board. Much less listen to or obey some of their instructions.
And some children (especially young boys), who are taller and bigger than their class teacher, feels that he can do anything, and his teacher dare not challenge him, and disregard some of their instructions.
College Aspirations:
How many Secondary School graduates can afford to attend a four or two year college in the USA today?
I guess no many, for the following reasons.
* If you are from a lower income or working class background, especially a Single Parent who provides for your needs.
Chances are, even with scholarships, you may never be able to attend college full time for four years straight.
* The Semester fees are enormous, the cost for text books are always raising, especially at the end of every Semester.
* Computers, travel, snacks, and other personal essentials add up on a daily basis.
* Most colleges want their tuition fees up front, especially if you are a freshman or woman.
So it does not matter how brilliant a child is after High School. He/she must be able to provide tuition fees, or get loans in order to attend any two or four year college.
And when he/she graduates, is left with several thousands of dollars in (student loans with interest), to pay for decades after graduating from college.
September 26-2010:
Teachers-Training And Children!
Being a teacher in the USA:
It is not easy being a teacher in the USA. Some children here seem to have little or no regard for whoever stands at that Chalk Board. Much less listen to or obey some of their instructions.
And some children (especially young boys), who are taller and bigger than their class teacher, feels that he can do anything, and his teacher dare not challenge him, and disregard some of their instructions.
College Aspirations:
How many Secondary School graduates can afford to attend a four or two year college in the USA today?
I guess no many, for the following reasons.
* If you are from a lower income or working class background, especially a Single Parent who provides for your needs.
Chances are, even with scholarships, you may never be able to attend college full time for four years straight.
* The Semester fees are enormous, the cost for text books are always raising, especially at the end of every Semester.
* Computers, travel, snacks, and other personal essentials add up on a daily basis.
* Most colleges want their tuition fees up front, especially if you are a freshman or woman.
So it does not matter how brilliant a child is after High School. He/she must be able to provide tuition fees, or get loans in order to attend any two or four year college.
And when he/she graduates, is left with several thousands of dollars in (student loans with interest), to pay for decades after graduating from college.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The New Consumer Protection Agency Czar!
September 17-2010:
The New Consumer Protection Agency Czar!
Elizabeth Warren (Asst. Advisor To The President, and Special Advisor To The Treasury), is now The New Consumer Protection Agency Advisor.
She has made it quite clear her intention to just setup the Agency, but has no aspiration to become Head of that department.
Fearing that the Republicans will not favor her in that position, and will frustrate the process as best they can, to prevent her nomination to that position.
* To whom would she be subordinate to?
* Would this agency be autonomous?
* Could this agency bring Legal action against any Business, Bank, Broker, or Insurance company if it can be proven, that they have defrauded some consumer/s or have used misleading information, advertising, or jargon to exploit consumers?
* Would the employees of this agency be Federal Employees, which would allow them to access or receive Federal Health care benefits, salaries, etc?
These are salient questions which need answers right now!
September 17-2010:
The New Consumer Protection Agency Czar!
Elizabeth Warren (Asst. Advisor To The President, and Special Advisor To The Treasury), is now The New Consumer Protection Agency Advisor.
She has made it quite clear her intention to just setup the Agency, but has no aspiration to become Head of that department.
Fearing that the Republicans will not favor her in that position, and will frustrate the process as best they can, to prevent her nomination to that position.
* To whom would she be subordinate to?
* Would this agency be autonomous?
* Could this agency bring Legal action against any Business, Bank, Broker, or Insurance company if it can be proven, that they have defrauded some consumer/s or have used misleading information, advertising, or jargon to exploit consumers?
* Would the employees of this agency be Federal Employees, which would allow them to access or receive Federal Health care benefits, salaries, etc?
These are salient questions which need answers right now!
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Miss Universe & Miss World Contests!
August 30-2010:
What Is The Point In Contesting For A Miss World Or A Miss Universe?
Firstly, how on earth could anyone determine who or what makes someone a Miss Universe or a Miss World?
Is this determination made just from those who participated in some preliminary evaluation contest?
And how valid is this presumption anyway?
These are questions that I have asked myself time and again, but still ponder this ridiculous competition. States and organizations are getting on the bandwagon of Global vanity, to have their women paraded in front of the cameras, harassed, ridiculed, cajoled, sexually molested sometimes too, just for the moment in the spotlight when she will be crowned Queen of the Harem!
Couldn’t we find some other competition to involve our women in like Educational Excellence, Personal Skills at some craft or endeavor, or Voluntary Humanitarian work?
It is now high time for us all, especially Black or Women Of Color, to ponder and re-consider before jumping on the bandwagon of personal vanity and fame!
What Is The Point In Contesting For A Miss World Or A Miss Universe?
Firstly, how on earth could anyone determine who or what makes someone a Miss Universe or a Miss World?
Is this determination made just from those who participated in some preliminary evaluation contest?
And how valid is this presumption anyway?
These are questions that I have asked myself time and again, but still ponder this ridiculous competition. States and organizations are getting on the bandwagon of Global vanity, to have their women paraded in front of the cameras, harassed, ridiculed, cajoled, sexually molested sometimes too, just for the moment in the spotlight when she will be crowned Queen of the Harem!
Couldn’t we find some other competition to involve our women in like Educational Excellence, Personal Skills at some craft or endeavor, or Voluntary Humanitarian work?
It is now high time for us all, especially Black or Women Of Color, to ponder and re-consider before jumping on the bandwagon of personal vanity and fame!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Being Over Fifty & The Ability To Think Rationally And Clearly!
July 16-2010:
Being Over Fifty & The Ability To Think Rationally And Clearly!
I have often heard people say that after attaining age 50, one's ability to think rationally, clearly, or quickly, becomes impaired or slows down. This to my mind is RUBBISH. For the following reasons.
* I am now 60 years of age. And my ability to think clearly, rationally, and quickly have not slowed or is not impaired.
* Secondly, I wrote my GED or the High School Equivalency Exam in December 2005. I was 55 years of age then. And I passed that exam with very high grades too. When I attended classes, there were a few adolescent individuals therein that ridiculed me openly for being there.
Because they felt that I could not cope with the studies, or that I was too "OLD" to be there. But I showed them that I was not too old to succeed. While several of them repeated the course several times, others fell by the wayside. And others dis-continued it, some time during the course period.
Is There A Future For The Over Fifty Folks?
It depends on what your interpretation of a future is. If you intend to seek employment at the ground level, or beginners level. Then that might be a bit diffcult to achieve. Most employers tend to hire the younger or youthful for such positions, regardless of past work experience.
It seems to be preferred because they can be paid far less wages, than those with past related experience. In some cases, employers seek older employees for specific tasks or positions, that require past experience.
This saves them from having to train recruits, which cost the firm money, and time, while this process is being done. And there is no guarantee that the recruit will stay afterwards for any lenghty period either.
Plus, over fifties bring stability, loyalty, is good at taking instructions, are very often self-supervised, and punctual too. And most over fifty folks do this part time, with very specific needs and expectations, regarding their Contract Of Work/Service.
Most over fifties have already decided what they want from life, for their career or future prospects.
July 16-2010:
Being Over Fifty & The Ability To Think Rationally And Clearly!
I have often heard people say that after attaining age 50, one's ability to think rationally, clearly, or quickly, becomes impaired or slows down. This to my mind is RUBBISH. For the following reasons.
* I am now 60 years of age. And my ability to think clearly, rationally, and quickly have not slowed or is not impaired.
* Secondly, I wrote my GED or the High School Equivalency Exam in December 2005. I was 55 years of age then. And I passed that exam with very high grades too. When I attended classes, there were a few adolescent individuals therein that ridiculed me openly for being there.
Because they felt that I could not cope with the studies, or that I was too "OLD" to be there. But I showed them that I was not too old to succeed. While several of them repeated the course several times, others fell by the wayside. And others dis-continued it, some time during the course period.
Is There A Future For The Over Fifty Folks?
It depends on what your interpretation of a future is. If you intend to seek employment at the ground level, or beginners level. Then that might be a bit diffcult to achieve. Most employers tend to hire the younger or youthful for such positions, regardless of past work experience.
It seems to be preferred because they can be paid far less wages, than those with past related experience. In some cases, employers seek older employees for specific tasks or positions, that require past experience.
This saves them from having to train recruits, which cost the firm money, and time, while this process is being done. And there is no guarantee that the recruit will stay afterwards for any lenghty period either.
Plus, over fifties bring stability, loyalty, is good at taking instructions, are very often self-supervised, and punctual too. And most over fifty folks do this part time, with very specific needs and expectations, regarding their Contract Of Work/Service.
Most over fifties have already decided what they want from life, for their career or future prospects.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Right To Bear Arms Amendment Upheld By Supreme Court!
June 28-2010:
The US Supreme Court Upholds The Right To Bear Arms Amendment!
This comes as no surprise, considering the fact that this country was founded and developed with this aggressive and lethal weapon called the gun. The Spanish American War was also fought, and the conquered lands were never returned to Spain by America.
Thus making those Spanish named states the bone of contention for most illegal Mexicans, who see no illegality in crossing the Mexican Border illegally. As they see it, those areas are occupied and are illegally claimed by America.
Some media anchors and pundits rave about the daily killing of innocent civilians, and the sporadic killing at colleges by disgruntled students, serial killers, and jaded lovers alike.
This kind of revenge killing, or rage is a normal feature of American culture. That is why so many Americans fear that some day this so-called right to kill will be taklen away from them!
June 28-2010:
The US Supreme Court Upholds The Right To Bear Arms Amendment!
This comes as no surprise, considering the fact that this country was founded and developed with this aggressive and lethal weapon called the gun. The Spanish American War was also fought, and the conquered lands were never returned to Spain by America.
Thus making those Spanish named states the bone of contention for most illegal Mexicans, who see no illegality in crossing the Mexican Border illegally. As they see it, those areas are occupied and are illegally claimed by America.
Some media anchors and pundits rave about the daily killing of innocent civilians, and the sporadic killing at colleges by disgruntled students, serial killers, and jaded lovers alike.
This kind of revenge killing, or rage is a normal feature of American culture. That is why so many Americans fear that some day this so-called right to kill will be taklen away from them!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Football Is About Scoring Goals!
June 27-2010:
Football Is About Scoring Goals!
The USA's Devastating Loss:
The USA played against Ghana on June 26-2010 in South Africa. This is the second time that The USA was defeated by Ghana in a World Cup match. And the media Pundits and USA players are all crying out loud that they should not have been defeated by a state with the size of Oregon, and with a small population.
Now what does this have to do with the US loss to these African Titans?
* Firstly, the Ghanians played a very creative, disciplined, defensive, and offensive game. The total package was their forte.
* The Ghanians are fitter, can outlast the US players anytime with longevity on the field. And does not tire easily.
* And almost every Ghanian player can score a goal.
* The US players on the other hand are more offensive with their game strategy, and seem not to too keen on playing defensively. Until they find themselves in serious trouble. Then they expect ONE player (Donavan) to score a goal.
Until the US soccer team can acquire GOAL scorers, and Strikers that can guarantee an early goal in any game. The US will find themselves always having to defend everytime.
However, it was a very good match between these two teams. But the Ghanians had more reason to be victorious, because they were the only African team left standing, and they STOOD UP indeed at the final hour for Africa.
June 27-2010:
Football Is About Scoring Goals!
The USA's Devastating Loss:
The USA played against Ghana on June 26-2010 in South Africa. This is the second time that The USA was defeated by Ghana in a World Cup match. And the media Pundits and USA players are all crying out loud that they should not have been defeated by a state with the size of Oregon, and with a small population.
Now what does this have to do with the US loss to these African Titans?
* Firstly, the Ghanians played a very creative, disciplined, defensive, and offensive game. The total package was their forte.
* The Ghanians are fitter, can outlast the US players anytime with longevity on the field. And does not tire easily.
* And almost every Ghanian player can score a goal.
* The US players on the other hand are more offensive with their game strategy, and seem not to too keen on playing defensively. Until they find themselves in serious trouble. Then they expect ONE player (Donavan) to score a goal.
Until the US soccer team can acquire GOAL scorers, and Strikers that can guarantee an early goal in any game. The US will find themselves always having to defend everytime.
However, it was a very good match between these two teams. But the Ghanians had more reason to be victorious, because they were the only African team left standing, and they STOOD UP indeed at the final hour for Africa.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Was SPAIN Having A Bad Day At The Games Today?

June 16-2010:
Was SPAIN Having A Bad Day At The Games Today?
Spain versus Switzerland at the World Cup in South Africa:
Spain came into this first round with the reputation of a favorite. And with a record of several world cup victories already. They played professionally, passed the ball around to each other, used every opportunity that was provided them, but did not score a single goal.
Was it because of the very tight defense the Swiss was giving them? Or was it too much precaution, that was so evident with all of the countries that played before them so far?
Whatever it was, Spain has a lot of Face Saving to do, in order to make their fans feel confident, that their team will perform like they always do remarkably well, and possibly take home the Africa Cup at the end.
However, that was only the first round. So we will have to wait and see how they and others like them will perform in the second round!
May the best team win!
SCORES: Switzerland 1, Spain 0.
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Advent Of The Two Legged Animals!

May 24-2010:
The Advent Of The Two Legged Animals!
From The Ants' Perspective:
For centuries our ancestors lived, roamed, and built our Colonies or Ant Hills without any problems to talk about. We moved on to different locations when our queen died or gave birth. We felt that our lives would be as serene and secure as we were accustomed for centuries. When alas, we discovered by accident that they were creatures about, that we had never seen or heard of before, and these creatures walked on two legs, and upright too.
Hitherto, the creatures we knew, most had four legs, and some crawled on their stomachs, while others seem to rise up in the air on wings too. But they never did us any harm. We all survived and thrived without much concern for each other's livelihood. When some asked our Queen to explain who these new creatures that walked on two legs were, she said that it was a Bad Omen, and that it was the beginning of terrible experiences for our species. And that we must keep our eyes peeled for their movements, growth in numbers, and activities.
Tilling Our Lands:
These new two legged creatures (known today as humans), plowed the ground with very hard materials which rooted up some of our Ant Hills. Some used animal drawn carts or vehicles to move the crops they grew too, and this continued unabated for what seem like ages, by these two legged creatures, without ceasing.
Detrimental Substances:
As time passed some of our new arrivals used liquid substances on the ground, for reasons that I cannot determine, which killed several thousands of our fellow ant populations from time to time. Causing us to flee wherever we can be spared from certain death. I understand that these liquid substances are called pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers. Which seem to help them grow much more at one time, than before they did not use any such substances.
A Rain Of Fire:
Sometimes our populations have to deal with terrible fires caused by nature, and by these accursed two legged creatures too. And thousands more of our species are killed this way. But somehow we manage to survive and continue thriving.
But if you compare what nature does to us, against what those two legged creatures do to us. I have to admit that nature kills much less of our populations than those two legged creatures do.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Can Consciousness Exist Outside The Brain?

May 16-2010:
Can Consciousness Exist Outside The Brain?
Personally, I believe it does, for the following reasons:
Consciousness is that invisible element within humans that makes us aware of ourselves. We can identify ourselves as individuals within a group, mainstream society, or culture. The brain is like a computer that files away all impressions it receives via the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or touch. All of these files are accessed automatically when we want to speak, or respond to anything, or some experience instantaneously.
This is so normal to most humans today that hardly anyone pays attention to it, unless some mental or neurological problem arises. Then we may seek professional help or advice. However, the consciousness is an invisible element. Unlike the brain which is a physical element within us. So when someone experiences 'Out Of Body Consciousness,' it is the brain having some confusion with accessing some of the files in memory storage, and have mis-interpreted some of those senses.
Therefore, what the eye sees, or does not see, and the brain interprets, or does not interpret correctly, may cause the individual to hear, see, or experience one of the above experiences, that hitherto resulted in someone being placed in a mental institution, burnt at the stake, or considered demon possessed.
Hindu Re-incarnation:
This philosophy subscribes to the view that one has to take several physical bodies in several life cycles, in order to cleanse himself/herself from all evil, or Bad Karma. And when he/she has finally done that, he/she will have attained Nirvana or Enlightenment, and will never have to take another physical body again.
This concept is just like the example 'Out Of Body Consciousness Where converts or followers, believes in this process, and will not see it as something to be feared, but something that comes with being human, or being in the process of eradicating Bad Karma.
Saturday, May 01, 2010

May 01-2010:
Can Put A Damper On The Intention Of The Trade Union Movement To Get Support From Mainstream Society.
This Day Was Never Intended To Vent Animosity, but To Remember the Struggles Of Workers Globally!
Employees's Responsibilities:
Always Ensure That Whatever Industrial Action Is Taken, Is Well Thought Out, Resolute,
And Does Not Negatively & Intentionally Prevent The Normal Functioning Of The State.
Worker's Rights Must Be Respected:
The Rights Of The Worker vs The Power Of The State & Private Enterprise. Must Never Be Allowed To Decline In Any Society.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
You Cannot Legislate What People Wear In Public!

April 03-2010:
You Cannot Legislate What People Wear In Public!
Dear Senator Eric Adams (New York State):
CC: Senator Charles E. Schumer,
CC: Senator. Kirsten Gillibrand,
I understand your concern for what seem to you as lack of self respect, when you see young men wearing their trousers below the waist, showing part of their buttocks.
This style as you pointed out recently, has it's origin from the prisons. Wherein, prisoners wore their shorts in that fashion.
Albeit, for a very specific reason too!
However, when legislators or politicians arbitrarily introduce legislation to curb human behavior, (or how they wear their clothes in public). Then what will they legislate for next?
* Will it be legislation against Tight Trousers?
* Or Short Skirts?
* Or See Through Blouses?
* Or even Tight Fitting Clothes, that hugs the anatomy?
This is one suggestion/idea that I am totally against, any politician or legislator telling me how or what to wear in public.
Please Go To:
and protest this legislative idea!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
THE CATHOLIC POPE & His Pedophile Brother!

March 13-2010:
THE CATHOLIC POPE & His Pedophile Brother!
Is an institution of BUGGERY. Not the place any decent person wants his/her child to associate with.
The current Pope was a bishop in Munich-Germany, who knew or heard allegations that his own brother was involved in the Buggering of Altar Boys in his diocese, and he said or did nothing about it.
That was the norm in most countries where the Catholic Church has it's tentacles in. They had Church Schools that allowed the flogging of students at will, as part of the daily corporal punishments allowed in most Catholic Schools, and Public Schools for decades.
I too was one of those children who experienced severe beating from Nuns and Teachers in the Public/Catholic school that I attended.
These hypocrites threaten the flock with PURGATORY and PERDITION if they refused to read the Catechism (or the Church Bible), and influence the Educational Curriculum and Outcomes in most schools, associated with the Catholic Church.
Even the political administration of the state was subtly coerced into allowing them to operate as they see fitting. That is why it took so many decades for these revelations of child pedophilia in the churches to go public.
For several decades the Catholic and other Churches hid behind the Social Taboos associated with Homosexuality, and allowed their own Sexual Predators to continue Buggering The Altar Boys, Choir Boys, and Scouts, with impunity.
Call these Monsters Out Every time You Hear Of This Brutality And Unsavory Acts to Young People!
New York City.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Do You Need Assistance In Manhattan-New York City?

March 13-2010:
Do You Need Assistance In Manhattan-New York City?
I Can Help!
* I am available to assist in Letter Writing, Reading Your Newspapers, Books, Correspondences, Memoirs, etc.
* I can assist or accompany you to the Store, the Park, Doctor's appointment, the Grocery, etc.
* I can keep you company at times convenient to you, during the day too.
* I can also teach you the Basics For Operating A Computer, and Going Online too.
* I am a good conversationalist, and would be happy to listen to, or to discuss your concerns with you too.
* I reside in Greenwich-Village-Manhattan, Afro-Guyanese of 60 years of age, College Educated, Well Read, Social Service Advocate & Blogger.
With a history of advocating for people with Special Needs and other Disabilities.
I desperately need some income to help me provide for my basic needs for daily living.
So if you are interested, just give me a shout, and let us discuss this please.
My fees are negotiable, reasonable, and my hours are flexible too.
References and my RESUME available upon request!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Manhattan-New York City.
Cell # 646-548-6142
Home Phone # 1-212-337-3093
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Are Pre-Nuptial Arrangements Necessary For All Long Term Relationships!

February 23-2010:
Are Pre-Nuptial Arrangements Necessary
For All Long Term Relationships!
Historically in most cultures, the male was responsible for providing of the means/money for his family. Be it a Legal, or Common Law arrangement. The concept of any pre-arrangement is unheard of and unacceptable in most societies. However, in the USA, this arrangement seem to be the expectation for most individuals contemplating marriage. And of late, even Common Law and Shacking Up relationships are being included in this package.
Personal Security Guarantees:
Some people feel that if no prenuptial is made, if one individual loses his/her lease, job, health, or becomes disabled for a lengthy period. The expenses of that relationship rests upon the other party to foot the bill. And this strain can be devastating for most individuals, most of whom may not have the wherewithal or financial resources to meet those demands.
Furthermore, in the case of the death of a partner, loss of the apartment or home of one individual. And the relatives may want you to leave that apartment or face eviction. Then a prenuptial will cater for that eventuality too.
Even visitation rights for any individual in a relationship on a long term basis is appropriate, to ensure that the other party could visit his/her partner in hospital, and be a party to the decisions for funeral arrangements, should that be necessary too.
Bequeaths and Inheritance Rights:
This is another scenario where one or both parties have wealth or some inheritance, and would like to ensure that it is not squandered, stolen, withdrawn, or embezzled from the other party's bank account, without prior notice or approval. Especially if you have a Joint Bank Account.
Are Pre-nuptials The Best Way Forward In Any Relationship?
I believe that anyone who seriously want to embark upon any long term relationship or arrangement. Be it legal marriage or Common Law arrangement. He/she aught to consider this prior to making that decision. Discuss the Pros and Cons of this arrangement with your intended. And get their take and concerns about it. If he/she does not approve of that approach, do not press the issue any further.
And if you are resolute in demanding a pre-prenuptial from your partner before any long term arrangement, and he/she rejects it.
That is the time to go your separate ways!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tiger Wood's Whores Want Their Pound Of Flesh!

February 19-2010:
Tiger Wood's Whores Want Their Pound Of Flesh:
I do not condone what Tiger Woods did to his family. But I also do not make his personal life my business either. However, he made a public apology for his past misdeeds, and it should be taken as a sincere apology, and a testament of his embarrassment and regret.
Those whores who shared his bed knew fully well what they were doing, who he is, and what they wanted from him. So if some of them felt that he fooled, or made them feel special. That was their own mirage and foolishness.
They are all adults, and adults who indulge in Tipping, aught to consider what they are doing before embarking on that course.
Tiger Woods owes them nothing. I am sure that they were paid handsomely for their services too!
So GET A LIFE WHORES, and leave Tiger Woods to his family, and the reconciliation that is so essential for the survival of his marriage.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Could Governments Legislate Against Racism?

February 6-2010:
Could Governments Legislate Against Racism?
This question was asked by many before. And I heard it being asked again on your show today on aljazeera TV.
So here are some of my views on this issue.
* Racists or those who deliberately discriminate against those whom they perceive, are not their kind or preferred ilk, are in every culture.
* Ethnic or Racial Profiling against others are done by almost every individual, organization, and institution, in every culture.
* Some do it openly, while others do it covertly.
* Most developed societies in the western hemisphere have some form of legislation to prohibit racism, or racial/ethnic discrimination, in the official institutions of government.
* But legislating against racism is only one step any state can provide to help curb this social stigma.
What it has to ensure is that the educational institutions also educate their student body against this social stigma too.
However, if it is not ethnic or racial profiling that is the problem. It is religion that is used against others for separation or division within most societies globally.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
When The Media Is No Longer Fair & Balanced!

February 10-2010:
When The Media Is No Longer Fair & Balanced!
When the local TV, Radio, and Other media outlets are not being Fair and Balanced in their reporting of the facts. Then all viewers must refrain from listening to them, or watching these outlets spew filth, lies, propaganda, and political bias, as an excuse for Fair News Reporting.
The Iraq Incursion:
When George W. Bush and Tony Blair colluded to sell the untruths of Saddam's so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction. Knowing fully well from the Intelligence collected at the time, that there was no SOLID evidence to support that claim. And yet they told their commonweal that Armageddon was imminent from Saddam's region.
The local media took this information, did no research on their own as they should have, and begun to sell the idea that the War mongering politicians in The White House and Number-10 Downing Street was espousing. Even after the invasion and overthrow was accomplished, and no WMD's were found, these two leaders are still saying that they would have done the same thing, with the information they had at the time.
The Commission Of Enquiry In Britain:
This commission was set up to enquire from the parties involved in the planning, preparation, and selling of that war. Tony Blair's fellow cronies are all basically saying, that they were misled into believing that Saddam truly had WMD's in his possession, and was capable of using them at anytime.
Except for Tony Blair who still contends that they (The US & Britain), did the right thing to invade and overthrow that regime of Evil. Disregarding the thousands of civilians that died, the hundreds of UK and US military personnel that died, were maimed, and will never be able to live a normal life ever, when they return to civilian life again.
Could An Inquest Be Held Against George W. Bush & His Administration?
This does not seem possible in the USA. This so-called democracy has yet to hold their political leadership accountable for anything wrong that they did, much less allow them to Face The Fire in a Public Enquiry.
And the current Obama administration does not want to pursue that end either. So we can expect some time in the future, the same circumstance that drove us into another foreign war, to recur!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
How Do You Determine Your National Identity?

February 03-2010:
How Do You Determine Your National Identity?
National Identity:
Firstly, the national identity of any culture or state depends on the following;
* The national flag that represents or identifies that sovereign state.
* The natives that are born therein, and feels mentally, psychologically, and socially connected to that culture or state.
* Being willing and able to speak, read, and write the native language, or the language that the National Constitution is written in.
* Being proud to be identified as a native of that culture, and would submit himself/herself, if called upon by that state, to represent it in times of war or from external aggression.
* Being engaged in the national politics, and political discourses, in your homes, schools (for informational purposes), in your Churches, Masjids, and Mosques, too.
* Voting in all local, regional, and general elections whenever it becomes possible.
* And advocating for the respect, regard, and espousal for the Freedom To Express and Exercise our Human Rights to Dissent, Express or opinions FREELY via The Internet, The Press, The Public Media, and Verbally.
* And finally, to ensure that The Rule Of Law, is Respected and Adhered to, under the Constitution for all Guyanese, regardless of political beliefs, affiliations, religious beliefs or affiliations, and ethnic persuasion too.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
How Could A Parent Give Away Their Children To Strangers?

February 02-2010:
How Could A Parent GIVE Away Their Children To Strangers?
Yes, this is what is being established in Haiti, in some of the answers given by the parents of some of those children, that were taken by the Americans on the bus en-route to the Dominican Republic.
Some of these parents answered when questioned by the Haitian authorities, that they were too poor, and destitute. So when the Americans came and ask to take them away to the Dominican Republic, where they would have Stuff Dolls, Food, Swimming Pools, and better Schools.
That was the reason why they chose to place the children in their custody!
And hoped that they would be well cared for, and would be able to communicate with them anytime in the future.
How could anyone be so naive to believe that some stranger will care for their child in some foreign country? When these strangers are not related to these children at all.
And there is no guarantee that these children will not be sold, prostituted later in life, or will ever know who they are, or who their true parents are, when they grow up?
I cannot imagine (regardless of poverty), how a mother, after carrying that or those children in her body for NINE months, just GIVE them away to a stranger, because she felt she could not support them.
Didn't she know that before she became pregnant?
Didn't she know that by so doing, she will kill any love that child would have for her, or any sense of who or what that child is, or will become later in life?
This is beyond my comprehension at this point. And I will never condone the view, that POVERTY should be used as an excuse, for selling or giving away one's children, period!
Monday, February 01, 2010
White Sexual Abductors & Those Who Bugger's Boys!

February 01-2010:
White Sexual Abductors & Those Who Bugger's Boys!
It is common knowledge that White or Caucasian men go to Eastern Europe, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and other places, where there are lots of homeless children or street children to seek sexual favors, and to make sexual slaves of. They are everywhere, and are extremely aggressive in their pursuits of children of both genders, and from anywhere they can access them.
They are Devils who wear robes of various persuasions. Some are with Churches, others with Cults, others act Solo, and others are Organized Crime organizations that operate globally.
This country has undergone a terrible natural disaster, and the kind of scenario that predators like those cited above operate in. This gives them ample opportunity to disguise their true intent, and exploit the situation. While everyone around them is too busy to notice anything suspicious.
They come into situations like this one as Church workers, Outreach movements, and use emotional pronouncements to portray their clandestine intentions. Fooling those who lack the experience, is ignorant about these matters, and gullible for the so-called help they seem to bring to the situation
I will be monitoring how they will be treated by the US Justice System, when their Day In Court arrives. If they are allowed to walk away free of any punishment, if found guilty. Then the ENTIRE world MUST voice resentment vehemently.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Is Their Such A Thing As Good Taliban & Bad Taliban?

January 29-2010:
Is Their Such A Thing As Good Taliban & Bad Taliban?
The word TALIBAN means STUDENTS of the Sunni sect of Islam. They also believe in the establishment of an Islamic state, based on the rule of Sharia Law. And are originated from Saudi Arabia.
There are several concepts of what the Taliban does or believes in, in order to promote their interests, or conduct their political/religious activities to attain certain ends.
Some self-identified Taliban individuals indulge in the Drug Trafficking Trade.
Others pursue Jihadist goals, while others make themselves available for hire to the highest bidder, for personal reasons.
And finally, these Taliban disparate groups are currently operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They shuttle back and forth as they see fit.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Could Hamid Karzai Reconcile With The Taliban?

January 28-2010:
Could Hamid Karzai Reconcile With The Taliban?
Ever since the US bombed the El Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, and supported the Northern Alliance Mujadeen army, which eventually defeated or chased out the Taliban government in the Southern Regions of that country. Things have gone from bad
to worse politically, economically, regionally, and militarily for that country.
Governor General Hamid Karzai, was the result of the US influence and involvement in that country's current political climate and reality. This man's notoriety for corruption, is well known. And large segments of the population does not believe that he could mange that country effectively, or bring about national security either. And most would also like the US & NATO troops to permanently leave that country.
But they face a political and economic dilemma, mostly caused by the incursions of US and NATO troops therein, and are wary of the daily loss of citizen's lives in the hundreds. Most of which is caused from US and NATO Air strikes, coupled with radical Taliban suicide bombers on a daily basis.
Hamid Karzai Wants Taliban Inclusion:
The Taliban ruled this country with a strong hand according to their concept of SHARIA law. Women were brutally beaten, killed, acid thrown in their faces, and prevented from getting an education. When the Taliban government was overthrown, women were able to get some political and educational opportunities for self development and self-reliance, hitherto unheard of.
If the Taliban or some elements of that Pasthun clan is co-opted into the government. Chances are, they will not allow themselves to play second fiddle to Hamid Karzai's directives of policies indefinitely. These people experienced governance before, and will strive clandestinely to regain that power once again. Furthermore, it is the view of most Taliban elements, both radical and moderate, that all foreigners MUST be eradicated from their midst. Most Afghans also share this view too.
But their hands are tied currently with certain realities.
National Insecurity & Economic Depression:
This country's population are by and large illiterate. Most of these people live in the rural or agrarian regions. Poverty is rife in most regions, education and educational opportunities for most Afghan children is non-existent to say the least.
Historically, this country was ruled by Ethnic Clan Chiefs or Strong Men. These warlords hold sway in their respective domains. Whatever the Strongman says is believed, respected, and followed. Failing to do so, results in beatings or even death.
There was never in Afghanistan any strong Centralized Government, and the concept of Democracy is very foreign to these people. And most cannot conceptualize what it is, or how exactly to apply it, or make it applicable to the Afghan reality.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Haitians Do Not Allow Yourselves To Be Duped Again!

January 26-2010:
Haitians Do Not Allow Yourselves To Be Duped Again!
Your government and people have experienced unfair trade relations, agreements, and subsidies that impoverished your Rice Farmers, and people. Thus leading to a migration to the cities into greater poverty. And within these cities, these same former rice farmers could not afford to purchase Rice, that was brought in via U.S.A.I.D. as help.
And was being sold on the streets to Haitians. This illegal practice was one of the reasons of dependency and poverty, through so-called foreign assistance and help.
You political leaders and ruling elite also aligned themselves with foreign business interests, in order to enrich themselves, maintain their political elitism, and deliberately stifle or prevent any effort for real reform of your economy. The traditional ruling family clans will never change.
It is not in their interest to do so, and will continue to use whatever means necessary or as they see fitting to destroy, kill, or ensure that no national economic reforms for the poor ever get traction, or become a reality in Haiti.
What Is The Solution Going Forward:
* Seek out Haitian leaders/individuals that desire real socio-economic and political change for ALL Haitians.
* Ensure that a National Policy is created and circulated to all communities within the society at large.
* Ensure that whomever decide to create a Political Party or Coalition (preferred), will ensure that all communities are represented therein.
* Your history have always had strong ties to religious leaders or representatives. But not all so-called religious leaders have your interest at heart. Most of them are just as self-centered in their quest, as those who are secular.
* So be careful when you choose religious representatives for leaders, without also ensuring that they are constantly monitored. And removed immediately if or when found guilty of self aggrandizement, and corruption.
Foreign Trade & Assistance:
Foreign trading between nations must never be one based on coercion, threats, regional manipulation, or fear. The USA and France have a history of all the above, when dealing with their departments or former colonies/allies.
The USAID is just another department that uses aid to clandestinely push the USA Political and Trade agenda abroad. And when you take or receive assistance from any country, STRINGS are most certainly attached to it.
And if you do not ensure from the outset, what is expected from you when you receive any financial assistance. You may be conned into debt, that takes generations to repay once more.
Haiti needs all the help it can get to rebuild the country, repair it's education, health care, municipal, and social structures. Many will offer help in many forms, but will also want to dictate How, When, and Where this help aught to be given.
This MUST never be tolerated by you Haitians!
Your representatives MUST be the ones to DECIDE how and where this help is targeted or placed.
And to the Haitian people in general. Now is the time to start looking for
A New and Fresh Group of political representatives, as you go forward in the rebuilding efforts.
Free & Fair Democratic elections MUST be done very soon, to ensure that in the Rebuilt Haiti, a truly New and Fresh Start can be assured.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Friday, January 15, 2010
How Important Was Online Social Networking Sites During The Haitian Disaster?

January 15-2010:
How Important Was Online Social Networking Sites During
The Haitian Disaster?
The Haitian Disaster?
I watched a discussion on today, about this concern. So here are a few comments of mine in this regard.
When the earthquake disaster hit Haiti, immediately afterwards, those with had access to mobile phones, and the Internet sent photos and messages to relatives and friends outside Haiti. But this was shortlived, and a communication blackout resulted, because of land line's disruptions, and the destruction of other local media outlets.
So Haitians living in the USA & Europe that had access to the Internet, used this facility to continue asking questions, and sharing whatever information they were able to get from Haiti and elsewhere with each other. And this kept the conversation going. And it also helped in raising funds for some charities they felt could be of assistance therein.
Was Twitter & Facebook Really Important?
So Haitians living in the USA & Europe that had access to the Internet, used this facility to continue asking questions, and sharing whatever information they were able to get from Haiti and elsewhere with each other. And this kept the conversation going. And it also helped in raising funds for some charities they felt could be of assistance therein.
Was Twitter & Facebook Really Important?
Yes and No. If you do not have an Internet connection, and is not connected to Facebook, Twitter or MySpace, and have not joined any of these networks. Chances are, you will not be as informed, as those who are already a part of the networking sites.
But it is unfair to say that these networking sites did not make a difference. Because not many people in Haiti, are connected online, or have a computer, an Internet connection, or was able to use it during the Earthquake disaster.
However, the traditional TV and Radio media, is dependable for credible information in most cases. But even these medium are also subject to blackouts, and power failures in any disaster where electricity is needed, in order to have telephone and Internet access.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Needs Assessment For Haitians After The Earthquake Disaster This Week!

January 14-2010:
A Needs Assessment For Haitians After The Earthquake Disaster This Week:
President Barack Obama said in an address to the nation of Haiti, The World, and the American people, the following:
You Will Not Be Forsaken. The USA & the World Is With You All The Way.
USA & World Assistance Arrives:
You Will Not Be Forsaken. The USA & the World Is With You All The Way.
USA & World Assistance Arrives:
The USA military Navy, Marine Corps, Civilian Organizations, Medical personnel, and others are arriving en mass at this time at the Haitian airport and seaport. Vast amount of medical supplies, medical personnel (doctors nurses, medics), ad other related personnel are also included.
Food Packages, Water, Rescuing Machinery and other related equipment, Security personnel, Telecommunications personnel to help reinstall electricity and other technologies needed for international communications are also on board.
Rescuing the Trapped & Injured:
Rescuing the Trapped & Injured:
This is going to be a methodical and massive task. Because most of the trapped are under heavy layers of concrete and other rubble. And can only be reached (mostly) with heavy moving machinery, which is also under way. The roads throughout the city of Port Au France is almost impassable in most places. And it is in the cities where the bulk of the affected population is settled, and needs the most urgent attention and assistance.
Burying The Dead:
I don't know if or when burials can seriously take place in this national confusion and some chaos. But i presume that the normal claim of bodies by relatives are non-existent, because both categories may be difficult to identify, and even find.
So Mass Graves or Cremation may be the way to go, in order to alleviate the stench from the already decaying carcass laying in the open spaces on the streets. And those that are dead, and are trapped under the rubble in large numbers.
Distributing Food-Shelter-Clothing & Water To Citizens:
This is going to be a very challenging experience, for the following reasons.
* People are desperately hungry, thirsty, dirty, messy, stink, angry, and desperate for help of all kinds.
* Being able to get people to wait in line to collect essentials may be problematic.
* Hungry and desperate people are not necessarily inclined to be patient either.
Security & Policing The Townships:
I don't know if the local police are still in charge, equipped to deal with this situation, or is even still able to do policing at this time. So the US and her allies there, will have to implement (with the Haitian government's approval), temporary policing of the streets, ports, townships, and distribution centers. Until some Official Order is established by the Haitian authorities.
To Be Continued.
New York City.
New York City.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A State Of Total Pandemonium In Haiti:

January 13-2010:
A State Of Total Pandemonium In Haiti:
After the 7.0 earthquake struck this Dirt Poor Island. All electricity went out, buildings (old and new) crumbled and fell, taking with it the lives of the occupants therein. National Communication lines were cut, as a result of the shock waves and tremors of this quake, which was followed by two subsequent tremors, which completed the cycle of devastation therein.
I can also imagine the fear, dread, and horror that all Haitians felt at this reality. Armageddon may have been on the minds of this Christian oriented people, most of whom are fervent believers of their faith, and upbringing.
The Presidential Palace, was not spared either. One would wonder whether that building would have withstood the shock. But unfortunately, may not have been constructed to withstand such a calamity either.
An Impoverished People:
Haitians have been an oppressed and impoverished people since the rule of Jean Paul Duvalier ak Papa Doc. When he died, his son Jean Paul Duvalier-Jr took office, and continued the same oppressive regime, supported by his militia Thugs called 'The Ton Ton Macoutes.' All subsequent Prime Ministers or government were either overthrown, or experienced a Coup De Etat by Haitian military. And it was so up to the rule of Of President Ariste, who was shunter off the island by US commandos, to make room for the current political administration.
Past Disasters In Haiti:
Haiti is no stranger to national disasters. Recently, it suffered a severe hurricane. Which caused massive loss of lives and property. Flooding of crops, cities, and mud slides, resulting in the loss of homes and personal dwellings for most of the locals.
Unlike their neighbors in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, or the Caribbean region. Haiti does not have the disaster preparedness or infrastructure to deal effectively (if at all), with such disasters. So this current one, being the most severe on historic record, will be a big challenge indeed for the state, the volunteers, and all foreign relief agencies operating therein.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Kite Flying In Guyana Explained:

January 10-2010:
Kite Flying In Guyana Explained!
Kite Flying In Guyana Explained!
In Guyana, it symbolizes the Ascension of The Risen Christ into Heaven. And Kite Flying is done on Easter Monday. The day supposedly when the ascension took place. This is a tradition that most Guyanese practice. Christians and Muslims alike. It transcends all religious faiths in Guyana.
Kite Flying In India Announces The Arrival Of Summer:
Kite Flying In India Announces The Arrival Of Summer:
The Indo Guyanese community seem to feel that putting a 'sharp razor blade' on the string of your kite, when it is hoisted in the sky, and makes contact with other strings in the facility, it will cut that string, and cause it to come down.
That to them is very funny, and is seen as trying to gain the upper hand in how long one can keep his/her kite aloft, without it being compromised that way. It is all done for FUN. By I also find that most Afro-Guyanese frowns upon that aspect of the festivity.
Easter Monday:
Kite Flying is done on Easter Monday. The day after the official day or Sunday, that Christ ascended to Heaven, according to Christian belief.
And that day is a holiday in Guyana. So families are able to repair to open fields, parks, football grounds, and the Sea Wall/Atlantic Ocean Sea Shore, (where the wind is always very strong), thus making it very easy to hoist your kite into the sky/air. Thousands of kite fliers of all ages gather at these places from early morning, until sundown for kite flying and picnicking.
Baskets of Curry, Roti, Puri, Dhall, Rice & Curry, are taken in lunch baskets for a family picnic while they take intervals at kite flying. Music is played by food sellers carts and stalls, some individuals also bring their own mobile music box/player to entertain themselves too.
By and large, Easter Monday Kite Flying in Guyana, is looked forward to, and celebrated by all ethnic groups, regardless of your religious beliefs, and affiliations, and with a spirit of joviality, on this National Holiday.
I understand that in India, kite flying is done by the poor, or the Dalits in the streets, parks, and open spaces. While the Rich fly their kites on their terraces and roofs. This has been so for generations, and it is class associated and identified activity too!
Saturday, January 09, 2010
The Deliverer Of Bad News!

January 09-2010:
The Deliverer Of Bad News!
It was said under Saddam Hussein's reign in Iraq, that it was woe for the person who brought Bad News to Saddam. Because chances are, he would be advancing his own demise with that act.
The US Military Personnel & Messenger Of The Fallen:
The US Military Personnel & Messenger Of The Fallen:
This person who (I presume) is chosen or volunteers to deliver the sad news of a fallen soldier to his/her relatives, is not placed in the same situation. But in some ways have to deal with the re-action of spouses and relatives when bringing news of their loved ones death in combat. I understand that he knocks three times on the door of the deceased relative's door, and this knocking is commonly recognized, after so many thousands of instances it was used in the same manner.
Neighbors have also come to recognize the military personnel who deliver these messages, and pray that he does not knock on their door this time around. I can understand the dread, even though you already know that such reality is possible. But one can never be prepared to fully accept that reality, regardless of how you prepare you mind and psyche for such reality.
For Whom The Bell Tools? Is It For You Or For Me?
Friday, January 08, 2010
Defining Islam!

January 08-2010:
Defining Islam!
Islam is a religion or philosophy that does not have any Global consensus of interpretation. Islamic scholars individually, may differ in their
interpretation of this doctrine.
Sharia Law Explained:
Sharia or Shari'a is the body of Islamic law. The term means "way" or "path"; it is the legal framework within which public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Muslim principles of jurisprudence. It is not actually part of the canonical Qur'an; that is to say, it is not believed to be the direct word of Allah by Muslims, but rather the interpretation of it.
Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business law, contract law, sexuality, and social issues. Some Islamic scholars accept Sharia as the body of precedent and legal theory established before the 19th century, while other scholars view Sharia as a changing body, and include Islamic legal theory from the contemporary period.
There is not a strictly codified uniform set of laws pertaining to Sharia. It is more like a system of devising laws, based on the Qur'an, Hadith and centuries of debate, interpretation and precedent.
Before the 19th century, legal theory was considered the domain of the traditional legal schools of thought. Most Sunni Muslims follow Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Shafii, while most Shia Muslims follow Jaafari (Hallaq 1997, Brown 1996, Aslan 2006).
However, Sharia Law, which to my mind are severe rules that are meted out by an Islamic Court of Imams, whose authority and decrees must be adhered to.
And even this so called Sharia Law/Court, interprets and implements these laws differently, according to region, Klan, individual Imam, and state.
Islam Advocates For Militarism:
Islam Advocates For Militarism:
It espouses the view that Muslims everywhere must be prepared to assist, Or defend any other Muslim in trouble,war, or if they perceive it to be so!
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