Monday, August 31, 2009

What Does An Ombudsman Do?

August 31-2009:

What Does An Ombudsman Do?

A government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government:

In light of the above definition, and in keeping with the current global fight against terrorist activities. One wonders whether it would not be one way to ensure that habeas corpus is respected, in places where such privileges and rights are in question. That some person of social/societal credibility, be appointed to enquire into political and judicial wrong doings.

This is another means of redress, and can be of vital importance to those who are unable to acquire legal representation, unable to pursue some form of legal or personal advocate, who will take up their complaints without any partisan connections, and pursue it to the end, regardless of where or who are involved in the process.

For example, the Shri Lankan Tamils, the political prisoners held incommunicado in Burma, the Gay or Homosexual men and women who were tortured in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places within the Moslem world. 

And in places where the legal process is unfairly manipulated, and biased against the above mentioned.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

AFGHANISTAN-A War Without End!

August 15-2009:

AFGHANISTAN-A War Without End!

The war there cannot be perceived as successful for the following reasons: 

The TALIBAN are part of the pre-dominant Ethnic group called the PASTHUNS. This group by and large supported the Taliban since before the war, and still does, to some extent now. 

The other ethnic groups there also in many ways, depend on the Taliban for daily sustenance for crops they cannot grow or sell successfully. So they sell their services to the Taliban's insurrectionist policies. 

Some Ethnic groups grow the Poppy crop, that is vitally needed for their own sustenance, and to provide the finances for the Taliban group's insurrectionist efforts, to oust all foreign troops from that country.

President Hamid Karzai has finally come to realize that his governance cannot survive, much less thrive without the inclusion of some elements of Taliban leadership. Especially in the South, where they are very influential and control; all aspects of that part of the country. Coupled with that reality, are the fact that not all ethnic groups are supportive of his government, and will continue to listen to their War Lord's leadership for directives, and give them support whenever they require same from them.

This is the current reality in Afghanistan. And whoever emerges victorious in the upcoming national elections, govern effectively without pandering to, or catering to all ethnic groups in that country. 

After the political victory is assured, the new government MUST ensure that all ethnic groups are represented therein, have representatives regionally in positions of Local Government, so that the Central government will be able to directly influence what if happening in the various regions of the country.

And also ensure that whomever represents the Central Government in Kabul, fully understands to who loyalty is required, and operates transparently, credibly, and without social, religious, ethnic, or political preferences.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

TRADE UNION'S Responsibilities In Times OF Economic Crises!

August 12-2009:

TRADE UNION'S Responsibilities In Times OF Economic Crises!

If or When these organizations used the strategy of squatting, and terror tactics to get their way. It does not auger well for future membership conscripts, or favorable employer relations.

As a former Trade Union Organizer, a believer and ardent supporter of worker's rights. I object to these methods used by some European Trade Unions recently, to get employers to compensate them for being laid off.

In times of crises like the one we face globally, it might be tempting to want to Hold Employers Hostage for layoffs and dismissals. But times like this, we as workers MUST also realize that this crisis was caused by all consumers globally.

Workers Irresponsibly, Business Irresponsibility/Dishonesty, and the Global Financial Business Scams, that propelled this crisis to the level it has reached.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The TRUTH About Health Care-Senior Citizens & The Terminally ILL:

August 11-2009:

The TRUTH About Health Care-Senior Citizens & The Terminally ILL:

* FALSE: They say Obama's Health Care would be mandatory.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care would give everyone an OPTION to CHOOSE. The Private-Public Plan,
 or None At All.

*FALSE: They say that Obama's Health Care will not cover everyone with pre-conditions.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care will allow anyone with or without a pre-condition to get or access any Health Care Plan of their choosing.

* FALSE: They say that Obama's Health Care will not let you chose your own doctor/Physician, regardless of your condition.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care Plan will allow you to KEEP your present plan, or if you decide to chose another plan, you can also choose your own or preferred doctor/physician.

Terminally Ill Patients:

FALSE: They say that the Obama Health Care Plan will let a doctor decide to terminate any patient he/she feels will not recover ever, and if kept under sedation or in constant limbo, will cost tax payers millions of dollars.

TRUE: The Obama Health Care Plan will (as is being done currently) has a provision for someone to make the decision to keep or terminate a patient's lifeline. If that patient is unable to mentally, or psychologically comprehend, his/her condition in a rational manner. 

His/Her Relatives, Spouse, Doctor, or some other prior designated person (in consort), will be consented with, and will have the final say concerning any termination, relating to any mental illness. 


Saturday, August 08, 2009

SHARE HOLDERS Responsibilities!

August 08-2009:

SHARE HOLDERS Responsibilities!: 

To my mind, these individuals have little or no say into how much the company's executives are paid. 

All they do mostly, is attend the annual shareholder's meetings, and be told how much the company is making in profits, and how much they can expect in dividends.

That is basically the attitude that mist big companies show their share holders. Unless Share Holders feel unfairly rewarded for their investments, they usually sit back and accept what they are given, and hope to get more the next time around.

At most Share Holders meetings, the members do ask questions, are given some explanations, but are unable to truly impact the decisions of the Board Of Directors in any significant way. 

The only time Share Holders really do have an impact, is if the company is losing large sums of money. Then the may ask why, and possibly recommend a removal of the Principal Director, CEO, or Chairman of the company.


Barack Obama's Health Care Plan explained!

August 08-2009:

Barack Obama's Health Care Plan explained!

 As far as I understand, anyone who does not have Health Care, can have it under the Obama proposal.

* If you already have Health Care, and are satisfied with it. Then you can KEEP your health Care Plan. You don't have to change it period.

* The other OPTION is The Public One, which will allow anyone without Health Care already, to choose that Public Plan. 

* It will give you the same benefits as the Private Plan does, under Obama's proposals.

The general concept of the plan is to ensure that ALL Americans have a viable and Reliable Health Care Plan, regardless of their employment or Un-employment status!


Friday, August 07, 2009



We do not want to SCARE, Intimidate, or Threaten anyone 

Into accepting Health Care. 

So please cease such 


Thursday, August 06, 2009

What Does RACE Mean In Relation To Humans?

August 06-2009:

What Does RACE Mean In Relation To Humans?

Race to my interpretation consists of the following aspects:

* A group of humans who have occupied a certain region or terrain for centuries.

* These peoples MUST have been living there, inter-marrying or inter-breeding, for centuries too.

* And MUST see themselves as belonging to the same terrain, plying the same hunting grounds, using similar protective measures for survival, and communicating verbally or by sign language in a common fashion, they only can understand and identify with.

How Does Religion Factor In This Equation?

Religion is a set of rituals, followed or revered by a group of people. Be it a Tribe, or people of a certain region or territory. 

These rituals may be pagan in practice, or verbally communicated to others via a Shaman, Seer, Guru, Monk, High Priest, Sage, or any person, the group believes or appoints, to conduct or impart these rituals to the group.

How Does Ethnicity Factor Into These Two Categories?

Ethnicity came into being when humans could specifically identify certain physical features among themselves, that is specific to those that live, dwell, inhabit, or cohabit together, over a period of time.

Thus creating via this experience, a certain physical profile peculiar to themselves.

Thereby causing the term ethnicity to be used as a category for identification purposes, with other human groups. For example, the Chinese, the Anglo Saxons, The Asiatic peoples, The Occidental or Oriental peoples, the Blacks or Peoples of African roots or origin.


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Bravado Journalists & The Consequences That Could Ensue!

August 05-2009:

Bravado Journalists & The Consequences That Could Ensue!

Kim Jung IL: Bill, I prefer to deal with you. Not Hillary. She has too much lip, for her own good!

Furthermore, I take back what my people said about her!

However, could any other journalist deliberately/accidentally cross into North Korea's territory and get the same treatment and release?

This scenario tells me quite clearly that those two women did not accidentally cross North Korea's border. They took the risk knowing fully well what they were doing. But hoping to make the entrance, do their spying, and return to the USA to tell the tale.

However, they were caught, and was about to do some 20 years in uncle Kim's Labor camps. 

I hope this sends a message to other bravado journalists to resist such temptations.


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

IRAQI Women Without Husbands!

August 04-2009:

IRAQI Women Without Husbands!

IRAQI women are having a difficult time finding husbands for marriage. Thousands of Iraqi men have been killed in this war, or have left Iraq for personal safety abroad.

This reminds me of the time when the prophet Mohammed, after several decades of war with infidels, he DECREED or issued a Fatwah, allowing men to marry more than one woman. So long as he could afford to support them, and house them under ONE tent.

This was seen by him as necessary to accommodate those thousands of women, who had lost their husbands, or had no chance of ever getting married.


Chimpanzees Or Gorillas-What Is The Difference?

August 04-2009:

Chimpanzees Or Gorillas-What Is The Difference?

New HIV Strain Discovered in Woman: 

If we assume that this finding is REAL and TRUE. Then the next question is.

* Did this new HIV transmission occur via Blood or Inhalation?  

Because as far as I am aware, HIV is transmitted via Body Fluids, or HIV contaminated Blood Transfusions. 

And if we could accept that this new HIV associated strain supposedly contracted by some Gorilla or Chimpanzee, then it had to be of a SEXUAL nature. And that leads to the speculation that some Male or Female may have had some sexual encounter with a Chimp or a Gorilla!

Until the SPECIFIC mode of transmission of this new HIV strain is determined. I refuse to accept this new finding or speculation/s.

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

New HIV Strain Discovered: 

Posted by kdawson on Monday August 03, @08:07AM
from the evolution-in-action dept. 
reporter and barnyjr were among the readers alerting us to the discovery of a new strain of the 

HIV virus, found in a woman from the west central African nation of Cameroon. 
"It differs from the three known strains of human immunodeficiency virus and appears to be closely related to a form of simian virus recently discovered in wild gorillas, researchers report in Monday's edition of the journal Nature Medicine. ... 

The most likely explanation for the new find is gorilla-to-human transmission, Plantier's team said. But... they cannot rule out the possibility that the new strain started in chimpanzees and moved into gorillas and then humans, or moved directly from chimpanzees to both gorillas and humans. ... 

Researchers said it could be circulating unnoticed in Cameroon or elsewhere. The virus's rapid replication indicates that it is adapted to human cells, the researchers reported."
beastmanaids hiv dontdatemonkeys science medicine story 

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Firehose:New HIV Strain Discovered in Woman