Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ford & General Motors Car Ownership Proposal STINKS!

March 31-2009:

Ford & General Motors Car Ownership Proposal STINKS!

Like Hondai, General motors and Ford motor companies want to introduce a new deal with potential car buyers, for the acquisition of a new car, with some guarantees.

Here is the deal:

GM and FORD intends to offer any customer who is employed, or does not envisage being dismissed from his/her employ currently. To be able to get a new car, and will continue to use it even if he or she becomes un-employed some time after this purchase.

This car owner will be able to pay premiums for that vehicle for up to nine months, and GM and FORD will pay the premiums afterwards, if that car owner gets dismissed from his/her job.

But what is not fully explained or clarified are the following:

* Suppose the dismissed car owner finds another job after the nine month period, but his/her wages are small or is not comparable to the wage he/she earned in the previous job?

* Then how will he/she resume the car payments, if his/her wages can barely provide for the basic essentials for livelihood?

* Or if the dismissed car owner finds employment that is temporary, then how is he/she going to continue the payments under that uncertainty, and will GM and FORD, fill in once again if he or she gets dismissed once again?


As far as I see, GM and FORD are trying to cajole potential car buyers to get involve in some transaction with them, that may very well end up sour for those car owners, in this uncertain economic climate. 

As I see it, no one knows when this economy will reach rock bottom, or even if it starts to recover again, how many thousands are already un-employed, and no one knows how fast, how many, or what type of jobs will be available for the reservoir of un-employed masses.

And getting into any kind of car or home ownership program, like the ones above mentioned, will be taking another RISK that no rational person should even consider, much less engage in!


Madonna Wants To Adopt Another Black Child?

March 31-2009:

Madonna Wants To Adopt Another Black Child!

Pop singer Madonna is trying to adopt another Black African child. This type of behavior of several rich White folks worries me greatly. What is the point helping a few individuals in poverty, when millions are continuously being left alone after the death of a parent, or malaria, hunger, cholera, and other social maladies that are so prevalent in Africa, Asia, Central and South America.

Why can't these same Rich White folks do something REAL like what Opra Winfry does!

Build Schools, Homes, Community Services, Health Clinics, and other social infrastructure, in those states where it is vitally needed and terribly lacking.

This to my mind will do much more to ease the economic burden on those states affected or impacted, with all or most of the above tragedies.

It is so easy to show one's humanity or empathy for others who suffer, but is must be hinged upon real and realistic goals, objectives, and pragmatism.


Monday, March 30, 2009

General Motors CEO Dismissed!

March 302009:

General Motors-CEO Dismissed!

Mr.Wagner now former CEO of General Motors was dismissed by the Obama administration for failing to deliver as was expected.

It is still not clear if on the presidents orders, he was asked to remove himself from the helm of General Motors.

Now the local media is asking if the administration is injecting itself, in running the business community, and this spells trouble for the Free Market System, that we have been accustomed to, and was using for decades now.

This idiotic and provocative view of those at CNN.com, MSNBC, and elsewhere, by using this scenario of arbitrary injection and control of GM, fail to tell or remind the American people the following.

General Motors is now under the Federal Government's control and supervision, by virtue of receiving taxpayers money, and the State having the majority stake/interest therein.

Therefore, I suggest that you tell Mr. Wolfe of CNN, David Schuster of MSNBC.com, and others to tell the truth, and stop misleading viewers about the REAL facts of this issue!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why Does NATO Need A Missile Defense System?

March 26-2009:

Why Does NATO Need A Missile Defense System?

As I see it, most developed countries in NATO, the US and the UK, have military aircraft that can be launched in seconds to defend large geographic air spaces from incoming missiles. These aircraft have missiles attached to them as part of their defense systems, and can intercept and destroy any missiles incoming, or missile sites if need be.

So why should the US and NATO be contemplating the erection of any 'Radar Defense System' for incoming missiles, in Europe or anywhere around the world?

This to my mind is an act of aggression, in terms of extending one's military power, and aggressive abilities anywhere around the globe. Regardless of how it will be perceived by other nations that feel threatened.

If we should continue along this path, then we are giving those developing countries like Iran, Syria, Israel, North Korea, and others, the right to contemplate sophisticated systems to combat any threat or perceived threat to their territories or allies.

I strongly advocate for the neutralizing of any such treaty, or intent to negotiate any such treaty between any nation or region. 

Especially the USA. Because to continue along this line will inevitably result in the quest for more defense systems, or aggressive systems by all those nations that feel vulnerable to the big powers today!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
E-mail: comments@whitehouse.gov

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How To Interpret The President's Budget Proposals!

March 25-2009:

How To Interpret the President's Budget proposals!

As I see it, if a businessman wants to start or continue doing business. And realizes that in order for his/her business to survive, compete, and maintain the supply of goods and services to it's customers.

Then that business has two options.

!. Re-stock the shelves with more goods, so as to be in a position to supply customer's needs.

2. Or allow the stocked shelves to reach depletion, thus making his/her unable to continue doing business very soon, and possibly going bankrupt.

So it is with the president's budget proposals. 

Some Conservative Democrats, and most Republicans are saying, that the president's budget would increase the national deficit to three or more trillion dollars. And would make this country bankrupted very soon.

But what these 'Doom's Day' predictors are not saying to the American people, is that in order for any investor to accrue profit or revenue, he/she has to initiate the Capital down payment in goods and services, and in time, with growing customer patronage, the business will eventually make a profit, which would allow that business to invest some more assets into that business, for a greater output or revenue.

That to my mind is the rationale behind the president's budget, and it makes a lot of sense to me!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

All Pirates MUST Be Killed Without Questioning Or Apprehension!

March 22-2009:

All Pirates MUST Be Killed Without Questioning 
Or Apprehension!

Just to re-iterate my previous position on the surge of piracy in the Somali sea.

I strongly advocate for the total destruction or obliteration any pirate or pirates, trying to board or take over any ship or ocean going vessel. These people are terrorists that operate as mercenaries on the high seas. 

They MUST never be treated a civilian criminals or brigands either.

Death to these people is absolutely necessary, to send a message to all future pirates that the end of toleration and appeasement is over!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Could The Obama Administration Recoup The 120 Million A.I.G. Payout?

March 17-2009:

Could The Obama Administration Recoup The 120 Million Dividend Payout From AIG?

I don't think that the Obama administration has a valid legal case with AIG, in terms of recouping the 120 million dollar dividends.

Because that was a 'contract of service' that these recipients had with AIG. And asking the recipients to give back or not receive these dividends will be a violation of that contract.

As I see it, if that aspect of the contract was there before the State became the majority stake holder of AIG, then those dividends will have to be re-negotiated, or declared null and void. Because
(I presume), that there would have been the expectation of the Obama administration, that AIG, as recipients of the Public's Money, would not use same to indulge in any monetary transactions that would imply, that they were irresponsible managers of the Public Money or Public trust.

Finally, the recipients of the dividends (if they haven't received it as yet), can refuse to do so, or accept half or part of that payout voluntarily. But it up to them to decide.

Incidentally, stock brokers income are also called dividends. This is just like working from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm on a daily basis. But instead, are paid for their skill at bringing in revenue for their client's investments!

Any action to recoup any dividend payouts might entail a lengthy legal battle with (AIG or the State) vs AIG's clients.


Monday, March 16, 2009

A.I.G. & The Definition Of Contractual Service!

March 16-2009:

A.I.G. & The Definition Of Contractual Service!

A contract is a legal document or agreement between two or more organizations or individuals, to perform certain tasks for a certain time, at a certain fee or commission, at the end of that contract or assignment.
A.I.G. had such contracts with investors or brokers, and over the years accumulated investments' debts, they did not have securities to back them up with, should they default.
So now that the American taxpayers or State as majority interest holder of that organization's finances, should be re-negotiating that contract. To ensure that no 'Out Of Control' commissions or huge dividends that were hitherto dispensed, does not recur.
And to ensure that A.I.G. complies with the current and new rules of the contract, that the State, in the people's interest has undertaken!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

N.I.C.E. Drug Prescription Overseers In Britain Said No To Cancer Patient!

March 14-2009:

N.I.C.E. Drug Prescription Overseers In Britain Said NO To Cancer Patient!

I watched a presentation or expose of an individual male cancer patient, who is terminally ill with cancer. But the above organization has refused to allow him to access medication, even when he has already been a contributor to the Social Security/National Insurance Authority all his working life.

Now he is two years in retirement, and is refused a much needed medication (to help him live) the remaining part of his physical life. But the above N.I.C.E. authorities have refused his claim, on the grounds that it would be useless and costly to do so, if he will eventually die anyway.

So what about HIV and AIDS patients? Are these people placed in this category too?

Even though (the world community at large) knows, that with the proper prescribed medications, and adherence to taking them as per prescription, prolongs the individual's life. And giving him or her a second chance to make something of his or her life, even though fatally infected with the HIV virus.

I am deeply concerned about this position taken by the N.I.C.E organization, and wonder if the priority is to save lives, or not save those that doctors say will die soon, or may surely die, regardless of whatever drug is prescribed.

If this is the attitude of the N.I.C.E. organization, then they should make it quite clear to the entire nation and their subscribers or clients, this unfortunate FACT.

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
New York City.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Saudi Arabia's Masjids Of Reform & Correction!

March 13-2009:

Sending the Yemenese prisoners that are currently housed at Gyantanamo Bay facility to Saudi Arabia?

Yes, the Obama administration is having consultations with the Yemenese and Saudi governments to take the above prisoners. The Saudi's have agreed to take their countrymen, but the Yemenese government is objecting to the suggestion, that these prisoners both (Saudi's and Yemenese) will be sent to Saudi Arabia for re-orientation, and re-education, for re-entry into normal society. 

It is hoped that with this training or indoctrination, these terror suspects will reform their ways.

So far, no hard and fast evidence can be had to validate this lofty idea, and some former inductees were caught engaging in terror after being released from these Masjids Of Correction!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Is A Pre-existing Condition?

March 11-2009:

What Is A Pre-existing Condition?

A pre-existing condition simply means the following:

* If someone intends to seek personal insurance for his/her health, he/she may be asked to declare any of the following ailments or health conditions prior to the moment he/she wants to be insured.

These ailments can be Diabetes, Heart failure, HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Aneurism, Brain tumor, Prostate cancer, Cancer in general, Alzheimer, Parkinson disease, etc.

Almost every known malady to humans can debar anyone from being insured.

Insurance companies always justify their position by saying, the risks to insure persons with any of the above prior conditions are very severe indeed!

And those companies that allow it may require that the insured, pay enormous premiums in order to qualify.

That is why president Obama is trying to outlaw this pre-condition element, that would prevent any American from getting health insurance coverage period!


Monday, March 09, 2009

President Obama Lifts The Ban On Stem Cell Research Funding!

March 09-2009:

Why Would Anyone Want To Prohibit The Research On Stem Cell Technology?

Embryonic Stem Cells are not human beings. They are the potential for a human to be developed. So why do some people feel that to use stem cells for scientific research, would be the killing of human life.

How ignorant could anyone be to hold this mis-informed view!

If we had put science on hold for moral and religious beliefs, Penicillin would not have been administered for syphilis, and the other related STD's that it has cured from the human organism for decades, since it's discovery.

As we speak, several nations are doing the same research in order to attain the knowledge that leads to cures for Parkinsons disease, cancer, and other dire diseases. And if we here in the USA continues to be repulsed by this study. Then rest assured, that if and when these cures become a reality, America will find itself purchasing the medications for our own domestic patients, at the tax payers expense.

So before anyone shouts never, never, we MUST stop and do some REAL and Objective thinking about this matter!


PS: Incidentally, president Obama has lifted or repealed the ban that George W. Bush enacted, effective from today!