Friday, February 06, 2009

We Are Not Living In Abraham Lincoln's Time!

February 06-2009:

We Are Not Living In Abraham Lincoln's Time!

Abraham Lincoln's birthday anniversary will be here shortly, an event that is felt by many of his admirers, as someone who saved the union in a time of dire crisis.

Today, this nation is also in a time of crisis, and Abe is not here to save us. So STOP calling upon the dead to help fix what the living have destroyed in the last eight years under George W. Bush and the Republican administration. Coupled with some complicity of the Democrats in the Congress too.

President Barack H. Obama was elected with a mandate for CHANGING the status quo in Washington-DC, and that is what we all expect him to strive for. The institutional mindset of elected officials from both parties, entrenched and sometimes too stubborn to budge when is needed, from their individual niche and constituency.

Must be made to understand that TODAY, a new reality is afoot. And We The People will no longer tolerate that old age mindset any longer.

And we want you all to know that we are keeping informed, and will be telling you how we feel, and what we expect from you. If or when we see any contradictions, or departures from the agenda or mandate given to the Obama administration in 2008.

Hitherto the November 2008 elections, the local television media used their national and international influence and coercive power to mold the minds of most Americans, and most of their viewers around the world. And in time, was able to create subliminal acceptance of whatever the media said about anyone, as fact. After repeating something about that person or persons for a week.

This repeated manner of disseminating information or propaganda, was skillfully used in the Stalin era, the Adolf Hitler Nazi era, The Mao Tse Tung era, and under Fidel Castro.

Today, we can no longer sit back and allow the traditional television and radio mediums to set the political and social agenda, in terms of what we believe or aught to believe any longer.

Hold this new administration accountable NOW, Tomorrow, and until their term ends. Because that is the only way we the people will affect the changes that we can believe in!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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